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"The Most Dangerous Game" Essay Assignment

“The Most Dangerous Game” Writing Assignment—Honors
“The world is made up of two classes—the hunters and the huntees.” Do the
events of the story cause Rainsford to abandon this idea? Does his attitude
toward hunting and his prey change? Write a 5 paragraph essay on this topic.
Use one of the following strategies to help you:
Strategy One: If you think Rainsford’s attitude DOES change, then your essay
will follow this format:
 Intro paragraph: Introduce story and author. Thesis statement
 Body paragraph 1: gives proof of his attitude prior to meeting Zaroff.
 Body paragraph 2: gives proof of how his attitude is changing during the
hunt. Quotes!
 Body paragraph 3: gives proof of his changed attitude at the end of the
hunt/after the hunt. Quotes!
 Concluding paragraph: Sum it all up!
Strategy Two: If you think Rainsford’s attitude DOES NOT change, then your
essay will follow this format:
 Intro paragraph: Introduce story and author. Thesis statement
 Body paragraph 1: gives proof of his attitude prior to meeting Zaroff.
 Body paragraph 2: gives proof of how his prior attitude remains constant
during the hunt. Quotes!
 Body paragraph 3: gives proof of how his attitude is still the same at the
end of the hunt/after the hunt. Quotes!
 Concluding paragraph: Sum it all up!