Energize your business with breakthrough ideas TM Ferman Innovation Capabilities Overview Len Ferman Adjunct Professor, University of North Florida Managing Director, Ferman Innovation, LLC What We Do for Our Clients OUTPUT: Set of themes to focus on in brainstorming Conduct In depth customer research interviews & build customer journey maps Facilitate brainstorming & action planning workshops Provide training on managing innovation © copyright 2018 Len Ferman 2 About Len Ferman Former head of ideation Founder Adjunct Professor of Innovation Faculty Member Duke University M.A. Economics & M.B.A. in Marketing Senior Consultant © copyright 2016 Len Ferman 4 Recognized Industry Thought Leader in Innovation Recent speaking engagements: • Total Customer Experience Leaders Summit (keynote speech) • The Market Research Event (largest research conference in US) • World Future Trends Summit • Front End of Innovation • CXFusion • Qualitative Research Consultants Association • Marketing Research Association Corporate Researchers Conference • Back End of Innovation © copyright 2018 Len Ferman 4 College Text Book and Corporate Innovation Manual Published in 2019 by Cognella Presently available on Amazon and BarnesandNoble.com Sneak preview can be seen FREE on publisher’s website: https://titles.cognella.com/bus iness-creativity-andinnovation-9781516541942 Business Creativity and Innovation: Perspectives and Best Practices © Copyright 2018 Len Ferman Edited and introduction by Len Ferman CHAPTERS Reading titles, authors, and brief description 1&2 Innovation Overview & Culture of Innovation 3 Identifying Customer Needs for Innovation 4 Generating Ideas to Solve for Customer Problems 5 Evaluating Ideas 6 Designing New Products & Services 7 Implementing an Overall Process for Innovation 8 Innovation Profiles The Great Disruption by Clayton Christensen, et al. Overview of disruptive innovation and the innovator’s dilemma with many examples Three Steps to Better Insights for Innovation by Peter Mulford Describes the importance of customer research to support the innovation process Idea Generation by Jonas Michanek and Andréas Breiler Offers a list of creative do’s and don’ts to foster creativity within an organization Screening and Development Tools by Jonas Michanek and Andréas Breiler Outlines simple method for rating ideas against agreed upon criteria Design Thinking and Innovation at Ideo By Vivek Gupta and A. Harish Provides a behind-thescenes look at the process and principles of design thinking The Stage-Gate Idea-toLaunch System by Robert Cooper Overview of all the steps of the classic Stage-Gate process Innovation at Apple by Debapratim Purkayastha and Maseeha Syeda Qumer A brief history of Apple, and insights regarding how innovation takes place at the company What Is The Innovation Paradox? by Marc Epstein & Tony Davila Description of the dichotomy between incremental and breakthrough innovation Allowing Your Customers to Navigate by Stuart Cross Explains why it is essential to talk to the right customers, in the right places, to get input for successful innovation Idea Generation Tools by Jonas Michanek and Andréas Breiler Provides six specific creative exercises that organizations can use to generate ideas for innovation The Tournament Approach to Idea Evaluation by Len Ferman Provides a process for evaluating and selecting the top concepts for an organization to invest in Why Design Thinking in Business Needs a Rethink by Martin Kupp, et al. Reveals the internal barriers that impede implementation of design thinking and a set of solutions Institutionalizing Innovation by Scott Anthony, et al. Describe various considerations and alternative structures for managing innovation Innovation Mindset by Vijay Govindarajan and Srikanth Srinivas Describes what it takes to be innovative with specific examples of how 3M manages innovation Driving Growth Through Innovation by Robert Tucker Offers five best practices for driving growth through innovation Finding the Right Job for Your Product by Clayton Christensen, et al. Describes the jobs-tobe-done approach to gathering customer input for innovation Creative Connections by Jacbo Goldenberg and Rom Y. Schrift Demonstrates some of the techniques used in Systematic Inventive Thinking (SIT) Leapfrogging to Breakthroughs (2 readings) by Soren Kaplan Offers a process that enables companies to generate breakthrough innovations Fast Lane Innovation by Stuart Cross Factors that have contributed to Amazon’s ability to successfully innovate The Corporate Culture of How by Deborah Perry Piscione and David Crawley Reveals corporate cultural aspects needed to enable innovation Less is More: by Jacbo Goldenberg and Rom Y. Schrift How industry giants like Apple and Philips generate ideas for innovations Innovation Myths by Ram Charan and AG Lafley Explores myths about innovation and offers advice on company culture necessary for successful innovation Developing Innovative Solutions Through Internal Crowdsourcing by Malhotra, Arvind, et al. Best practices for internal crowdsourcing Corporate Entrepreneurship and Innovation at Google by Debapratim Purkayastha and Adapa Srinivasa Rao Overview of innovation at Google 6 Experienced “Intrapreneur” Launched many profitable new products & services Launched the Barnett Bank Visa Travel Money Card Developed the concept for the Bank of America Small Business Online Community