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Geology Exam Questions: Minerals, Rocks, Tectonics

Which one of the following is not true for minerals? They can be a liquid, solid, or glass.
An atom’s mass number is 13 and its atomic number is 6. How many netrons? 7
The physical property denoting a mineral’s tendency to crack along parallel, planar surfaces is known as
A compound is a stable chemical substance composed of two or more elements.
Which of the following minerals is a silicate? Quartz
The most unreliable (variable) diagnostic property of minerals such as quartz is color.
What mineral has a rhombohedral shape and reacts to dilute hydrochloric acid? Calcite
All silicate minerals contain which two elements? Silicon and oxygen
Which of the following best defines a mineral and a rock? In a mineral the constituent atoms are bonded
in a regular, repetitive, internal structure; a rock is a lithified or consolidated aggregate of different
mineral grains.
An aggregate of one or more minerals is called a rock.
Select the coarse-grained igneous rock which is composed mainly of quartz and potassium feldspar from
the list below. Granite
Igneous rocks that contain crystals that are roughly equal in size and can be identified with the unaided
eye are said to exhibit a phaneritic texture.
If a felsic magma cooled, crystalized, and solidified below the surface of the Earth, what would the
resulting rock be? Granite
Extrusive igneous rocks form at a fast cooling rate.
What determines the texture of an igneous rock? Cooling rate of the magma/lava
If a mafic magma cooled, crystallized, and solidified above the surface of the Earth, what would the
resulting rock be? Basalt
Granite and gabbro have a similar texture.
Rhyolite is the fine-grained equivalent of which igneous rock below? Granite
An igneous rock that contains vesicles all of the above.
Igneous rock is formed by crystallization of molten rock.
Which of the following best describes rock salt? An evaporate, chemical, sedimentary rock
Non-clastic/chemical and bio-chemical sedimentary rocks are identified by composition.
What type of metamorphic rock will shale normally become following low-grade metamorphism? Slate
Which of the following lists the rocks in the order of increasing grain size and increasing grade of
metamorphism? Slate, phyllite, schist
Metamorphism may result from all of the above.
Coal beds originate in freshwater coastal swamps and bogs.
Sedimentary rocks all of the above.
Clastic/ detrital sedimentary rocks are classified (named) primarily on the basis of texture.
The common rock produced by the metamorphism of limestone is marble.
Which metamorphic rock below contains alternating layers of bands of different light and dark-colored
minerals? Gneiss
Which one of the following concerning artesian wells is not true? When the well penetrates the aquifer,
the water rises to the bottom of the aquitard above the aquifer.
Permeable rock strata or sediment that transmit groundwater freely are called aquifers.
When water is pumped from a well, a depression is often produced in the water table. Such a
depression is a cone of depression.
If water cannot travel through a particular rock, we would say the rock has low permeability.
Which rock below is considered and aquitard because it prohibits the movement of groundwater? Shale
A stalactite is the icicle-like feature that grows down from the roof of a cavern.
Which of the following rocks below is considered a good aquifer rock because of its porosity and
permeability? Sandstone
Which of the following is associated with areas of karst topography? All of these
Caves most commonly form in limestone.
The zone beneath the surface where all void spaces in rocks are completely filled with water is called the
zone of saturation.
A transform plate boundary is characterized by a deep, vertical fault along which two plates slide past
one another in opposite directions
Cooler, older, oceanic lithosphere sinks into the mantle at subduction zones along convergent plate
The Aleutian Islands occur at a convergent boundary on a volcanic arc above a northward-subducting
Pacific plate.
The northward movement of India into Eurasia is an example of active, continent-continent
Deep ocean trenches are surficial evidence for sinking of oceanic lithosphere into the mantle at a
subduction zone
The volcanoes and deep valleys of east Africa are related to a continental rift along which parts of the
African continent are beginning to slowly separate.
Mount St. Helens and the other Cascade volcanoes are young, active stratovolcanoes built on a
continental margin above a sinking slab of oceanic lithosphere.
Islands of Precambrian rocks along the Mid-Atlantic Ridge was never proposed as evidence supporting
the existence of Pangaea.
Which on the following most accurately describes the volcanoes of the Hawaiian Islands? Shield
volcanoes fed by a long-lived hot spot below the Pacific lithospheric plate
New oceanic crust and lithosphere are formed at divergent boundaries by eruptions and intrusions of
basaltic magma