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Nursing Basic Concepts Final Exam Blueprint

N34164 Basic Concepts Final
Exam Blueprint
Fall 2021
Thurs. Dec. 2nd 2021
9 a.m.
9th floor computer labs
Bring personal laptop in case you are
unable to sign on to a school computer.
Exam Date
Exam Time
Additional note
Content Covered
All Topics Explored Throughout Semester
Chapters to Review
Content chapters as
noted in Potter and
Perry; Fundamentals
of Nursing text.
Exam Topics
Approximate # of Questions
Nurses role in pain management
Use of Anticipatory guidance
Acute vs Chronic pain
Pharmacological interventions (narcotic vs non-narcotic); PCA pump
Side effects / Implications of each
TPAPN and Nurse addiction
History of Nursing / Role / Professional
Levels of education in nursing; related delegation responsibilities
Major nursing organizations (ANA; NLN; Sigma Theta Tau)
Influences on nursing as a profession over the years
Characteristics of a professions
Nurse Practice Act – purpose
Texas Board of Nursing – functions / purpose
Caring and Communication
Effective communication techniques
Poor communication examples
Phases of the nurse – patient relationhsip
Zones of personal space
Use of SBAR
Health & Wellness / Healthcare Delivery System
Models of health (example Health Belief Model, Maslow,
(models of health (such as H/ Belief Model, Pender’s Health
Levels of health care (acute, rehab ……;_
Assess and monitor the client’s nutritional status as well. Factors that
impact the status.
Tube feeding/types/Care and maintenance of tubes
IV Nutrition/TPN & PPN..IV site care. Nursing actions & implications
Complications and nursing considerations for enteral and parenteral
Vital Signs / Oxygenation
Signs and Symptoms of decreased oxygen levels & early hypoxia
Nursing interventions related to decreased oxygen levels
Implications of low pulse oximetry levels
Concept of orthostatic hypotension / related nursing care
Factors that may increase or decrease vital signs (temp, pulse, BP
Methods to check oxygenation levels
Relationship between pain and vital signs
Nursing Process
The The structure of each phase of the PES format.;
Recognizing correct and incorrect diagnostic statements;
A Application of Nursing Process to patient situations
Mobility and Immobility–
Complications related to immobility and nursing preventative
Patients at greatest risk for immobility complications
Prevention of skeletal complications of immobility
Compression stockings (TED's and SCD’S)..Nursing Implications
Bedrest and oxygen demands
Client Safety
Documentation and Patient safety
JCAHO National Patient Safety Goals/purpose
Use of Restraints, and nursing responsibility
Use of hospital equipment
Patients at risk/indicators of risk
Risks in the healthcare agency
Fire Safety precautions
Medication Administration:
Implications related to Pharmacokinetic factors
Patients at risk for medication toxicity
Legal implications related to medication / narcotic use
Safety measures for the administration of medications
Appropriate procedures for administering medications through N/G tube
Review of sites for IM / Subcutaneous/ID injections
Legal Implications
Student Nurses Conduct/Responsibility/Standards
Physician Orders and Informed Consents/Nurses responsibility
Laws governing Nursing Practice
Civil/Criminal law issues in Nursing Practice:-ie: Tort, slander, battery,
Texas requirements for NCLEX application
Professional Concept of Ethics/Values
Nursing Code of Ethics
Concepts of Ethics and Nurses role in commitment to standards
Ethical Dilemma Process
Accountability and Nursing Competence
Infection Prevention:
Blood work ( lab values) related to infection
Elderly and typical signs / symptoms of infection
Ff factors contributing to nosocomial infections
Ap appropriate actions related to contamination of sterile field
R relationship of gloving and hand washing
Terminology related to infection control / asepsis
Management of Clostridium Difficile
Teaching Learning(Client Ed)
Basic Learning Principles
Domains of Learning
Teaching Strategies
Roles of the Nurse
Teaching Tools/Teaching plan priority
Fluid Balance and Electrolytes
Recognize signs and symptoms associated with electrolyte, acidbase and fluid imbalances.
Explore nursing assessments as well as nursing interventions to
correct fluid imbalances.
Evaluate client’s response to interventions to correct fluid imbalances.
Identify and treat fluid volume excesses and deficits.
Identify Nursing diagnoses and nursing implications for fluid and or
electrolyte imbalances
Loss, Death & Grief
Anticipatory grieving
Nurses dealing with self in regard to dying patient
Stage of grieving – Kubler – Ross
Priorities of nursing care to dying patient
Concept of hospices care
Physical care of dying patient
Perceived loss versus real loss
Stress Coping, Adaptation and Stress Management
The focus of these questions relate to the General Adaptation
Syndrome (Stages)
Definition of stress as well as signs and symptoms.
Stress and crises management,
Stages of GAS and nurses role in each stage.
The nurses’ role in assessment and health promotion/prevention
Complementary/Alternative therapy.
Urinary Elimination
Factors that affect urinary elimination
Normal Intake and output amounts; implications of abnormal findings
Lab tests to evaluate function of urinary system/ nursing implications
related to tests
Nursing/Care and priorities related to urinary diversions ie Foley /
Condom Catheters
Bowel Elimination
Normal and abnormal characteristics of bowels
Health promotion for healthy management of bowel function
(constipation prevention)
Nursing Care/Implications related to bowel diversions (ie: colostomy)
Factors influencing Bowel Elimination
Lab tests to assess bowel function / nursing implications
Dosage Calculation
Note: The above serves as a guideline for study. The number of questions may vary slightly
due to final edits of exam