Distributed Deep Reinforcement Learning with Wideband Sensing for Dynamic Spectrum Access Umuralp Kaytaz∗ , Seyhan Ucar‡ , Baris Akgun† and Sinem Coleri∗ Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Koc University Istanbul Turkey∗ Department of Computer Engineering, Koc University Istanbul Turkey† InfoTech Labs, Toyota Motor North America R&D, Mountain View, CA ‡ {ukaytaz@ku.edu.tr, seyhan.ucar@toyota.com, baakgun@ku.edu.tr, scoleri@ku.edu.tr} Abstract—Dynamic Spectrum Access (DSA) improves spectrum utilization by allowing secondary users (SUs) to opportunistically access temporary idle periods in the primary user (PU) channels. Previous studies on utility maximizing spectrum access strategies mostly require complete network state information, therefore, may not be practical. Model-free reinforcement learning (RL) based methods, such as Q-learning, on the other hand, are promising adaptive solutions that do not require complete network information. In this paper, we tackle this research dilemma and propose deep Q-learning originated spectrum access (DQLS) based decentralized and centralized channel selection methods for network utility maximization, namely DEcentralized Spectrum Allocation (DESA) and Centralized Spectrum Allocation (CSA), respectively. Actions that are generated through centralized deep Q-network (DQN) are utilized in CSA whereas the DESA adopts a non-cooperative approach in spectrum decisions. We use extensive simulations to investigate spectrum utilization of our proposed methods for varying primary and secondary network sizes. Our findings demonstrate that proposed methods significantly outperform traditional methods, including slotted-Aloha and random assignment, while %88 of optimal channel access is achieved. Index Terms—Cognitive radio, dynamic spectrum access, deep reinforcement learning, medium access control (MAC). I. I NTRODUCTION Cognitive Radio (CR) is a promising technology for emerging wireless communication systems due to its efficient utilization of the frequency bands. CR enhances temporal and spatial efficiency by exploiting temporary idle periods, a.k.a spectrum holes in the frequency usage. Dynamic Spectrum Access (DSA) plays a central role in CR networks by allowing secondary users (SUs) to opportunistically access spectrum holes in the PU channels. Network utility maximization during DSA requires efficient frequency selection and minimal interference. Previous studies on DSA related channel selection strategies mostly require complete network state information, so, may not be practical [1]–[3]. Modelfree reinforcement learning (RL) based methods, such as Qlearning, on the other hand, are promising solutions that do not require complete network information [4]. Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) adopts deep neural network (DNN) architectures for approximating the objective values during the learning [5]. High-dimensional spectrum assignment problem, which includes large number of actions and states space, can be solved via DRL without any prior knowledge about the network state and/or environment. Up to now, several works with RL and/or deep RL (DRL) have been proposed with the aim of interference avoidance and/or utility maximization in CR networks. DRL based frequency allocation has been investigated for maximizing the number of successful transmissions in [6]. A similar approach has been proposed in [7] to maximize the network utility during spectrum access via Deep Q-network (DQN). Deep Q-learning (DQL) and narrowband sensing policy has been examined for heterogeneous networks that operate different MAC protocols [8]. However, narrowband sensing adopted in these studies limits the usage of multiple spectral opportunities. [9] examines multi-agent RL with wideband sensing for learning sensing policies in a distributed manner. Different from the proposed architecture, we focus on spectrum assignment and primary system frequency allocations. Wideband sensing with DQN based access policy has been investigated for utility maximization of a single SU [10]. However, existence of multiple cognitive agents in different primary network settings and effect of centralized policy learning is omitted in the presented work. In this paper, we propose DQL and wideband sensing based multiple SU utility maximization