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Contemporary Philippine Music: Grade 10 Module

Quarter 3 – Module 1:
Contemporary Philippine Music
Republic of the Philippines
● Department of Education
Music – Grade 10
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 3 – Module 1: Contemporary Philippine Music
First Edition, 2020
Republic Act 8293, section 176 states that: No copyright shall subsist in any
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government agency or office wherein the work is created shall be necessary for the
exploitation of such work for a profit. Such agency or office may, among other things,
impose as a condition the payment of royalties.
Borrowed materials (i.e., songs, stories, poems, pictures, photos, brand
names, trademarks, etc.) included in this module are owned by their respective
copyright holders. Every effort has been exerted to locate and seek permission to
use these materials from their respective copyright owners. The publisher and
authors do not represent nor claim ownership over them.
Published by the Department of Education
Secretary: Leonor Magtolis Briones
Undersecretary: Diosdado M. San Antonio
Development Team of the Module
Jason John V. Tabujara, Krizza E. Dalogdog, Miriam Gay L. Mariscal–Lagahit
Editor: Karen Mae B. Segumpan
Reviewers: Raquel Rita D. Salingay, EdD., Daniel A. Flores, PhD
Management Team:
Arturo B. Bayucot, PhD, CESO III
Regional Director
Victor G. De Gracia, Jr., PhD, CESO V
Asst. Regional Director
Randolph B. Tortola, PhD., CESO IV
School Division Superintendent
Shambaeh A. Usman, PhD
Asst. Schools Division Superintendent
Mala Epra B. Magnaong, PhD., Chief CLMD
Neil A. Improgo, PhD, EPS-LRMS
Elbert R. Francisco, PhD, Chief-CID
Ernesto D. Reciña, Jr. EPS-MAPEH
Rejynne Mary L. Ruiz, PhD, LRMS Manager
Jeny B. Timbal, PDO II
Shella O. Boasco, Division Librarian II
Printed in the Philippines by:
Office Address:
E-mail Address:
Department of Education
Division of Bukidnon – Region X
Fortich St. Sumpong, Malaybalay City
(088) 813-3634
Quarter 3 – Module 1:
Contemporary Philippine Music
This instructional material was collaboratively developed and
reviewed by educators from the public institution. We encourage teachers
and other education stakeholders to email their feedback, comments, and
recommendations to the Department of Education at action@deped.gov.ph.
We value your feedback and recommendations
Republic of the Philippines
● Department of Education
Introductory Message
Note to the Teacher/ Facilitator
Note to the Learner
Note to the Parents/Guardian
Module Icons
Module Reminders
Lesson 1
Overview: Traditional Music vs. Contemporary Music
What I Need To Know -------------------------------------------What I Know ---------------------------------------------------------What’s In -------------------------------------------------------------What’s New ----------------------------------------------------------What is it -------------------------------------------------------------What’s More ---------------------------------------------------------What I Have Learned ---------------------------------------------What I Can Do ------------------------------------------------------Assessment ---------------------------------------------------------Additional Activities -------------------------------------------------
Lesson 2
20th Century Traditional Composers (Part-I)
What I Need To Know -------------------------------------------What I Know ---------------------------------------------------------What’s In -------------------------------------------------------------What’s New ----------------------------------------------------------What is it -------------------------------------------------------------What’s More ---------------------------------------------------------What I Have Learned ---------------------------------------------What I Can Do -------------------------------------------------------
Assessment ---------------------------------------------------------Additional Activities -------------------------------------------------
Lesson 3
20th Century Traditional Composers (Part-II)
What I Need To Know -------------------------------------------What I Know ---------------------------------------------------------What’s In -------------------------------------------------------------What’s New ----------------------------------------------------------What is it -------------------------------------------------------------What’s More ---------------------------------------------------------What I Have Learned ---------------------------------------------What I Can Do ------------------------------------------------------Assessment ---------------------------------------------------------Additional Activities -------------------------------------------------
Lesson 4
20th Century Traditional Composers (Part-III)
What I Need To Know -------------------------------------------What I Know --------------------------------------------------------What’s In -------------------------------------------------------------What is it -------------------------------------------------------------What’s More ---------------------------------------------------------What I Have Learned ---------------------------------------------What I Can Do ------------------------------------------------------Assessment ---------------------------------------------------------Additional Activities -------------------------------------------------
Lesson 5
Culminating Activity (Week 1)
What I Need To Know -------------------------------------------Practical Assessment ----------------------------------------------
MODULE POST-ASSESSMENT ---------------------------------------
ANSWER KEY-----------------------------------------------------------------
REFERENCES ---------------------------------------------------------------
troductory Message
Welcome to Music 10 Alternative Delivery Mode (ADM) Module on
Contemporary Philippine Music!
This module was collaboratively designed, developed, and reviewed by
educators both from the the public and private institutionsDepartment of Education
(DepEd) to assist you, the teacher or facilitator in helping the learners meet the
standards set by the K to 12 Curriculum while overcoming their personal, social, and
economic constraints in schooling.
This learning resource hopes to engage the learners into guided and
independent learning activities at their own pace and time. Furthermore, this also
aims to help learners acquire the needed 21st century skills while taking into
consideration their needs and circumstances.
In addition to the material in the main text, you will also see this box in the
body of the module:
This contains helpful tips or strategies that will
help you in guiding the learners.
This module was divided into five (5) lessons as to cater to the number of
days required for this specific MAPEH component, Music. We have resolved to lump
all lessons in a two module parts (with this being first partthe first part, then the
second part) in order to continue the flow of the Most Essential Learning
Competencies (MELC) depicted in each lesson. Rest assured that this module will
limit complexity and promote the simplicity of the lessons.
Note to the Teacher
In response to the need for today’s challenging challenge in the new normal
way of living due to the pandemic, this module for Grade 10 learners is the first book
uniquely designed to achieve the goals set by the Department of Education. It is
expected that with the use of the modern technologies that we have, millennial
teachers are foretold to be more innovative, creative, resilient, and orally competent.
As a facilitator, you are expected to orient the learners on how to use this
module. You also need to keep track of the learners' progress while allowing them to
Commented [u1]: I think only the public institution,
DepED is tasked for the module making.
manage their own learning. Furthermore, you are expected to encourage and assist
the learners as they do the tasks included in the module.
Note to the Learners
Welcome to the Music 10 Alternative Delivery Mode (ADM) Module on
Contemporary Philippine Music!
The hand is one of the most symbolized parts of the human body. It is often
used to depict skill, action, and purpose. Through our hands, we may learn, create
and accomplish great things beyond our imagination. Hence, the hand in this
learning resource signifies that you, as a learner, is capable and empowered to
successfully achieve the relevant competencies and skills at your own pace and
time. Your academic success lies in your own hands!
Commented [u2]: add comma
Commented [u3]: add comma
Commented [u4]: add comma
Furthermore, this module was designed to provide you with fun and
meaningful opportunities in guided and independent learning at your own pace and
time. You will be enabled to process the contents of the learning resource while
being an active learner.
Note to the Parents/Guardian
As a parent/guardian, you are expected to participate and facilitate diverse
learning experiences and activities of your child outside the school premises. We
believe that your engagement will create conditions in which your child learns more
effectively. By assessing your child in taking up his/her lessons, you will become a
helpful n important factor in your child’s overall learning and education.
Good luck! We hope you will enjoy working with this module.
This module has the following parts and corresponding icons:
What I Need to
This will give you an idea of the skills or
competencies you are expected to learn in
the module.
What I Know
This part includes an activity that aims to
check what you already know about the
lesson to take. If you get all the answers
correct (100%), you may decide to skip this
What’s In
This is a brief drill or review to help you link
the current lesson with the previous one.
What’s New
In this portion, the new lesson will be
Commented [u5]: you may change to BENEFICIAL/
introduced to you in various ways such as a
story, a song, a poem, a problem opener, an
activity or a situation.
What is It
This section provides a brief discussion of
the lesson. This aims to help you discover
and understand new concepts and skills.
What’s More
This comprises activities for independent
practice to solidify your understanding and
skills of the topic. You may check the
answers to the exercises using the Answer
Key at the end of the module.
What I Have
sentence/paragraph to be filled in to process
what you learned from the lesson.
What I Can Do
This section provides an activity which will
help you transfer your new knowledge or skill
into real life situations or concerns.
This is a task which aims to evaluate your
level of mastery in achieving the learning
Answer Key
In this portion, another activity will be given to
you to enrich your knowledge or skill of the
lesson learned. This also tends retention of
learned concepts.
This contains answers to all activities in the
At the end of this module you will also find:
This is a list of all sources used in developing
this module.
The following are some reminders in using this module:
1. Use the module with care. Do not put unnecessary mark/s on any part of the
module. Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercises.
2. Don’t Do not forget to answer What I Know before moving on to the other
activities included in the module.
3. Read the instruction carefully before doing each task.
4. Observe honesty and integrity in doing the tasks and checking your answers.
5. Finish the task at hand before proceeding to the next.
6. Return this module to your teacher/facilitator once you are through with it.
If you encounter any difficulty in answering the tasks in this module, do not
hesitate to consult your teacher or facilitator. Always bear in mind that you are
not alone.
We hope that through this material, you will experience meaningful learning and gain
a deep understanding of the relevant competencies. You can do it!
This module was designed and written with you in mind. It is here to help you
master the Contemporary Philippine Music. The scope of this module permits it to be
used in many different learning situations. The language used recognizes the diverse
vocabulary level of students. The lessons are arranged to follow the standard
sequence of the course. But the order in which you read them can be changed to
correspond with the textbook you are now using.
The module is divided into five lessons, namely:
✓ Lesson 1 – Overview: Traditional Music Vs. Contemporary Music
✓ Lesson 2: 20th Century Traditional Music Composers
(Part 1: Buencamino, Santiago, Abelardo, Molina)
✓ Lesson 3: 20th Century Traditional Music Composers
(Part 2: Rubio, Buenaventura, Col. A. , Cornejo, De Leon)
✓ Lesson 4: 20th Century Traditional Music Composers
(Part 3: San Pedro, Santos, Buenaventura, A., Cayabyab)
Commented [u6]: Avoid contractions as much as possible.
✓ Lesson 5: Culmination (Weekend Self-assessment on the 20th Century
Filipino Composers)
After going through this module, you are expected to:
Listen perceptively to excerpts of major Contemporary works;
Describe the characteristics of traditional and new music;
Give a brief biography of selected Contemporary Philippine Composer/s;
Perform selections of Contemporary music;
Improvise simple vocal/instrumental accompaniment to selected songs; and
Evaluate music and music performances using guided rubrics.
