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Physics Course Outline: Diploma Programme SL & HL

Diploma Programme Subject Outline — Group 4: Sciences
School Name
Name of the DP ubject
Name of the teacher
who completed this
Date when outline
was completed
(indicate language)
(indicate with X)
School code
Standard completed in two years
Standard completed in one year *
Date of IB Training
03/02/2021 to 03/03/2021
Name of Workshop
Physics (Cat.1)
(Group 2)(ONLINE)
(indicate name of subject and workshop category)
* All Diploma Programme courses are designed as two-year learning experiences. However, up to two standard level subjects, excluding languages ab initio and pilot subjects, can be completed in
one year, according to conditions established in the Handbook of procedures for the Diploma Programme.
Course outline
Use the following table to organize the topics to be taught in the course. If you need to include topics that cover other
requirements you have to teach (for example, national syllabus), make sure that you do so in an integrated way, but also
differentiate them using italics. Add as many rows as you need.
This document should not be a day-by-day accounting of each unit. It is an outline showing how you will distribute the
topics and the time to ensure that students are prepared to comply with the requirements of the subject.
This outline should show how you will develop the teaching of the subject. It should reflect the individual nature of the
course in your classroom and should not just be a “copy and paste” from the subject guide.
If you will teach both higher and standard level, make sure that this is clearly identified in your outline.
Allocated time
(as identified in the IB
subject guide)
In one
there are
State the topics/units in the order
you are planning to teach them.
Year 1 1.
Measurements & Uncertainties 1.1 Measurements in Physics
[HL & SL]
1.2 Uncertainties and Errors
1.3 Vectors and scalars
2. Mechanics
2.1 Motion
[HL & SL]
2.2 Forces
2.3 Work, energy & Power
2.4 Momentum and impulse
3. Thermal physics
[HL & SL]
3.1 Thermal concepts
3.2 Modeling a gas
5 Hrs
22 Hrs
11 Hrs
to be used
List the main resources to be used,
including information technology if
Vector Addition
Vectors, Vector Addition
Tests and quizzes, Projectile Motion
Practice Internal Range, height, time, initial speed, mass,
Assessments for air resistance, diameter.
Each Chapter.
Forces and Motion
1D motion, FBDs, vectors, friction,
gravity, normal, spring, and
Solving Previous applied forces, sum of forces, position,
friction coefficients,
IB papers.
force/time graphs, game “Robot Moving
Blackbody Spectrum
Blackbody, Sun, Light, Quantum
4. Waves [HL & SL]
4.1 Oscillations
4.2 Travelling waves
4.3 Wave Characteristics
4.4 Wave behavior
4.5 Standing waves
15 Hrs
6. Circular motion & Gravitation
[HL & SL]
Circular motion
Newton’s law of
5 Hrs
7. Atomic, nuclear & particle
Physics [HL & SL]
7.1 – Discrete Energy and
7.2 – Nuclear reactions
7.3 – The structure of matter
14 Hrs
5.1 – Electric fields
5.2 – Heating effect of
Electric Currents
5.3 – Electric Cells
5.4 – Magnetic Effects of
Electric Currents
15 Hrs
Tests and quizzes, Magnets and Electromagnets
Practice Internal Magnetic Field, Magnets, Electromagnets
Assessments for
Each Chapter. Ohm’s Law Lab
Quantitative. Voltage, Current,Resistance,
Ohm’s Law
8.1 – Energy sources
8.2 – Thermal energy transfer
8 Hrs
Solving Previous Energy Forms and Changes
IB papers.
Conservation of Energy, Energy Systems,
Same as Above Energy Transfer
Year 2 5.
Electricity & Magnetism
[HL & SL]
8. Energy production
Wave on a String
Waves,frequency and amplitude
Same as Above
Same as Above
Gravity and Orbits
Conceptual only, gravity force and
velocity vectors for orbital motion. Vary
initial velocity, mass of satellite, observe
changes in orbit.
