F E A T U R E A R T I C L E Condition Monitoring of Vegetable Oil Insulation in In-Service Power Transformers: Some Data Spanning 10 Years Key words: transformer, insulation, oil insulation, condition monitoring Introduction Power transformers are expected to operate for several decades [1]. The insulating oil of a power transformer can be replaced if it becomes too degraded. However, it is obviously financially preferable to a utility that the insulating oil last as long as practically possible. Vegetable oils were among some of the earliest types of dielectric liquid, e.g., a team led by George Westinghouse used caster and linseed oils from the late 1880s onward [2]. However, a disadvantage was that the vegetable oils readily oxidized, and so mineral oils were adopted. In the mid to late 1990s there was renewed interest in vegetable oil–based dielectrics, to which antioxidants had been added [3]. Subsequently, vegetable oil– based transformer oils became commercially available. Initially, they were used only in smaller distribution transformers. However, as the electrical industry became more confident, they began to be used in ever larger power transformers from the early 2000s. A topic of high interest to utilities is the behavior of vegetable oil–based dielectrics in the field. Although laboratory-based investigations have been performed over several years, there is comparatively little data for operating transformers. Transformers that have used vegetable oil from the time of entering service are still only around 10 years old, and the utilities are not always willing to share their experiences. In Australia, the first power transformer using vegetable oil insulation (Envirotemp FR3), reported in this study, began operation in 2005. The substation was located in an environmentally sensitive area of New South Wales, and so a readily biodegradable and nontoxic transformer dielectric was chosen to minimize the impact of a possible spill. Since then the utility has purchased a further 15 power transformers using Envirotemp FR3, and in 2006 a power transformer using Envirotemp FR3 was manufactured for a UK utility. 44 Daniel Martin and Tapan Saha Power and Energy Systems, University of Queensland, St. Lucia, QLD 4072, Australia Lindsay McPherson Primary Systems, Essential Energy, Port Macquarie, NSW 2444, Australia Data for 17 fault-free vegetable oil– filled power transformers, in service for up to 10 years, are presented and analyzed. No significant changes in the properties of the oil during service were found. In this article we present condition monitoring data for these 17 transformers, aiming to add to current knowledge of the longterm use of vegetable oil dielectrics. Long-Term Use of Vegetable Oil–Based Dielectrics A vegetable oil is composed of triglyceride molecules [4]. Over time, if oxygen reacts with the triglycerides, acids and water will be generated, which then degrade the cellulosic paper insulation of the transformer [5], causing it to become brittle. Once the tensile strength of the paper falls to a quarter of its initial value, the paper is considered to be at the end of its function- 0883-7554/17/©2017/IEEE IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine Authorized licensed use limited to: Universiti Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia. Downloaded on January 11,2022 at 02:09:08 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. al life [6]. In addition, the viscosity of a vegetable oil exposed to oxygen gradually increases, until a gel forms [7]. To limit the extent of oxidation, the manufacturers of vegetable oil–based dielectrics add antioxidants to their products, e.g., 2,6-ditertiary-butyl-para-cresol, and specify that they must be used only in sealed transformers. Accelerated aging studies of vegetable oil–based dielectrics have been performed in the laboratory environment to verify their long-term stability. Their performance has been compared to that of mineral oil [8]–[11]. In general, vegetable oils are not as chemically stable as mineral oil. However, it has been recognized that accelerated aging tests are not reliable indicators of in-service performance, because the conditions differ [11]. Importantly, even if a vegetable oil is not as chemically stable as mineral oil, it may remain serviceable for as long as industry requires. Currently, very little data on in-service power transformers are available to compare with those from accelerated aging studies. This article presents a limited amount of such data. The Power Transformers Data on the condition of the vegetable oil in the 17 transformers mentioned in the Introduction were obtained