EFFECTS OF AQUEOUS EXTRACT OF FERMENTED SEEDS OF prosopis africana ON OKPEYE ASPARTATE AMINO TRANSFERASE AND LOW DENSITY LIPOPROTEIN OF WISTAR ALBINO RATS BY ANI PRECIOUS EBERECHI 2015030172643 A PROJECT PRESENTED TO THE DEPARTMENT OF APPLIED BIOCHEMISTRY, FACULTY OF APPLIED NATURAL SCIENCES, ENUGU STATE UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY (ESUT) IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE AWARD OF BACHELOR OF SCIENCE (B.Sc.) DEGREE IN APPLIED BIOCHEMISTRY DECEMBER, 2019 i ii DEDICATION I dedicate this research to God Almighty for his protection and preservation through the period of this research work. iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The biggest of my gratitude goes to God Almighty for the life and provision throughout my stay in this institution and during the course of this work. Sincerely appreciate my supervisor Mrs. AKPATA E.I. for her assistance, guidance and constructive criticism in the course of this work and during my stay in school. I also appreciate all those who through their sleepless night, I am who I am today, that is the Head of Department Dr. Achikanu,C. E. and lecturers of this Department. I must immensely thank my uncle Mr and Mrs. Gabriel Ogbu and my beloved brother Mr. Augustine Ani for their support both spiritually, financially and way of advice in the course of my program in school, I must say thank you and God bless. iv TABLE OF CONTENT Title Page i Certification ii Dedication iii Acknowledgement iv Table of Contents v List of Plates viii List of Tables ix Abstract x CHAPTER ONE 1.0 Introduction 1 1.1 Prosopis Africana 1 1.2 Aim of study 2 1.3 Objectives 2 CHAPTER TWO 2.0 Literature Review 3 2.1 Scientific Classification of prosopis africana seed 4 2.2 Phytochemical Analysis 6 2.3 Bio-pharmaceutical Potentials of prosopis spp 8 5 2.4 Liver 8 2.5 Meaning of Liver Function Test 9 2.5.1 Functions of the liver 9 2.5.2 Uses of the liver function test 10 2.5.3 Classification of liver function test 10 2.5.4 Limitation of liver function test 10 2.6 Aspartate Aminotransferase 11 2.7 Lipid Profile 12 2.8 Cholesterol 12 2.8.1 12 Low density lipoprotein 2.9 UV spectrophometer 13 2.9.1 14 Principle of ultraviolet spectrophotometer CHAPTER THREE 3.0 Materials ad method 16 3.1 Materials 16 3.2 Plant materials 16 3.3 Animal Study 16 3.4 Equipment's/ Instrument 16 3.4.1 Equipment's 16 3.4.2 Chemicals and Reagents 17 3.5 Methods 18 3.6 Traditionals Fermentations of the prosopis Africana seeds 18 3.7 Experimental Designs 18 6 3.8 Sample Collection 19 3.9 Biochemicals Parameters 19 3.9.1 Determination of aspartate amino transferase 19 3.10 Lipid profile test 20 CHAPTER FOUR 4.0 Results 21 CHAPTER FIVE 5.0 Discussion 24 5.1 Conclusion 25 Reference 26 Statistical Tables 30 Descriptive 30 Anova 31 Post Hoc Test 32 Homogeneous Subsets 33 Appendix 34 7 LIST OF PLATES Plate 1; Prosopis africana seeds 4 Plate 2; Fermented Prosopis africana seeds 4 Plate 3; Spectrophotometer 13 Plate 4; Effect of aqueous extract of fermented Prosopis africana seed on low density lipoprotein level in rats 21 Plate 5; Effect of aqueous extract of fermented Prosopis africana seed on Aspartate aminotransferase activity in rats 8 25 LIST OF TABLES Table 1; Phytochemical Analysis 3 9 ABSTRACT The effect of aqueous extract of fermented seeds of Prosopis africana on lipid profile (Low Density Lipoprotein) and liver marker (Aspartate Amino transferase) of wistar albino rats were determined in this study. Standard methods were used in preparing aliquots of the sample used for the analysis. The result showed a significant (p<0.05) increase in low density lipoprotein cholesterol levels of animals in group 2 fed with 50mg/kg extract (4.535±0.89), group 3 fed with 100mg/kg extract (4.745±1.12) and group 4 fed with 200mg/kg extract (4.753±0.46) when compared with the animals in group 1 which are fed wiyh normal saline (3.023±0.67). there was a significant (p<0.05) difference in the low density lipoprotein cholesterol level of animals in group 5 administered 12.5mg/kg orlistat when compared to the low density lipoprotein levels of animals in the control group 1. The result showed a significant (p<0.05) decrease in the aspartate amino transferase (AST) activity of the animals in group 2 fed with 50mg/kg extract (53.000±3.74), animals in group 3 fed with 100mg/kg extract (54.500±6.40), in group 4 animals fed with 200mg/kg extract (41.750±14.22) when compared with the animals in the control group (71.500±21.83). The AST activity of group 5 rats administered with 12.5mg/kg of orlistat decreased significantly (p<0.05) when compared to the animals in the control group 1. From the result, it shows that incorporation of the fermented seed of Prosopis africana in the human diet may protect against liver damage. However, the increase in the level of low density lipoprotein of the rats may be as a result of the oil base of the seeds. Therefore, moderate incorporation of the fermented seeds of Prosopis africana in diet is advised. 10 CHAPTER ONE 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Prosopis africana prosopis africana also known as african mesquite or iron tree is the only species of prosopis that is indigeneous to tropical africa. Its tree could be between 4-20m long. This tree is characterized by a deep, fast growing tap root. prosopis africana (pa) is mostly found growing in the savanna regions of western African. (keay et al., 1964). it has different names by the various ethnic groups in Nigerian. prosopis africana is the only species found in the savanna, especially in senegal and Nigeria. Because this species is not cultivated, it is often referred to as wild endangered but edible (Ola-adams et al., 1993), as a lost crop or as a lesser crop (Okafor et al., 1993) prosopis africana has vast social, economic, cultural, medicinal and agricultural values. It is widely used and consumed in the entire country and beyond. It is very popular for its seeds, highly priced food condiment or seasoning, rich in protein, fatty acids and other vital nutrients and minerals (Ayanwuyi et al., 1993). High consumption rate and the potential use of prosopis africana as a good source of foreign earnings for Nigeria, the traditional method of post-harvest processing provides a poor quality product with low nutrient content. This has limited its utilization both locally and internationally. In Nigeria, there is scarcely large scale producer of prosopis africana that use machinery for its storage, handling or processing. Many small scale producers’ carry out these operations manually. The genus prosopis accommodates 44 species, of which 40 are native to north and south Americas 28 species of this genus comes from Africa. Chemical compounds in prosopis spp. Change certain physiological processes in the human body. Besides medicinal applications, different mesquite species have other uses. Since its wood is extremely hard and durable, and is of appealing colouration, it is used for making furniture's and parquet flooring. Its wood is also used for construction, as firewood, or for charcoal production (Mwangi et al., 2008). 11 woodern chips provide much for gardening (Pasiecznik et al., 2001). a beverage, known as “anapa”, is produced by mixing mesquite pods in water after being fermented, it produces the alcoholic beverage “chichi” (Vilela et al., 2009). owing to its high carbohydrate level, mesquite wood can also be used to produce bioethanol. 1.2 AIM OF STUDY The aim of this study is to determine the possible protective effect of aqueous extract of fermented prosopis africana seed on low density lipoprotein and Aspartate amino transferase. 1.3 OBJECTIVES To determine the effect of aqueous extract of fermented prosopis africana seeds on lipid profile (LDL) To determine the effect of aqueous extract of fermented prosopis africana seeds on liver marker (AST). 12 CHAPTER TWO 2.0 LITERATURE REVIEW prosopis africana (Guill., Perrott. and Rich.) Taub. (Leguminosae, sub-family Mimosoideae) is the only native prosopis in Africa. It has a natural distribution from Senegal to Ethiopia in the north, from Guinea to Cameroon in the south, and from Uganda to Egypt in the east; but it has disappeared from extensive parts of its range due to over-exploitation, such as excessive cutting of stems and branches resulting in limited natural regeneration (Pasiecznik et al., 2004). In West Africa, it extends throughout the Sudanian and Guinean ecozones in the southern part of its range and into the Sahelian ecozone in the northern part of its range. It does not tolerate