Introduction, privacy, explain, assemble supplies, safety, verify allergies and ID, infection control, washes hands General: relative to age, state of health, skin color, physical deformities, hygiene, dress, body structure/posture, personal hygiene/grooming, cooperative/combative, affect, cooperation, appropriateness of speech, A&O, posture, gait, use of assistive devices, ROM, vitals, height, weight; breathing effort Neuro/HEENT: LOC, A&O, inspect head for scars, lumps, rashes, hair loss, facial symmetry, movements, lesions; CN V, VIII, IX, X, XI, XII, inspect eyes for symmetry, deformities, movement, visual acuity, relation to ears CN III, IV, VI; PERRLA CN III; inspect visible nasal structures, neck and ear canal, note swelling, redness, drainage, scars, deformities; inspect oral mucosa, oropharynx, mouth, teeth; assess recent memory and cognitive function; ear palpation; whisper test, temporal pulses; SHN: color and uniformity of color, pallor, moisture, edema, rashes, varicosities, scars, piercings, tattoos, lesions; palpate for skin turgor and hydration status; inspect nails for contour, color, and signs of clubbing; inspect hair for condition and luster; note any wounds, lesions or other alterations in skin Resp: RR, rhythm, depth, effort; inspect chest for retractions, use of accessory muscles, asymmetry, deformity, or increased AP diameter; palpate anterior chest (clavicles, sternal notch, ribs, intercostal spaces); palpate position and tenderness of spine, expansion and symmetry of chest; palpate posterior chest (6 sites x 2); palpate posterior tactile fremitus; percuss posterior chest; auscultate anterior 4X2 and posterior 6X2 Cardio: Inspect precordium for heaves and lifts; inspect neck symmetry, carotid pulses, and JVD; palpate 7 peripheral pulse points and verbalize femoral pulse points; compare peripheral pules for equality and strength; palpate for edema; auscultate apical pulse at PMI for 1 min; determine regularity of rate and rhythm; auscultate APETM using diaphragm and then APETM using the bell; identify correct location of heart sounds and note abnormalities; auscultate carotids for bruits; cap refill Abd: inspect for symmetry, contour, color, scars, umbilical hernia, odor, orientation, piercings; auscultate 4 quadrants; percuss 4 quadrants; palpate 4 quadrants for firm, tender, and mass (light and deep) Musc: Inspect arms and legs for deformity, asymmetry, and tone; assess muscle strength of upper and lower extremities; assess ROM of at least 8 joints (no neck); Romberg test, deep tendon reflex, cap refill 1 question per system I. occlude and assess each nare (nose) II. Snellen chart (eye) III. darken room, light in eyes, pupil response, pupil size (eye) IV. follow finger to tip of nose (eye) V. clench teeth together, jaw strength (face) VI. look toward ear(eye), 6 fields of gaze, nystagmus or twitch(eye) VII. puff cheeks, raise eyebrows, smile, frown, kissy face, symmetry (face) VIII. hearing, whisper test (ear) IX. swallowing, say AHHH and watch uvula (tongue) X. swallowing, say AHHH and watch uvula (tongue) XI. raise shoulders, turn head, use resistance for both (spinal) XII. stick out tongue, move side to side, swallow (tongue) Scalp, hair head, face, expression symmetry, sinuses, visual fields, eye muscles/nerves, external eye structures, sclera, cornea, conjunctivae, pupil size and reaction, ear palpation, ear tenderness, inspect ears, whisper test, temporal pulses, inside nose, nose symmetry, teeth, buccal mucosa, gums, tongue, palate, uvula, tonsils present or not, say ahhhh with tongue out, all cranial nerve checks, neck symmetry and pulsations, lymph nodes, ROM, swallowing •RR inspection, palpation, percussion, tactile fremitus, spinous process, breath sounds 6-8 spots, knee reflexes, spine and scapula •chest and precordium, palpation, percussion, auscultate breath sounds, heart sounds, apical pulse for 1 min, precordium thrills, use bell for murmurs, APETMinspect, auscultate bowel sounds, vascular sounds over