AHMED HASSAN KHEDR POSTPARTUM HEMORRHAGE POSTPARTUM HEMORRHAGE • Postpartum hemorrhage is one of the major causes of maternal death and it accounts for about 28 % of maternal mortality POSTPARTUM HEMORRHAGE DEFINITIONS • Loss of greater than 500 cc of blood after vaginal delivery or in excess of 1000 cc after Caesarean delivery often used to define PPH (WHO) • This definition is not a satisfactory one as the visual estimation of blood loss is usually inaccurate and the amount of blood is not important as the effect of blood loss due to the changes on blood volume of the pregnant woman POSTPARTUM HEMORRHAGE • So … Any blood loss that causes a major physiological changes (hypotension and/or tachycardia) considered PPH , not only depending on the amount or rate of blood loss but also on the health of the woman ACOG also recommended that loss of 1000 cc or more with hypovolemia is considered a postpartum hemorrhage POSTPARTUM HEMORRHAGE TYPES ▸ PRIMARY POSTPARTUM HEMORRHAGE: Hemorrhage within the first 24 hours after delivery of the baby (may be third stage during delivery of the placenta or true after delivery of the placenta) ▸ SECONDARY POSTPARTUM HEMORRHAGE: Hemorrhage after the first 24 hours after delivery of the baby and with 6 weeks of delivery of the baby POSTPARTUM HEMORRHAGE CAUSES OF PRIMARY POSTPARTUM HEMORRHAGE: 4 Ts Tone (atonic postpartum) Tissue(retained products of conception) Trauma(traumatic ospartum) Thrombin(coagulation defect) POSTPARTUM HEMORRHAGE CAUSES OF SECONDARY POSTPARTUM HEMORRHAGE ▸ Infections ( endometritis) ▸ Placental site (retained placenta fragments , adherent placenta ) ▸ Preexisting uterine causes (fibroid, polyps, cervical neoplasms , AV fistulas) ▸ Coagulopathies ( VW , hemophilia , aquired) PRIMARY POSTPARTUM HEMORRHAGE RISK FACTORS FOR ATONY ▸ Fetal macrosomia ▸ Polyhydramnios ▸ Multiple pregnancy ▸ Grandmultipaity ▸ Prolonged labour and perfected labour ▸ Abnormal uterine anatomy (malformations anf fibroid) ▸ APH ▸ History of postpartum hemorrhage ▸ Anemia PRIMARY POSTPARTUM HEMORRHAGE RISK FACTORS FOR TRAUMA ▸ Instrumental delivery and complicated delivery ▸ Ruptured uterus ▸ Broad ligament hematoma ▸ Extension of uterine incision (CS) ▸ Uterine inversion PRIMARY POSTPARTUM HEMORRHAGE PREVENTION Unfortunately … Only 40 % of cases of PPH have an identified risk But we have to identify the cases at risk to develop PPH and offered a modified care planes All the upcoming steps should be offered to all the cases to avoid PPH PRIMARY POSTPARTUM HEMORRHAGE PREVENTION ANTENATAL : ▸ Identify high risk group ▸ ANC with Correction of anemia ‣ All women who have had a previous caesarean section must have their placental site determined by ultrasound. • MRI shoud be offered if placenta accreta/percreta is suspected. • Available evidence on prophylactic occlusion or embolisation of pelvic arteries in the management of women with placenta accreta is equivocal. The outcomes of prophylactic arterial occlusion require further evaluation. PRIMARY POSTPARTUM HEMORRHAGE PREVENTION INTRANATAL : ▸ AMTSL ▸ Check the placenta for missing parts ▸ Explore for lacerations and trauma POSTNATAL : ▸ 2 ours observation postpartum PRIMARY POSTPARTUM HEMORRHAGE AMTSL (ACTIVE MANAGEMENT OF THE THIRD STAGE OF LABOUR) lowers maternal blood loss and reduces the risk of PPH , it should be done routinely with delayed cord clamping 1) Administration of a uterotonic, preferably oxytocin (10 IU ; IV,IM, immediately after birth of the baby; 2) Controlled cord traction (CCT) to deliver the placenta; and 3) Massage of the uterine fundus after the placenta is delivered and then every 15 minutes for 2 hours PRIMARY POSTPARTUM HEMORRHAGE ADMINISTRATION OF A UTEROTONIC, PREFERABLY OXYTOCIN (10 IU ; IV,IM, IMMEDIATELY AFTER BIRTH OF THE BABY; ALTERNATIVES.. •Misoprostol ( oral , rectal or sublingual) is not as effective as oxytocin but it may be used when the latter is not available, such as the home-birth setting. It