for the first time in the literature. The original contribution of this study is threefold. First, we develop a Markov Decision Process (MDP) formulation for utility maximization during secondary system decision making based on wideband sensing. Second, we propose novel decentralized and centralized spectrum selection methods based on wideband sensing, namely DEcentralized Spectrum Allocation (DESA) and Centralized Spectrum Allocation (CSA), respectively. Third, we investigate the spectrum utilization of the proposed spectrum allocation methods for varying primary and secondary network sizes. The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. Section II describes the system model. Section III presents the formulation and RL based learning methods. DQN architecture and DQL-based spectrum allocation algorithms are provided in Section IV. Section V details simulation setup and analyzes experimental outcomes. Finally, we present our concluding remarks in Section VI. II. S YSTEM M ODEL Fig. 1 represents IEEE 802.22 standard and Wireless Regional Area Network (WRAN) adopted network architecture. PUs and SUs are assumed to be WRAN Base Station (BS) IV. A PPROACH q π (s, a) = Eπ X ∞ γ k rt+k+1 st = s, at = a k=0 (2) There exists an optimal deterministic stationary policy for each MDP model [11]. This policy maximizes the expected reward returned from a state in the MDP model with unknown transition probabilities. Optimal state-value function v∗ and optimal action-value function q∗ for all s ∈ S and a ∈ A under policy π can be denoted as follows; v∗ (s) = max v π (s) (3) q∗ (s, a) = max q π (s, a) (4) π π C. Q-Learning Q-learning is a widely-used control algorithm for policy independent approximation of optimal action-value function (q∗) based on Bellman optimality equations. In the absence of state transition probabilities P, optimal policy calculation requires approximation of optimal value functions, q∗ and v∗, for utility maximization. Bellman optimality equations allow policy independent representations and recursive calculation for optimal value functions [4]. These equations are; Next, we describe our DQN architecture and algorithms for DQL based spectrum allocation. First, we explain our DQN architecture detailing hyperparameters selected for the learning procedure. Later on, we present wideband sensing based DQL algorithm for single SU frequency selections. Finally, we elaborate on our proposed centralized and decentralized DRL architectures for multi-user utility maximization during secondary system spectrum decisions. A. Deep Q-Network Q-learning calculation requires memorization and representation of Q-values during the expected reward calculation. DQN is a deep reinforcement learning method that uses deep neural network architecture for value storage and expected utility approximation during Q-learning procedure. Using DQN allows complex mapping of high-dimensional statespace representations to action-values [6], [7]. Our DQN training procedure uses experience replay technique. With this approach, we ensure convergent and stable training of DQN model by sampling past experience at each batch and training on decorrelated examples [12]. Table II: Hyperparameters for DQN v∗ (s) = max E[ rt+1 + γv∗ (st+1 ) | st = s, at = a ] a (5) Hyperparameter Number of episodes Number of time slots Number of layers Batch size B Memory size Learning rate α Discount factor γ Exploration rate ǫ Epsilon decay Loss function Optimizer q∗ (s, a) = E[ rt+1 + γ max q∗ (st+1 , at+1 ) | st = s, at = a ] at+1 (6) Learning algorithm uses multiple experiences and one-step look-ahead approach for recursively approximating q∗ values, in which, experience represents a sample taken from the MDP model. An Experience at time slot t can be denoted using et = hst , at , rt , st+1 i. Q-learning uses the following update rule for solving the MDP formulation and approximating q∗ values; q(s, a) ← − q(s, a) + ∆q(s, a) (7) using learning rate α, ∆q(s, a) is defined as; h i ∆q(s, a) = α rt + γ max q(st+1 , at ) − q(st , at ) at Table I: Reinforcement Learning Notation Notation γ π rt st at v π (s) q π (s, a) v∗ (s) q∗ (s, a) et = hst , at , rt , st+1 i Description Discount factor Policy Reward observed at time t State at time t Action taken at time t State-value function under policy π Action-value