from two utilities: a) a utility located in New South Wales, Australia (16 transformers, numbered 1–16 in Table 1, filled with Envirotemp FR3 manufactured by Cargill) and b) a utility located near London, UK (1 transformer, numbered 17 in Table 1, manufactured in the UK, also filled with Envirotemp FR3). Table 1. Specifications of the 17 transformers filled with Envirotemp FR3 Transformer Rated voltage (kV) Rated power (MVA) Year of manufacture 1 33/11 5/8 2008 KNAF 2 33/11 5/8 2007 KNAF 3 33/11 5/8 2007 KNAF 4 33/11 5/8 2009 KNAF 5 66/11 20 2014 KNAN 6 66/11 20 2014 KNAN 7 33/11 5/8 2007 KNAF 8 33/11 5/8 2007 KNAF 9 33/11 5/8 2006 KNAF 10 33/11 5/8 2010 KNAF 11 33/11 5/8 2010 KNAF 12 132/11 30 2013 KNAN 13 33/11 10/16 2005 KNAF 14 33/11 10/16 2007 KNAF 15 33/11 5/8 2008 KNAF 16 33/11 5/8 2011 KNAF 17 132/33 45/90 2006 KNAF Cooling type1 K indicates that the oil had a high fire point (>300°C); N indicates that it flowed naturally around the transformer tank, i.e., was not pumped; and AN and AF indicate, respectively, that air flowed naturally over the radiator bank or was forced with fans. 1 These transformers had KNAF or KNAN cooling, where K indicates that the oil had a high fire point (>300°C); N indicates that it flowed naturally around the transformer tank, i.e., was not pumped; and AN and AF indicate, respectively, that air flowed naturally over the radiator bank or was forced with fans. KNAF class transformers have two power ratings, the higher/lower rating for active/inactive fans. The data presented in this article are concerned with the condition of the vegetable oil, up to 10 years into its useful life. At such times the dielectric strength of the oil may fall to an unsafe level, or the oil may become acidic and shorten the remaining service lifetime of the transformer’s paper insulation. The IEEE [12] and IEC [13] have published guides describing test methods for fresh vegetable oils to be used in electrical equipment. The present study involved measurements of dielectric dissipation factor (DDF), interfacial tension (IFT), acid number, water content, and AC breakdown voltage. Dissolved gas analysis was also carried out. Measurements DDF Over time the oil in a transformer ages. Atmospheric oxygen enters the transformer tank and reacts chemically with the oil. As the oil oxidizes its DDF rises, and water is created by chemical reactions. The IEEE recommends limits for the DDF March/April — Vol. 33, No. 2 of mineral oil in a standard [14], but limits have not yet been recommended for in-service vegetable oils because of lack of data [12]. Instead, it is recommended that a DDF value exceeding 0.03 (or 3%), at room temperature, should trigger “prompt investigation” [12]. Figure 1 shows room temperature DDF values for oil samples taken from 10 of the transformers filled with Envirotemp FR3, and from two normally operating 33/11-kV, 10-MVA transformers M1 and M2 filled with mineral oil (not listed in Table 1). M1 and M2 were installed in the early 1980s. As can be seen, the DDF values for the vegetable oil samples are much higher than those for the two mineral-oil samples. This is to be expected because of differences in molecular structure [15]. Specifically, the oxygen atoms and carbon-carbon double bonds present in vegetable oil increase its polarity. It should be noted that the DDF values for the vegetable oil samples do not exceed the 3% limit suggested in [12]. IFT The IFT data are shown in Figure 2. The IFT of new mineral oil in new equipment should be higher than 38 mN/m [16]. As can be seen, the IFT values for the 20 vegetable oil samples are 45 Authorized licensed use limited to: Universiti Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia. Downloaded on January 11,2022 at 02:09:08 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. Figure 1. Room temperature dielectric dissipation factors (DDF) for 15 oil samples taken from 10 Envirotemp FR3–filled transformers, and for 4 mineral oil samples, 2 from each of transformers M1 and M2 (indicated by red arrows). The numbers on the vegetable oil symbols correspond to the transformer numbers in Table 1. considerably lower than 38 mN/m; this difference is caused by the different molecular structure of vegetable oil compared with mineral oil. The IFT value for sample 17 is noticeably lower than those for the other samples. This difference is probably due to a measurement error, since the IFT value for sample 17 recorded in later measurements was much larger (the IFT values for transformer oil samples are not expected to increase without intervention). Acid Number The acid number of an oil is the mass of the alkali potassium hydroxide (KOH) required to completely neutralize the acids in 1 g of oil. Some of the compounds in vegetable oil react with water or oxygen to form acids, which may be benign or aggressive toward the paper insulation of a transformer, depending on their molecular structure and the chemical reactions involved. Oxidation reactions generate short-chain acids, which then degrade the paper insulation, whereas hydrolysis reactions produce long-chain acids, which do not degrade the paper insulation [5]. Unfortunately, the acid number test used in industry [8] does not Figure 2. Room temperature interfacial tension (IFT) values for 20 oil samples taken from 14 Envirotemp FR3–filled transformers. 