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ICSE Geography Specimen Paper: Semester 2 Exam

H.C.G. - Paper – 2
Maximum Marks: 40
Time allowed: One and a half hours
Answers to this Paper must be written on the paper provided separately.
You will not be allowed to write during the first 10 minutes.
This time is to be spent in reading the question paper.
The time given at the head of this Paper is the time allowed for writing the answers.
Attempt all questions from Section A and any three questions from Section B.
The marks intended for questions are given in brackets [ ]
(Attempt all questions.)
Question 1
On the outline map of India provided mark and name the following:
River Ganga
(iii) Chennai
(iv) Western Ghats
Gulf of Kutch
(vi) Malabar coastal plain
(vii) Karakoram Pass
(viii) Black soil area in peninsular region
(ix) Standard Meridian of India
Jharia coal field
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(Attempt any three questions from this Section.)
Question 2
Give any one use of Manganese. used in dry-cell batteries
Why is copper used in electrical appliances? high conductance and melting point
Give two advantages of using Natural gas over coal. leaves no residue and can be transported[2]
(iii) With reference to Bhakra Nangal dam answer the following:
On which river is it situated? R.Satluj
Name any two states benefitted by Bhakra Nangal. PUNJAB and Himachal Pradesh
(iv) (a)
Mention two advantages of using biogas.
leaves no residue and is renewable
How has the nuclear power contributed in reducing the pressure on
Conventional sources of energy? nuclear power does not use fossil fuel and only small
amounts of nuclear fuel can create more than 10 times the energy
and 3.2% of india's electric consumption is nuclear in nature therby
reducing pressure of conventional sources.
Question 3
Mention two ways in which agriculture sector is important for India.
1.primary sector of [2]
indian economy and provides food
and raw materials.2.It is source of
employement of over a million folks
Name two agriculture seasons of India. kharif and Rabi
Name one crop that grows in each of the season mentioned by you.
(iii) With reference to Wheat cultivation answer the following:
Name the soil found suitable for its growth. Alluvial soil
Name the state that is the largest producer of this crop in India. UP
Why is this crop not grown in southern parts of India? soil and climate not suitable
(iv) (a)
Name the largest producer of tea in India. ASSAM
(west bengal now)
What is GINNING? process of separation of the cotton fibre from raw material
Why is PRUNING essential for tea crop? used in growing new shoots which bear high [3]
quality leaves.
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Question 4
Differentiate between public sector and private sector industry giving suitable
example for each from India. 1.public:-owned and operated by the government,es:-BHEL
2.private:-owned and operated by an individual or a group of people:-Airtel
Give two ways in which cotton textile industry is important for India.
1.It is the largest organised modern sector in INDIA 2)boosts cotton export and provides employment
(iii) With reference to Rourkela steel plant answer the following: for people mailny of gujrat and mahrastra
Where is it located? Sundargarh;orissa
Which country helped India to establish this steel plant? Germany
From where does it get its iron ore requirement? Sundargarh and Keonjhar;orissa
What are the benefits of using petrochemical products? (Any two) 1.cheap
(iv) (a)
2.easily availabe
How has the electronic industry revolutionized the entertainment sector?
1.Audio visual systems and televisions
Question 5
1.cheap,2.environment friendly
Mention two advantages of using waterways.
Differentiate between national highway and state highway.
1.owned and maintained by
state whereas nh maintained by union
2.nh connects states and major cities whereas sh connect districts of the
(iii) Mention three benefits of Golden quadrilateral. state given
1.Conects delhi mumbai kolkata and chennai.2.provides agricultural transport and connectivity3.gives acsess to market
(iv) What are the three disadvantages of using air transport?
2.service quality is not on par with international standards.
3.not well connected.
Question 6
Why is there a need for waste management in India? (Two points)
Segregation considered a safe method of waste disposal. Explain.
(iii) Mention three ways that may be used in India to reduce waste.
(iv) Mention three reasons as to why the dumping of waste may be harmful.
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Question No. 1
Index No.……………………………………………. UID……………………………..
(This map, if used, must be fastened with all other answers)
Map of India for Question 1.
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