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Cambridge IGCSE Lab practical

Cambridge IGCSE
Laboratory Practical (ref: ISBN 9781444192193)
1.0 Topic: General Physics
1.1 Simple pendulum
1.2 Density
1.3 Motion
1.4 Hooke’s Law
1.5 Balancing a beam
1.6 Centre of mass
1.7 Pressure
2.0 Topic: Thermal Physics
2.1 Specific heat capacity
2.2 Specific latent heat
2.3 Conduction and radiation
3.0 Topic: Properties of waves
3.1 Law of reflection
3.2 Refraction of light
3.3 Lenses
3.4 Speed of sound
4.0 Topic: Electricity and magnetism
4.1 Electric charges and currents
4.2 Resistance
4.3 Potential divider
4.4 Magnetism
4.5 Electromagnetism
4.6 Electric motor
Topic: Atomic physics
Cambridge IGCSE
Laboratory Practical (ref: ISBN 9781444192209)
Topic 1.0 The particulate nature of matter
1.1 Rate of diffusion of ammonia and hydrogen chloride (Teacher demonstration)
1.2 Reaction of potassium iodide with lead(II) nitrate
1.3 Sublimation of iodine
Topic 2.0 Elements, compounds and experimental techniques
2.1 Rock salt; an important raw material
2.2 Ascending chromatography
2.3 Elements, mixtures and compounds (Part 1 Teacher demonstration)
Topic 3.0 Atomic structure and bonding
3.1 Structure of substances
3.2 Properties of ionic and covalent substances
3.3 Electrolysis of solutions
Topic 4 Stoichiometry- chemical calculations
4.1 Determination of the formula of magnesium oxide
4.2 Determination of the volume occupied by one mole of a gas
4.3 Determination of the percentage yield of a chemical reaction
Topic 5 Electricity and chemistry
5.1 Electrolysis of lead(II) bromide (Teacher demonstration)
5.2 Electrolysis of water (Teacher demonstration)
5.3 Electrolysis of brine (Teacher demonstration)
Topic 6 Chemical energetics
6.1 Electrochemical cells: chemical energy to electrical energy
6.2 Calculating the energy of combustion of methanol and ethanol
6.3 Determination of the energy change of a displacement reaction
Topic 7 Chemical reactions
7.1 How does changing surface area affect the rate of a reaction?
7.2 What is the effect of changing the temperature on the rate of a reaction
7.3 What is the effect of changing the concentration on the rate of a reaction?
Topic 8 Acids, bases and salts
8.1 Hydrated salts: how much water do they contain?
8.2 Determination of the concentration of a solution of hydrochloric acid
8.3 Preparation of hydrated magnesium sulfate
Topic 9 The Periodic Table
9.1 Reactions of the Group 1 metals (Teacher demonstration)
9.2 Halogen displacement reactions
9.3 Using transition metal ions as catalysts
Topic 10 Metals
10.1 Metal displacement reactions
10.2 Rusting of iron
10.3 Metal reactivity
Topic 11 Air and water
11.1 The active part of the air (Teacher demonstration)
11.2 Making a fertiliser
11.3 The effects of add rain
Topic 12 Sulfur
12.1 Sulfuric acid: a useful quantitative analytical chemical
12.2 Concentrated sulfuric acid (Teacher demonstration)
12.3 Properties of dilute sulfuric acid
Topic 13 Inorganic carbon chemistry
13.1 Limestone: a useful resource
13.2 Does the food we eat contain carbon?
13.3 Carbon dioxide
Topic 14 Organic chemistry 1
14.1 Is methane a hydrocarbon?
14.2 Difference between alkanes and alkenes
14.3 Hydrocarbons can form isomers
Topic 15 Organic chemistry 2
15.1 Organic structures and functional groups
15.2 Nylon rope trick (Teacher demonstration)
15.3 Properties of dilute ethanoic acid
Topic 16 Experimental chemistry
16.1 Missing labels from reagent bottles: what a problem!
16.2 Using flame colours to identify unknown metal ions
16.3 How pure is your water supply?
Cambridge IGCSE
Laboratory Practical (ref: ISBN 9781444191615)
Topic 1 Characteristics and classification of living organisms
1.1 Dichotomous keys
Topic 2 Organisation and maintenance
of the organism
2.1 Plant cells
2.2 Animal cells
Topic 3 Movement in and out of cells
3.1 Osmosis and water flow
3.2 Turgor in potato tissue
3.3 Osmosis and turgor
3.4 Plasmolysis
3.5 Partial permeability (dialysis)
Topic 4 Biological molecules
4.1 Food tests
4.2 Application of the food tests
Topic 5 Enzymes
5.1 Extracting and testing an enzyme
5.2 The effect of temperature on an enzyme reaction
5.3 The effect of pH on an enzyme reaction
Topic 6 Plant nutrition
6.1 Is chlorophyll necessary for photosynthesis?
6.2 Is light necessary for photosynthesis?
6.3 Is carbon dioxide needed for photosynthesis?
6.4 Is oxygen produced during photosynthesis?
6.5 The effect of light intensity on the rate of photosynthesis
6.6 Gaseous exchange during photosynthesis
6.7 The importance of different mineral elements
Topic 7 Human nutrition
7.1 Energy from food
Topic 8 Transport in plants
8.1 Transport in vascular bundles
8.2 Rates of water uptake in different conditions
8.3 To find out which surface of a leaf loses more water vapour
Topic 9 Transport in animals
9.1 Physical activity and pulse rate
Topic 11 Gas exchange in humans
11.1 Oxygen in exhaled air
11.2 Carbon dioxide in exhaled air
11.3 Volume of air in the lungs
Topic 12 Respiration
12.1 Using up oxygen during respiration
12.2 Releasing energy in respiration
12.3 Anaerobic respiration in yeast
Topic 14 Co-ordination and response
14.1 Gravitropism in pea radicles
14.2 Phototropism in shoots
14.3 Region of response
Topic 16 Reproduction
16.1 Insect pollinated flowers
16.2 The growth of pollen tubes
16.3 Germination: The need for water
16.4 Temperature and germination
Topic 20 Biotechnology and genetic Engineering
20.1 The effect of pectinase on fruit pulp