Started the business debit card for Bank of America Part of the founding team of the AT&T Universal Card Developed the first check image ATM at Barnett Bank Generated numerous online/mobile concepts for Bank of America © copyright 2018 Len Ferman 7 Len Ferman – “Visual ResumeTM” 25 years of experience managing innovation at Fortune 500 companies Barnett Bank AT&T Graduated from Duke with MBA in Marketing and MS in Economics Developed smart card & ATM strategy for Barnett Bank 1988 Introduced first check image ATM Managed new product research for B2C and B2B services Moved to JAX as part of the founding team of the AT&T Universal Card Led small business (SB) innovation – created concept for SB Online Community 199 7 199 5 199 0 Bank of America 199 6 1998 - 2003 Launched Visa TravelMoney – world’s first international prepaid card © copyright 2018 Len Ferman Launched & Managed Business Debit Card 200 4 Head of ideation for all consumer & SB products at Bank of America 201 1 2013 Founded Ferman Innovation: a boutique innovation agency 8 High energy and creative business executive Authored Runners World article documenting my quest to run the mile under 5:00 at 50-years-old http://www.runnersworld.com/masterstraining/under-500-at-50-years-old © copyright 2018 Len Ferman Multiple gold medalist and former record holder at the World Joggling Championships (running while juggling) 9 The Idea TournamentTM process for managing the front end of innovation 1 Explore Customer & Market Exploration Identify key customer needs & market opportunities 2 Ideate Brainstorming & Idea Generation Generate ideas to meet customer needs & capitalize on market opportunities © copyright 2018 Len Ferman 3 Evaluate Idea Selection & Design Evaluate, prioritize and cultivate top ideas for development 11 Qualitative Research Capabilities Moderating focus groups and IDIs since 1993 25 years of experience “in front and behind the glass” OUTPUT: Set of themes to focus on in brainstorming Learned from many of the best moderators in the business as a research manager at AT&T in the late 1980s Disciple of Sid Furst, a founder of the Qualitative Research Consultants Association, and a pioneer in the use of focus groups in the 1950s Adept in using qualitative research to inform subsequent business decision making Design qualitative research to feed directly into ideation sessions and customer journey maps © copyright 2018 Len Ferman 11 In depth phone interviews In depth phone interviews at a fraction of the cost of focus groups conducted by an experienced moderator Recruit respondents from any location Listen live or via audio recordings sent immediately after the call Audio clips are embedded in report making findings more powerful & actionable Audio clip sample This is an embedded audio clip. Hover over the audio icon and click play button An experienced and insightful researcher: “Len did an outstanding job of interviewing our clients for our customer satisfaction program. His interview style is professional and personable. Len created a report that not only summarized key insights but included audio clips to reinforce his findings.” - Sharon Brant, Head of Market Insights, Vantiv (2nd largest payment processing company in US) CONTACT: Len Ferman Managing Director Len@fermaninnovation.com www.fermaninnovation.com 904.553.0075 © copyright 2018 Len Ferman • 25 years of Fortune 100 innovation experience • 20+ years moderating experience • Speaker at Qualitative Research Consultants Association Annual Meeting • MBA & MA from Duke University 12 Customer Journey Mapping offered in partnership with MaritzCX What is it? A visual representation, from a customer point of view, of the journey a customer takes with your brand, products, services and people. What’s the benefit? • Identify gaps in current VoC measures • Build a common understanding among employees regarding what the customer goes through • Identify opportunities and ideas to improve the customer experience Ideation Exercise Examples 14 Creative Exercise Examples ASSUMPTION BUSTING DESCRIPTION Identify and eliminate long held assumptions and constraints that blind the group to generate potential new ideas HOW IT WORKS • List all “facts”, assumptions, requirements and “truths” about the brainstorming theme • For each of the listed items, pose the question, “What would it be like if it was not that way?” • Ask the group to share ideas that would fit in the new environment Ease of Likelihood of Potential for implementing success breakthrough ideas BENEFITS • Eliminating long held assumptions can open up possibilities that could not be imagined previously • Provides a clear process for participants to follow without the feel of an esoteric exercise • Good for middle of the session after top of mind ideas have been exhausted EXAMPLE: The iTouch is an iPhone without the ability to place calls © copyright 2018 Len Ferman 15 Creative Exercise Examples RELATED WORLDS DESCRIPTION Look to other “worlds” or analogous situations to see how similar problems solved HOW IT WORKS • Break group into sub-groups of 3 – 6 people • Each group selects one related world (e.g., a similar industry or well known company) • Identify attributes of how the related world solves their primary issues • Use the list of attributes to help generate ideas for how the related world would solve for our brainstorming themes Ease of Likelihood of