habitually dry sites, preferring 600–1500 mm annual rainfall. Trees produce a deep taproot, grow slowly but can attain a height of 20 m in natural stands, and can be coppiced for successive harvests. Trees in natural stands generally have an erect form, but they may be multi-stemmed due to forking in the lower trunk. The breeding system has not been studied, but it is assumed to be primarily outcrossing, as reported for other species in the genus (Bessega et al., 2000; Dhillon, et al., 2003). Prosopis species are insect pollinated (Toro, 2002), but the guild of pollinators of prosopis africana has not been investigated. Seeds are naturally dispersed by browsing animals, such as camels, cattle and goats at the end of the dry season (Tybirk, 1991), and perhaps also by humans who collect the pods to feed to their animals and collect cow dung to fertilize their fields. Seed dispersal distances could vary, therefore, from relatively short to relatively long distances, and this would affect the population genetic structure (Hamrick et al., 1992). There has been only one published study of genetic variation in prosopis africana: signifificant differences were observed in height among four Nigerian provenances in a nursery test (Akinnagbe et al., 2007). prosopis africana is very important for farming and pastoralist communities in the West African Sahel (Agboola, 2004). The wood is moderately dense (basic density = 687 kg/m3) at one site in Burkina Faso and very 13 resistant to termites and fungi (Ge´ rardin et al., 2004), making it useful for construction poles and planks, mortars, pestles, and handles for farm implements. It is also highly valued for firewood and charcoal (Pasiecznik et al., 2004), and is the preferred species by many blacksmiths in the region. Its leaves, succulent branches and pods provide fodder for cattle and goats, which is essential during the 9-month long dry season. In some areas, people use the fermented seeds as a food condiment (Barminas et al., 1998; Aremu et al., 2006; Kalinganire et al., 2007), so there is a thriving market for the seeds in these areas. The leaves, branches, bark and roots are used for several traditional medicines (Arbonnier, 2002; Kalinganire et al., 2007). In addition, trees fix atmospheric nitrogen (Halliday, 1984) and, therefore, can improve soil fertility in the traditional parkland agroforestry system. Because it has many uses for farming and pastoralist communities, there is intensive extraction pressure on prosopis africana in parkland agroforests and statecontrolled forests in the West African Sahel. Excessive branch lopping and pod harvesting, for example, have seriously reduced the natural regeneration in some areas. This, together with the fact that few communities protect and manage natural regeneration, has dramatically reduced the abundance of P. africana in many areas. In addition, farmers and pastoralists state that many trees are dying due to increasingly hotter, drier conditions in the region (ICRAF-IFAD, 2006). 2.1 SCIENTIFIC CLASSIFICATION OF PROSOPIS AFRICANA SEED KINGDOM Planta Sub Kingdom Tracheobionta Super Division Spermatophyta Division Magnoliophyta Class Magnoliopsida 14 Sub Class Rosidae Order Fabales Family Fabaceae Source: (Achi and Okereka, 1999) 15 2.2 Phytochemical Analysis Table 1: Phytochemical composition of seed and pod extract of Prosopis africana (Ajiboyeet et al, 2013) S/N Test Seed Extract Pod extract 1. Phlobatanmin + + 2. Flavonoid + - 3. Cyanoglycoside - + 4. Tannin + + 5. Saponin + + 6. Steroid + + 7. Alkaloid + + Keys: Present = + Absent = - 16 Plate 1: Prosopis africana Seed Plate 2: Fermented Prosopis Africana Seeds (Okpeye) 17 2.3 BIOPHARMACEUTICAL POTENTIALS OF PROSOPIS SPP. All parts of prosopis spp. Are traditionally used by indigenous people for curing various ailments (khejra et al., 2001). water extracts of leaves and bark are traditionally used to cure mouth and throat infections as well as bronchitis and ulcers,internal diseases including parasites and urinary diseases and skin parasitic infections as well as dermatitis (Pasieczik et al., 1999). leaf smoke is traditionally used to cure eye infections and extracts are recommended for use against snakebite and scorpion sting (Pimental et al., 1960). Alkaloids, flavonoids, terpenes