function under policy π Optimal state-value function Optimal action-value function Experience at time t (8) Value 200 10000 5 10 2000 0.001 0.95 1.0 − → 0.01 0.997 Huber Adam Feed-forward network consists of 5 fully connected layers, where input is the state si . Input layer is of size 1 x N and output layer is a vector of action set A. Hidden layers are of size 30, 20, 10 and use ReLU activation function that computes f (x) = max(x, 0). Last layer of the P network uses softmax activation function σ(xj ) = exj / i exi for predicting Q-value of each action. We chose Adam gradient descent optimization algorithm for updating weights during DQN training [13]. Huber loss has been chosen as the loss function during back propagation due to its robustness against outliers [14]. At each iteration i, Adam algorithm is used to update weights θi of the DQN for minimizing loss function Li (θi ) = ( 1 2 (yi 2 − Qi ) c|yi − Qi | − 21 c2 f or |yi − Qi | ≤ c otherwise (9) where yi = E[ ri+1 + γ maxa′ q∗ (si+1 , a′ )] is calculated with the DQN using weights θi−1 from previous iteration, Qi = q(si , a|θi ) and c = 1.0 as presented in Table II. Algorithm 1: DQL originated Spectrum Access (DQLS) Input: S ← − primary system channel occupation Output: DQN target Data: M em : Memory, b : minibatch train 1 Initialize DQN , DQN target ← − DQN (S, A) 2 for each episode Et do 3 for each state st ∈ Et do 4 Compute at = DQN train .get action(st ) 5 at ← − exploration with prob. ǫ 6 Compute rt = DQN train .get reward(st , at ) 7 Get next state st+1 8 Store M em.store(et = hst , at , rt , st+1 i) 9 Update st ← − st+1 10 if |M em| > B then 11 Compute b = M em.sample(B) 12 for each ei in b do 13 Compute t = E[ ri+1 + γ maxai+1 q∗ (si+1 , ai+1 )] 14 Compute DQN train .train(si , t) 15 weights Update DQN target ←−−−−− DQN train B. DQL originated Spectrum Access Algorithm (DQLS) Algorithm 1 is executed for learning spectrum decision policies based on detected PU channel allocations. Learning is triggered upon receiving primary system channel information from the environment using wideband sensing. First, two DQN implementations (DQN train , DQN target ) are initialized for the experience replay procedure using state space S and action space A (Line 1). Training lasts for a predetermined amount of episodes (Lines 2-16). At each episode randomly generated PU spectrum decisions are determined using wideband sensing (Lines 3-15). Action at corresponding to the highest expected utility is returned by the DQN train given the current PU channel occupations st (Line 4). Training procedure uses ǫ-greedy policy for choosing random actions over actions that return highest expected utility with probability ǫ (Line 5). Exploration is necessary in order to find better action selections that result in higher reward signals. We linearly decrease the 0.997 exploration rate ǫ (1.0 −−−→ 0.01) by epsilon decay for a balanced exploration-exploitation trade-off. Immediate reward obtained by the selected action is recorded for the rest of the training procedure (Line 6). After getting the channel occupation in the subsequent time slot current state is updated and an experience et is stored in the memory M em using action at , states st , st+1 and immediate reward rt (Lines 7-9). As the experience count surpasses the predetermined batch size B, experiences are randomly sampled from the memory to form a minibatch and train on decorrelated experiences (Lines 10-11). Based on the information contained in each experience, Q-value Q(s, a) of that state-action pair is calculated and DQN model DQN train is trained (Lines 12-14). After each episode learned weights by the training model DQN train is used for updating the target model DQN target (Line 15). Algorithm 2: Centralized Spectrum Allocation (CSA) Input: K ← −number of SUs, N ← − number of PUs Output: Setaction : Secondary system actions Data: si ← − state during i-th slot 1 Compute |A| ← − (N + 1)K action 2 Initialize Set = {}, assignedch = 0 target 3 Train DQN , DQN train ← − DQLS target 4 Compute a = DQN .get action(si ) ch 5 while assigned 6= K do ch 6 Update |A| ← − (N + 1)K−assigned −1 7 Compute P U index = ⌊(a/|A|)⌋ 8 Update Setaction .append(P U index) 9 Update a = a mod |A| 10 Update assignedch += 1 C. Centralized Spectrum Allocation Algorithm (CSA) Centralized DQL