Multiple Choice Test | Direction: On a separate sheet of paper,
following by choosing the letter of your best answer.
answer the
1. He created and composed the melody for the University of the Philippine’s
Official Anthem, UP naming Mahal.
A. Francisco Buencamino, Sr.
Antonio Molina
C. Nicanor AbelardoFrancisco Santiago
B. Francisco Buencamino, Sr.Santiago
MolinaNicanor Abelardo
2. He lived in Quiapo, Manila, and stood proud as an Orchestra soloist at Manila
Grand Opera House dating 1940s to the 70s.
A. Antonio Molina
C. Francisco Santiago
B. Francisco Buencamino, Sr.
D. Nicanor Abelardo
A. Francisco Buencamino, Sr.
C. Nicanor Abelardo
A. Antonio Molina
C. Francisco Santiago
B. Francisco Buencamino, Sr.
D. Nicanor Abelardo
A. Francisco Buencamino, Sr.
C. Nicanor Abelardo
A. Antonio Molina
C. Francisco Santiago
B. Francisco Buencamino, Sr.
D. Nicanor Abelardo
A. Francisco Buencamino, Sr.
C. Nicanor Abelardo
A. Antonio Molina
C. Francisco Santiago
B. Francisco Buencamino, Sr.
Francisco Buencamino, Sr.
C. Nicanor Abelardo
6. This composer is known for being a Music Instructor and Band conductor of
the Philippine Military Academy. His active involvement with various military
bands ultimately earned him his military rank of Colonel.
Commented [u7]: Be CONSISTENT on the arrangement of
Also, consistency of question STEM is encouraged. If you
tend to have it in SENTENCE form, it is best to do it all
throughout. However, it is still your prerogative as the
Commented [jjt8R7]: For face validity, Ma’am no? payts
Commented [u9]: Add comma
Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.5", No bullets or
Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.5", No bullets or
Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.5", No bullets or
Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.5", No bullets or
A. Col. Antonio Buenaventura
C. Hilarion Rubio
BC. Rodolfo Cornejo
Felipe De Leon, Sr.
D. Felipe
De Leon, Sr.Rodolfo Cornejo
7. This composer was the Church organist of Pasay Catholic Church and a
Doctor of Music (honoris causa) in his time.
A. Col. Antonio Buenaventura
C. Hilarion Rubio
B. Felipe De Leon, Sr.
D. Rodolfo Cornejo
A. Hilarion Rubio
B. Col. Antonio Buenaventura
8. He composed Unang Katas, Bulaklaken, Liwayway, and the & the National
Heroes Day Hymn.
A. Col. Antonio Buenaventura
C. Hilarion Rubio
B. Felipe De Leon, Sr.
D. Rodolfo Cornejo
A. Hilarion Rubio
B. Col. Antonio Buenaventura
A. Col. Antonio Buenaventura
C. Hilarion Rubio
B. Felipe De Leon, Sr.
D. Rodolfo Cornejo
A. Hilarion Rubio
B. Col. Antonio Buenaventura
A. Col. Antonio Buenaventura
C. Hilarion Rubio
B. Felipe De Leon, Sr.
D. Rodolfo Cornejo
A. Hilarion Rubio
B. Col. Antonio Buenaventura
A. Alfredo Buenaventura
C. Rosendo Santos
CB. Lucio San Pedro Rosendo Santos
D. Ryan Cayabyab Alfredo Buenaventura
12. He studied at the UP Conservatory of Music and proceeded toat the Catholic
University of America in Washington, DC.
A. Alfredo Buenaventura
C. Rosendo Santos
B. Lucio San Pedro
D. Ryan Cayabyab A.
Ryan Cayabyab
B. Lucio San Pedro
13. This composer preserved the traditional/classical way of compositions as
seen in his works like Misa, Four Poems for Soprano and Piano, Zarzuela
Alikabok, and Opera Spolarium with Libretto.
A. Alfredo Buenaventura
C. Rosendo Santos
B. Lucio San Pedro
D. Ryan Cayabyab
A. Ryan Cayabyab
B. Lucio San Pedro
A. A. Alfredo Buenaventura
C. Rosendo Santos
B. Lucio San Pedro
D. Ryan Cayabyab Ryan
B. Lucio San Pedro
C. Rosendo Santos
D. Alfredo Buenaventura
A. Alfredo Buenaventura
C. Rosendo Santos
B. Lucio San Pedro
D. Ryan Cayabyab
A. Ryan Cayabyab
B. Lucio San Pedro
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Commented [u13]: Spell-out always
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Commented [u15]: Proceeded on what? Try to be specific
on this eg. Post graduate studies?
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+ Level: 1 + Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3, … + Start at: 1 +
Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 0.25" + Indent at: 0.5"
Commented [u16]: Add comma
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0.25" + Indent at: 0.5"
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OVERVIEW: Traditional VS.
Contemporary Music
The Philippine Traditional Music Composers were inspired by classicism,
romanticism, baroque music, and that of the traditional western musical era.
Learning about the various forms and genres of music during the post-romantic to
the 20th 20th Century makes one reflect how talented and creative Filipino
composers are.
Today, we will be talking about the origin of Traditional Music and to the New
Music of the Philippines that have an embraced ideas and elements from the
twentieth century music from the west, as well as the latest trends and musical styles
in the entertainment industry.
Hello there, Music buddy! How are you? I hope you are fine!
Brace yourself and be amazed on at the wonders of Philippine
Contemporary Music. Are you ready now? Let’s go!
What I Need to Know
In this lesson, the learners are expected to:
perform rhythmic beats from indigenous instruments;
differentiate Traditional Music from Contemporary Music; and
develop an appreciation of the traditional and contemporary music
influences of modern individuals.
Commented [u18]: Add comma
Commented [u19]: Not really applicable to formal
writing, only for RANKS
What I Know
Double Choice Test | Direction: Write TM if the phrase/statement relates to
Traditional Music and CM if it relates to Contemporary Music. Write your answers on
the space before each number.
_____1. Optimum performance technique
_____2. Emphasize on reading music
_____3. Focus on ear training
_____4. Provides tools needed to perform difficult, written-out music sheet
_____5. Classicism, Romanticism, Baroque Period
_____6. Plays their instrument with flawless method to create ideal sound
_____7. Jazz, Blues, Country and Rock
_____8. More popular and thus encourages more musicians
_____9. “No right way to play”
_____10. Prefers sight as primary guiding sense to create quality music
_____11. You are taught well on proper posture and methods of instrumental
_____12. Calvin uses varied improvisations to his musical piece
_____13. Possess deep understanding of Classical Music Theory
_____14. High focus to sound and be able recreate instantly
_____15. Erratic Performance opportunities
What’s In
After going through the music of other cultures and era, have you ever
wondered how the Filipino Music originated? How composers adapted music from
the other world influences? In this lesson, we are to dig deeper as to where our
traditional composers root back their musical inspirations.
Notes to the Student
The 20th century brought significant changes to the arts and
musical styles such as rhythm, harmony, melody, and tone color. The
utilization of two or more tonal centers and the modern ways of
composing melodies became prevalent. As music thrived, composers
learned the modern ways of composing new music.
Commented [u20]: You may use this.
Post-romanticism refers to the period that emerged during the late 19th and
early 20th centuries. In this period, the emphasis of on the different elements of2
music were was evident.
As we recall previous lessons, we are tasked to actively participate in a short
activity in which we are to create rhythmic beats from objects around your area.
Direction: For individual (self-paced learning), upload a video of yourself playing
percussions inspired from by either African or Latin America making beats. For
groups, (blended learning) within the vicinity, group yourselves into five (5) and
create a short percussion band performance. CRITERIA: Musicality (50%),
Coordination (20%), Recording/Total Performance (30%) = 100%
VISUAL RECALL | Direction: Fill in the box.Label the following instruments whether
it Identify whether the following instruments belongs to African Instrument or Latin
American Instrument.
Commented [u21]: You may place this in the beginning of
What’s New
LIST IT DOWN! | Direction: In a separate sheet of paper, write as many words
possible as to describe Traditional (Old ways) and in another sheet, also describe
the Contemporary ways. Let us connect real life scenarios in the community with that
in the field of Music.
Are there any connections?
Tuob, tandok, sagbot-sagbot
CT-Scan, Advance medicine, etc.
What is It
The 20th century music of the Philippines primarily revolves around cultural
influences from the West, especially due to the Spanish and American rule for over
three centuries. When the Americans came, they brought the blues, folk, R&B, and
rock and roll. They also made music a part of the educational curriculum. This
developed the musical skills of the Filipinos who used this skill to imitate Western
music and to create local versions of Western music.
With this, songs became a hybrid of other forms of music that were then
popular then such as the kundiman. Nevertheless, the influence of the Americans in
Filipino music proved to be evident during the 1960s (during the popularity of the
Beatles) and 1970s (disco fever) (Anupol, 2007).
Formatted: Font: (Default) Bookman Old Style, 45 pt,
Bold, Text Outline
Commented [u22]: Delete apostrophe
Should be 1960s
Commented [u23]: Delete apostrophe
Before coming up with the Philippine Music, we need to understand the
differences between the traditional (Western Classicism, etc.) and the contemporary
forms of music.
Traditional Music composers of the Philippines were influenced mostly by
western classicism; they followed the traditional standard as to technique, Music
theory, performances, and repertoire. As mentioned by the John Gotsis of Vibe
Music Academy, below are the characteristics of traditional music composition.
✓ Emphasis on Reading Music
- As classicism gives high regard to reading music, traditional musicians are
expected, when perfected, to read whatever pieces they are given.
✓ Established Traditional Techniques
- The approach founded to by traditional composers is an optimum
performance technique to be used in an instrument. Meaning, there is a
the right way to play a specific musical instrument. Say, there is a right
way to strum a guitar, a the right way to manipulate piano keys, a right way
to hold drumsticks in a traditional grip and there’s a wrong way. Quality
sound is attained by the best technique.
✓ Equipped Music Theory
- Known classically trained Philippine Musicians recognize this Music
Theory better. They analyze notes, standard rules and therefore can
scrutinize sheet music accurately.
✓ Erratic Performance Opportunities
- The scope of classical performances nowadays is erratic (irregular) than
that of contemporary musicians. However, the skill set developed by
traditional composers lends itself to contemporary performances.
✓ Engaged into Standard repertoire
- Traditional Composers focus heavily on classical performances.
Professional composers are expected to play difficult pieces memorized as
what has been written into sheet music.