and phenolic compound are the most important bio-active substances of prosopis spp. Terpenes are used as insecticides and their pharmacological properties include antibacterial, antifungal, antihelminthic, antimalarial and molluscicidal activities (Gurih fakim et al., 2006). Phenolic compounds from mesquite show anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor, antiHIV, anti- infective, vasodilatory, antinulcerogenice analgesic, and immune stimulant activities (Stefanavie et al., 2015). Flavonoid have attracted interest recently, due to the discovery of their pharmacological activities (Lou et al., 2014). Alkaloids from mesquite are applied as analgesics and anti-malaria agents. Alkaloids of prosopis speciealso demonstrate a broad spectrum of antifual activities against fungi such as fusarium, drechslera and alternaria.The tree contributes to nutrient recycling and prevention of soil erosion. 2.4 LIVER Liver is a self-regenerating organ that plays important roles in the body. It functions not only in metabolism and removal of exogenous toxins and therapeutic agents responsible for metabolic derangement but also in the biochemical regulation of fats, carbohydrates, amino acids, protein, blood coagulation and immune-osculation function (Ram et al.,1999). Due to its ability to regenerate, even a moderate cell injury is not reflected by measurable changes in its metabolic 18 function. However, damage caused by lipid peroxidation on the membrane of the hepatocytes allows the leakage of some cytosine enzymes of the liver into the blood stream (Plaa et al., 1982). 2.5 MEANING OF LIVER FUNCTION TESTS Liver function tests (LFTs or LFs), also referred to as a hepatic panel, are groups of blood tests that provide information about the state of a patient's liver (Mary, 2009). These tests include prothrombin time (PT/INR), aPTT, albumin, bilirubin (direct and indirect), and others. The liver transaminases aspartate transaminase (AST or SGOT) and alanine transaminase (ALT or SGPT) are useful biomarkers of liver injury in a patient with some degree of intact liver function (Johnston DE, 1999). Most liver diseases cause only mild symptoms initially, but these diseases must be detected early. Hepatic (liver) involvement in some diseases can be of crucial importance. This testing is performed on a patient's blood sample. Some tests are associated with functionality (e.g., albumin), some with cellular integrity (e.g., transaminase), and some with conditions linked to the biliary tract (gamma-glutamyl transferase and alkaline phosphatase). 2.5.1 FUNCTIONS OF THE LIVER (LIPID METABOLISM) The liver carries out the following major functions in lipid metabolism: It facilitates the digestion and absorption of lipids by the production contains cholesterol and bile salts synthesized within the liver denovoor from uptake of lipoprotein cholesterol. The liver has active enzymes system for synthesizing and oxidizing fatty acids and for synthesizing triacylglycerol’s phospholipids. It converts fatty acids to ketone bodies (ketogenic). It plays an integral part in the synthesis and metabolism of plasma lipoprotein (Murray et al., 2003). 19 2.5.2 Uses of Liver Function Tests the various uses of liver function tests include: Screening: They are non-invasive yet sensitive screening modality for liver dyfunction. Pattern of Disease: they are helpful to recognize the pattern of liver disease. Like being helpful in differentiating between acute viral hepatitis and various cholestasis disorders and chronic liver diseases. (CLD). Assess severity: they are helpful to assess the severity and predict the outcome of certain disease like primary biliary cirrhosis. Follow up: they are helpful in the follow up of certain liver diseases and also helpful in evaluating response to therapy like autoimmune hepatitis. 2.5.3 CLASSIFICATION OF LIVER FUNCTION TESTS Test of the livers capacity to transport organic aurous and to metabolize drugs (serum, bilirubin, urine bilirubin and urine urobilirubin). Test that detect injury to hepatocytes (serum enzymes test) – amino transferases, alkaline phosphatase, glut amyl trans-peptidase, 5-nucleatidase, leucine aminopeptidase. Test of the livers biosynthetic capacity-serum protein, albumin, prealbum, serum ceruloplasmin, procollagen III peptide, a lantitrypsin, a fetoprotein, prothrombimtime (Thapa et al., 2007). 