Models of the Hydrogen Atom
Quantum Mechanics, Hydrogen Atom,
Bohr Model
Additional Higher Level (AHL) 9.1 – Simple harmonic motion
9. Wave phenomena
9.2 – Single-slit diffraction
9.3 – Interference
9.4 – Resolution
9.5 – Doppler effect
17 Hrs
Same as Above
Wave Interference
Interference, Double Slit, Diffraction
10. Fields
10.1 – Describing fields
10.2 – Fields at work
11 Hrs
Same as Above
Electric field of Dreams
Electricity, Electric Charges, Electric
11. Electromagnetic Induction
11.1 – Electromagnetic Induction
11.2 – Power Generation &
11.3 – Capacitance
16 Hrs
Same as Above
Faraday’s Electromagnetic Lab
Electromagnetic induction, Faraday’s law,
transformer, generator.Semi-quantitative
(field strength, loop area, number of
12. Quantum and Nuclear
12.1 – The Interaction of Matter
with Radiation
12.2 – Nuclear physics
16 Hrs
Same as Above
Isotopes, Atomic Mass
Radioactive Dating Game
Radiometric Dating, Carbon Dating,
Half Life
(Any One Chapter)
A. Relativity
B. Engineering Physics
C. Imaging
D. Astrophysics
15/25 Hrs
15/25 Hrs
15/25 Hrs
15/25 Hrs
2.The group 4 project
As the IB guides say, “The group 4 project is a collaborative activity where students from different group 4 subjects work together on a
scientific or technological topic, allowing for concepts and perceptions from across the disciplines to be shared in line with aim
10—that is, to ‘encourage an understanding of the relationships between scientific disciplines and the overarching nature of the
scientific method.’” Describe how you will organize this activity. Indicate the timeline and subjects involved, if applicable.
The Group 4 project is preformed collaboratively between IB Biology, IB Chemistry and IB Physics. Each group of students will consist of a
mixture of disciplines of Biology, Chemistry, and Physics. All of the teachers involved work together to determine an appropriate topic that
can be examined within their disciplines.Teachers then determine the groups and the students work to create and present an original
research project.
IB practical work and the internal assessment requirement to be completed during the course
As you know, students should undergo practical work related to the syllabus.
• Physics, chemistry and biology: 40 hours (at standard level) or 60 hours (at higher level)
• Computer science: 40 hours (at standard level) or 40 hours (at higher level)
• Design technology: 60 hours (at standard level) or 96 hours (at higher level)
• Sport, exercise and health science: 40 hours (at standard level) or 60 hours (at higher level)
Use the table below to indicate the name of the experiment you would propose for the different topics in the
syllabus.An example is given. Add as many rows as necessary.
Name of the topic
Topic 2: Mechanics
1. Determining“g” &
2. Determining the acceleration of free-fall
3. Using various Measurment Instruments
Investigating Young’s double-slit
Topic 4: Waves
Analysing Young’s Double Slit Experiment
Any ICT used?
Remember you must use all five
within your programme.
Topic 5: Electricity & Magnetism
1. Determining Internal Resistance
2. Investigating one or more of the factors that
affect resistance.
PhEt Simulation Software
Topic 6: Circular Motion & Gravitation
Option A: Engineering Physics
1.PhEt Torque Simulation, Fasteners in
Construction Practical.
2.Determining refractive index of a material
Laboratory facilities
Describe the laboratory and indicate whether it is presently equipped to facilitate the practical work that you have indicated in the
chart above. If it is not, indicate the timeline to achieve this objective and describe the safety measures that are applicable.
Physics Lab is equipped with all of the necessary materials for the labs of year 1 & 2.
5. Other resources
Indicate what other resources the school has to support the implementation of the subject and what plans there are to improve them, if needed.
Computers are available for online labs to supplement any work
6. Links to TOK
You are expected to explore links between the topics of your subject and TOK. As an example of how you would do this, choose one
topic from your course outline that would allow your students to make links with TOK. Describe how you would plan the lesson.
Link with TOK (including description of lesson plan)
1.3 – Vectors and Scalars
What is the nature of certainty and proof in mathematics?
2.1 – Motion
The independence of horizontal and vertical motion in projectile motion seems to be counter-intuitive.
How do scientists work around their intuitions? How do scientists make use of their intuitions?
2.2 – Forces
Classical physics believed that the whole of the future of the universe could be predicted from knowledge of the
present state. To what extent can knowledge of the present give us knowledge of the future?
2.3 – Work, Energy & Power To what extent is scientific knowledge based on fundamental concepts such as energy?
What happens to scientific knowledge when our understanding of such fundamental concepts changes or evolves?
2.4 – Momentum and
Do conservation laws restrict or enable further development in physics?
Friction causes moving objects to stop or slow down. Friction produces heat causing wastage of energy in
machines. Friction causes wear and tear of moving parts of macinery, soles of shoes, etc.