Filipino composers have managed to retain some traditional elements in their
assimilation of Western techniques. In fact, they have been the strongest
foundations of what we now know as Philippine Music.
Some traditional works include Nicanor Abelardo’s Cinderella Overture, Violin
Sonata; Hilarion Rubio’s Florante at Laura (Overture), Ang Konsyerto (Ballet) and
other renowned pieces.
Commented [u24]: Should be with –s, referring to the
The perfect traditional/classical musicians:
✓ have incredible reading skills;
✓ be able to play their instrument with a flawless method, giving
them the ideal Classical sound;
✓ possess a deep knowledge of Classical music theory and use it to
interpret the notes they read on the page; and
✓ understand and appreciate Classical music and repertoire,
and have the tools needed to perform difficult, written-out music.
The influence of the traditional music didn’tdid not stop as contemporary
music emerged. Instead, this came as an avenue to dynamic creativity and
progressivism in music. In contrast to the Traditional Music, listed below are some of
the characteristics of the new music: (c.f. Vibe Music Academy)
✓ Primary focus on Ear Training
- Compared to that sight-reading on the traditional, contemporary music
prefers more on auditory senses. Usually, professional contemporary
musicians pride themselves on being able to hear music for the first time
and play along with it the second time. Hearing matters most.
✓ Progressive Techniques
- Contemporary music has its own way of saying “proper techniques.” There
is no “right way” of holding a specific instrument. As long as it relays
quality musical elements, then it can be accepted. Meaning, good music,
whether sheet music or not can be done in varied techniques.
✓ Pondering Music Theory as Framework to performance
- Since contemporary musicians rely strongly on improvisation in their
playing, they use, but not limit, music theory to guide their performance.
✓ Popularity in performance
- New Music (contemporary) is defined generally more popular than that of
traditional music—which means—that there are more performance
opportunities for contemporary musicians, and, by number, contemporary
musicians are rapidly multiplying than that of the traditional musicians.
Commented [u25]: Should be with hyphen
Commented [u26]: Period should be inside the quotation
✓ Plays “on-the-fly” repertoire
- Jazz, Blues, country, and rock bands performs their go-to (on-the-fly)
learnt learned collection of songs. It is important to be familiarized with the
melodic flow as to amaze the audience with their improvisations.
The perfect contemporary musicians:
✓ be able to play quickly anything they hear;
✓ have a high focus to sound and be able to make the specific sound
they are trying to reach;
✓ establish music theory in a way that will help them fit into the
musical context they are playing in; and
✓ understand and appreciate Contemporary music and repertoire,
and have the tools required to grow in a big variety of musical
With these being presented, you are now able to identify differences between
traditional and contemporary musical characteristics, which will be vital for the next
lessons. Are you ready?
What’s More
Rebuild the Musician in You! | Direction: Imagine yourself to be the avatar below.
What characteristics of traditional and contemporary music would you like to
(choose between the
5 E’s)
(choose between the
5 P’s)
Commented [u27]: Add comma
1. Have you thought of becoming a modern musician? If you are to create your
own band name, what would it be? From the generated band name, create
2 -5 minute presentation of a genre that would relate to your proposed band.
Are you ready? ______________________________________________________
2. What influences from traditional and contemporary music did you pick? Why?
Since I like the traditional styles, assumed ______________________________
3. ________________________________________________________________
Since I like the traditional styles, assumed ______________________________
What I Have Learned
Fill in the (E-Ps) Fill me up | Direction: Complete the statements that would
describe the salient features of traditional and contemporary salient features in
music. You can do it! Good luck.
A. Traditional/Classical Music
1. Emphasis on ________________________________________________.
2. Establish ___________________________________________________.
3. Equipped
4. Erratic _____________________________________________________.
5. Engaged ___________________________________________________.
Commented [u28]: May be omitted. Not very appropriate
to be part of the direction.
B. Contemporary Music
1. Primary
2. Progressive _________________________________________________.
3. Pondering __________________________________________________.
4. Popularity___________________________________________________.
5. Plays ______________________________________________________.
What I Can Do
YouTube Time! | Direction: Let us test your understanding and by distinguishing
whether the composer is of the Philippine traditional and or contemporary music.
Describe his/her composition and defend why that salient feature has been
Composer 1: Four Poems for Soprano and Piano (Ryan Cayabyab)
Composer 2: Malikmata (Antonio Molina)
Composer 3: Mazurka Boholana (Francisco Buencamino)
Double Choice Test | Direction: Write TM if it relates to Traditional Music and CM if
it relates to Contemporary Music. Write your answers on the space before each
Optimum performance technique
Emphasize on reading music
Focus on ear training
Provides tools needed to perform difficult, written-out music sheet
Classicism, Romanticism, Baroque Period
Plays their instrument with flawless method to create ideal sound
Jazz, Blues, Country and Rock
More popular and thus encourages more musicians
“No right way to play”
Prefers sight as primary guiding sense to create quality music
You are taught well on proper posture and methods of instrumental
_____12. Calvin uses varied improvisations to his musical piece
Commented [u29]: You may use this.
_____13. Possess deep understanding of Classical Music Theory
_____14. High focus to sound and be able recreate instantly
_____15. Erratic Performance opportunities
Additional Activities
Crafts Time | Direction: Create or improvise poems/songs in order to come up with a
9 the
summary of the difference between traditional and contemporary music. Unleash
poet/musician in you. Start and craft now. I know you can do it!
20th Century Traditional
Composers (Part I)
Filipino composers of the 20th century may adapt contemporary music, but
the remnants of its roots, as to classicism, romanticism, and baroque music,
remained evident to its musical compositions. Equip yourself with space suits as
we’ll have our time travel and meet with some of the Philippines’ most famous 20th
Century Traditional Composers. Are you ready? Let’s go!
What I Need to Know
In this lesson, the learners are expected to:
Identify the composition of the traditional composers namely, Buencamino,
Santiago, Abelardo, and Molina;
Develop patriotism or love of country; and
Perform through singing theSing the traditional song “Pilipinas Kong Mahal.”
What I Know
Multiple Choice Test | Direction: On a separate sheet of paper, answer the following
by choosing the letter of your best answer.
1. Who studied at Liceo De Manila with a degree of Music majoring in Music
Composition and Harmony?
A. Francisco Buencamino, Sr.
Antonio Molina
C. Nicanor AbelardoFrancisco Santiago
B. Francisco Buencamino, Sr.Santiago
MolinaNicanor Abelardo
2. He garnered an award as the First National Artist for Music here in the Philippines.
A. Francisco Buencamino, Sr.
Antonio Molina
C. Nicanor AbelardoFrancisco Santiago
B. Francisco Buencamino, Sr.Santiago
MolinaNicanor Abelardo
3. Since elementary, young learners are taught of Leron Leron Sinta, whose melody
captured our hearts. From which composer does this song originated?
A. Francisco Buencamino, Sr.
Antonio Molina
C. Nicanor AbelardoFrancisco Santiago
B. Francisco Buencamino, Sr.Santiago
MolinaNicanor Abelardo
4. Famous from composing Nationalistic songs, he became the first Filipino director
of the Conservatory of Music, University of the Philippines.
A. Francisco Buencamino, Sr.
Antonio Molina
C. Nicanor AbelardoFrancisco Santiago
B. Francisco Buencamino, Sr.Santiago
MolinaNicanor Abelardo
5. He developed a style that combined European Romanticism with Chromaticism
and graduated at Chicago Music College.
A. Francisco Buencamino, Sr.
Antonio Molina
C. Nicanor AbelardoFrancisco Santiago
B. Francisco Buencamino, Sr.Santiago
MolinaNicanor Abelardo
6. _____________ is among the many composers who is a teacher. Many of his
piano works have became become a staple part of the Philippine repertoire of
today’s youth.
A. Francisco Buencamino, Sr.
Antonio Molina
C. Nicanor AbelardoFrancisco Santiago
B. Francisco Buencamino, Sr.Santiago
MolinaNicanor Abelardo
7. This composer was born after Christmas Day with compositions on Romantic
Serenade, Orchestral Music, Chamber Music, and Vocal Music.
A. Francisco Buencamino, Sr.
Antonio Molina
C. Nicanor AbelardoFrancisco Santiago
B. Francisco Buencamino, Sr.Santiago
MolinaNicanor Abelardo
8. He created and composed the melody for the University of the Philippines’ Official
Anthem, UP naming Mahal.
A. Francisco Buencamino, Sr.
Antonio Molina
C. Nicanor AbelardoFrancisco Santiago
B. Francisco Buencamino, Sr.Santiago
MolinaNicanor Abelardo
9. He lived in Quiapo, Manila, and stood proud as an Orchestra soloist at Manila
Grand Opera House dating the 1940s to the 1970s.
A. Francisco Buencamino, Sr.
Antonio Molina
C. Nicanor AbelardoFrancisco Santiago
B. Francisco Buencamino, Sr.Santiago
MolinaNicanor Abelardo
10. On October 16, 1952, a composer died; and after which, a posthumous award
was honored to him with the title, “Outstanding Composer.”
A. Francisco Buencamino, Sr.
Antonio Molina
C. Nicanor AbelardoFrancisco Santiago
B. Francisco Buencamino, Sr.Santiago
MolinaNicanor Abelardo
11. He composed Mazurka Boholana, Mi Bandera, Princesas ng Kumintang, and
Maligayang bati.
A. Francisco Buencamino, Sr.
Antonio Molina
C. Nicanor AbelardoFrancisco Santiago
B. Francisco Buencamino, Sr.Santiago
MolinaNicanor Abelardo
12. Who among the following composers didn’t situated at birwas not born in
Bulacan, Philippines?
A. Francisco Buencamino, Sr.
Antonio Molina
C. Nicanor AbelardoFrancisco Santiago
B. Francisco Buencamino, Sr.Santiago
MolinaNicanor Abelardo
13. His works are inspired by women, as she he composed Mutya ng Pasig, Nasaan
Ka Irog, Cavatina, and Magbalik Ka Hirang.
A. Francisco Buencamino, Sr.
Antonio Molina
C. Nicanor AbelardoFrancisco Santiago
B. Francisco Buencamino, Sr.Santiago
MolinaNicanor Abelardo
14. His vocal music compositions include Awit ni Maria Clara, and Larawan.
A. Francisco Buencamino, Sr.
Antonio Molina
C. Nicanor AbelardoFrancisco Santiago
B. Francisco Buencamino, Sr.Santiago
MolinaNicanor Abelardo
15. This composer became the Dean of Centro Escolar University from 1948-1970
and later became a faculty member of the University of the Philippines Conservatory
of Music
A. Francisco Buencamino, Sr.
Antonio Molina
C. Nicanor AbelardoFrancisco Santiago
B. Francisco Buencamino, Sr.
Nicanor Abelardo
What’s In
Rebuilding Time | Direction: Below are the The raw materials to establish a concept
entitled “Philippine Music” are presented below. Form the concept using these
building blocks. Illustrate your answer in the box provided and explain your drawing
on the space provided below.
