Genetics tells thestudy of genome sequence variation history evolution of life howinheritance works Mendelnuclearinheritance us Chemof Chemof Life GENOMES INSTAB life genes required 4 processes lots Protein some transcript functionalRNA of organism set of instructions 4maintaining life encoded in nucleic acids DNA or RNA a t OF Genomes in a growing pop of genomeswin no selection pressure total ofalleles increase every generation Notstable changes occur constantly replicationmistakes create more alleles randomly DNA ENTRAL DOGMA chemically inert store info gene transcription transcript 7 translation Protein ALLELE a sequence variant ie allele s Loca e alleles Coca SEQUENCE VARIATION Fundamental level 4 genetic analysis Adaptation becoming suited 2 environment want genetic changetakingplace in agroupof organismsgenepool oforganismsChang 2Stepprocess SUPPORT EVIDENCE 2types whinPOP Anagenesis Lcladogenesis volutionary change due z evolution geneticvariation arize from mutation that produces newalleles combinations Random Changein frequencies of geneticvariants fossilrecord comparative anatomy embryology biogeography moleculargenetics connected by reproduction evolution taking place on single lineage over time splitting of 1 lineage into 2 branches nolonger have common causes arisal of new species genepool evolve independently shift incomposition of gene pool of organisms distribution of Plants biodistrobution SingleNucleotide Polymorphisms SNP's SIMILARITY OF LIFE Luniversal features cen Lineage site in genome where individuals differ in a single BP must have a Frequency of at least It in pop variant common arise by mutation inhereted as allele variants in same way oftenDINT produce phenotypicdifferences suggests evolution of animals from LUCA genetic code genetic systems allows 4 model organism studies genes 2 be functional in forcing cells geneengineer allows 4 virus transmission group of organisms connected by ancestry Noosymbiotictheory support chloroplasts and mitochondrias similarity 2 bacteria is not superficial they evolved from free living bacteria that became inhabitants endosymbiont ofearly Euk Cells manymodernsinglecelledeukaryotesprotists hostendosymbiontbacteria similar size of organelles z modern bacteria posses theirown DNA DWA sharesmany characteristicswinbacterialDNA posses ribosomes ribosomes are similar a bacterialribosomes areinhibited byantibioticproteinsynthesis 4 bacteriathat Euknuclear Dna isn'tinhibitedby dnasequencestudies show mtdna are morecloselyrelated 2 bacterial genesequencesthan nuclearDNA DNAsequences indicatingcloserrelation z bacteria do we know Majority of could in Nyc originated in Europe Could 19 RNA virus unstable genome replication mistakes lead2 generation ofallele ow RNA virus puts sequence intogenome during replication singlecould arose of viruses mistakes produce new alleles replicated new alleles arose virus in Europe hasidentifiable differentallele whileinfectingEuropeans mutations continue 2 accumulate thus we can see strand in NYC is from Europebe it hadthe European Strand's distinguishingalleles genome sequencing companies use this tracing human migration Divergence logic a report on Orgins how did life first evolve What was the genome of LUCA RN A WORLD over can time RNA makes proteins storegenetic info can catalyze runs 4 bya PROTEINWORLD more stable Ribozyme Protocells may have existed can catalyze chemical rxns can potentially alter other proteins Passon info generally unstable lack heredity can'tstoregeneticinfo RNA is functionally required in ribosome z produce proteins DNA WORLD template 4 self producingcentraldog stores genetic info stable cantprovidefunction withouttheothers Prions Protocell's concentratedproteins surrounded by lipid membrane ORIONS change conf of non prion proteins IETEROPLASMY tomoplasmy LUCA 9 a mixture of mutant and wildtype containing on avg genetically identical lastuniversal common ancestor v3.5 by a Oliving FOSSILS everything alive 2day has diverged suchthat any fossil found 2day could not actually be a modern organism due 2 sequencediffere common ancestors are Not alive