46 differentiate between long-chain and short-chain acids present in the oil. Vegetable oils contain higher concentrations of acid than mineral oil because of the hydrolysis reactions mentioned above; these reactions do not occur readily in mineral oil. Thus, the acid number limits recommended for vegetable oils should be higher than those recommended for mineral oil. The IEEE Std C57.152-2013 [14] recommends an in-service maximum acid number of 0.015 mg of KOH/g of oil for mineral oil and 0.06 mg of KOH/g of oil for natural ester (vegetable) oil. The maximum acid number recommended in standard IEC 60422 [16] for mineral oil is 0.03 mg of KOH/g of oil; at present the IEC does not recommend a maximum acid number for vegetable oil. The acid numbers for 22 vegetable oil samples taken from 16 Envirotemp FR3–filled transformers are given in Figure 3. It will be seen that there is no consistent increase in acid number with time, suggesting that any degradation of the oil was insignificant over a period of 10 years. Degradation is caused by reactions with oxygen, which generate unwanted acids. Thus, a rise in acid number over time could indicate that the sealing of the transformer has failed, allowing ingress of air. Water Content of the Oil (WCO) The mass of water within the tank of a transformer can increase due to ingress of moisture, or to chemical reactions between the insulation and oxygen. The WCO is defined as the mass of water dissolved in the oil per unit mass of oil, and is usually expressed in ppm. Excessive levels of water can cause two problems: 1) The breakdown voltage of the oil falls. Limits for WCO in mineral oil are set to ensure that the breakdown voltage remains sufficiently high for continued reliable operation of the transformer. The breakdown voltage is influenced by the water concentration in the oil, and the number (and size distribution) of particles floating in the oil [10]. However, the relationship between water concentration in the oil and breakdown voltage is a function of the percentage Figure 3. Acid numbers for 22 oil samples taken from 16 Envirotemp FR3–filled transformers. Some data points overlapped sufficiently to be indistinguishable. IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine Authorized licensed use limited to: Universiti Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia. Downloaded on January 11,2022 at 02:09:08 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. water saturation of the oil, not the absolute WCO value [10], [17], [18]. The percentage saturation at temperature T [PS(T)] is defined as the WCO (expressed in ppm) divided by the corresponding WCO when the oil is fully saturated with water, multiplied by 100. Thus, PS(T ) = WCO 10A−B /T ⋅ 100, (1) where A = 6, B = 881.39 K [19], and T is the absolute temperature. Vegetable oil can dissolve much more water than mineral oil at the same temperature, e.g., 1,000 ppm for vegetable oil and 50 ppm for mineral oil at ambient temperature [11]. 2) The paper insulation may also become wet, defined in an IEEE guide [20] as the condition when the water content of the paper exceeds 2% by weight. Under such conditions the transformer could fail during emergency loading, if the temperature of the insulation became sufficiently high that water bubbles were ejected from the insulation and moved to points between the turns of a winding. Flashover might then occur. It has been reported [21] that the temperature at which bubbles form in Envirotemp FR3 is several °C higher than the corresponding temperature in mineral oil. However, the higher viscosity of Envirotemp FR3 would probably cause a transformer to operate, at rated load, at a temperature slightly higher than that at which it would operate if filled with mineral oil [22]. Utilities should bear this in mind in connection with emergency loading. WCO will change with the loading of a transformer because the paper insulation adsorbs/desorbs water from the oil when the oil