EM Fundamentals 151 Small Group Evaluation Form 6PDOO*URXS$FWLYLWLHV6PDOO*URXS6HVVLRQ(YDOXDWLRQ 60$//*52836(66,21(9$/8$7,21 Topic: _________________________________ Date: _________________________________ Facilitator: _________________________________ 1. Please rate the appropriateness of this topic for the EM Fundamentals curriculum: Ѓ Ѓ Ѓ Ѓ Ѓ Very unhelpful Unhelpful Neutral Helpful Very helpful 2. Did you complete the “Prior to Conference” reading using the QR codes provided and/or on the EM Fundamentals website? Ѓ Ѓ Ѓ No Partially completed Completed 3. Please rate the efficacy of the facilitator in the following areas: No 0HDQLQJIXODGGVWRFRQYHUVDWLRQ Ѓ Somewhat Ѓ Yes Ѓ 0DQDJHVWLPHHIIHFWLYHO\ Ѓ Ѓ Ѓ 5HFRPPHQGHGDVIDFLOLWDWRUIRUIXWXUHVHVVLRQV Ѓ Ѓ Ѓ 4. Please rate the efficacy of the first activity in facilitating your learning on this topic: Ѓ Ѓ Ѓ Ѓ Ѓ Very unhelpful Unhelpful Neutral Helpful Very helpful 5. Please rate the efficacy of the second activity in facilitating your learning on this topic: Ѓ Ѓ Ѓ Ѓ Ѓ Very unhelpful Unhelpful Neutral Helpful Very helpful 6. How could we improve this small group session in the future?