Traditional/Classical Features in Music
Ethnic/Tribal Music
Philippine Music
Western Influences
Contemporary Features in Music
I arranged the blocks in this manner because _____________________________________
What’s New
PICTURE MATCH-UP | Direction: Match the names of the traditional composers in
Column A with their Picture in column B. Write your answer on the space provided
before each number.
_________1. Francisco Buencamino, Sr.
_________2. Francisco Santiago
_________3. Nicanor Abelardo
_________4. Antonio Molina
What is It
Presented below are the Philippine traditional composers with a brief
summary of their life stories. Know them more!
Name: Francisco B. Buencamino Sr.
Birthday: November 5, 1883
Birthplace: Bulacan
School studied: Liceo de Manila (Music Composition &
Occupation: Teacher; Musical/Scoring Director
Compositions: Harana, Pandanggo ni Neneng, Collar de
Sampaguita, Dulces las Horas, Mayon (Fantasia de
Concierto), My Soul’s Lament, Larawan, Mazurka,
Boholana, Mi Bandera, Princesas ng Kumintang,
Maligayang Bati, Ang Bukang Liwayway, Pandanggo ni
Neneng, Ang Bagong Balitaw, Himig ng Nayon,
Damdamin (Romance) and Pizzicato Caprice.
Additional Information: Many of his piano works have
become a staple part of the Philippine repertoire of today’s
youth, especially, Mayon, Larawan, and Maligayang Bati.
Buencamino also wrote several zarzuelas and kundimans.
He passed away on October 16, 1952, after which a
posthumous award honored him with the title,
“Outstanding Composer.”; He instituted Centro Escolar de
Señoritas Conservatory of Music and Buenacamino Music
Academy (1930).
Name: Francisco Santiago (Father of Kundiman)
Birthday: January 29, 1889
Birthplace: Sta. Maria, Bulacan
School studied: American Conservatory of Music in
Chicago (Music Specialization)
Compositions: Pakiusap, Madaling Araw, Sakali man,
Hibik ng Pilipinas, Ano kaya ang Kapalaran and Kundiman
(Anak Dalita);
Among the films whose music he supervised were
Kundiman, Leron Leron Sinta, Madaling Araw, Manileña
and the movie, Pakiusap
He also composed Pilipinas Kong Mahal.
Additional Information:
He became the first Filipino director of the Conservatory of
Music, University of the Philippines. Belongs He is an
affiliate of the Triumvirate of Filipino Composers.
Name: Nicanor Abelardo
Birthday: February 7, 1893
Birthplace: San Miguel de Mayumo, Bulacan
School studied: Chicago Music College
Compositions: Cinderella Overture, Panoramas, and a
violin sonata, Mutya ng Pasig, Nasaan Ka Irog, Cavatina
for Violoncello, and Magbalik Ka Hirang,
Additional Information:
One of the “Triumvirate of Filipino Composers;” he
composed the melody for the official anthem of a
university official anthem, UP naming Mahal; and
developed a style that combined European Romanticism
with Chromaticism.
Name: Antonio J. Molina
Birthday: December 26, 1894
Birthplace: Quiapo, Manila
Orchestra soloist at Manila Grand Opera House
Dean of Centro Escolar University (1948-1970)
Faculty member of University of the Philippines
Conservatory of Music.
Romantic Serenade: Hatinggabi
Orchestral Music: Misa Antoniana Grand Festival Mass,
Ang Batingaw, Kundiman-kundanga
Chamber Music: String Quartet, Kung sa Iyong Gunita,
Vocal Music: Amihan, Awit ni Maria Clara and Larawan
Nitong Pilipinas
Additional Information:
He received the National Artist for Music award in 1973
and passed away on January 29, 1980.
He is one of the "Triumvirate of Filipino Composers." He
began his music career as an orchestral soloist at the
Manila Grand Opera House and garnered the First
National Artist for Music award here in the Philippines. He
is also known as the Father of the Philippine Impressionist
What’s More
True or False | Direction: Determine whether the stated piece of music belongs to
the given composer. Write True if the composition is in accordance to with the
composer and False if otherwise.
You have been acquainted by our most amazing traditional composers in
the Philippines. Let us take this to test and gauge your understanding as we
establish knowledge with their compositions. Are you ready now? We will
focus on the first four 20th Century Traditional Composers of the Philippines.
__________ 1.
__________ 2.
__________ 3.
__________ 4.
Antonio Molina
Francisco Santiago
Nicanor Abelardo
Francisco Buencamino Sr.
-Mutya ng Pasig
-Pilipinas Kong Mahal
-Leron Leron Sinta
What I Have Learned
Fill in the Blanks | Direction: Choose among the given composers the description
that fits them well. Identify which composer has the following description. Choose
your answer from the box below.
Antonio Molina
Nicanor Abelardo
Francisco Santiago
Francisco Buencamino, Sr.
1. ___________________________________ instituted the Centro Escolar de
Señoritas, Conservatory of Music. He also created the Buencamino Music Academy
in 1930. Nicanor Abelardo was one of his students. Expanding his career,
Buencamino also ventured into musical direction and scoring, composing music for
Sampaguita Pictures, LVN, and Excelsior. He also wrote several zarzuelas and
2. ___________________________________ is known as the “Father of the
Kundiman” and belongs to the “Triumvirate of Filipino Composers.”
3. ___________________________________ advanced a style that combined
European romanticism with chromaticism. He belongs to the “Triumvirate of Filipino
Composers” together with Francisco Santiago and Antonio Molina. The Main Theater
of the Cultural Center of the Philippines and a Hall of the College of Music in
University of the Philippines are named after him.
4. ___________________________________ came to be known as the “Father of
Philippine Impressionist Music”.
Commented [u30]: Isn’t this already revealing the
ANSWER to the question?
What I Can Do
Hands-On! | Direction: Let us investigate the very lyrics of the song
accompanied by its instrumental chords in it. Give insights after playing and singing
this wonderful musical piece through your guitar/piano or any musical instruments. (if
Let us peek to one of the greatest Filipino compositions of all times,
Pilipinas Kong Mahal, by Francisco Santiago.
How can you rate your love of country?
How did you find the lyrics of the song? Did you played it well?
Multiple Choice Test | Direction: On a separate sheet of paper, answer the following
by choosing the letter of your best answer.
1. Who studied at Liceo De Manila with a degree of Music majoring in Music
Composition and Harmony?
A. Francisco Buencamino, Sr.
Antonio Molina
C. Nicanor AbelardoFrancisco Santiago
B. Francisco Buencamino, Sr.Santiago
MolinaNicanor Abelardo
2. He garnered an award as the First National Artist for Music here in the Philippines.
A. Francisco Buencamino, Sr.
Antonio Molina
C. Nicanor AbelardoFrancisco Santiago
B. Francisco Buencamino, Sr.Santiago
MolinaNicanor Abelardo
3. Since elementary, young learners are taught of Leron Leron Sinta, whose melody
captured our hearts. From which composer does this song originated?
A. Francisco Buencamino, Sr.
Antonio Molina
C. Nicanor AbelardoFrancisco Santiago
B. Francisco Buencamino, Sr.Santiago
MolinaNicanor Abelardo
4. Famous from composing Nationalistic songs, he became the first Filipino director
of the Conservatory of Music, University of the Philippines.
A. Francisco Buencamino, Sr.
Antonio Molina
C. Nicanor AbelardoFrancisco Santiago
B. Francisco Buencamino, Sr.Santiago
MolinaNicanor Abelardo
5. He developed a style that combined European Romanticism with Chromaticism
and graduated at Chicago Music College.
A. Francisco Buencamino, Sr.
Antonio Molina
C. Nicanor AbelardoFrancisco Santiago
B. Francisco Buencamino, Sr.Santiago
MolinaNicanor Abelardo
6. _____________ is among the many composers who is a teacher. Many of his
piano works have became become a staple part of the Philippine repertoire of
today’s youth.
A. Francisco Buencamino, Sr.
Antonio Molina
C. Nicanor AbelardoFrancisco Santiago
B. Francisco Buencamino, Sr.Santiago
MolinaNicanor Abelardo
7. This composer was born after Christmas Day with compositions on Romantic
Serenade, Orchestral Music, Chamber Music, and Vocal Music.
A. Francisco Buencamino, Sr.
Antonio Molina
C. Nicanor AbelardoFrancisco Santiago
B. Francisco Buencamino, Sr.Santiago
MolinaNicanor Abelardo
8. He created and composed the melody for the University of the Philippines’ Official
Anthem, UP naming Mahal.
A. Francisco Buencamino, Sr.
Antonio Molina
C. Nicanor AbelardoFrancisco Santiago
B. Francisco Buencamino, Sr.Santiago
MolinaNicanor Abelardo
9. He lived in Quiapo, Manila, and stood proud as an Orchestra soloist at Manila
Grand Opera House dating the 1940s to the 1970s.
A. Francisco Buencamino, Sr.
Antonio Molina
C. Nicanor AbelardoFrancisco Santiago
B. Francisco Buencamino, Sr.Santiago
MolinaNicanor Abelardo
10. On October 16, 1952, a composer died; and after which, a posthumous award
was honored to him with the title, “Outstanding Composer.”
A. Francisco Buencamino, Sr.
Antonio Molina
C. Nicanor AbelardoFrancisco Santiago
B. Francisco Buencamino, Sr.Santiago
MolinaNicanor Abelardo
11. He composed Mazurka Boholana, Mi Bandera, Princesas ng Kumintang, and
Maligayang bati.
A. Francisco Buencamino, Sr.
Antonio Molina
C. Nicanor AbelardoFrancisco Santiago
B. Francisco Buencamino, Sr.Santiago
MolinaNicanor Abelardo
12. Who among the following composers didn’t situated at birth was not born in
Bulacan, Philippines?
A. Francisco Buencamino, Sr.
Antonio Molina
C. Nicanor AbelardoFrancisco Santiago
B. Francisco Buencamino, Sr.Santiago
MolinaNicanor Abelardo
13. His works are inspired by women, as she he composed Mutya ng Pasig, Nasaan
Ka Irog, Cavatina, and Magbalik Ka Hirang.