2.5.4 LIMITATION OF LIVER FUNCTION TEST (LFT) Lack sensitivity: The LFT may be normal in certain liver disease like cirrhosis, non-cirrhotic portal fibrosis, congenitail hepatic fibrosis, etc. 20 Lack specificity: They lack specificity and are not specific for any particular disease. Serum albumin may be decreased in chronic disease and also in nephrotic syndrome. Aminotransferases may be raised in cardiac disease and hepatic disease. (McClatchey K et al., 2002). Except for serum bile acids the LFT are not specific for liver disease and all the parameters may be elevated for pathological processes outside the liver. (Anciaux ml et al., 1986). 2.6 ASPARTATE AMINOTRANSFERASE (AST) The levels of aspartate aminotransferase (AST) are enzymes found mainly in the liver, but also found in red blood cells, heart cells, muscles tissue and other organs, such as the pancreas and the kidneys. AST formerly is called serum glutamine oxaloacetie transaminase (GOT). AST levels are a valuable aid primarily in the diagnosis of liver disease. Although not specific for liver disease it can be used in combination with other enzymes to monitor the cause of various liver disorder. The normal concentrations in the blood are from 5 to 40 UI-1 for AST. However, when body tissue or organ such as the liver or heart is diseased or damaged additional AST is released into the blood stream, causing levels of the enzymes to rise. Therefore, the amount of AST in the blood is directly related to the extent of the tissue damage. After severe damage, AST levels rise from 10 to 20 times and greater than normal. On the other hand, the ratio of AST to ALT (AST/ALT) sometimes can help determine whether the liver or their organ has been damaged (Hafkenscheid et al., 1979). The assay of AST Activity based on the following enzymes reaction. L-aspartate + 2-ketoglutarate oxaloacetate + GOT L-glutamate. (Wang et al., 2002). Due to the clinical importance of AST/GOT in monitoring patients with liver diseases, AST/GOT detection have been reseeded by a number of scientists all over the world as well as International Federation of Clinical Chemistry (IFCC) and the scanclinallian Committee on Enzymes (SCE) (Hanson et al., 1964). 21 2.7 LIPID PROFILE Lipid profile or lipid panel is a panel of blood tests that serves as an initial broad medical screening tool for abnormalities in lipids, such as cholesterol and triglycerides. The results of this test can identify certain genetic disease and can determine approximate risks for cardio-vascular disease, certain forms of pancreatitis, and other disease. Lipid panals are commonly ordered as part of a physical exam, along with other panels such as the complete blood count (CBC) and basic metabolic panel (BMP) (Murray et al., 2003). Liver plays an essential role in lipid metabolism, several stages of lipid synthesis and transportation. It has been well documented that chronic liver dyfunction might interfere with lipid metabolism in vivo and could changes plasma lipid and lipoprotein patterns (Miller. 1990). 2.8 CHOLESTEROL Cholesterol is a waxy substance that is present in the blood plasma and in all animal tissues. Chemically, cholesterol is an organic compound belonging to the steroid family, its molecular formula is C27H46O. Cholesterol is essential to life, it is a primary component of the membrane that surrounds each cell and it is the starting material or an intermediate compound from which the body synthesizes bile acids, steroid hormones and vitamin D. cholesterol circulates in the blood stream and is synthesized by the liver and several other organs. Cholesterol is insoluble in the blood. It must be attached to certain protein complexes called lipoproteins in order to be transported through the blood stream (Abell et al., 1952). 