Uploaded by Samantha Roberts

Session 1- Homework

Boundaries Homework
2.I feel forced to change some of my values / qualities to be able to stay in my relationship. I also say yes when I want to say no more times than I should. I give love and respect to someone who doesn’t give it back to me. 3.I would choose to continue being loyal and kind even if my relationship came to an end. I would choose to say No and stick to it when I am too worn down or don’t want to say Yes. I would choose to only give love to people who genuinely love me as well. 4.I feel like I can begin taking back control of my life by only saying things that I truly mean &’ not saying things just to make others feel comfortable. Then, I need to make way more choices &’ decisions that help build myself , instead of making choices/decisions that help those around me. Lastly, I think once I begin to be and to feel self sufficient again I think I will be way more in control of my choices than I am now. 5.I always have changed who I am for the sake of others happiness.. Even since I was a small child. I’m not sure why except for the fact I am a pleaser. I don’t even noticed that I change until I really sit back and think of situations then i think wow , why did i say that ? that isn’t me. 6.If i focused more on pleasing myself than pleasing others I would be entirely more confident, healthy, and I wouldn’t have a never ending task list that doesn’t get completed.. and so I wouldn’t be depressed as much because my goals would begin to be complete. 7.If I truly meant my YES &’ NOs I feel as if i would lose a lot of people I consider to be friends &’ possibly even my boyfriend. saying no is so hard for me because not being able to do for someone when they need something makes me feel bad.. because there have been so many times that people have told me no &’ I know how hard those times were for me .. but I know I need to find a healthy balance of saying yes … I know that I need to change how often I say it &’ only start saying it when I truly feel like saying it. 8.Out of everything we have learned so far one thing that stuck out to me was the characteristics of a person with healthy boundaries that said are able to enter into relationships with others without “losing” themselves .. because this is an extreme problem in my life that i have always thought was just a personal issue. so i want to practice being myself &’ staying true to myself no matter what … in relationships &’ friendships i ALSO lose myself to the point all i begin to focus on is the other person . it’s so unhealthy and it consumes all of my time and energy . 9.^ same as above
10.well as i mentioned above , but also i was unaware that healthy boundaries help remove walls of defense and can help us to stand against manipulation.. two things I’d love to master ! 