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Show Critique Rubric Worksheet

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Show Critique Rubric
Name: __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Show Title: ___________________________________________________________ Date Turned in: _____________________
Focus on two actors in your writin . Describe
their role. What did you like/dislike about their
per ormances? (Keep all writin pro essional
and constructive.) (30 points)
Describe the technical elements. Write about
each element o the tech- li hts, sound, set,
costumes, scene transitions, and music. What
were your top two avorite elements o tech and
why? (30 points)
Describe your ront o house experience. Was it
easy or you as an audience member to
purchase tickets, ind your seat, ind a parkin
space, etc? Was the FOH sta welcomin ?
Remember- it is all part o the theatre
experience! (10 points)
Describe how the show came to ether. Did the
actin , technical elements, music,
choreo raphy, and direction work well
to ether? Be speci ic- ive at least one example
rom the production. (15 points)
Grammar and mechanics o the paper:
Header should be on the top ri ht corner o the
pa e, and should include: Your Name, Teacher,
Course Title, and Due Date. The title o the
paper should be the show title. The ont should
be Times New Roman, 12 point, and double
spaced. The paper should be 1-3 pa es in
len th. (15 points)
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