cools/heats. Although the temperature of the oil is usually measured on sampling, the immediate loading history of the transformer is usually not known. Since the time constant for the migration of water in and out of the paper insulation is of the order of days [23], the WCO of an oil sample may not have equilibrated at the time of measurement. Measured WCO values for 87 oil samples taken from 17 transformers are shown in Figure 4, and the corresponding oil temperatures in Figure 5. Since vegetable oil can dissolve more water than mineral oil at the same temperature, it is probably more informative to express water content in terms of percentage saturation, calculated using (1). The relevant plot appears in Figure 6, in which data for the two 10-MVA mineral oil–filled transformers M1 and M2, analyzed in [24], are also presented. The percentage saturation values for the two M2 samples are very similar to those for the vegetable oil samples, but the two M1 samples significantly exceed the two M2 samples. Figure 4. Water content of oil values for 87 oil samples taken from 17 Envirotemp FR3–filled transformers. requirement of the transformer oil, it must be met regardless of the type of oil. The recommended minimum breakdown voltage for normal operation is dependent on the rated voltage of the transformer, either 40 kV for a transformer rated below 72 kV, or 50 kV for a transformer rated between 72 and 170 kV. The breakdown voltages of 21 Envirotemp FR3 samples, taken from 16 transformers, and four mineral oil samples, two from each of the transformers M1 and M2, are shown in Figure 7. Even after seven years in service there is little difference between the two oils. Dissolved Gas Analysis and Fault Diagnosis The concentrations of certain gases dissolved in the transformer oil are used to detect and diagnose thermal or electrical faults within the transformer tank. Overheating and electrical activity break down the oil, generating hydrogen (H2), ethane (C2H6), ethylene (C2H4), methane (CH4), acetylene (C2H2), carbon monoxide (CO), and carbon dioxide (CO2). These concentrations and the concentration ratios between certain pairs of gases are used to diagnose the type and severity of faults. Diagnosis standards for faults in mineral oil–filled transformers using gas ratios have been published by IEEE [26] and IEC [27]. Duval et al. [28]–[30] and Khan [31] independently AC Breakdown Voltage The breakdown voltages of the vegetable oil samples were compared with the limits for mineral oil recommended in IEC standard 60422 [16], which is based on the method given in standard IEC 60156 [25]. Since a high breakdown voltage is a March/April — Vol. 33, No. 2 Figure 5. Temperatures of the same oil samples as in Figure 4. 47 Authorized licensed use limited to: Universiti Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia. Downloaded on January 11,2022 at 02:09:08 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. Figure 6. Percentage water saturation values for 87 oil samples taken from 17 Envirotemp FR3–filled transformers, and for four mineral oil samples, two from each of the transformers M1 and M2 (indicated by red arrows). investigated the gas concentration ratios associated with thermal and electrical faults in transformers filled with Envirotemp FR3. Their key findings were that Envirotemp FR3 • generates the same gases as mineral oil in the presence of faults, but with different concentration ratios; • generates these gases (except ethane) in lower concentrations than mineral oil, so that more precise measurement equipment is required for Envirotemp FR3; and • generates ethane in larger concentrations than mineral oil. Further work on the dissolved gas content of Envirotemp FR3 in a fault-free operating power transformer has been reported by Martin et al. [32], [33]. The motivation of that work was that, while Duval and Khan [28]–[31] had investigated the effect of faults on gas generation, Martin et al. believed that in 2010 to 2011 there were insufficient data showing beyond reasonable doubt that a power transformer was in a fault-free condition. Low concentrations of gases can accumulate in transformer in- Figure 7. Breakdown voltage values for 21 vegetable oil samples, taken from 16 Envirotemp FR3–filled transformers, and four mineral oil samples, two from each of the transformers M1 and M2 (indicated by red arrows). 