aorta and renal arteries, percuss and palpate quadrants, check liver and spleen, use light palpation, aorta pulsationsymmetry, skin, palpate pulses bilaterally- popliteal, posterior tibial, dorsalis pedis, ROM, strength, cap refill symmetry, skin, radial pulses, ROM, strength, cap refill General Survey: No gross deformities, erect posture, and easy gait. Uniformly symmetrical tone and bulk bilaterally. All joints symmetrical and without redness, tenderness, or swelling. All joints full range of motion without discomfort. Uniform muscle strength 5/5 in all joints bilaterally. A & O X 4. Immediate, recent and remote memory intact. Ability to calculate and use abstract thinking intact. Pleasant and cooperative. CN I-XII intact. 20/20 vision. No ptosis. Symmetrical. PERRLA. Conjunctivae clear. sclera white. No tenderness, redness, lesions. Responds appropriately. Passed whisper test. Gait easy and smooth without lateral lean. Negative Romberg. Able to perform finger to nose test, rapid alternating movements, and heel to shin without difficulty. DTRs 2+ X 5 bilaterally. Negative Babinski. GCS 15. Nose symmetric. Nares present. Mucosa pink, no lesions or mucous. No septal deviation or perforation. Sinuses not tender to palpation. Can clench teeth. Mucosa and gingivae pink, no lesions. Teeth present. Cavity fillings present. Tongue smooth, pink no lesions, protrudes midline with no tremor. Uvula rises midline on phonation. Gag reflex present. Tonsils present. Neck full ROM with no pain. Symmetric, no palpable lymph nodes. Trachea midline. Thyroid not palpable. Chest: Skin warm and dry with pink undertones. No lesions or masses observed. No visible pulsations, heaves, or lifts. Quiet precordium with soft tapping sensation over PMI. Carotids with regular rate and rhythm. S1 and S2 auscultated in sitting, supine, and LL recumbent positions. No extra heart sounds or murmurs auscultated. Apical pulse= 68. No bruits of carotid arteries auscultated. Apical=carotid in rate, rhythm, and amplitude. Peripheral: Pulse 68. BP 120/80. Skin warm and dry with pink undertones generalized over upper and lower extremities. No JVD observed at 45 degree angle. No visible pulsations in the neck bilaterally. Nails rounded with pink beds. No abdominal pulsations visible. No visible varicosities with hair present on proximal phalange of toe bilaterally. Capillary refill < 3 seconds. Temporal, brachial, radial, femoral, popliteal, dorsalis pedis, and posterior tibial all with regular rate and rhythm, 2+ and equal bilaterally. No palpable lymph nodes. Peripheral veins without tenderness upon palpation. No edema palpated. Respiratory rate: 18. Skin pink with no visible lesions noted. Mucous membranes pink and moist. Good hygiene noted. Thorax symmetrical with AP < transverse (or lateral) diameter. No retractions noted. Respirations regular, unlabored at 16 breaths per minute. Skin warm and dry over entire thorax. Denies tenderness on general palpation of the thorax. Thoracic expansion equal bilaterally posteriorly. Tactile fremitus equal bilaterally with decreasing intensity inferiorly. Skin warm and dry over entire thorax. Denies tenderness on general palpation of the thorax. Thoracic expansion equal bilaterally posteriorly. Resonance percussed equal bilaterally both A & P. Breath sounds clear and equal throughout lung fields. No adventitious sounds heard. Abdominal Assessment done. Abdomen symmetrical, round, pink, smooth, and free of lesions, scars, or piercings. No visible bulges, masses, pulsations, or peristaltic waves. Bowel sounds active in all 4 quadrants . Aortic, renal, iliac, and femoral bruits absent. Tympany percussed over all 4 quadrants, with dullness over liver and spleen. Abdomen soft, smooth, and nontender, without masses or hepatosplenomegaly. No palpable aortic pulsations present. No rebound tenderness elicited. Joints: hip, knee, ankle, wrist, shoulders, elbows, fingers, toes. Pulses: temporal, radial, popliteal, posterior tibial, dorsalis pedis, carotid, apical