may cause nausea , vomiting and diarrehia , shivering and elevated body temprature So.. Misoprostol is not recommended as a first line preventive measure for PPH •Carbetocin (long acting oxytocin agonist ) : longer duration of action than oxytocin with the same safety profile than oxytocin ▸ PRIMARY POSTPARTUM HEMORRHAGE MANAGEMENT Always remember HAEMO-STASIS •H - ask for Help •A – Assess and resuscitate •E – establish Etiology, Ecobolics , Ensure blood •M – Massage the uterus •O – oxytocin infusion , prostaglandins ▸ PRIMARY POSTPARTUM HEMORRHAGE MANAGEMENT •S – Shift to the theatre •T – Trauma excluded - Tamponade •A – Apply compression sutures •S – Systemic pelvic devascularisation •I – Interventional radiology •S – Subtotal hysterectomy ▸ PRIMARY POSTPARTUM HEMORRHAGE H- ASK FOR HELP • Call obstetric middle grade and alert consultant. • Call anesthetic middle grade and alert consultant. • Alert blood transfusion laboratory. • Alert one member of the team (residence) to record events, fluids, drugs and vital signs. PRIMARY POSTPARTUM HEMORRHAGE A- ASSESS AND RESUSCITATE •A B C •Fluid and blood resusitation •Crystalloid Up to 2 litres Hartmann’s solution •Colloid up to 1–2 litres colloid until blood arrives •Blood Crossmatched •Fresh frozen plasma 4 units for every 6 units of red cells or prothrombin time/activated partial thromboplastin time > 1.5 x normal •Platelets concentrates if PLT count < 50 x 109 •Cryoprecipitate If fibrinogen < 1 g/l ▸ PRIMARY POSTPARTUM HEMORRHAGE •While Assessing and resusitation •You have to consider The golden hour .. The time at which resuscitation must be done to commence the best chance of survival •The probability of survival drops sharply after the first hour it not effectively resuscitated ▸ PRIMARY POSTPARTUM HEMORRHAGE The rule of 30 •If the systolic blood pressure falls by 30 •Heart rate rises by 30 •Respiratory rate more than 30/min •Hematocrit drop by 30% •Urinary output less than 30 ml /hour This mean that the patient lost more than 30% of her blood volume .. We are going to irreversible shock ▸ PRIMARY POSTPARTUM HEMORRHAGE E – ESTABLISH ETIOLOGY (4TS), ECOBOLICS AND ENSURE BLOOD Establish etiology .. Examination of the cervix , exclude retained product of conception , massage Ecobolics .. • Oxytocin (20 U ) slow IV on ringer • Ergometrin (methergin 0.5 mg IM or slow IV) • Carboprost 0.25 mg by intramuscular injection repeated at intervals of not less than 15 minutes to a maximum of 8 doses PRIMARY POSTPARTUM HEMORRHAGE M – MASSAGE THE UTERUS •Manual massage •Bimanual masage •The use of bimanual uterine compression is recommended as a TEMPORARY measure until appropriate care is available for the treatment of PPH due to uterine atony after vaginal delivery PRIMARY POSTPARTUM HEMORRHAGE O – OXYTOCIN INFUSION AND PROSTAGALNDINS ‣ Oxytocin (up to 60 U ) slow IV on ringer or saline infused on a rate of 125 ml/hour ‣ Methergine (methyl ergometrine 0.2 if not given) ‣ Prostaglandin E1 ( misotac up to 600-800 mcg rectally) ‣ Prostaglandin E2 (prostin) ‣ Tranexemin acid 500-1000 mcg PRIMARY POSTPARTUM HEMORRHAGE S – SHIFT TO OPERATING ROOM (KEEP BIMANUAL COMPRESSION) PRIMARY POSTPARTUM HEMORRHAGE T – TAMPONADE AFTER EXCLUSION OF TISSUE AND TRAUMA UNDER ANAETHESIA •Examination with appropriate lighting , equipment analgesia and assistance to reassess the tone and tissue Then proceed to tamponade ..using uterine packing or balloon •Uterine packing using towels totally omitted from the RCOG guidelines and who guidelines stated that “ The use of uterine packing is not recommended for the treatment of PPH due to uterine atony after vaginal birth.” (Weak recommendation, very-low-quality evidence) •The concerns of uterine pack was due to : It is potentially traumatic , time consuming procedure It may conceal on-going hemorrhage Predispose to infection (endometritis) It represents a non-physiological approach PRIMARY POSTPARTUM HEMORRHAGE How to do uterine balloon tamponade ( using