SERVICE BULLETIN ATR72 TRANSMITTAL SHEET Revision No. 04 This page transmits Revision No. 04 of Service Bulletin No. ATR72-30-1016. General information concerning this document is available in Service Letter No. ATR72-00-6005. TITLE: Ice and rain protection - Ice detection - Install a lighted visual icing indicator ATR. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document. This document shall not be reproduced or disclosed to a third party without the written consent of ATR. This document and its content shall not be used for any purpose other than that for which it is supplied. ATR, its logo, the distinctive ATR aircraft profiles and patented information relating to the ATR aircraft are the exclusive property of ATR and are subject to copyright. This document and all information contained herein are the sole property of ATR. No intellectual property right is granted through, or induced by, the delivery of this document or the disclosure of its content. Revision No. 04 - Aug 25/15 Service Bulletin No. ATR72-30-1016 Page TS-1 of TS-3 . SERVICE BULLETIN ATR72 1 – ADDITIONAL WORK A- IMPACT ON PROCEDURE The changes introduced by this Revision do not affect aircraft on which the present Service Bulletin has already been applied. B- IMPACT ON COMPONENTS The associated kits already delivered remain valid. 2 – TECHNICAL IMPACT ON REVISED PAGES Layout changes due to computerization of this revision are not identified. Page PI-1 - Para. 1.A.(2), MSN 318 deleted from kit S301016A03. Page PI-3 - Para. 1.D., sentence updated. Para. 1.F., value updated. 3 – TABLE OF CONTENTS TRANSMITTAL SHEET ................................................................................. Page TS-1 to TS-3 ACCOMPLISHMENT REPORT ..................................................................... Page AR-1 to AR-1 PLANNING INFORMATION ............................................................................. Page PI-1 to PI-5 MATERIAL INFORMATION ............................................................................ Page MI-1 to MI-4 ACCOMPLISHMENT INSTRUCTIONS ............................................................ Page AI-1 to AI-8 ILLUSTRATIONS ............................................................................................ Page IL-1 to IL-13 Revision No. 04 - Aug 25/15 Service Bulletin No. ATR72-30-1016 Page TS-2 of TS-3 ATR. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document. SERVICE BULLETIN ATR72 4 – REVISION SEQUENCES Issue or Revision Date Additional work Original issue Revision No. 01 Revision No. 02 Revision No. 03 Revision No. 04 Sep 24/92 Jul 02/93 Nov 15/93 Jun 23/15 Aug 25/15 Yes Yes No Revision No. 04 - Aug 25/15 Service Bulletin No. ATR72-30-1016 Page TS-3 of TS-3 ATR. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document. SERVICE BULLETIN ATR72 ACCOMPLISHMENT REPORT SERVICE BULLETIN No. ATR72-30-1016 Revision No. 04 Send this report to: ATR RETROFIT ENGINEERING 1 ALLEE PIERRE NADOT 31712 BLAGNAC CEDEX FRANCE phone : +33 (0)5 62 21 62 21 fax : +33 (0)5 62 21 69 41 e-mail : Aircraft identification Aircraft MSN (on which this Service Bulletin has been accomplished): Aircraft registration number: Number of flights: Flight hours: Accomplishment date of this Service Bulletin: Maintenance organisation identification Maintenance organisation name: Name & Signature: Date: Revision No. 04 - Aug 25/15 Service Bulletin No. ATR72-30-1016 Page AR-1 ATR. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document. SERVICE BULLETIN ATR72 COMPLIANCE: RECOMMENDED MODIFICATION: 03262 T3314 TITLE: Ice and rain protection - Ice detection - Install a lighted visual icing indicator 1. PLANNING INFORMATION A. EFFECTIVITY (1) Aircraft models The approved change used to generate this document has been certified on the following ATR72 models: ATR72-101 ATR72-102 ATR72-201 ATR72-202 ATR72-211 ATR72-212 ATR72-212A YES YES YES YES YES YES YES (2) Aircraft MSN Kit(s) S301016 108, 147, 150, 154, 157, 164, 167, 171, 177, 180, 183, 186, 189, 192, 195, 198, 201, 210, 212, 215, 217, 220, 222, 224, 227, 229, 232, 234, 237, 239, 241, 246, 251, 258, 256, 260, 265, 267, 272, 276, 279, 281, 283, 285, 290, 292, 294, 297, 299, 301, 303, 305, 307, 311, 313, 316, 318 A01 + A02 + A04 126, 140, 145, 162, 174, 204, 207, 244, 248, 253, 263, 270, 274, 288, 309 A01 + A03 + A04 For each aircraft MSN, operator should order the mentioned kit(s). Other parts or equipment could be required for embodiment of this Service Bulletin. Please refer to chapter “MATERIAL INFORMATION” for details. Revision No. 04 - Aug 25/15 Service Bulletin No. ATR72-30-1016 Page PI-1 ATR. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document. SERVICE BULLETIN ATR72 NOTE 1: This modification is embodied prior to delivery on aircraft MSN 320 and subsequent. NOTE 2: Accomplishment of this Service Bulletin covers embodiment of modification No. 03363 (PM T3442) for aircraft equipped with one of the following modifications: - No. 01578 - No. 02796 NOTE 3: This Service Bulletin is applicable only on aircraft on which one or more of the following modifications have been embodied: - No. 02238, - No. 02708, - No. 02800 or Service Bulletin No. ATR72-30-1012. (3) Spares The following stock items are modifiable (or not) according to the table below. None. B. REASON The visual icing indicator located on the right handside does not allow good visibility. In order to improve the visibility of the indicator for pilot and first officer and its mechanical strength, this Service Bulletin consists in removing the indicator with the associated lighting, and in installing a new lighted visual icing indicator on the windshield frame on left hand side. COMPLIANCE: Accomplishment of this Service Bulletin is recommended by ATR. C. DESCRIPTION Accomplishment of this Service Bulletin consists in carrying out the following jobs: (1) In zone 214, removal of visual icing indicator and blank mounting holes (2) In zone 213, on windshield frame, installation of the new visual icing indicator (3) In zone 211, installation of brackets for new routing (4) In zone 212, on lining panel, removal of the spotlight with the associated support Revision No. 04 - Aug 25/15 Service Bulletin No. ATR72-30-1016 Page PI-2 ATR. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document. SERVICE BULLETIN ATR72 (5) In zone 211, wiring modifications D. APPROVAL The technical content of this document (Rev. No. 04) is approved under the authority of DOA No. EASA.21J.044. E. MANPOWER Manhours Mechanic 15 Electrician 15 Total manhours 30 Elapsed time (hours) 15 The above estimates are only provided for general guidance in operator's modification planning. NOTE: This Service Bulletin assumes that the aircraft has been placed in the appropriate maintenance configuration. The manhours/elapsed time estimates do not include preparation for the modification, non-productive elapsed time or administrative functions. F. WEIGHT AND BALANCE MEW : - 0.060 kg (- 0.132 lb) Effect on balance: - 0.3 kg.m (- 26.039 Revision No. 04 - Aug 25/15 Service Bulletin No. ATR72-30-1016 Page PI-3 ATR. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document. SERVICE BULLETIN ATR72 G. REFERENCES The following publications have to be used during accomplishment of this Service Bulletin: AMM : 06-41-20 20-21-21 AMM (JIC): 24-40-00 EAD 10000 25-13-10 RAI 10000 25-13-16 RAI 10000 SRM : 51-22-03 51-25-02 51-25-04 51-25-63 51-35-00 The following modifications and/or retrofit documents are mentioned on this Service Bulletin: Modification Retrofit document Title 01578 - LIGHTS - ANTICOLLISION AND NAVIGATION LIGHTS - PROVIDE OPERATION DURING TOWING 02238 - ICE AND RAIN PROTECTION - ICE DETECTION INSTALL ICE VISUAL INDICATOR 02708 - ICE AND RAIN PROTECTION - ICE DETECTION - REPLACE VISUAL ICE DETECTOR 02796 - LIGHTS ATR72 INSTALL A SECOND NAVIGATION LIGHT IN WING TIP AND TAIL CONE 02800 ATR72-30-1012 03363 - Revision No. 04 - Aug 25/15 ICE AND RAIN PROTECTION - REPLACE ICE VISUAL DETECTOR BY REINFORCED UNIT ICE AND RAIN PROTECTION - ICE DETECTION ADAPT THE LIGHTED ICING INDICATOR TO SPECIAL VERSION CONFIGURATION Service Bulletin No. ATR72-30-1016 Page PI-4 ATR. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document. SERVICE BULLETIN ATR72 H. AFFECTED PUBLICATIONS (1) Maintenance documentation The following publications will be updated after receipt of the Accomplishment Report by ATR: AMM (DO): 30-80 30-83 33-00 33-15 AMM (JIC) 30-83-00 DVI 10000 30-83-11 RAI 10000 33-41-00 OPT 10000 56-12-00 RAI 10000 ASM : 30-00 30-83 33-12 33-41 AWM : 30-83 33-12 33-41 92-21 IPC : 25-13-10 30-81-10 33-15-10 TSM : 30-83 (2) Operational documentation The following operational manuals are impacted. Operators should verify the List of Modifications (LOM) of these manuals to verify that the modification No. 03262 is mentioned. FCOM Revision No. 04 - Aug 25/15 Service Bulletin No. ATR72-30-1016 Page PI-5 ATR. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document. SERVICE BULLETIN ATR72 2. MATERIAL INFORMATION A. MATERIAL - COST AND AVAILABILITY (1) Kits Kits cost and availability, or any further commercial information about Service Bulletin, may be consulted through ATRactive or operator should contact ATR at the following addresses: ATR CUSTOMER SERVICES SPARES SUPPORT 1 ALLEE PIERRE NADOT 31712 BLAGNAC CEDEX FRANCE phone : +33 (0)5 62 21 66 99 fax : +33 (0)5 62 21 61 12 e-mail : Or operator should contact the ATR center he is related to, according to his operational area, at the following addresses: ATR Americas, Inc. 4355 NW 36th St. Miami Springs, FL 33166 USA phone : +1 (305) 704 9812 fax : +1 (305) 704 9806 e-mail : ATR EASTERN SUPPORT Pte Ltd. 51 CHANGI BUSINESS PARK CENTRAL 2 #08-02 THE SIGNATURE SINGAPORE 486066 phone : +65 6542 0122 fax : +65 6542 1047 e-mail : Operator should place his purchase order specifying concerned MSN, Service Bulletin reference and kits reference (according to paragraph 1.A.) through ATRactive or to the ATR center he is related to according to his operational area. Revision No. 04 - Aug 25/15 Service Bulletin No. ATR72-30-1016 Page MI-1 ATR. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document. SERVICE BULLETIN ATR72 (2) Equipment Equipment cost and availability, or any further commercial information about Service Bulletin, may be consulted through ATRactive or operator should contact ATR at the following addresses: ATR CUSTOMER SERVICES SPARES SUPPORT 1 ALLEE PIERRE NADOT 31712 BLAGNAC CEDEX FRANCE phone : +33 (0)5 62 21 66 99 fax : +33 (0)5 62 21 61 12 e-mail : Or operator should contact the ATR center he is related to, according to his operational area, at the above-mentioned addresses. Or