R18 HALL TICKET NO.: . P. Code 18 ECE313 I I B.TECH I SEMESTER (R18) REGULAR EXAMINATIONS - MARCH-2021 VLSI DESIGN (ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATION ENGINEERING) Max. Marks: 70 Time: 3 hours PART A 10 x 2 20 Marks Answer all the Questions COi List the various IC Packaging Techniques. Define diffusion and write diffusion equation. 2 CO1 Define Threshold Voltage ofMOSFET and Write an Expression relating to Body 3 CO2 Sketch the Transfer Characteristics ofn-channel MOSFET. CO3 What arethe uses of Stick diagram? CO3 What are the Limitations of Scaling? Is it possible to share the product terms between different outputs in a PAL? 7 C04 What is the full custom ASIC design? CO5 What is atest bench? 10 5 C04 Justify. 9 1 C02 Effect. CO5 Write abrief note on functionalitytest? PART B 5x 10 50 Marks Answer the following by choosing one Question from each unit Marks UNIT-I 11 Ilustrate and describe in detail about Ion implantation process. CO 10 CO1 10 CO1 10 C02 10 CO2 10 CO3 10 C03 10 CO4 10 C04 10 Co5 BT (Or) What is meant by oxidation process. Classify the oxidation technique and describein detail aboutthermal oxidation process 12 2 UNIT-II 13 Derive the Pull-Up to Pull-Down Ratio for CMOSInverter. 6 (Or) 6 Derive the Drain to source current Ids versus voltage Vds relationship for a NMOS transistor when the transistor is in i) cut-off, i) Linear and ii) 14 Saturation. UNIT-III 15 Define scaling ?what are all the factors to be considered for transistor scaling. 1 - a)What 16 is a stick diagram ?sketch the stick (Or) diagram and layout for a CMOS inverter b)what are the effects of scaling on Vt. UNIT-IV 17 Describe about placement algorithm with neat sketch. 2 (Or) What is clock routing. Explain it and enumerate the difference with power 18 19 routing. Explain the UNIT-V scan path design technique using suitable example and also describe Level-sensitive scan design (LSSD) (Or) 20 Define a test bench. Explain in detail about test bench techniques. ***** Page 1 of 1 I 10 cos 2 1