A. Francisco Buencamino, Sr.
Antonio Molina
C. Nicanor AbelardoFrancisco Santiago
B. Francisco Buencamino, Sr.Santiago
MolinaNicanor Abelardo
14. His vocal music compositions include Awit ni Maria Clara, and Larawan.
A. Francisco Buencamino, Sr.
Antonio Molina
C. Nicanor AbelardoFrancisco Santiago
B. Francisco Buencamino, Sr.Santiago
MolinaNicanor Abelardo
15. This composer became the Dean of Centro Escolar University from 1948-1970
and later became a faculty member of the University of the Philippines Conservatory
of Music
A. Francisco Buencamino, Sr.
Antonio Molina
C. Nicanor AbelardoFrancisco Santiago
B. Francisco Buencamino, Sr.Santiago
D. Antonio
MolinaNicanor Abelardo
Additional Activities
YouTube Listen! Direction: You are required to go online and listen for “Malikmata”
by Antonio Molina. https://youtu.be/7o_Mhb84BAY. After hearing the video covered
by Enzo, answer the following questions.
1. Is Antonio Molina a traditional/contemporary compose? How can you say so?
2. How did you feel after listening to the music?
3. What do you think is the story of the Malikmata composition?
20th Century Traditional
(Part II)
The roster for 20th Century Traditional Philippine Composers is divided
into three parts since there twelve (12) composers all-in-all. Hence, in every part,
four (4) musicians will be discussed for the assurance of the simplicity of
What I Need to Know
In this lesson, the learners are expected to:
a. Determine the different 20th century traditional composers in the Philippines
(specifically, Rubio, Col. Buenaventura, Cornejo, and De Leon);
b. create an illustration from simple compositions of Philippine musicians; and
c. show appreciation to various Filipino musical pieces of Contemporary Philippine
What I Know
Multiple Choice | Direction: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen
letter on a separate sheet of paper.
1. Despite of his occupation as a Professor in the university, he composed and
arranged various works and conducted many military and civilian brass bands.
A. Col. Antonio Buenaventura
C. Hilarion Rubio
B. Felipe De Leon, Sr.
D. Rodolfo Cornejo
2. He is known with the Glissando Waltz, A la Juventud Filipina, Cello Sonata, Piano
Concerto Nos. 1, 2 & 3.
A. Col. Antonio Buenaventura
C. Hilarion Rubio
B. Felipe De Leon, Sr.
D. Rodolfo Cornejo
3. Which among the following musicians received a posthumous award as National
Artist for Music after his death?
A. Col. Antonio Buenaventura
C. Hilarion Rubio
B. Felipe De Leon, Sr.
D. Rodolfo Cornejo
4. This 20th century composer paves its way to bridge traditional music to
contemporary pop as he wrote over 300 compositions and was a founding member
of the League of Filipino Composers and is listed in “The International Who’s who in
A. Col. Antonio Buenaventura
C. Hilarion Rubio
B. Felipe De Leon, Sr.
D. Rodolfo Cornejo
5. He studied Doctor of Philosophy in Music majoring in composition at the Neotarian
College of Philosophy in Kansas City, USA, 1947.
A. Col. Antonio Buenaventura
C. Hilarion Rubio
B. Felipe De Leon, Sr.
D. Rodolfo Cornejo
6. Music instructor and band conductor of the Philippine Military Academy. His active
involvement with various military bands ultimately earned him his military rank of
A. Col. Antonio Buenaventura
C. Hilarion Rubio
B. Felipe De Leon, Sr.
D. Rodolfo Cornejo
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7. This composer was the Church organist of Pasay Catholic Church and a Doctor of
Music (honoris causa) in his time.
A. Col. Antonio Buenaventura
C. Hilarion Rubio
B. Felipe De Leon, Sr.
D. Rodolfo Cornejo
8. He composed Unang Katas, Bulaklaken,, and the National Heroes Day Hymn.
A. Col. Antonio Buenaventura
C. Hilarion Rubio
B. Felipe De Leon, Sr.
D. Rodolfo Cornejo
9. A Journalist/composer in his time as he had written music columns for the Manila
Times and Taliba. He was also conferred an honorary degree, Doctor of Humanities
by the University of the Philippines in 1991.
A. Col. Antonio Buenaventura
C. Hilarion Rubio
B. Felipe De Leon, Sr.
D. Rodolfo Cornejo
10. He was born on May 1, 1912, at Barrio Papaya in Peneranda, Nueva Ecija, and
went to the USA for further studies on Music.
A. Col. Antonio Buenaventura
C. Hilarion Rubio
B. Felipe De Leon, Sr.
D. Rodolfo Cornejo
11. He crafted the Cantata, Christ the Redeemer as he has been very pious that
some of his most compositions has have been related to his work as a church
A. Col. Antonio Buenaventura
C. Hilarion Rubio
B. Felipe De Leon, Sr.
D. Rodolfo Cornejo
12. His name was closely identified with his works for the orchestra, conductor for
opera, ballet dance, recitals, and music for movies.
A. Col. Antonio Buenaventura
C. Hilarion Rubio
B. Felipe De Leon, Sr.
D. Rodolfo Cornejo
13. ________________ promoted Philippine Music by extensively using folk
materials in his works.
A. Col. Antonio Buenaventura
C. Hilarion Rubio
B. Felipe De Leon, Sr.
D. Rodolfo Cornejo
14. He was known as a nationalist composer who expressed the Philippines' cultural
identity through his compositions.
A. Col. Antonio Buenaventura
C. Hilarion Rubio
B. Felipe De Leon, Sr.
D. Rodolfo Cornejo
15. The first Filipino composer who received an honorary degree from a government
recognized music school in the United States.
A. Col. Antonio Buenaventura
C. Hilarion Rubio
B. Felipe De Leon, Sr.
D. Rodolfo Cornejo
What’s In
Remember Me | Direction: List down your most unforgettable characteristics of the
previously discussed traditional Filipino composers of the 20th Century Traditional
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Filipino Composers. Let us recapitulate! We are to strengthen our remembering skills
all throughout the module.
Francisco Buencamino
Francisco Santiago
Nicanor Abelardo
Antonio Molina
What’s New
Madgabs | Direction: This game is designed using phonetics where a person would
not be able to decode the meaning of the phrase unless spoken slowly, out loud, and
Ex. “Pee yaha know” = Piano
Knew knee Versatile
Hmmmm.. you sick
East Thai eel
Eh! Axe press is on
Die numb mix
Rhea yay them
Arm on knee
Lee rah aches
Ain’t straw mint
You see Shawn
The following are some of phrases/words that would display the next revealed 20th
century traditional Filipino musicians and composers. Let us proceed!
What is It
Presented below are the Philippine Traditional Composers with a
brief summary of their life story. Know them more! Let us now focus
on the lives of Hilarion Rubio, Col. Antonio Buenaventura, Rodolfo
Cornejo, and Felipe De Leon, Sr.
Commented [u31]: Brief and summary tend to be
Name: Hilarion Francisco Rubio
Birthday: October 21, 1902
Birthplace: Bacoor, Cavite
School Studied: University of the Philippines
Occupation: Music Director, conductor, professor
Compositions: Unang Katas, Bulaklaken, Theme and
Variations for band, Dance of the Nymphs Rondo, Florente
at Laura (overture), Halik, Danza, Unang Katas, Two-part
invention (piano), ang Konsyerto (ballet); Ang Magsasaka,
Bukang Liwayway, Conertino in C (marimba and piano),
Filipinas kong Mahal, Hatulan Mo ako, Ginintuang Araw, In
a tropical sea, Light, Narra, Mutya ng Silangan, To the
Filipino Youth, Nela, National Heroes Day Hymn, and
Additional Information:
During World War II, Rubio created, composed and
arranged various works, and conducted many military and
civilian brass bands.
Name: Col. Antonio Buenaventura
Birthday: May 4, 1904
Birthplace: Baliuag, Bulacan
School studied: University of the Philippines
Conservatory of Music at the age of 19; pursued further
studies at Institute of International Education in New York
Occupation: Music instructor and Band conductor of the
PMA; Colonel
Compositions: Pandanggo sa Ilaw, Minuet, Mindanao
Sketches, Divertimento for Piano and Orchestra,
Variations & Fague and Greetings
Commented [u32]: Add comment
Additional Information:
National Artist for Music; He was actively involved with the
various military bands which ultimately earned him his
military rank of Colonel. He restored the Philippine
Constabulary Band in 1945, which was reputedly likened
to a symphony orchestra, and was considered, "One of the
best military bands in the world."
Name: Rodolfo S. Cornejo
Birthday: May 15, 1909
Birthplace: Singalong, Manila
School studied: Conservatory of Music (UP) Teacher’s
Diploma in Pianoforte and Teacher’s Diploma in Science
and Composition
Occupation: Teacher at UP Conservatory of Music;
Organist of Pasay Catholic Church; Doctor of Music
(honoris causa)
Compositions: Glissando Waltz, Salute, A la Juventud
Filipina, Bailes de Ayer, Caprice on a Folksong, Cello
Sonata, Ibong Adarna, Kandingan, Malakas at Maganda
Overture, Okaka, Oriental Fantasy, Pianco Concerto Nos.
1,2,3 Ruby, Song of the Miners, Philippine Fantasy with
Marimba Solo and the cantata Christ the Redeemer.
Additional Information:
He received his Doctor of Philosophy degree, major in
composition, from the Neotarian College of Philosophy in
Kansas City, USA, in 1947.
He was a founding member of the League of Filipino
Composers and is listed in "The International Who's who in
He wrote over 300 compositions, ranging from classical to
Name: Felipe Padilla De Leon Sr.
Birthday: May 1, 1912
Birthplace: Barrio Papaya in Penaranda, Nueva Ecija
School studied: Conservatory of Music University of the
Philippines; Julliard School of Music in New York, USA
Compositions: Two Operas-- Noli Me Tangere (1957)
and El Filibusterismo (1970); March entitled: Tindig, Aking
Inang Bayan and Bagong Lipunan.
Christmas Carols Payapang Daigdig, Noche Buena and
Pasko Na Naman.
Commented [u33]: Remove comma
Commented [u34]: Remove comma
Commented [u35]: Add comma
Additional Information:
He wrote music columns for the Manila Times and Taliba;
He was conferred an honorary degree, Doctor of
Philosophy in the Humanities by the University of
Philippines, in 1991.
After his death, he received a posthumous award as
National Artist for Music.
What’s More
FIRST LETTER POP UP | Direction: Give two descriptions of the following
musicians using one phrase/word to describe the musician using the that starts with
the first letter of its their names.