2.8.1 Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL) Lipoprotein molecules enable the transportation of lipids (fats), such as cholesterol phospholipids and triglycerides within the water around the cells (extracellular fluid) including the blood stream. Studies have shown that higher levels of type B LDL particles (as opposed to type A LDL particles) 22 are associated with health. Problems including cardiovascular disease. Although the nick name is overly simplistic and thus misleading LDL cholesterol molecules are often informally called bad cholesterol because they can transport their content of many fat molecules into artery walls attract macrophages and thus drive atherosclerosis. In contrast, high density lipoprotein cholesterol molecules are frequently referred to as good cholesterol or healthy cholesterol, because they remove fat molecules from macrophages in the wall of arteries (Murray et al., 2003). Niacin (B3), lowers LDL by selectivity inhibiting hepatie diacyglycerol acyltransferase 2, reducing triglyceride synthesis and very low density lipoprotein secretion through a receptor. HM74 (Meyers et al., 2004) and HM74A or GPR109A (Soudijn et al., 2007). LDL particles appear harmless until they are within the blood vessel walls and oxidized by free radicals, it is postulated that ingesting anti-oxidants and minimizing free radical exposure may reduce LDL’s contribution to atherosclerosis, though results are not conclusive (Teissedre et al., 1996). 2.9 UV SPECTROPHOTOMETER: The ultraviolet-visible spectrophotometer measures the intensity of light passing through the water sample I.e. absorbance, in relation to its concentration, working basically on Beer’s Lambert law and measures within the wavelength range of 200-800nm. Ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy is considered an important tool in analytical chemistry. In fact, this is one of the most commonly used techniques in clinical as well as chemical laboratories. This tool is used for the quantitative analysis and identification of chemicals. However, its main use is for the quantitative determination of different organic and inorganic compounds in solution. 23 Plate 3: Spectrophotometer 2.9.1 PRINCIPLE OF ULTRA VIOLET (UV) SPECTROPHOTOMETER Basically, spectroscopy is related to the interaction of light with matter. As light is absorbed by matter, the result is an increase in the energy content of the atoms or molecules. The absorption of visible light or ultraviolet light by a chemical compound will produce a distinct spectrum. When ultraviolet radiations are absorbed, this result to the excitation of the electrons from the ground state towards a higher energy state. The theory revolving this concept states that the energy from the absorbed ultraviolet radiation is actually equal to the energy difference between the higher energy state and the ground state. UV spectroscopy follows the Beer-Lambert Law. This law states that whenever a beam of monochromatic light is passed through a solution with an absorbing substance, the decreasing rate of the radiation intensity along with the thickness of the absorbing solution is actually proportional to the concentration of the solution and the incident radiation. 24 This law is expressed through this equation: A = log (10/1) = ECI 25 CHAPTER THREE 3.0 MATERIALS AND METHOD 3.1 MATERIALS 3.2 PLANT MATERIALS The samples prosopis african seeds were collected from Enugu State, Nigeria. The plant materials were identified authenticated by a botanist in the department of Botany, University of Nigeria Nsukka. 3.3 ANIMALS STUDY Twenty-Four (24) adult wister albino rats were used for this study. The animals were obtained from the animal house of biological sciences, university of Nigeria Nsukka. They were housed in metal steel cages and acclimatised in the laboratoey for seven days before the experiments. They were given free access to water and fed with grower mash (Niger feeds, Nigeria) bought from the local market. 3.4 EQUIPMENT/ INSTRUMENT 3.4.1 EQUIPMENTS MANUFACTURER Centrifuge Vickas ltd, England Colorimeter El Scientific co.india Electron Microscope Vickas ltd, England Oven Gallenkamp, England Pasteur Pipette Pysex, England 26 Refrigerator thermocool, England Spectropotometer Jenway, Uk Water bath Gallenkamp, England Cage Neulex Weighing balance Vickas ltd, England 3.4.2 Manufacturer Chemicals and Reagents Phosphate buffer AAT Bioquent, UK L- aspartate BDH, England 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine G.louis Serum Phosphotungstic acid Merek Darmstadt, Germany α- oxogluterate Sodium hydroxide may and bakers, England Anticoagulate (EDTA) Randox USA Magnesium Chloride Suffolete England 27 3.5 METHODS 