operator should contact the vendor(s) of equipment at the following address(es): MADELEC AERO. Z.A. DU BELAIR 14 RUE GUSTAVE EIFFEL 78120 RAMBOUILLET FRANCE Operator should place his purchase order specifying equipment reference directly to the vendor, or, when and if applicable, through ATRactive or to the ATR center he is related to, according to his operational area. B. LIST OF COMPONENTS Item Part Number Qty Description Equipment 7 MS741-000 Revision No. 04 - Aug 25/15 1 Visual icing indicator (FIN 5DD) Service Bulletin No. ATR72-30-1016 Page MI-2 ATR. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document. SERVICE BULLETIN ATR72 Item Part Number Qty Description Kit S301016A01 10 17 9 12 16 30 8 18 19 20 4 3 15 14 23 AN960C10L ASNA2397-10L MS21043-3 MS35489-1 NAS1096-3-9 NAS1153E14P NAS1153E20P NSA5067-3-1 NSA935504-01 NTA12250-4AD8 NTA12252AD3-9 NTA12252AD6-12 S5317114021800 S5318953020000 S5318953120000 S9248912221600 2 4 2 1 4 2 2 4 4 8 12 6 1 1 3 1 Washer Washer Nut Grommet Screw Screw Screw Nut Mount Rivet Rivet Rivet Bushing Bracket Bracket Placard Kit S301016A02 26 28 25 24 - ASNA2397-10L E0432A04 MS21042L3 NAS1096-3-6 S9110132500195 S9110222200195 S9110222200295 1 3m 1 1 1 1 1 Washer Conduit Nut Screw Bundle Placard set Placard set 1 3m 1 1 1 1 1 Washer Conduit Nut Screw Bundle Placard set Placard set Kit S301016A03 26 28 25 24 - ASNA2397-10L E0432A04 MS21042L3 NAS1096-3-6 S9110132600195 S9110222200195 S9110222200295 Kit S301016A04 - S9110138000195 Revision No. 04 - Aug 25/15 1 Bundle Service Bulletin No. ATR72-30-1016 Page MI-3 ATR. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document. SERVICE BULLETIN ATR72 C. LIST OF MATERIALS - OPERATOR SUPPLIED Item - Description Adhesive Sealant Solvent Reference SRM 51-35-00 08-001F 09-013D 11-003F Qty per aircraft As required As required As required NOTE: The above materials can be procured by means of a spares purchase order. D. SPECIAL TOOLS Accomplishment of this Service Bulletin requires use of the following special tools: None. Revision No. 04 - Aug 25/15 Service Bulletin No. ATR72-30-1016 Page MI-4 ATR. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document. SERVICE BULLETIN ATR72 3. ACCOMPLISHMENT INSTRUCTIONS A. GENERAL The following instructions assume that work will be accomplished when the aircraft is in the appropriate maintenance configuration. B. JOB SET-UP (1) De-energize the aircraft electrical network and connect the aircraft to ground as per AMM (JIC) 24-40-00 EAD 10000. (2) Install access platform. (3) In flight compartment, remove lining panels 213AC, 212CC, 212DW, 211DW, 211GZ, 211HW, 211PZ, 211NZ, 211SZ, 211MZ, 211FZ, 211EK (Refer to AMM 06-41-20) as per AMM (JIC) 25-13-10 RAI 10000 (4) In flight compartment: (a) Remove floor covering as per AMM (JIC) 25-13-16 RAI 10000. (b) Remove floor panel 211KF (Refer to AMM 06-41-20). C. MODIFICATION NOTE 1: Install rivets as per SRM 51-25-02. NOTE 2: A.R. = As required. (1) In zone 214, removal of visual icing indicator and blank mounting holes As per Figure 1 (a) On First Officer's side, remove visual icing indicator item 1 and its seal item 2. These items of equipment and their fasteners will not be re-used. (b) Remove the 6 anchor nuts. These fasteners will not be re-used. Rivets of anchor nuts will be cut flush. Revision No. 04 - Aug 25/15 Service Bulletin No. ATR72-30-1016 Page AI-1 ATR. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document. SERVICE BULLETIN ATR72 (c) Fill mounting holes. Install all the parts listed in the following table. Carefully follow the specific instruction(s) detailed after the table. INSTALLATION Item 3 Description Rivet Part Number NTA12252AD6-12 Qty New Qty from Removal Figure 6 - 1 Specific instruction(s): Install rivets item 3 with sealant, Material No. 09-013D (Refer to SRM 51-35-00). (2) In zone 213, on windshield frame, installation of the new visual icing indicator As per Figure 2 (a) Remove the 3 fasteners item 5. These fasteners will not be re-used. (b) Drill and ream hole item 6 to final dimension between 6.352 mm (0.2496 in) and 6.358 mm (0.2498 in), then install bushing with nitrogen (Refer to SRM 51-25-63): WARNING: OBEY THE MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS AND WEAR THE CORRECT PROTECTIVE CLOTHING WHEN YOU USE LIQUID NITROGEN. LIQUID NITROGEN IS DANGEROUS. Install all the parts listed in the following table. INSTALLATION Item - Description Bushing Revision No. 04 - Aug 25/15 Part Number S5317114021800 Qty New Qty from Removal Figure 1 - - Service Bulletin No. ATR72-30-1016 Page AI-2 ATR. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document. SERVICE BULLETIN ATR72 NOTE: On exterior side, the bushing must be flush with the aircraft skin. Fill the countersunk hole with adhesive, Material No. 08-001F (Refer to SRM 51-35-00). (c) In order to fill the countersunk of the two holes item 4, put inside them a rod with the same diameter. Fill the countersunk with adhesive, Material No. 08-001F (Refer to SRM 51-35-00), let dry and remove the rod. (d) Parts to be re-identified by operator To ensure traceability, the modified part(s) listed in the table(s) below must be re-identified. RE-IDENTIFICATION Item - Old Part Number S5317114021400 Description Windshield frame New Part Number Figure S5317114021600 - (e) Valid for aircraft equipped with S.P.S. windshield P/N SPS ATR42-4-2-2. Install all the parts listed in the following table. Carefully follow the specific instruction(s) detailed after the table. INSTALLATION Item Description Part Number Qty New Qty from Removal Figure 7 Visual ice indicator (FIN 5DD) MS741-000 1 - 2 9 Nut MS21043-3 2 - 2 Washer AN960C10L 2 - 2 Screw NAS1153E20P 2 - 2 10 8 Revision No. 04 - Aug 25/15 Service Bulletin No. ATR72-30-1016 Page AI-3 ATR. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document. SERVICE BULLETIN ATR72 Specific instruction(s): Check that total grip length is in accordance with the length of each screw item 8: - Measure and record the dimension of the thickness to be tightened. - Check that length of screw item 8 is higher than the thickness previously recorded in order that screw has one thread and a half beyond the nut item 9 (Refer to SRM 51-25-04). - If screw item 8 has less than one thread and a half beyond the nut item 9, replace this screw by a new one of same specification with the next higher length. - If up-to two washers under the nut item 9 are inadequate to well tighten the screw item 8, replace this screw by a new one of same specification with the next lower length. - Take care that tightening force is applied to tight the thickness of parts and not due to an incorrect choice of screw length. (f) Valid for aircraft equipped with P.P.G. windshield P/N NP158812-1 or P/N 158862-1. Install all the parts listed in the following table. Carefully follow the specific instruction(s) detailed after the table. INSTALLATION Item 7 30 9 10 Description Part Number Qty New Qty from Removal Figure Visual ice indicator (FIN 5DD) MS741-000 1 - 2 Screw NAS1153E14P 2 - 2 Nut MS21043-3 2 - 2 Washer AN960C10L 2 - 2 Revision No. 04 - Aug 25/15 Service Bulletin No. ATR72-30-1016 Page AI-4 ATR. