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English Test Insert Stage 4: RoboBees & Rickie Robot

Cambridge Primary Progression Test
English question paper 1 insert
Stage 4
© UCLES 2017
Text A
The flight of the RoboBee
The latest buzz in robots is a mechanical bee modelled on a real insect
Bumblebees may need to look out for some new flying critters. Scientists have
created a new kind of mechanical ‘insect’, called the RoboBee. RoboBees fly
through the air by remote control. They are the size of a small coin, weigh less
than a tenth of a gram and their wings beat an amazing 120 times per second.
But what’s the use of little flying robots?
Programmed to protect
RoboBees are currently controlled remotely, like a toy helicopter. But scientists
are working on building small brains for them. The brains will allow the robots to
carry out important tasks without needing humans to control them. One of those
tasks is helping with search-and-rescue operations. For example, the RoboBees
could take cameras inside a collapsed building.
RoboBees might also be able to help real bees with an important job in farming.
They pollinate plants, which helps the plants produce seeds and fruit. For the
last few years, many bees have been mysteriously disappearing. In the future,
RoboBees may be able to help if there are not enough real bees available.
Mimicking animals
Although they are called RoboBees, they are modelled on flies. RoboBees are
not the only robots that people are basing on animals. Scientists around the
world are borrowing designs from the animal kingdom. There are robots that
mimic donkeys, rats, and hummingbirds – among others.
© UCLES 2017
Text B
Rickie the Robobopper
Light up your classroom with Rickie the new walking, talking, dancing, singing,
whirling, twirling remote-controlled robot. Delight your learners with fun-filled
lessons that let them experience robotics. Fun and educational, Rickie the
Robobopper is the perfect introduction to computer science.
Buy now from $50 while stocks last!
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341 reviews
Awarded Educational Toy of the Year!
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Available in a range of colours
Simple and easy-to-follow programmes
Supports the Primary Maths Curriculum
Learners can progress at their own level of ability
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‘What a great educational toy – my science class absolutely love studying
with Rickie.’
Supplied with a USB cable, Rickie the Robobopper can be recharged either
using your computer or a wall socket.
SAVE $$$ when you buy two.
HUGE SAVINGS when you buy four or more.
At these spectacular prices why not buy more? Get the whole class Robobopping!
© UCLES 2017
Copyright Acknowledgements:
Text A
© The flight of the robobee; http://scienceworld.scholastic.com/Physics-News/2013/07/flight-of-the-robobee
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Cambridge Assessment International Education is part of the Cambridge Assessment Group. Cambridge Assessment is the brand name of University of
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© UCLES 2017