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Citation Guide: How to Cite Sources

Works Cited
You should get all necessary information from the title page and its verso (reverse side).
The examples below will show you how to construct a simple bibliographic citation for different
types of materials. Each entry should end with a period. Italics may be substituted for
underlining. The final document should be double spaced and in alphabetical order by the first
word of the entry. This information is also available at the PMS Library Web Site
(www.piedmont.k12.ca.us/pms/Library.html) and in your student agenda.
Basic Format: Author. Title. Place of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication.
Book with one author:
Brill, Marlene Targ. The Trail of Tears. Brookfield: Millbrook, 1995.
Book with two authors:
Echo-Hawk, Echo C. and Walter R. Echo-Hawk. Battlefields and Burial Grounds.
Minneapolis: Lerner, 1994.
Books with more than two authors or no author:
The Cherokee Removal: A Brief History With Documents. New York: Bedford Books, 1995.
Author. “Article Title.” Encyclopedia Title. Year ed.
Encyclopedia article with an author:
Fixico, Donald L. “Trail of Tears.” World Book Encyclopedia. 2004 ed.
Encyclopedia article without an author:
“Cherokee Indians.” North America in Colonial Times. 1998 ed.
Magazine and newspaper articles from print version: Author. “Article
Title.” Magazine or Newspaper Title. Day Abbreviated Month. Year : page numbers.
Hong, K. E., “Jackson and the Indians.” Cobblestone. Oct. 199: 28-31.
Simplified Format for Magazine Articles from EBSCOhost and SIRS Discoverer on
the Web Databases
Author’s Last Name, First Name. “Title of Work.” Original Source of Article (e.g.,
Magazine or Newspaper) date of original source (day abbreviated Month year) :
page numbers. Product Name.
Remini, Robert V. “Andrew Jackson Versus the Cherokee.” American History. Aug. 2001:
48-57. EBSCOhost.
Anderson, Peggy King. “The Long March.” Highlights for Children. Oct. 2002:
40-41. SIRS Discoverer on the Web.
World Wide Web (Internet):
Author. “Title of item.” URL (date accessed).
National Park Service. “Trail of Tears National Historic Trail.”
http://www.nps.gov/trte/TRTE/history.htm (23 May 2006).
CD-ROM: Citations follow traditional bibliographic formats with the addition of
the designation CD-ROM.
Stewart, Kenneth M. “Trail of Tears.” Dictionary of American History.
1976 ed. Scribner’s American History and Culture. CD-ROM. New York:
Scribner’s, 1998.
Motion Picture or Video:
Title. Director. Distributor, Year.
Removal. Jack Leustig, dir. 500 Nations Productions. 1994.
Primary Source (cartoon, advertisement, diary entry, song, photograph, poster, etc.)
Author or artist. “Title of item.” Descriptive label. Bibliographic information for source.
Ross, John. “Letter in Answer to Inquiries from a Friend.” 1836. Letter. The Cherokee Removal.
New York: Bedford Books, 1995.
Unpublished Interview:
Name. Personal interview, date.
Morrison, John. Personal interview. 07 Feb. 2006
Revised 5/30/06