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document. SERVICE BULLETIN ATR72 Specific instruction(s): Check that total grip length is in accordance with the length of each screw item 31: - Measure and record the dimension of the thickness to be tightened. - Check that length of screw item 31 is higher than the thickness previously recorded in order that screw has one thread and a half beyond the nut item 9 (Refer to SRM 51-25-04). - If screw item 31 has less than one thread and a half beyond the nut item 9, replace this screw by a new one of same specification with the next higher length. - If up-to two washers under the nut item 9 are inadequate to well tighten the screw item 31, replace this screw by a new one of same specification with the next lower length. - Take care that tightening force is applied to tight the thickness of parts and not due to an incorrect choice of screw length. (g) Apply a bead of sealant, with a maximum thickness of 1 mm (0.0396 in), all around the visual ice indicator (FIN 5DD) and around ice detector cable using sealant, Material No. 09-013D (Refer to SRM 51-35-00). (h) Identify the visual ice indicator (FIN 5DD) with placard supplied in placard set S9110222200295. (3) In zone 211, installation of brackets for new routing As per Figures 3, 4 and 5 (a) Drill a hole item 11 at dia. 6.4 mm (0.251 in). (b) Install all the parts listed in the following table. INSTALLATION Item 12 Description Grommet Revision No. 04 - Aug 25/15 Part Number MS35489-1 Qty New Qty from Removal Figure 1 - 3 and 4 Service Bulletin No. ATR72-30-1016 Page AI-5 ATR. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document. SERVICE BULLETIN ATR72 (c) Drill a hole item 13 at dia. 4.8 mm (0.188 in) for installation of grounding point (FIN 1075VN). Deburr and clean working area. (d) Strip surface at diameter 14 mm (0.551 in) and perform grounding point (FIN 1075VN) as per SRM 51-22-03. (e) Install all the parts listed in the following table. Carefully follow the specific instruction(s) detailed after the table. INSTALLATION Item Description Part Number Qty New Qty from Removal Figure 23 Placard S9248912221600 1 - 5 24 Screw NAS1096-3-6 1 - 5 25 Nut MS21042L3 1 - 5 26 Washer ASNA2397-10L 1 - 5 14 Bracket S5318953120000 3 - 3, 5 and 6 15 Bracket S5318953020000 1 - 3 and 6 20 Rivet NTA12250-4AD8 8 - 5 and 6 16 Screw NAS1096-3-9 4 - 6 17 Washer ASNA2397-10L 4 - 6 18 Nut NSA5067-3-1 4 - 6 19 Mount NSA935504-01 4 - 6 Connector 447VC * E0301-01 1 - - Conduit E0432A04 A.R. - 3 28 * Supplied with bundle P/N S9110138000195. Specific instruction(s): Before installation of placards item 23, clean bonding surface with solvent, Material No. 11-003F (Refer to SRM 51-35-00). Revision No. 04 - Aug 25/15 Service Bulletin No. ATR72-30-1016 Page AI-6 ATR. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document. SERVICE BULLETIN ATR72 (4) In zone 212, on lining panel, removal of the spotlight with the associated support Remove all the parts listed in the following table. REMOVAL Item Description Part Number Qty Discarded Qty Re-used Figure 21 Spotlight - 1 - 7 22 Support - 1 - 7 26 Screw - 2 - 7 27 Washer - 2 - 7 (5) In zone 211, wiring modifications NOTE 1: New wires will be routed through conduit item 28, P/N E0432A04 (Refer to Figure 3), until they join existing routing. NOTE 2: At each wire installation, the following instructions must be observed: Cut the wires to the necessary length, crimp the terminals and connect accordingly. Perform continuity test of the new wiring. Attach