48 Figure 8. Measured concentrations (in ppm) of ethylene in 92 samples of vegetable oil taken from 17 Envirotemp FR3–filled transformers. sulating oils during normal operation, complicating diagnosis of the transformer condition. Thus, concentrations of several tens of ppm of ethylene and methane were found in mineral oil undergoing laboratory investigations at temperatures typical of normal transformer operation [34]. Gases can also be generated by chemical reactions that are not due to faults, e.g., chemical reactions between core steel and oil have been known to generate hydrogen [27]. Since the Duval triangle method uses methane, ethylene, and acetylene for diagnosis of faults in Envirotemp FR3, the concentrations of these three gases (and also of ethane, oxygen, and hydrogen) in the oil of the transformers involved in the present study were measured. In every oil sample the acetylene concentration was below the detection limit of the laboratory. This result is significant because accumulation of acetylene can indicate serious arcing within the transformer tank [27]. A large majority of the measured concentrations of ethylene and methane, shown in Figures 8 and 9 respectively, are of order several ppm, much lower than would be expected if a thermal or electrical fault were present. According to [27], typical gas concentration values for operating mineral oil–filled transformers are 60 to 280 ppm for ethylene and 30 to 130 ppm for methane. Thus, it is very unlikely that faults existed in any of the 17 transformers. Figure 9. Measured concentrations (in ppm) of methane in 92 samples of vegetable oil taken from 17 Envirotemp FR3–filled transformers. IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine Authorized licensed use limited to: Universiti Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia. Downloaded on January 11,2022 at 02:09:08 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. Figure 10. Measured concentrations (in ppm) of ethane in 92 samples of vegetable oil taken from 17 Envirotemp FR3–filled transformers. Figure 12. Measured concentrations (in ppm) of hydrogen in 92 samples of vegetable oil taken from 17 Envirotemp FR3–filled transformers. Some of the chemical constituents of vegetable oil, in particular linolenic acid, are known to react with oxygen, thereby generating ethane [35]. It follows that an unexpected increase in the concentration of ethane in the oil could be an indication that oxygen is leaking into the transformer tank. The measured concentrations of ethane, shown in Figure 10, are similar to those measured in a 132/11/11-kV 50-MVA power transformer, also filled with Envirotemp FR3 [32], [33]. The ethane levels for a given transformer do not increase consistently with time in service, and therefore no leaks are suspected. A large fraction of the 92 oxygen concentrations shown in Figure 11 lie within the range 0 to 6,000 ppm by volume; only eight exceed 10,000 ppm by volume. The latter are probably due to the samples being contaminated by air, because subsequent measurements yielded much lower concentrations. The hydrogen concentrations in the Envirotemp FR3 oil samples are shown in Figure 12; the corresponding concentrations in mineral oil [27] are of order 50 to 150 ppm by volume. The concentrations in the oil samples from transformers 3 and 16 are very high in comparison with those reported in previous studies [32], [33]. It is stated in IEC guide 60599 [27] that a) hydrogen can be generated by chemical reactions involving steel, uncoated surfaces or protective paints, or by the decomposition of thin oil films between overheated core laminates at temperatures of 140°C and above and b) hydrogen has been detected in transformers that have never been energized. In connection with (a), if core laminates are heated to 140°C and above, it would be expected that gases indicative of a thermal fault, e.g., methane, would also be found. Duval developed two extra triangles to distinguish between stray gassing and a fault [29]. These triangles compare the ratio of the concentrations of hydrogen and ethane, generated by stray gassing, with the ratio of the concentrations of methane and ethylene, generated by a thermal fault. For transformers 3 and 16 the levels of hydrogen and ethane are much higher than those of methane and ethylene. Consequently, the diagnosis is that the high hydrogen concentrations shown in Figure 12 do not indicate a fault, and should therefore be disregarded. Conclusions Figure 11. Measured concentrations (in ppm) of oxygen in 92 samples of vegetable oil taken from 17 Envirotemp FR3–filled transformers. March/April — Vol. 33, No. 2 The test methods used to confirm normal operation of a mineral oil–filled transformer can also be used with vegetable oils. However, the recommended gas concentration limits will be different. Although the performance of vegetable oils has been investigated under laboratory conditions, many more in-the-field