For example:
Col. Antonio Buenaventura = Conservatory in Music Graduate
Now, it’s your turn…
1. Hilarion Francisco Rubio
= _______________________________________
= _______________________________________
2. Col. Antonio Buenaventura
= _______________________________________
= _______________________________________
3. Rodolfo S. Cornejo
= _______________________________________
= _____________________________________
4. Felipe Padilla De Leon Sr.
= _______________________________________
= _______________________________________
What I Have Learned
Fill in the Blanks | Direction: Identify which composer has the following description.
Choose your answer from the following. Choose among the given composers the
description that fits them well. (Col. Antonino Buenaventura, Rodolfo S. Cornejo
,Hilarion Rubio, Felipe P. de Leon)
Commented [u36]: Add comma
Commented [u37]: Add period
1. ____________________________________was a Filipino composer, music
teacher, conductor, and clarinetist. His name was closely identified with his
works for the orchestra, conductor for opera, ballet, dance recitals, and music
for movies.
2. ____________________________________promoted Philippine music by
extensively using folk materials in his works. He recorded folk and dance
music around the country with Ramon Tolentino and National Artist for Dance
Francisca Reyes Aquino. Buenaventura composed the music and did the
notations for the folk dances, as researched by Aquino.
3. ____________________________________was considered the first Filipino
composer who received an honorary degree from a government recognized
music school in the United States. He was known for his pianistic and
compositional talent by extemporizing a piano composition at the spur of the
4. ____________________________________wrote
hymns, marches, art songs, chamber music, symphonic poems, overtures,
band music, school songs, orchestral works, operas, kundimans, and
zarzuelas. He was known as a nationalist composer who expressed the
Philippines' cultural identity through his compositions.
Commented [u38]: add comma
Commented [u39]: add comma
Commented [u40]: add comma
Commented [u41]: check correct spelling
What I Can Do
YouTube Listen! Direction: Let us peek online thru
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yG57f_fHuzw this Felipe De Leon’s original
“Payapang Daigdig.” and You are tasked to illustrate the imagery
projected in your mind as you are listening to the song. The rubric is presented
below. Get a separate sheet of paper
Art Production:
understanding and
applying media,
techniques and
Intellectual curiosity,
carefully made.
Put me and
effort into
completion of
finished with
most details
Uses and displays
understandings of
techniques in a
minimum standard
27 of
skills and
some knowledge
little or no
Commented [u42]: Add period
using knowledge &
critical thinking
Application to life
Exploration of self,
Originality and
personal expression
Reflecting &
characteristics and
merits of their work
and work of others
knowledge &
ideas. Shows
toward goals
Project finished
with total
originality after
Analyses and
conclusions are
detailed and
consistent with
knowledge of
many contexts
toward goals
finished but
not completely
Analyses are
with data
of contexts;
achievement of
goals and
knowledge of
contexts; No
effort toward
goals and
Project finished
but no evidence of
experimentation or
Project is
unfinished or
finished with
much help and
solutions from
understanding of
analysis and
project goals
Unclear or
understanding of
topic and how to
Multiple Choice | Direction: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen
letter on a separate sheet of paper.
1. Despite of his occupation as a Professor in the university, he composed and
arranged various works and conducted many military and civilian brass bands.
A. Col. Antonio Buenaventura
C. Hilarion Rubio
B. Felipe De Leon, Sr.
D. Rodolfo Cornejo
2. He is known with the Glissando Waltz, A la Juventud Filipina, Cello Sonata, Piano
Concerto Nos. 1, 2 & 3.
A. Col. Antonio Buenaventura
C. Hilarion Rubio
B. Felipe De Leon, Sr.
D. Rodolfo Cornejo
3. Which among the following musicians received a posthumous award as National
Artist for Music after his death?
A. Col. Antonio Buenaventura
C. Hilarion Rubio
B. Felipe De Leon, Sr.
D. Rodolfo Cornejo
4. This 20th century composer was a member of the League of Filipino Composers
and is listed in “The International Who’s who in Music.”
A. Col. Antonio Buenaventura
C. Hilarion Rubio
B. Felipe De Leon, Sr.
D. Rodolfo Cornejo
5. He studied Doctor of Philosophy in Music majoring in composition at the Neotarian
College of Philosophy in Kansas City, USA, 1947.
A. Col. Antonio Buenaventura
C. Hilarion Rubio
B. Felipe De Leon, Sr.
D. Rodolfo Cornejo
6. Music instructor and band conductor of the Philippine Military Academy. His active
involvement with various military bands earned him his military rank of Colonel.
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A. Col. Antonio Buenaventura
C. Hilarion Rubio
B. Felipe De Leon, Sr.
D. Rodolfo Cornejo
7. This composer was the Church organist of Pasay Catholic Church and a Doctor of
Music (honoris causa) in his time.
A. Col. Antonio Buenaventura
C. Hilarion Rubio
B. Felipe De Leon, Sr.
D. Rodolfo Cornejo
8. He composed Unang Katas, Bulaklaken,, and the National Heroes Day Hymn.
A. Col. Antonio Buenaventura
C. Hilarion Rubio
B. Felipe De Leon, Sr.
D. Rodolfo Cornejo
9. A Journalist/composer in his time as he had written music columns for the Manila
Times and Taliba.
A. Col. Antonio Buenaventura
C. Hilarion Rubio
B. Felipe De Leon, Sr.
D. Rodolfo Cornejo
10. He was born on May 1, 1912, at Barrio Papaya in Peneranda, Nueva Ecija, and
went to the USA for further studies on Music.
A. Col. Antonio Buenaventura
C. Hilarion Rubio
B. Felipe De Leon, Sr.
D. Rodolfo Cornejo
11. He crafted the Cantata, Christ the Redeemer as he has been very pious that
some of his most compositions has have been related to his work as a church
A. Col. Antonio Buenaventura
C. Hilarion Rubio
B. Felipe De Leon, Sr.
D. Rodolfo Cornejo
12. His name was closely identified with his works for the orchestra, conductor for
opera, ballet dance, recitals, and music for movies.
A. Col. Antonio Buenaventura
C. Hilarion Rubio
B. Felipe De Leon, Sr.
D. Rodolfo Cornejo
13. ________________ promoted Philippine Music by extensively using folk
materials in his works.
A. Col. Antonio Buenaventura
C. Hilarion Rubio
B. Felipe De Leon, Sr.
D. Rodolfo Cornejo
14. He was known as a nationalist composer who expressed the Philippines' cultural
identity through his compositions.
A. Col. Antonio Buenaventura
C. Hilarion Rubio
B. Felipe De Leon, Sr.
D. Rodolfo Cornejo
15. the first Filipino composer who received an honorary degree from a government
recognized music school in the United States.
A. Col. Antonio Buenaventura
C. Hilarion Rubio
B. Felipe De Leon, Sr.
D. Rodolfo Cornejo
Additional Activities
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Crossword Puzzle
1. This composer was the Church
organist of Pasay Catholic Church and a
Doctor of Music (Honoris causa) in his
2. His name was closely identified with
his works for the orchestra, conductor for
opera, ballet dance, recitals, and music
for movies.
3. ___________ promoted Philippine
Music by extensive using folk materials in
his works.
4. A journalist/composer in his time as he
had written music columns for the Manila
Times and Taliba. He was also conferred
and honorary degree, Doctor of
Humanities by the University of the
Philppines in 1991.
20th Century Traditional
(Part III)
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Composers of the 20th century. Brace yourself as we will explore their musical
compositions and be proud of their undertakings as Pinoys. Are you ready?
What I Need to Know
In this lesson, the learners are expected to:
a. classify the different 20th century traditional composers in the Philippines
(specifically, San Pedro, Santos, Buenaventura, and Cayabyab); and
b. develop a sense of nationalism as appreciation to various Filipino musical
pieces of Contemporary Philippine Music.
What I Know
Multiple Choice | Direction: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen
letter on a separate sheet of paper.
1. Ugoy ng Duyan is a musical piece composed by Lucio de San Pedro. What was
his inspiration in composing the melody?
A. A Soldier’s Siesta amidst upcoming combat in the Cordillera Mountains
B. Child mourning from a Mother’s death
C. Sister’s care for her little brother whilst her parents are at the farm.
D. His Mother’s Lullaby
2. Which of the following are the original compositions of Ryan Cayabyab
A. Kay Gandang ng Ating Musika
C. Payapang Daigdig
B. Sitsiritsit
D. Sana’y Wala ng Wakas
3. Rosendo Santos, Jr. is listed in the New Groves ______ of Music and Musicians
A. Encyclopedia
C. Roster
B. Dictionary
D. Obituary
4. He is among the few musicians in the Philippines who composed five full-length
operas, kept his melodies simple and understandable but also used contemporary
harmonies to suit the intellectuals.
A. Alfredo Buenaventura
C. Rosendo Santos, Jr.
B. Lucio San Pedro
D. Ryan Cayabyab
5. He incorporated Philippine Folk elements in his compositions with Western forms to
create a highly tonal melody and rich expressive harmonies.
A. Alfredo Buenaventura
C. Rosendo Santos
B. Lucio San Pedro
D. Ryan Cayabyab
6. Lucio San Pedro is called as the Philippine ______________________.
A. Intellectual Groove
C. Zarzuela Counter
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B. Romantic Nationalist
D. Prolific Composer
7. He wrote 50 masses in Latin and 20 in English. He has more than 1,000 musical
compositions in the library of the University of the Philippines.
A. Alfredo Buenaventura
C. Rosendo Santos
B. Lucio San Pedro
D. Ryan Cayabyab
8. He spans both popular and classical worlds with his pop, ballads, operas, zarzuela,
orchestral, and choral compositions.
A. Alfredo Buenaventura
C. Rosendo Santos
B. Lucio San Pedro
D. Ryan Cayabyab
9. This composer became an official organist of the Manila Cathedral; He holds an
honorary Doctor of Music degree from the Philippine Women’s University.
A. Alfredo Buenaventura
C. Rosendo Santos
B. Lucio San Pedro
D. Ryan Cayabyab
10. He is known to be the Philippine Composer of the Century as what had UNESCO
granted him. He has more than
1000 musical compositions in the library of the University of the Philippines
A. Alfredo Buenaventura
C. Rosendo Santos
B. Lucio San Pedro
D. Ryan Cayabyab
11. Melinda’s Masquerade and other unnamed concerti, sonatas, symphonies,
symphonic poems, operas, band overtures, and marches were his compositions.
A. Alfredo Buenaventura
C. Rosendo Santos
B. Lucio San Pedro
D. Ryan Cayabyab
12. He was born on May 4, 1954, at in Manila. He was recently declared as National
Artist in music under the Duterte government.
