Uploaded by Eva Gallagher


*Menú Spanglish
*Copia de una traducción encontrada a la puerta de una casa de
comidas de O´Grove (Galicia)
*The Casa Gallega
* Spanish covers
- Octopus to the party
- Corageous potatoes
- Huge air spray with grelos
- Canes and little ones
- Drink from the boot and the big joint
- Thin Uncle Joseph and Thin Fifth
- They will pass from Navarra
- Wines from the River Ha and the Valley of Rocks
Today´s menu
- Female Jews with Thief
- Pretty to the Iron
Special Opening Promotion
- One mug of bleeding if you buy a Little Joseph of Veal
Animation Activities
- Little Football Contest
- He-dominated Tournament
- Primitive Lottery Cudgel
- Youyou contest by couples
- Madrid Aiport available to play on the tables