data are needed to establish gas concentration limits that can be considered as representative of normal transformer operation. In this article we have provided some such data. Although vegetable oils are known to have an inherently lower oxidation stability than mineral oil, we believe that our data strongly suggest that, as long as the tank is sealed, Envirotemp FR3 oil is effective over the long term, say at least 10 years, as transformer insulation. The three measures that indicate degradation of oil, i.e., acidity, DDF, and IFT, do not show a consis- 49 Authorized licensed use limited to: Universiti Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia. Downloaded on January 11,2022 at 02:09:08 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. tent change with time in service. Furthermore, the breakdown voltage of the oil remains higher than the 40- or 50-kV limit recommended in [16], indicating that the oil is still behaving satisfactorily as insulation. [22] [23] Acknowledgments The authors wish to thank Paul Dyer, UKPN, for providing measurement data for analysis, and for discussion of the experiences of a UK utility when using Envirotemp FR3–filled transformers. 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Schaich, “Lipid oxidation: Theoretical aspects,” in Bailey’s Industrial Oil and Fat Products, 6th ed. New York, NY: John Wiley and Sons Inc., 2005. Daniel Martin received the BEng degree in electrical and electronic engineering (with study abroad in Germany) from the University of Brighton, UK, in 2000. He joined Racal Electronics, which became the international electronics company Thales, working on communication and aircraft systems. He left Thales in 2004 to pursue his PhD degree in electrical insulation at the University of Manchester, UK. He investigated the suitability of using vegetable oils and synthetic esters as substitutes for mineral oil within large power transformers, and graduated in 2008. He joined Monash University in Australia working on transformer condition monitoring, and quickly assumed the directorship of the Centre for Power Transformer Monitoring. At the beginning of 2013 he moved to the University of Queensland, Australia, continuing his work on developing innovative tools for transformer condition monitoring, funded by the local utilities. IEEE Electrical Insulation Magazine Authorized licensed use limited to: Universiti Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia. Downloaded on January 11,2022 at 02:09:08 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. Tapan K. Saha (SM ’97) was born in Bangladesh and immigrated to Australia in 1989. Currently, he is a professor of electrical engineering in the School of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia. Before joining the University of Queensland, he taught at the Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology, Dhaka, for three and a half years and then at James Cook University, Townsville, Australia, for two and a half years. His research interests include power systems, power quality, and condition monitoring of electrical plants. Saha is a Fellow of the Institution of Engineers, Australia. Lindsay McPherson commenced work as an electrical apprentice in 1973. He gained experience and skills with six electrical utilities in regional NSW, covering a broad range of activities including electrical design, construction, operation, maintenance, and management of distribution and sub-transmission networks. During March/April — Vol. 33, No. 2 the past 25 years his particular interest has been in the field of primary high voltage substation assets. Currently, as part of a diverse engineering team, he is responsible for the management of Essential Energy’s primary Sub-Transmission and Zone Substation Assets, which range up to 132 kV and are situated in 400 locations across regional NSW. As engineering manager of Zone Substations, Essential Energy, he is part of the substation Asset Management Team located in Port Macquarie and Wagga Wagga, NSW. In this role he is responsible for new power transformer procurement. In certain Essential Energy installations, transformers operating with vegetable-based oil have been used to reduce fire and environmental risks. Since the use of vegetable oils in Essential Energy’s network began in 2006, he has developed a keen interest in understanding their behavior and aging characteristics, and associated transformer performance over time. 51 Authorized licensed use limited to: Universiti Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia. Downloaded on January 11,2022 at 02:09:08 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.