A. Alfredo Buenaventura
C. Rosendo Santos
B. Lucio San Pedro
D. Ryan Cayabyab
13. He studied at the UP Conservatory of Music and proceeded to the Catholic
University of America in Washington, DC.
A. Alfredo Buenaventura
C. Rosendo Santos
B. Lucio San Pedro
D. Ryan Cayabyab
14. This composer preserved the traditional/classical way of compositions as seen in his
works like Misa, Four Poems for Soprano and Piano, Zarzuela Alikabok, and Opera
Spolarium with Libretto.
A. Alfredo Buenaventura
C. Rosendo Santos
B. Lucio San Pedro
D. Ryan Cayabyab
15. He was born on February 11, 1913, and studied Music at UP and Julliard University.
A. Alfredo Buenaventura
C. Rosendo Santos
B. Lucio San Pedro
D. Ryan Cayabyab
What’s In
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PICTURE COLLECTION MATCH-UP | Direction: Match the names of the traditional
composers in Column A with their Picture in column B. Write your answer on the space
provided before each number.
Hilarion F. Rubio
Francisco Santiago
Rodolfo Cornejo
Francisco Buencamino
Col. Antonio Buenaventura
Nicanor Abelardo
Ryan Cayabyab
Felipe P. de Leon Sr.
Antonio Molina
______10. Rosendo Santos Jr.
What is It
Presented below are the Philippine Traditional Composers with a
brief summary of their life story. Know them more!
Name: Lucio Diestro San Pedro
Birthday: February 11, 1913
Birthplace: Angono, Rizal
School studied: University of the Philippines and Julliard
School in New York, USA
Occupation: Composer, Conductor and Professor at University
of the Philippines
Compositions: Lahing Kayumanggi, Sa Ugoy ng Duyan
Additional Information:
He studied the banjo which inspired him to become a serious
musician. He incorporated Philippine folk elements in his
compositions with Western forms to create highly tonal melody
and rich expressive harmonies. His chords have a rich
expressive tonality as represented in his well-loved Sa ugoy ng
Duyan, a lullaby melody sung by his mother.
Known as the "Romantic Nationalist", a National Artist for Music
in the Philippines.
Name: Rosendo E. Santos
Birthday: September 3, 1922
Birthplace: Cavite City
School studied: UP Conservatory of Music (Bachelor’s
degree); Catholic University of America in Washington, DC
Occupation: Faculty in West Virginia and Howard University
Compositions: Melinda’s Masquerade and other unnamed
concerti, sonatas, symphonies, symphonic poems, operas,
band overtures, and marches.
Additional Information:
He is known to be the Philippine Composer of the Century as
what had UNESCO granted him. He has more than 1000
musical compositions in the library of the University of the
Name: Alfredo Buenaventura
Birthday: October 14, 1929
Birthplace: Sta. Maria, Bulacan
Occupation: Composer, Conductor and Teacher
Compositions: Major works include operas: Maria Mailing,
Diego Silang & Prinsesa Urduha; Cantatas Ang Ating Watawat
and Pasko ng Barangay, three piano concerti subtitled
Celebration, Determination and Exultation; and symphonies
such as Dakilang Lahi, Gomburza and Rizal, the Great Malayan
Additional Information:
He grew up in a musical environment and drawn by his
fascinations with trumpets and trombones. He became an
official organist of the Manila Cathedral and later the Dean of
the College of Music, Centro Escolar University. He holds an
honorary Doctor of Music degree from the Philippine Women's
Commented [u48]: Add period
Name: Cipriano “Ryan” Cayabyab
Birthday: May 4, 1954
Birthplace: Manila
School studied: University of the Philippines College of Music
Occupation: Teacher in UP, well-known professor, musical
director, composer, arranger and conductor in the Philippine
concert and recording scenes
Compositions: Classical compositions such as Misa, Four
Poems for Soprano and Piano and the Deum; Kay Ganda ng
Ating Musika, Zarzuela Alikabok, Opera Spoliarium with libretto
and a variety of choral pieces and song cycles.
You have been acquainted by our most amazing traditional composers in the
Philippines. Let us take this to test and gauge your understanding as we establish
knowledge with their compositions. Are you ready now?
What’s More
Modified True or False | Direction: Write Correct if the composition is in accordance
to the composer and Wrong if otherwise.
__________ 1. Antonio Molina
-Mutya ng Pasig
__________ 2. Francisco Santiago
-Pilipinas Kong Mahal
__________ 3. Col. Buenaventura
-Pandanggo sa ilaw
__________ 4. Felipe De Leon Sr.
-Payapang Daigdig
__________ 5. Ryan Cayabyab
-Sa Ugoy ng Duyan
__________ 6. Rosendo Santos
-Melinda’s Masquerade
__________ 7. Alfredo Buenventura
-Kay Ganda n gating Musika
__________ 8. Rodolfo Cornejo
-A la Juventud
__________ 9. Nicanor Abelardo
-Mutya ng Pisko
__________ 10. Francisco Buencamino Sr.
What I Have Learned
Lucio San Pedro is known as a “romantic nationalist.” He incorporated Philippine
folk elements in his compositions with Western forms and harmony. His chords
a rich expressive tonality, as represented in his well-loved Sa Ugoy ng Duyan, a
lullaby melody sung by his mother.
Commented [u49]: Add period
Rosendo Santos Jr. is listed in the “New Groves Dictionary of Music and
Musicians.” A prolific composer, his works include concerti, sonatas, symphonies,
symphonic poems, five operas in Philippine dialect, numerous band overtures, and
more than 200 marches. He wrote 50 masses in Latin and 20 in English. He has
more than 1,000 musical compositions in the library of the University of the
Alfredo Buenaventura is among the few composers in the Philippines who
composed five full-length operas. He has his own set of ideas about music and
composition. He created a combination of contemporary and conventional, kept his
melodies simple and understandable, but he used contemporary harmonies to suit
the intellectuals. He is a contemporary composer.
Ryan Cayabyab spans both popular and classical worlds with his pop, ballads,
operas, zarzuela, orchestral, and choral compositions.
What I Can Do
In the last lesson for this module, you are expected to improvise/create your
own song composition. Utilize this time on answering What I can Do to
prepare yourself next time. Ready yourself and list down your possible
music of choice. Good Luck!
Multiple Choice | Direction: Choose the letter of the best answer. Write the chosen
letter on a separate sheet of paper.
1. Ugoy ng Duyan is a musical piece composed by Lucio de San Pedro. What was
his inspiration in composing the melody?
A. A Soldier’s Siesta amidst upcoming combat in the Cordillera Mountains
B. Child mourning from a Mother’s death
C. Sister’s care for her little brother whilst her parents are at the farm.
D. His Mother’s Lullaby
2. Which of the following are the original compositions of Ryan Cayabyab
A. Kay Gandang ng Ating Musika
C. Payapang Daigdig
B. Sitsiritsit
D. Sana’y Wala ng Wakas
3. Rosendo Santos, Jr. is listed in the New Groves ______ of Music and Musicians
A. Encyclopedia
C. Roster
B. Dictionary
D. Obituary
Commented [u50]: Check proper format of choices
4. He is among the few musicians in the Philippines who composed five full-length
operas, kept his melodies simple and understandable but also used contemporary
harmonies to suit the intellectuals.
A. Alfredo Buenaventura
C. Rosendo Santos
B. Lucio San Pedro
D. Ryan Cayabyab
5. He incorporated Philippine Folk elements in his compositions with Western forms to
create a highly tonal melody and rich expressive harmonies.
A. Alfredo Buenaventura
C. Rosendo Santos
B. Lucio San Pedro
D. Ryan Cayabyab
6. Lucio San Pedro is called as the Philippine ______________________.
A. Intellectual Groove
C. Zarzuela Counter
B. Romantic Nationalist
D. Prolific Composer
7. He wrote 50 masses in Latin and 20 in English. He has more than 1,000
musical compositions in the library of the University of the Philippines.
A. Alfredo Buenaventura
C. Rosendo Santos
B. Lucio San Pedro
D. Ryan Cayabyab
8. He spans both popular and classical worlds with his pop, ballads, operas, zarzuela,
orchestral, and choral compositions.
A. Alfredo Buenaventura
C. Rosendo Santos
B. Lucio San Pedro
D. Ryan Cayabyab
9. This composer became an official organist of the Manila Cathedral; He holds an
honorary Doctor of Music degree from the Philippine Women’s University.
A. Alfredo Buenaventura
C. Rosendo Santos
B. Lucio San Pedro
D. Ryan Cayabyab
10. He is known to be the Philippine Composer of the Century
as what had UNESCO granted him. He has more than
1000 musical compositions in the library of the University of the Philippines
A. Alfredo Buenaventura
C. Rosendo Santos
B. Lucio San Pedro
D. Ryan Cayabyab
11. Melinda’s Masquerade and other unnamed concerti, sonatas, symphonies,
symphonic poems, operas, band overtures, and marches were his compositions.
A. Alfredo Buenaventura
C. Rosendo Santos
B. Lucio San Pedro
D. Ryan Cayabyab
12. He was born on May 4, 1954, at in Manila. He was recently declared as National
Artist in music under the Duterte government.
A. Alfredo Buenaventura
C. Rosendo Santos
B. Lucio San Pedro
D. Ryan Cayabyab
13. He studied at the UP Conservatory of Music and proceeded to the Catholic
University of America in Washington, DC.
A. Alfredo Buenaventura
C. Rosendo Santos
B. Lucio San Pedro
D. Ryan Cayabyab
37in his
14. This composer preserved the traditional/classical way of compositions as seen
works like Misa, Four Poems for Soprano and Piano, Zarzuela Alikabok, and Opera
Spolarium with Libretto.
A. Alfredo Buenaventura
C. Rosendo Santos
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B. Lucio San Pedro
D. Ryan Cayabyab
15. He was born on February 11, 1913, and studied Music at UP and Julliard University.
A. Alfredo Buenaventura
C. Rosendo Santos
B. Lucio San Pedro
D. Ryan Cayabyab
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Additional Activities
Internet Check | Direction: Find and present in a sheet of paper the Brief History of
the Philippine National Anthem (How it was composed, what language this
originated, etc.); and discuss procedures on the Proper way of singing our, “Lupang
Hinirang.”. Let’s get this started!
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What I Need to Know
In this lesson, the learners are expected to:
a. perform selections of Contemporary Music; and
b. evaluate music performances using guided rubrics.