When Friction is not included
2.4 – Momentum and
Link with TOK (including description of lesson plan)
When Friction is included
4.4 – Wave behaviour
Huygens and Newton proposed two competing theories of the behaviour of light.
How does the scientific community decide between competing theories?
5.1 – Electric Fields
Field patterns provide a visualization of a complex phenomenon, essential to an understanding of this topic. Why
might it be useful to regard knowledge in a similar way, using the metaphor of knowledge as a map – a simplified
representation of reality?
5.4 – Magnetic Effects of
Electric Currents
Early scientists identified positive charges as the charge carriers in metals; however, the discovery of the electron led
to the introduction of “conventional” current direction. Was this a suitable solution to a major shift in thinking? What
role do paradigm shifts play in the progression of scientific knowledge?
6.2 – Newton’s law of
The laws of mechanics along with the law of gravitation create the deterministic nature of classical physics. Are
classical physics and modern physics compatible? Do other areas of knowledge also have a similar division between
classical and modern in their historical development?
7.2 – Nuclear reactions
The acceptance that mass and energy are equivalent was a major paradigm shift in physics. How have other paradigm
shifts changed the direction of science?
Have there been similar paradigm shifts in other areas of knowledge?
9.3 – Interference
Most two-slit interference descriptions can be made without reference to the one-slit modulation effect.
To what level can scientists ignore parts of a model for simplicity and clarity?
10.1 – Describing Fields
Although gravitational and electrostatic forces decrease with the square of distance and will only become zero at
infinite separation, from a practical standpoint they become negligible at much smaller distances.
How do scientists decide when an effect is so small that it can be ignored?
11.1 – Electromagnetic
Terminology used in electromagnetic field theory is extensive and can confuse people who are not directly involved.
What effect can lack of clarity in terminology have on communicating scientific concepts to the public?
12.2 – Nuclear Physics
Much of the knowledge about subatomic particles is based on the models one uses to interpret the data from
experiments. How can we be sure that we are discovering an “independent truth” not influenced by our models?
Is there such a thing as a single truth?
Link with TOK (including description of lesson plan)
A.3 – Spacetime Diagrams Can paradoxes be solved by reason alone, or do they require the utilization of other ways of knowing?
A.5 – General Relativity
Although Einstein self-described the cosmological constant as his “greatest blunder”, the 2011 Nobel Prize was won
by scientists who had proved it to be valid through their studies on dark energy. What other examples are there of
initially doubted claims being proven correct later in history?
B.1 – Rigid bodies and
Models are always valid within a context and they are modified, expanded or replaced when that context is altered or
Rotational Dynamics considered differently. Are there examples of unchanging models in the natural sciences or in any other areas of
Approaches to learning
Every IB course should contribute to the development of students’ approaches to learning skills. As an example of how you would do this, choose one topic from
your outline that would allow your students to specifically develop one or more of these skill categories (thinking, communication, social, self-management or
Contribution to the development of students’ approaches to learning skills (including one or more skill category)
2.2 Forces
To Draw the free body diagrams and analizes the magnitude and direction of the forces
4.4 Wave Behavior
Huygens and Newton proposed two competing theories of the behavior of light. How does the scientific community
decide between competing theories? The question to the students,“
Is light
a particle?”“tudents
Young’s Double Slit Experiment, making the conclusion that
to astore
and reuse the will
light is a wave.
5.1 Electric Field
International mindedness
Every IB course should contribute to the development of international-mindedness in students. As an example of how you would do this, choose one topic from your
outline that would allow your students to analyse it from different cultural perspectives. Briefly explain the reason for your choice and what resources you will use to
achieve this goal.
Contribution to the development of international mindedness (including resources you will use)
11.2 – Power Generation
& Transmission
Some current applications of wireless transmission of electrical energy and important future uses such as wireless
power of laptops, charging batteries in electric cars and mobile phones etc.
Hydroelectric Power
Contribution to the development of international mindedness (including resources you will use)
Pumped Storage System:
Development of the IB learner profile
Through the course it is also expected that students will develop the attributes of the IB learner profile. As an example of how you would do this, choose one
topic from your course outline and explain how the contents and related skills would pursue the development of any attribute(s) of the IB learner profile that you will
7.2 – Nuclear Reactions
Contribution to the development of the attribute(s) of the IB learner profile
How do advanced nuclear options compare to the nuclear reactor designs in