architecture uses Centralized Spectrum Allocation Algorithm (CSA) for learning spectrum decision policies. After obtaining primary system channel occupation patterns using distributed sensing [9], Algorithm 2 is run for determining secondary system spectrum decisions. Initially the number of possible actions, action space size, is calculated considering each of K SUs has (N+1) actions for N detected PU channels (Line 1). An empty set of actions Setaction is created with a variable assignedch for counting the number of assigned SU actions (Line 2). Centralized DQN is trained and an action number for encoding all individual actions of K SUs is computed using single DQN based DQLS algorithm (Lines 3-4). Action code a, generated by the central DQN for a given state si , is decoded into separate action numbers until all SUs have an assigned action (Lines 5-10). For each individual SU action this procedure keeps the action of remaining SUs as a subset and divides the action code to possible number of remaining actions ch (N + 1)K−assigned −1 (Lines 6-7). During the rest of the procedure action code representing the cumulative actions of remaining SUs and number assigned SU actions are updated (Lines 9-10). After the calculation of the current channel assigned to the SU, immediate reward signal is obtained from the environment and total utility is updated (Lines 12-13). D. Decentralized Spectrum Allocation Algorithm (DESA) Decentralized policy learning architecture consists of noncooperative secondary BSs that perform independent wideband sensing and policy learning during DSA. Initially, each secondary BS SU performs wideband sensing individually and determines primary system channel allocations. Based on spectrum occupancy information, SUs are trained using the proposed DQLS algorithm (Lines 1-2). Upon completion of the training procedure, secondary BSs choose the S action and primary channel index, which provide the highest expected utility given state sj at the current time slot j (Lines 3-4). 500 3 4 for each SU ∈ secondary system do target Compute aj = DQNSU .get action(sj ) V. S IMULATIONS A. Simulation Setup Simulations of CSA and DESA algorithms have been implemented for centralized and decentralized spectrum decision scenarios using open-source neural-network library Keras [15] and numerical computation library TensorFlow [16]. CSA uses a single DQN for generating secondary system actions during DSA. Central DQN in the CSA is aware of the primary system channels, which are detected by the SUs using wideband sensing approach. During the DESA, each SU has been modeled as a learning cognitive agent that is capable of performing sensing and policy learning operations independently. We have modeled PU channels as independent 2-state Markov chains that can either be in 1 (occupied) or 0 (vacant) state. Similar to previous work in [10], namely DQN-based access policy (DQNP), we have implemented DSA for N = 20 channels each assigned to a different PU with randomly generated transition probability matrices {Pi }20 i=1 . Network utility performance under CSA and DESA have been compared with classical slotted-Aloha protocol and optimal policy performance. Expected channel throughput under slotted-Aloha protocol at a given time-slot i is given by ni pi = (1 − pi )ni −1 , where pi represents transmission probability and ni is number of SUs in the CR environment [7]. For the optimal policy performance comparison we have implemented fixed-pattern channel switching based optimal policy (OP) algorithm proposed in [6]. Each of the simulations were carried out for T = 10, 000 time slots and E = 200 episodes. We have used average SU utility per episode as the performance evaluation metric for representing average cumulative reward gained by SUs at each episode. B. Simulation Results We first present simulation results for spectrum decisions of a single SU coexisting with multiple PUs in the CR environment. Fig. 2 shows average SU utility per episode obtained by a single SU spectrum decisions under DQLS. Note that network scenario with 1 SU and 20 PUs corresponds to the architecture proposed for DQNP. We have two observations from Fig. 2. First, average SU throughput 400 350 300 250 200 DQLS 1 SU 15 PU DQLS 1 SU 20 PU (DQNP) DQLS 1 SU 25 PU OP 1 SU 25 PU OP 1 SU 20 PU OP 1SU 15 PU 150 