Potential for implementing success breakthrough ideas BENEFITS • Drawing on ideas from other fields is a well documented method for generating breakthrough ideas • Provides a clear process for participants to follow without the feel of an esoteric exercise • Good for middle of the session after top of mind ideas have been exhausted EXAMPLE: the cloth press for printing patterns gave rise to the printing press © copyright 2018 Len Ferman 16 1 – 3 Day Training Program customized for on-site delivery Innovating for Your Company’s Future A guide to innovation with practical applications for any organization REGISTER NOW for April 21st class To register call UNF Division of Continuing Education: 904-620-4200 For more information contact course instructor Len Ferman: 904.553.0075 or email: Len.Ferman@unf.edu Course Instructor: Len Ferman TAUGHT BY A PROVEN INNOVATION LEADER: “Len is passionate about innovation and understands the important concepts connecting market opportunities with internal capabilities.” Dan Connor, Strategic Business Development Manager, 3M Speaking Program 45 – 90 minute “corporate infotainment” program on business innovation that will entertain, inform and energize your audience. Optional 60 – 120 minute add on workshop to allow participants to practice innovation techniques. © copyright 2018 Len Ferman 18 Innovation Workshop References Dan Connor, Strategic Business Development Managers, 3M Jason Burrell, SVP; Senior Product Manager, Bank of America: “Len is passionate about innovation and understands the important concepts connecting market opportunities with internal capabilities.” “Len has an extensive knowledge around innovation principles, process, and execution. Len has the energy and stamina of most young college students. I would always enjoy observing Len as he conducted ideation sessions. Chuck Andrews, SVP, Payments Network Executive, Bank of America: Len is a skilled practitioner of innovation and is a very good creative thinker. I’ve witnessed firsthand Len’s ability to engage various business lines in innovation exercises and drive them to successful outcomes. I recommend Len without reservation.” Marta Villanueva, President, Villanueva Qualitative, Inc.: “Len has a unique gift in making complex innovation concepts simple and actionable. Len beautifully leverages his expertise on the front end of the innovation process to design sessions which will lead to solutions for clients.” Professor Gregory J. McGiffney, Fresno Pacific University: “Mr. Ferman has developed an Ideation process in business that allows for development of strategies that can facilitate organizational improvement.” Mary Ferrell, Director of Senior Services, City of Jacksonville: “Len conducted an outstanding ideation session for us. In addition his leadership in organizing the event and conducting background research made the event extremely successful. We are making immediate use of the top ideas.” 19 © copyright 2018 Len Ferman Qualitative Research References “Len Ferman was in the Market Research OUTPUT: Set of themes to focus on inInc. brainstorming Department at Barnett Banks, in the mid-90’s. I ran the Bank’s electronic delivery programs and was trying to get customers to use ATMs for deposits and not just withdrawals. I asked Len to do some focus groups with customers to help us understand their reluctance. He did a great job. His demeanor with the group was relaxed and he was able to extract actionable information from participants. I have great respect for Len’s skills in leading focus groups.” Cathy Corby Iannuzzelli President, Corby & Company, Inc. “Len Ferman conducted structured interviews with several key business leaders in the Jacksonville area to obtain information regarding a new program we are developing together. The report Len provided summarizing the data he collected was phenomenal. I found the information to be insightful, useful, highly detailed, and organized. I would recommend his work to anyone wanting to gain a better understanding of their market or potential customers.” Tim Giles Director, University of North Florida Continuing Education 20 Qualitative Research References “I had the opportunity to observe Len in action OUTPUT: Set of themes to focus in brainstorming facilitating focus groups foron Barnett Bank. Len did a fantastic job managing the sessions each day and throughout the entire project. He was particularly adept at exploring the customers’ underlying feelings and motivations. “I truly believe that you amplify your capability as you understand the research process, critical questions and the outcome desired. In sum, I highly recommend Len not only as a moderator, but also as a research expert.” Len had a unique style and process when it came to presenting the data to the internal client, it was always clear, concise and no fluff. Bernardo Martinez, Head Marketing and Products Executive Banco del Progreso I would strongly recommend Len to any company conducting focus groups and looking for a strong moderator that is also easy to work with.” Former SVP, Consumer & SB Credit Card Executive, Bank of America Jeffrey H. Nykerk, MA - Marketing Internet & Marketing Consultant 21 Thank You For Your Time Len Ferman Adjunct Professor of Innovation University of North Florida Len.Ferman@unf.edu AND Managing Director, Ferman Innovation, LLC www.fermaninnovation.com Len@Fermaninnovation.com 904.553.0075