Uploaded by Raina York

Model-Based Inquiry in Science Education: A Literature Review

Literature Review
The Essential Practices of Model-Based Inquiry in Science Education
Raina York
Northern Arizona University
Sci-630 Literature in Science Ed
Dr. Ron Gray
October 11, 2021
Literature Review
The Essential Practices of Model-Based Inquiry in Science Education
Model-based inquiry (MBI) is an instructional model that requires students to use
more realistic science practices by incorporating scientific modeling, explanation, and
argumentation in order to explain natural phenomena. The structure of a model-based
inquiry instructional unit begins with a guiding question based on a natural phenomenon
and places modeling at the center of student inquiry. Students develop and revise a
model throughout the unit as they engage in learning related to the scientific concepts
that facilitate student understanding. Students engage in discourse throughout the unit,
coming to consensus through the use of public records. Finally, students complete
revisions of their model for testing, explain the scientific concepts related to their model,
and engage in argumentation to answer the original driving question.
This literature review will focus on the essential practices of Model-Based Inquiry
including the topics of modeling as the explicit focus of the unit, anchoring phenomenon,
student discourse and public records, and evidence-based explanations. Educators
recognize the benefits of model-based inquiry in classrooms. ”Cited benefits included
improved student engagement, facilitation of more structured explanations, improved
formative assessment, students’ ability to visualize particulate interactions, and
promotion of learning about the nature of science, “ (Dass, et al. 2015). Understanding
the essential practices will ensure students benefit from this instructional model.
Modeling as the Explicit Focus of the Unit
In order for students to develop a meaningful understanding of scientific
concepts, modeling needs to be explicitly taught and move beyond the idea that a
model is simply a representation of a structure or reaction. Rather, educators must add
Literature Review
that models can also be a representation of a system or why a phenomenon is
occurring in order to engage in a more realistic scientific process. According to
Passmore et. Al. (2010), “scientists use existing models in their inquiries. Scientific
understanding results when scientists (and students) use models to explain
phenomena” (p. X). Educators must move beyond a science classroom that does not
give students authority to investigate phenomena and relies on memorizing vocabulary
and labs without opportunities for inquiry. This model discourages students from
wanting to pursue science because it provides an inaccurate description of the real work
of scientists. It also leaves them without a true understanding of the scientific concepts
they should be learning.
In order for modeling to become the explicit focus of a unit, teachers must
explicitly teach about models. Gray and Rogan-Klyve (2018) report that,
Prior research strongly suggests that explicit teacher talk is important for student
understanding … and simply engaging students in creating and using scientific
models has not been found sufficient to develop an ‘epistemological
sophistication’ … that allows students to understand the nature of models and
their importance to the practice of science. (p. X)
In their study, implicit and explicit discourse by teachers about models and modeling
supports students' understanding of the role and purpose of models as tools for
supporting their own sense-making of phenomena. This paradigm is supported in other
research. For example, Gilbert (1991) states:
A model-centered, metamodeling approach, which emphasizes learning about
the nature and purpose of models, also has the benefit of enabling students to
Literature Review
develop accurate and productive epistemologies of science. If one defines
science as a process of model building, this helps students understand that
scientific knowl-edge is a human construct and that models vary in their ability to
approximate, explain, and predict real-world phenomena (S. Gilbert, 1991 as
cited in Schwarz & White, 2005).
Because students and educators have very little experience with this idea of
metamodeling, it is critical that teachers plan for these opportunities within their modelbased inquiry units in each phase of the MBI in order to support students. This explicit
and implicit metamodeling talk will allow the primary focus to be on student use of the
model to develop and support their scientific thinking.
Another critical aspect of modeling as the explicit focus of the unit is choosing an
appropriate phenomenon in order to engage students with scientific modeling. Reinhart
et al. (2016) put forth the following guidelines for choosing phenomena: the
phenomenon should be accessible to students and well understood by scientists, but
the mechanism that drives the phenomenon should be unfamiliar to students. The
authors suggest it be something relevant to students as well and possibly mysterious or
even counter-intuitive to hook students' interest.
Scientific modeling is an essential aspect of all science fields (Passmore et. al.,
2009) so it is important for educators to focus on using meaningful phenomena, use
both explicit and implicit metamodeling talk moves in order for students to use models
as a sense making tool to develop their scientific knowledge.