3.6 TRADITIONAL FERMENTATION OF THE Prosopis african SEEDS The seeds of prosopis african were boiled for up to 6 hours and allowed to cool to room temperature. The seed coats were removed by pressing finger-tips. This coats were later decanted along with the washing water, leaving the clean seed cotyledons. The clean cotyledons were boiled for another 1-2 hours, it helped the seeds to become soft with reduced bitterness for easy fermentation. The cotyledon was later dried through the sieve and wrapped with paw-paw leaf. The wrapped cotyledons were put in clean bowels covered with the same leafs for a period of four days (for fermentation to take place) or during natural fermentation. The resultant product which was brown in color, was Okpehe, a strong smelling mass of sticky cotyledons. The fermented cotyledons were covered by a whitish mucilaginous film produced during fermentation (Ogunshe et al, 2007). the fermented seeds were ground into a motar into a smooth paste. The okpehe was made into balls of 3-5cm diameter arranged into trays and dried for 1-2days in the sun. The product became black after sun drying. 3.7 EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN Twenty-four (24) adult wister albino rats were used for this study the animals were maintained under hygienic condition, with feed and water available adlibitum for seven (7) days before onset of the experiment. After acclimatization, the animals were randomly divided into five groups of four (4) rats each. The route of administration was via oral routine with the aid of oral intubation tube. The groups and doses administered are summarized below. Group 1: Received 5mg/kg normal saline Group 2: Received 50mg/kg of fermented prosopis africana seeds aqueous extract. 28 Group 3: Received 100mg/kg of fermented prosopis africana seeds aqueous extract. Group 4: Received 200mg/kg of fermented prosopis africana seeds aqueous extract. Group 5: Received 12.5mg/kg of orlistat 3.8 SAMPLE COLLECTION Blood samples were collected and analyzed on the twenty-one (21) day of the experiment. Blood was collected into sample bottles through rectobulba plexus in the eye and put into non-heparinzed sample bottles to obtained serum for the determination of some biochemical parameters. 3.9 BIOCHEMICAL PARAMETERS 3.9.1 Liver function test of rats treated with aqueous extract of fermented prosopis africana seeds. Live function test Aspartate Amino Transferase (AST) was determined using the method of (Reitman et al., 1957). 3.9.1 Determination of Aspartate Amino Transferase (AST) Principle: AST is measured by monitoring the concentration of oxaloacetate hydrazone formed with 2, 4-dinitrophenylhydrazine. The colour intensity is measured against the blank at 546nm. Method: The blank and sample test tubes were set up in duplicates. A volume, 0.1ml of serum was pipetted into the sample tubes and 0.5ml of reagent 1 was pipette into both sample and blank tubes. The solutions were thoroughly mixed and incubated for exactly 30 minutes at 37 0C ml and pH 7.4. 0.5ml of Reagent 2 containing 2, 4-dinitrophenylhydrazine was added into all the test tubes followed by 0.1ml of sample into the blank tubes. The tubes were mixed thoroughly and incubated for exactly 20 minutes at 25 0 C and 5.0ml of sodium hydroxide solution was then added to each tube and mixed. The absorbance was read against the blank after 5 minutes at 546nm. (Reitman, S, et al., 1957). 29 3.10 lipid profile test (LDL) of rats treated with aqueous extract of fermented prosopis africana seeds. 3.10.1 Determination of low density lipoprotein (LDL) the method of (Kameswara et al., 1952) was used Principle: LDL-C can be determined as the difference between total cholesterol and the cholesterol content of the supernatant after precipitation of the LDL fraction by polyvinyl sulphate (PVS) in the presence of polyethyleneglycol monomethyl ether. (Bargmenyer. H, 1985). Procedure: The serum samples were kept at 2-80C. The precipitant solution (0.1ml) was added to 0.2ml of the serum sample and mixed thoroughly and allowed to stand for 15 min. This was centrifuged at 2,000 x g for 15 min. The cholesterol concentration in the supernatant was determined. The concentration of the serum total cholesterol as described by Kameswara et al. (1999) was used. Calculation: LDL-C (mmol/L) = Total Cholesterol (mmol/L) – 1.5 x Supernatant Cholesterol (mmol/L). 