100 50 0 0 50 100 150 200 Episodes Figure 2: DQLS versus optimal channel access policy increases as the number of detected PU channels decreases. Low cardinality of the action space enables SU to learn a better channel selection policy. Therefore, a higher value of cumulative utility is obtained at the end of each episode as the number of PU per SU decreases. Second, convergence to DQN-based access policy takes longer with increasing number of detected PU channels. Increasing complexity in the CR network results in higher dimensionality of action and state space representations, hence policy learning from channel occupancy observations slows down. Fig 3 shows average spectrum selection performance of SUs under CSA. During simulations, the number of PU channels is set to 20 while the number of base stations in the secondary system vary as 2, 3 and 4. Similar to the results presented in Fig 2, SUs perform better with DQN based channel selection strategy as the number of available PU channels per SU decreases. Different from slotted-Aloha based medium access, average utility under CSA increases with increasing number of SU. Furthermore, CSA-based spectrum policy performance surpasses random access and slotted-Aloha based spectrum decisions as the number of SU increases to 4. On the other hand, 52% of optimal policy performance is achieved. Fig 4 depicts the performance of non-cooperative SUs under DESA. Similar to the results depicted in Fig 2 and Average SU Utility per Episode Algorithm 3: Decentralized Spectrum Allocation (DESA) Input: S ← − primary system channel occupation Output: aj : PU channel at j-th slot Data: sj ← − state at j-th slot 1 for each SU ∈ secondary system do target train , DQNSU ← − DQLS 2 Train DQNSU Average SU Utility per Episode 450 550 500 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 −50 −100 OP 20 PU 4 SU OP 20 PU 2 SU CSA 20 PU 4 SU CSA 20 PU 2 SU Slotted Aloha 20 PU 4 SU Slotted Aloha 20 PU 2 SU Random Access Policy 0 50 100 150 200 Episodes Figure 3: Spectrum policy performance under CSA Average SU Utility per Episode R EFERENCES 550 500 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 −50 −100 OP 20 PU 4 SU OP 20 PU 2 SU DESA 20 PU 4 SU DESA 20 PU 2 SU Slotted Aloha 20 PU 4 SU Slotted Aloha 20 PU 2 SU Random Access Policy 0 50 100 150 200 Episodes Figure 4: Spectrum policy performance under DESA Fig 3, DESA-based channel access results show that increasing number of SUs increases the average performance of DQN-based spectrum policy. It’s evident that DESAbased spectrum assignment outperforms other approaches. Furthermore, this performance gap drastically increases as the number of SU reaches to 4. Compared to results obtained by centralized spectrum assignment under CSA, we observe that independent policy learning in the decentralized scenario results in higher average network utility values. Furthermore, 88% of optimal policy performance is achieved as 20 PUs and 4 SUs are available in the CR environment. VI. C ONCLUSION AND F UTURE W ORK In this paper, we present multi-agent deep reinforcement learning based spectrum selection with wideband sensing capability for multi-user utility maximization during DSA. Initially, DQN-based spectrum decisions of a single SU coexisting with multiple PUs have been derived. Later on, we propose novel algorithms for DQL and wideband sensing based centralized and decentralized spectrum selection, namely DESA and CSA. Through simulations, we demonstrate that the performance of DQN-based frequency selection increases as the number of available PU channels per SU decreases. Moreover, we observe that independent policy learning in non-cooperative manner under DESA results in more effective spectrum decisions than centralized spectrum assignment under CSA. Overall, our proposed methods improve the spectrum utilization compared to traditional spectrum assignment methods in which 88% and 52% of optimal channel access are achieved by DESA and CSA, respectively. Going forward, our future work will focus on extending both the system model and proposed algorithms. For the system model, we will concentrate on efficient utilization of OFDMA resource blocks and analyze aggregated interference at primary receivers during secondary system transmissions. 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