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Today’s lesson marks the culmination of the entire week’s discussions on the
20th Century Traditional Philippine Composers. We have been acquainted with
different biographies of selected composers, listened perceptively to excerpts of their
major works, and even described characteristics of traditional and new music. With
these on hand, and being said, you are expected to create/improvise your own music
basing from based on the styles of the presented musicians. Below are the direction
and guided rubrics for evaluation. Unleash the musician in you! You can do it.
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Commented [u57]: Tends to be redundant
PRACTICAL ASSESSMENT | Direction: Individual students are tasked to compose
an original song composition and which they need to record it using mobile phones
and submit online. Here are a few tips for you to make your own song composition
1. Start with a concept or idea that means something to you (ex. love song,
inspirational song, etc.)
2. The next step in learning to write your first song is turning your concept or
idea into a song.
3. Map out your idea (ex. Verse 1, chorus, verse 2)
4. Choose a feel or groove to begin writing.
5. Begin to write your lyric.
6. Put your own rhythm.
7. Finish your song.
8. Celebrate having your own song!
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Proficient with
Distinction – 4
The song lyrics
The words are
The song lyrics
received by the
The student
composed an
original song
with a clear
Meets the
Standard – 3
The song lyrics
are good. The
words are
memorable and
the song lyrics
are well
received by the
Meets – 2
The song lyrics
are somewhat
coherent. The
song lyrics are
well received
by the learners.
Does not
Meet – 1
The song lyrics
are not
coherent. The
words not
The student
composed an
original song
but there are
some elements
that are not
The song
composed is
not very
original. The
message is not
The writer
information and
incorporated at
least 10 – 15
facts and one
big idea in a
effort. The
was excellent.
used mostly
grammar and
spelling and
used legible
The writer
information in a
manner and
incorporated 10
facts and a big
idea showing
effort. The
performance of
the song met
The song
composed is
not very
original, but
there are some
elements that
are not
The writer
information in
manner that
showed little
effort. The
performance of
the song did
not meet
The song was
and difficult to
The writer
demonstrates a
general sense
of audience
and uses some
vocabulary for
that audience
The writer
lacked two of
the following:
grammar and
spelling usage
and/ or legible
The writer
little sense of
audience and
does not adjust
the vocabulary
for an audience
The writer
demonstrates a
clear sense of
audience and
uses the
vocabulary for
that audience
The writer
lacked one of
the following:
grammar and
spelling usage,
and/or legible
The writer
information in
manner that
showed no
The writer
no sense of
audience, uses
vocabulary, and
makes no
Commented [u59]: You mean POST ASSESSMENT?
Multiple Choice Test | Direction: On a separate sheet of paper,
following by choosing the letter of your best answer.
answer the
1. He created and composed the melody for the University of the Philippine’s
Official Anthem, UP naming Mahal.
A. Francisco Buencamino, Sr.
Antonio Molina
C. Nicanor AbelardoFrancisco Santiago
B. Francisco Buencamino, Sr.Santiago
MolinaNicanor Abelardo
2. He lived in Quiapo, Manila, and stood proud as an Orchestra soloist at Manila
Grand Opera House dating 1940s to the 70s.
A. Antonio Molina
C. Francisco Santiago
B. Francisco Buencamino, Sr.
D. Nicanor Abelardo
3. A. Francisco Buencamino, Sr.
C. Nicanor Abelardo
A. Antonio Molina
C. Francisco Santiago
B. Francisco Buencamino, Sr.
D. Nicanor Abelardo
6. A. Francisco Buencamino, Sr.
C. Nicanor Abelardo
A. Antonio Molina
C. Francisco Santiago
B. Francisco Buencamino, Sr.
D. Nicanor Abelardo
9. A. Francisco Buencamino, Sr.
C. Nicanor Abelardo
A. Antonio Molina
C. Francisco Santiago
B. Francisco Buencamino, Sr.
Francisco Buencamino, Sr.
C. Nicanor Abelardo
This composer is known for being a Music Instructor and Band
conductor of the Philippine Military Academy. His active involvement with
various military bands ultimately earned him his military rank of Colonel.
A. Hilarion RubioCol. Antonio Buenaventura
CB. Col. Antonio BuenaventuraHilarion Rubio
BC. Rodolfo Cornejo
Felipe De Leon, Sr.
D. Felipe
De Leon, Sr.Rodolfo Cornejo
This composer was the Church organist of Pasay Catholic Church and a
Doctor of Music (honoris causa) in his time.
A. Col. Antonio Buenaventura
C. Hilarion Rubio
B. Felipe De Leon, Sr.
D. Rodolfo Cornejo
A. Hilarion Rubio
B. Col. Antonio Buenaventura
He composed Unang Katas, Bulaklaken, Liwayway, and the & the
National Heroes Day Hymn.
A. Col. Antonio Buenaventura
C. Hilarion Rubio
B. Felipe De Leon, Sr.
D. Rodolfo Cornejo
15. A. Hilarion Rubio
B. Col. Antonio Buenaventura
A. Col. Antonio Buenaventura
C. Hilarion Rubio
B. Felipe De Leon, Sr.
D. Rodolfo Cornejo
Refer corrections form PRE-ASSESSMENT
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18. A. Hilarion Rubio
B. Col. Antonio Buenaventura
government recognized music school in the United States.
A. Col. Antonio Buenaventura
C. Hilarion Rubio
B. Felipe De Leon, Sr.
D. Rodolfo Cornejo
21. A. Hilarion Rubio
B. Col. Antonio Buenaventura
A. Alfredo Buenaventura Ryan Cayabyab
Rosendo Santos
Lucio San Pedro
CB. Lucio San Pedro Rosendo Santos
D. Ryan Cayabyab Alfredo Buenaventura
He studied at the UP Conservatory of Music and proceeded toat the
Catholic University of America in Washington, DC.
A. Alfredo Buenaventura
C. Rosendo Santos
B. Lucio San Pedro
D. Ryan Cayabyab A.
Ryan Cayabyab
B. Lucio San Pedro
This composer preserved the traditional/classical way of compositions
as seen in his works like Misa, Four Poems for Soprano and Piano, Zarzuela
Alikabok, and Opera Spolarium with Libretto.
A. Alfredo Buenaventura
C. Rosendo Santos
B. Lucio San Pedro
D. Ryan Cayabyab
26. A. Ryan Cayabyab
B. Lucio San Pedro
A. A. Alfredo Buenaventura
C. Rosendo Santos
B. Lucio San Pedro
D. Ryan Cayabyab Ryan
B. Lucio San Pedro
C. Rosendo Santos
D. Alfredo Buenaventura
A. Alfredo Buenaventura
C. Rosendo Santos
B. Lucio San Pedro
D. Ryan Cayabyab
You have finished your Module (Part 1) for Music 10. Your gained
knowledge from these lessons will help you thrive in the next part.
Brace yourself. God bless!
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Commented [u66]: Proceeded on what? Try to be specific
on this eg. Post graduate studies?
Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.5", No bullets or
Formatted: Indent: Left: 0", First line: 0.5", Numbered
+ Level: 1 + Numbering Style: 1, 2, 3, … + Start at: 1 +
Alignment: Left + Aligned at: 0.25" + Indent at: 0.5"
Commented [u67]: Add comma
Formatted: Indent: Left: 0.5", No bullets or
Formatted: Indent: First line: 0.44"
Formatted: Numbered + Level: 1 + Numbering Style:
1, 2, 3, … + Start at: 1 + Alignment: Left + Aligned at:
0.25" + Indent at: 0.5"
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What I Know
1. TM
2. TM
3. CM
4. TM
5. TM
6. TM
7. CM
8. CM
9. CM
10. TM
1. Emphasis on
Reading Music
1. Primary Focus on
Ear Training
What’s More
What’s More
3. Equipped Music
3. Pondering Music
Theory as Framework
to performance
2. Establish Traditional
2. Progressive
4. Popularity in
5. Plays “on-the-fly”
(Possible answers of
4. Erratic Performance
5. Engaged into
Standard repertoire
(Possible answers of
11. TM
12. CM
13. TM
14. CM
15. TM
What I can do
Composer 1:
What’s New
*answers vary
Composer 2:
Composer 3:
What’s In
1. African
2. African
3. Latin-American
4. Latin-American
Answer Key: Lesson 1
What I Know/
1. B
2. A
3. C
4. C
What I have
1. Francisco
2. Francisco
3. Nicanor Abelardo
4. Antonio Molina
5. D
Answers vary, essay
8. D
What I Can do
6. B
7. A
9. A
10. B
11. B
12. A
13. D
14. A
15. A
What’s More
What’s New
What’s In
*Answers Vary
Answer Key: Lesson 2
What’s I Know/
1. C
What’s More
*Answers vary on
student’s creativity
What I Have Learned
1. Hilarion Rubio
2. Col. Anthony
3. Rudolfo Cornejo
4. Felipe De Leon
What I can Do
*Answers vary
Additional Activities
*Answers to crossword
puzzle written above.
9. B
7. harmony
8. C
6. Rhythm
7. D
5. dynamics
6. A
4. expression
5. D
3. style
4. D
2. Music
3. B
1. University
2. D
What’s New
11. D
9. Instrument
10. B
8. Lyrics
14. B
*Answers Vary
13. A
What’s In
12. C
10. Musician
15. D
Answer Key: Lesson 3
What I Know/
What’s More
What’s In
Answer Key: Lesson 4
Formatted: No bullets or numbering
1. D
2. A
3. B
4. A
5. C
6. A
7. D
8. C
9. B
10. D
11. D
12. C
13. D
14. B
1. 15. DC
2. D
3. A
4. D
5. B
6. B
7. C
8. A
http://philippinesheritage.ph/filer/toledo- cebu/PHILIPPINE%20MUSIC.pdf
2. Cabanban et al., Horizons – Music and Arts Appreciation for Young Filipinos
(Tawid Publications, 2015), 91-144
MUSIC EDUCATION. retrieved last June 6, 2020; 01:20 pm
4. Internet source, retrieved last May 20, 2020; 8:00 am
5. Internet source, retrieved last May 20, 2020; 8:15 am
6. Internet source, retrieved last May 20,
7. Internet source, retrieved last May 20,
8. Internet source, retrieved last May 20, 2020; 8:15 am
For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:
Department of Education - Bureau of Learning Resources (DepEd-BLR)
Ground Floor, Bonifacio Bldg., DepEd Complex
Meralco Avenue, Pasig City, Philippines 1600
Telefax: (632) 8634-1072; 8634-1054; 8631-4985
Email Address: blr.lrqad@deped.gov.ph * blr.lrpd@deped.gov.ph