3.11 Statistical Analysis: The results were expressed as mean+ standard deviation (+ SD). The data obtained were subjected to one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA). The statistical analysis was done using the statistical package for social sciences (SPSS), version 23. significant differences were observed at ≤ 0.05 30 CHAPTER FOUR 4.0 RESULTS Table 4.1: Effect of the aqueous extract of fermented seed of Prosopis africana on LDL level and AST activity of Wistar albino rats. GROUPS LDL AST Group 1 (Normal Saline) 3.023± 0.67a 71.500 ± 21.83c Group 2 ( 50mg/kg extract) 4.535±0.89b Group 3 ( 100mg/kg 4.745±1.12b extract) Group 4 ( 200mg/kg extract) 4.753±0.46b Group 5 (12.5mg/kg Orlistat) 4.955±0.67b 53.000 ± 3.74b,c 54.500 ± 6.40b,c 41.750 ± 14.22a,b 30.500 ± 1.73a Means of different alphabets as superscript within each column are significantly (P<0.05) different and vice versa. 31 Figure 5 Figure 1; Effect of the aqueous extract of fermented seed of Prosopis africana on low density Lipoprotein level in rats. Keys: Group 1 = Normal Saline Control Group 2 = 50mg/kg of extract Group 3 = 100mg/kg of extract Group 4 = 200mg/kg of extract Group 5 = 12.5mg/kg of Orlistat 32 Figure 2; Effect of the aqueous extract of fermented seed of Prosopis africana on Aspartate aminotransferase activity in rats. Keys: Group 1 = Normal Saline Control Group 2 = 50mg/kg of extract Group 3 = 100mg/kg of extract Group 4 = 200mg/kg of extract Group 5 = 12.5mg/kg of Orlistat CHAPTER FIVE 5.0 DISCUSSION The liver plays a central role in transforming and clearing chemicals and is susceptible to the toxicity from these agents (friedman et al., 2003). The liver is the vital organ of paramount importance involved in the maintenance of metabolic function and detoxification from the exogenous and endogenous challenges such as xenobiotics, drugs, viral infection and chronic alcoholism. If during all such exposure to the above mentioned challenges the natural protective mechanisms of the liver are overpowered or compromised, the result is hepatic injury. Fermented foods play an important social-economic role in developing countries as well as making a major contribution to the protein requirements of natural population (Achi, 2005). In this assessment of liver damage by the assay of enzyme activity such as AST activity are largely used (Dobbs et al., 2003). membrane damage releases the enzyme into circulation; therefore, it can be measured in serum. AST is predominantly found in mitochondria of hepatocytes. Increase in the activity of above enzyme would indicate liver toxicity. Fig 1 shows a significant (p< 0.05) increase in low density lipoprotein cholesterol levels of animals in group 2 fed with 50mg/kg extract (4.535±0.89), group 3 fed with 100mg/kg extract (4.745± 1.12) and group 4 fed with (4.753±0.46) when compared with the animals in group 1 which are fed with normal saline (3.023±0.67). There was a significant (p< 0.05) difference in the low density lipoprotein cholesterol level of animals in group 5 administered 12.5mg/kg orlistat when compared to the low density lipoprotein levels of the animals in the control group 1. Fig 2 shows a significant (p< 0.05) decrease in the aspartate aminotransferase (AST) activity of the animals in group 2 fed with 50mg/kg extract (53.000±3.74), animals in group 3 fed with 100mg/kg extract (54.500±6.40), in group 4 animals fed with 200mg/kg extract (41.750±14.22) when compared with the animals in the control group (71.500±21.83). The AST activity of group 5 rats administered with 12.5mg/kg of orlistat decreased significant (p< 0.05) when compared to the animals in the control group. 5.1 CONCLUSION From the result, it shows that incorporation of the fermented seed of prosopis africana in the human diet may protect against liver damage. The extract could also say to have potential therapeutie value in the treatment of some liver disorders. However, the increased in the level of low density lipoprotein of the rats may be as a result of the oil base of the seeds. Therefore, moderate incorporation of the fermented seeds of prosopis africana in diet is adviced. 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