bakri balloon)? •Grasp anterior lip of cervix •Insert the balloon cathter inside uterine cavity •Fill the balloon with warm saline or water (till the pressure exceeds the patient’s blood pressure) •TAMPONADE TEST .. Bleeding didn’t stop –failed procedure- go for laparotomy •Bleeding stopped .. Do fundal mark , oxytocin 40 iu on saline and antibiotics for 3 days •Monitor the patient blood pressure and pulse every 30 minutes and temperature every 2 hours •Removal .. After 6-8 hours •Deflate the balloon wait 30 minutes if no bleeding .. Remove •If bleeding stats again .. Re-inflate or go for surgery PRIMARY POSTPARTUM HEMORRHAGE (BAKRI) PRIMARY POSTPARTUM HEMORRHAGE A – APPLY COMPRESSION SUTURES • B lynch and its modifications is still of value in controlling PPH • Fertility preservation with the relatively ease of the technique with low complications are an advantages of this technique • The reported disadvantages are the need to re operate and go for hystrectomy in about 10% of cases , endometritis and pyometra and uterine necrosis ▸ PRIMARY POSTPARTUM HEMORRHAGE (B LYNCH) PRIMARY POSTPARTUM HEMORRHAGE S – SYSTEMIC PELVIC DEVASCULARISATION •Using the stepwise pelvic devascularisation •Starting with bilateral uterine artery ligation at two levels ( isthmus – 3-5 cm below) •Bilateral ovarian artery ligation •Bilateral internal iliac artery ligation PRIMARY POSTPARTUM HEMORRHAGE I – INTERVENTIONAL RADIOLOGY •Selective arterial embolisation to the uterine artery is a line in the management of post partum hemorrhage but it The logistics of performing arterial occlusion or embolisation where the equipment or an interventional radiologist may not be available . •But it is of great value as a prophlactic step done in the planned cesarean section when the placenta is known to be accreta or increta. PRIMARY POSTPARTUM HEMORRHAGE S – SUBTOTAL HYSTRECTOMY •Resort to hysterectomy SOONER RATHER THAN LATER (especially in cases of placenta accreta or uterine rupture). •A second consultant clinician should be involved in the decision for hysterectomy. •Subtotal hysterectomy is the operation of choice in many instances of PPH requiring hysterectomy, unless there is trauma to the cervix or lower segment; the risk of neoplasia developing in the cervical stump •several years later is not relevant in the context of life-threatening haemorrhage. PRIMARY POSTPARTUM HEMORRHAGE N.B •IS THERE A USE FOR RECOMBINANT FACTOR VIIA THERAPY? •Recombinant activated factor VII (rFVIIa) was developed for the treatment of haemophilia. Over the past decade, it has also been used to control bleeding in other circumstances. •In the face of life-threatening PPH, and in consultation with a haematologist, rFVIIa may be used as an adjuvant to standard pharmacological and surgical treatments. A suggested dose is 90 micrograms/kg,which may be repeated in the absence of clinical response within 15–30 minutes. If fibrinogen should be above 1g/l and platelets greater than 20 x 109/l before rFVIIa is given. •If there is a suboptimal clinical response to rFVIIa, these should be checked and acted on (with cryoprecipitate, fibrinogen concentrate or platelet transfusion as appropriate) before a second dose is given. ▸ SECONDARY POSTPARTUM HEMORRHAGE SECONDARY POSTPARTUM HEMORRHAGE CAUSES: ▸ Infections ( endometritis) ▸ Placental site (retained placenta fragments , adherent placenta ) ▸ Preexisting uterine causes (fibroid, polyps, cervical neoplasms , AV fistulas) ▸ Coagulopathies ( VW , hemophilia , aquired) SECONDARY POSTPARTUM HEMORRHAGE SECONDARY POSTPARTUM HEMORRHAGE ▸ Assessment ▸ History ▸ Investigations (CBC , CRP HCG) ▸ Coagulation profile ▸ Blood culture ▸ U/S SECONDARY POSTPARTUM HEMORRHAGETEXT TREATMENT OF SECONDARY POSTPARTUM HEMORRHAGE ▸ Ecbolics and antibiotics for 24 hours then consider surgery Surgical options ▸ E&C ▸ Baloon ▸ Devascularisation ▸ Interventional radiology ▸ Hysterectomy ▸ Factor VII (90UG/KG EVERY 15 M) AHMED HASSAN KHEDR THANK YOU