with cable ties as per AMM chapter 20-21-21. As per wiring diagrams Figures 8, 9, 11 and 12 (a) Remove wires according to wiring diagrams. (b) Modify wires according to wiring diagrams. (c) Install, on existing routing, wires according to wiring diagrams, supplied in bundles S9110132600195, S9110138000195 and S9110132500195. For details, refer to hook-up charts Figure 10 and Figure 13. D. TESTS (1) Re-energize the aircraft electrical network and disconnect the aircraft from ground as per AMM (JIC) 24-40-00 EAD 10000. Revision No. 04 - Aug 25/15 Service Bulletin No. ATR72-30-1016 Page AI-7 ATR. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document. SERVICE BULLETIN ATR72 (2) On 27VU, place NAV LIGHTS CTL switch in ON position. Check that ice visual indicator is illuminated. Place NAV LIGHTS CTL on switch in OFF position. E. CLOSE-UP (1) In flight compartment, re-install lining panels 213AC, 212CC, 212DW, 211DW, 211GZ, 211HW, 211PZ, 211NZ, 211SZ, 211MZ, 211FZ, 211EK (Refer to AMM 06-41-20) as per AMM (JIC) 25-13-10 RAI 10000. (2) In flight compartment: (a) Re-install floor panel 211KF (Refer to AMM 06-41-20). (b) Re-install floor covering as per AMM (JIC) 25-13-16 RAI 10000. (3) Make certain that working areas are clean and clear of tools and miscellaneous items. (4) Remove access platform. Revision No. 04 - Aug 25/15 Service Bulletin No. ATR72-30-1016 Page AI-8 ATR. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document. SERVICE BULLETIN ATR72 ILLUSTRATIONS Removal of existing visual icing indicator Figure 1 Revision No. 04 - Aug 25/15 Service Bulletin No. ATR72-30-1016 Page IL-1 ATR. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document. SERVICE BULLETIN ATR72 Installation of new visual icing indicator Figure 2 Revision No. 04 - Aug 25/15 Service Bulletin No. ATR72-30-1016 Page IL-2 ATR. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document. SERVICE BULLETIN ATR72 Installation of new routing Figure 3 Revision No. 04 - Aug 25/15 Service Bulletin No. ATR72-30-1016 Page IL-3 ATR. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document. SERVICE BULLETIN ATR72 Installation of grommet Figure 4 Revision No. 04 - Aug 25/15 Service Bulletin No. ATR72-30-1016 Page IL-4 ATR. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document. SERVICE BULLETIN ATR72 Installation of routing bracket Figure 5 Revision No. 04 - Aug 25/15 Service Bulletin No. ATR72-30-1016 Page IL-5 ATR. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document. SERVICE BULLETIN ATR72 Installation of routing bracket Figure 6 Revision No. 04 - Aug 25/15 Service Bulletin No. ATR72-30-1016 Page IL-6 ATR. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document. SERVICE BULLETIN ATR72 Removal of spotlight Figure 7 Revision No. 04 - Aug 25/15 Service Bulletin No. ATR72-30-1016 Page IL-7 ATR. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document. SERVICE BULLETIN ATR72 Wiring diagram Figure 8 Revision No. 04 - Aug 25/15 Service Bulletin No. ATR72-30-1016 Page IL-8 ATR. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document. SERVICE BULLETIN ATR72 Wiring diagram Figure 9 Revision No. 04 - Aug 25/15 Service Bulletin No. ATR72-30-1016 Page IL-9 ATR. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document. SERVICE BULLETIN ATR72 L i n e 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 END 1 Zone or Variant Panel FIN Term. LEAD Terminal P/N Wire Ident Type Gauge END 2 Length Zone or cm Panel Variant FIN Term. Instructions Terminal P/N Figure 23VU 23VU 23VT4 211VC-A A F 3312-2741 3312-2742 BF24 CF24 23VU 27VU 211VC 213VC-A F M D D 8 8 27VU 27VU 27VU 27VU 212 212 213VC 1LA 212VC-A 1LA 224VC 154LE M 1H -J 2H A2 2 3312-2743 3312-2744 3312-2748 3312-2749 3312-2745 3312-2746 BF24 BF24 CF24 BF24 CF24 CF20 27VU 27VU 212 27VU 212 212 1LA 212VC 224VC-A 1LA 145LE 44VN 2A -J A1 1A 1 / D D D D D D 8 8 8 8 8 8 23VU 23VU 23VT4 211VC-A A F NSA937910EA2000 NSA938152SA2000 3083-0001 3083-0002 BF24 CF24 100 200 23VU 27VU 211VC 213VC-A F M NSA938151PA2000 NSA938152SA2000 A A 9 9 27VU 27VU 27VU 27VU 213VC 1LA 213VC-A 1LA M 1H -J 2H NSA938151PA2000 NSA937910EA2000 NSA938152SA2000 NSA937910EA2000 3083-0003 3083-0004 3083-0009 3083-0008 BF24 BF24 CF24 BF24 100 100 300 50 27VU 27VU 213 27VU 1LA 213VC 51VC 1LA 2A -J -Y 1A NSA937910EA2000 NSA938151PA2000 NSA938151PA2000 NSA937910EA2000 A A A A 9 9 9 9 447VC-A 447VC 5DD 447VC-A A2 A1 / B2 NSA937910EA2000 NSA937910EA2000 3083-0005 3083-0006 3083-0007 3083-0010 CF24 YY24 YY24 CF20 600 213 211 211 211 51VC-A -Y 1 B1 / NSA938152SA2000 A A (1) A A 9 9 9 12 211 211 211 211 NSA937910EA2000 Hook-up chart (Kit S301016A03 and Kit S301016A04) Figure 10 Revision No. 04 - Aug 25/15 Service Bulletin No. ATR72-30-1016 Page IL-10 ATR. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document. 100 447VC 1075VN A D M1 M2 (1) NSA937910EA2000 NSA936501TA2004 = = = = = ADDED SH = SHIELD DELETED W.F. = WIRE FERRULE END 1 MODIFIED W.S. = WIRE STOWED END 2 MODIFIED WIRES SUPPLIED WITH EQUIPMENT. TO BE IDENTIFIED WITH SLEEVES SUPPLIED IN BUNDLE S9110132600195 SERVICE BULLETIN ATR72 Wiring diagram Figure 11 Revision No. 04 - Aug 25/15 Service Bulletin No. ATR72-30-1016 Page IL-11 ATR. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document. SERVICE BULLETIN ATR72 Wiring diagram Figure 12 Revision No. 04 - Aug 25/15 Service Bulletin No. ATR72-30-1016 Page IL-12 ATR. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document. SERVICE BULLETIN ATR72 L i n e 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 END 1 Zone or Variant Panel FIN Term. LEAD Terminal P/N Wire Ident Type Gauge END 2 Length Zone or cm Panel Variant FIN Term. Instructions Terminal P/N Figure 23VU 23VU 23VT4 211VC-A A F 3312-2741 3312-2742 BF24 CF24 23VU 27VU 211VC 213VC-A F M D D 11 11 27VU 27VU 27VU 213VC 1LA 212VC-A M 1H -J 3312-2743 3312-2744 3312-2748 BF24 BF24 CF24 27VU 27VU 212 1LA 212VC 224VC-A 2A -J A1 D D D 11 11 11 224VC 154LE A2 2 3312-2745 3312-2746 CF24 CF20 212 212 145LE 44VN 1 / D D 11 11 212 212 23VU 23VU 23VT4 211VC-A A F NSA937910EA2000 NSA938152SA2000 3083-0001 3083-0002 BF24 CF24 100 200 23VU 27VU 211VC 213VC-A F M NSA938151PA2000 NSA938152SA2000 A A 12 12 27VU 27VU 27VU 213VC 1LA 213VC-A M 2B -J NSA938151PA2000 NSA937910EA2000 NSA938152SA2000 3083-0003 3083-0004 3083-0009 BF24 BF24 CF24 100 100 300 27VU 27VU 213 1LA 213VC 51VC 1B -J -Y NSA937910EA2000 NSA938151PA2000 NSA938151PA2000 A A A 12 12 12 447VC-A 447VC 5DD 447VC-A A2 A1 / B2 NSA937910EA2000 NSA937910EA2000 3083-0005 3083-0006 3083-0007 3083-0010 CF24 YY24 YY24 CF20 600 213 211 211 211 51VC-A 5DD 447VC 1075VN -Y 1 B1 / NSA938152SA2000 A A (1) A (1) A 12 12 12 12 211 211 211 211 NSA937910EA2000 Hook-up chart (Kit S301016A03 and Kit S301016A04) Figure 13 Revision No. 04 - Aug 25/15 Service Bulletin No. ATR72-30-1016 Page IL-13 ATR. All rights reserved. Confidential and proprietary document. 100 A D M1 M2 (1) NSA937910EA2000 NSA936501TA2004 = = = = = ADDED SH = SHIELD DELETED W.F. = WIRE FERRULE END 1 MODIFIED W.S. = WIRE STOWED END 2 MODIFIED WIRES SUPPLIED WITH EQUIPMENT. TO BE IDENTIFIED WITH SLEEVES SUPPLIED IN BUNDLE S9110132500195