USES OF INDEX NUMBERS IN ECONOMIC DATA What are INDEX NUMBERS? INDEX NUMBERS are used to measure the change in some quantity which we cannot observe directly, which we know to have a definite influence on many other quantities which we can so observe, tending to increase all, or diminish all, while this influence is concealed by the action of many causes affecting the separate quantities in various ways. Bowley (1926). PRESENTERS : PASCUA, LADY EDEM R. CORTES, STEPHANIE LOUISA PADILLA-TAN What are INDEX NUMBERS? Index numbers are statistical measures designed to show changes in a variable or group of related variables with respect to time, geographic location or other characteristics such as income, profession, etc. PRESENTERS : PASCUA, LADY EDEM R. CORTES, STEPHANIE LOUISA PADILLA-TAN What are INDEX NUMBERS? PRESENTERS : PASCUA, LADY EDEM R. CORTES, STEPHANIE LOUISA PADILLA-TAN What are INDEX NUMBERS? INDEX NUMBERS are a widespread disease of modern life .... It is really questionable - though bordering on heresy to put the question - whether we would be any the worse off if the whole bag of tricks were scrapped. PRESENTERS : PASCUA, LADY EDEM R. CORTES, STEPHANIE LOUISA PADILLA-TAN What are INDEX NUMBERS? An INDEX NUMBER is limited to the measure of changes in the magnitude from one situation to another. *two time periods (e.g. 2 years) *two situations in a spatial sense (e.g. 2 regions of a country). PRESENTERS : PASCUA, LADY EDEM R. CORTES, STEPHANIE LOUISA PADILLA-TAN What are INDEX NUMBERS? INDEX NUMBER measure changes which are expressed with one selected situation as 100. REFERENCE BASE or COMPARISON BASE PRESENTERS : PASCUA, LADY EDEM R. CORTES, STEPHANIE LOUISA PADILLA-TAN What are INDEX NUMBERS? An INDEX NUMBER is an economic data figure reflecting price or quantity compared with a standard or base value. The base usually equals 100; and the index number is usually expressed as 100 times the ratio to the base value. e.g. if a commodity costs twice as much in 1970 as it did in 1960, its index number would be 200 relative to 1960. PRESENTERS : PASCUA, LADY EDEM R. CORTES, STEPHANIE LOUISA PADILLA-TAN Classifications of INDEX NUMBERS? 1) price index numbers - measure the relative changes in the price of a commodity between two periods. (PYOI/ PBase) 2) quantity index numbers- measure changes in the physical quantity of goods produced, consumed or sold for an item or a group of items. 3) value index numbers- not so often used PRESENTERS : PASCUA, LADY EDEM R. CORTES, STEPHANIE LOUISA PADILLA-TAN Types of INDEX NUMBERS? PRESENTERS : PASCUA, LADY EDEM R. CORTES, STEPHANIE LOUISA PADILLA-TAN Types of INDEX NUMBERS? 1. Simple Index Number: -is used by economists to measure the relative change in a single variable, it is termed as Simple Index. e.g. hourly wages in manufacturing. PRESENTERS : PASCUA, LADY EDEM R. CORTES, STEPHANIE LOUISA PADILLA-TAN Types of INDEX NUMBERS? 2. Composite Index Number: -is used to measure changes in the value of several variables like price, the volume of production, cost of living, number of road accidents, etc., is termed as a composite index. PRESENTERS : PASCUA, LADY EDEM R. CORTES, STEPHANIE LOUISA PADILLA-TAN Uses of INDEX NUMBERS? Index numbers possess much practical importance in measuring changes in the cost of living, production trends, trade, income variations, etc. PRESENTERS : PASCUA, LADY EDEM R. CORTES, STEPHANIE LOUISA PADILLA-TAN Uses of INDEX NUMBERS? • Index numbers measure fluctuations during intervals of time, group differences of geographical position of degree, etc. • They are used to compare the total variations in the prices of different commodities in which the unit of measurements differs with time and price, etc. PRESENTERS : PASCUA, LADY EDEM R. CORTES, STEPHANIE LOUISA PADILLA-TAN Uses of INDEX NUMBERS? • They measure the purchasing power of money. • They are helpful in forecasting future economic trends. • They are used in studying the difference between the comparable categories of animals, people or items. PRESENTERS : PASCUA, LADY EDEM R. CORTES, STEPHANIE LOUISA PADILLA-TAN Uses of INDEX NUMBERS? • Index numbers of industrial production are used to measure the changes in the level of industrial production in the country. • Index numbers of import prices and export prices are used to measure the changes in the trade of a country. • Index numbers are used to measure seasonal variations and cyclical variations in a time series. PRESENTERS : PASCUA, LADY EDEM R. CORTES, STEPHANIE LOUISA PADILLA-TAN Limitation of INDEX NUMBERS? They are simply rough indications of the relative changes. PRESENTERS : PASCUA, LADY EDEM R. CORTES, STEPHANIE LOUISA PADILLA-TAN THANK YOU FOR LISTENING! PRESENTERS : PASCUA, LADY EDEM R. CORTES, STEPHANIE LOUISA PADILLA-TAN