Syllabus for ECEP 352 Winter 2022 Winter 2022 ECEP 352-A Lecture, ECEP 352-061 Lab, ECEP 352-062 Lab Electric Motor Control Principles 1. Instructor Information Instructor: Dr. Hua Zhang TA: Shuyan Zhao, Jesse Hill Office: Curtis 053-C Phone: 215-895-1983 Email: Email:, Office hour: By appointment Office hour: By appointment 2. Student Learning Information Course Description Introduces machinery principles, magnetic circuits, three-phase circuits, the electrical and economic structure of the power industry, ac and dc machine fundamentals, and power electronic converters and their interfaces with electric motors. Some or all pre-requisites may be taken as either a pre-requisite or co-requisite. Please see the department for more information. College/Department: College of Engineering Repeat Status: Not repeatable for credit Restrictions: Cannot enroll if classification is Freshman Prerequisites: ECEE 302 [Min Grade: D] (Can be taken Concurrently) (ECE 201 [Min Grade: D] or ECES 211 [Min Grade: D]) Statement of Expected Learning After the learning of this class, the students are expected to: 1. Learn the basics of rotational mechanics: angular velocity, angular acceleration, torque, and Newton’s Law for rotation. 2. Learn how to produce a magnetic field. 3. Understand magnetic circuits. 4. Understand the behavior of ferromagnetic materials, 5. Understand hysteresis in ferromagnetic materials. 1 / 5 Syllabus for ECEP 352 Winter 2022 6. Understand Faraday’s Law. 7. Understand how to produce an induced force on a wire. 8. Understand how to produce an induced voltage across a wire. 9. Understand the operation of a simple linear machine. 10. Be able to work with real, reactive and apparent powers. 3. Course Materials Textbook Suggested: Stephen J. Chapman, “Electric Machinery Fundamentals,” McGraw-Hill, Inc., New York, 4th Edition. Pay attention: You can use either the 4th or the 5th edition. In the 4th edition, there is a new chapter 3 on Power Electronics. In this class, we will cover this chapter. Other than this chapter, the 4th and 5th editions are almost the same. Textbook References: G. McPherson and R. D. Laramore, “An Introduction to Electrical Machines and Transformers,” John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1990. Mulukutla S. Sarma, “Electric Machines: Steady-State Theory and Dynamic Performance,” West Publishing Co., St. Paul, MN., 1994. P. C. Sen, “Principles of Electric Machines and Power Electronics,” John Wiley & Sons, New York, 1989. T. Wildi, “Electrical Machines, Drives, and Power Systems,” Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, 1991. L. Kosow, “Electric Machinery and Transformers,” Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, 1991. G. R. Slemon, “Electric Machines and Drives,” Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc., 1992. Supplement Material Additional handouts will be distributed in class. Some technical readings will be provided in the LEARN website for downloading. The homework will be posted on the LEARN website. Suggested Software It is recommended that MATLAB software is primarily used for the simulation. It is suitable for the simulation of electric machine and power circuit. Another benefit is that Drexel already has the license for it. Another circuit simulation software is LTspice, which can also be used to simulate the power electronics system. Also, any other system and circuit simulation software is also welcome in the learning process. 2 / 5 Syllabus for ECEP 352 Winter 2022 Claim: the instructor does not have any interest relationship with any commercial software company. 4. Assignments and Assessments Attendance Attendance is at the beginning of each class. Please make sure to attend the class on time. It will count 10% of the total grading. Homework Tasks Homework tasks will be assigned to strengthen the knowledge learnt in class. Also, all the homework tasks count in the final grading. It is suggested to work on all the homework task, because the exams will cover all of them. Every student needs to turn in the individual homework, and identical work of different students will be treated as zero. Homework will be posted on the LEARN course website. Students need to upload the homework through the LEARN website before the due time. Late turn-in is NOT accepted. The homework will count 20% of the total grading. Lab Report In order to enhance the understanding of this class, students need to work on the lab report based on the lab results. There are five simulation labs, in which each student needs to submit an individual report. There are also three hardware labs, in which a group of three students need to submit a group report based on the experiments. The lab report will be graded based on the lab results, accuracy, format, and other quality-related requirements. The lab report will count 20% of the total grading. Exams This class will have one in-class midterm exam and one final exam. The exams are based on the knowledge distributed in the class. Both midterm and final exams are closed-book. If there is a valid reason to miss an exam, the instructor has to be notified at least one week in advance, and an alternative exam could be provided in a different time. Students need to obey the university policy in the exam. Any person caught cheating in the exam will receive zero for the exam, and additional sanction can be possible according to the university rules. The midterm exam will count 20% of the total grading, and the final exam will count 30% of the total grading. Summary The final score in this course is determined with the following weighting factors. Attendance Homework Tasks Lab Reports Midterm Exam Final Exam 3 / 5 10% 20% 20% 20% 30% Syllabus for ECEP 352 Winter 2022 The cutoff points reflect the technical competencies required to be an electrical engineer. At the discretion of the instructor, the score needed to acquire a certain letter grade could vary. 5. Academic Policies Drexel University Policies on the Syllabus Academic Integrity, plagiarism, Dishonesty and Cheating policy Student with Disability Statement Course Add/Drop/Withdrawal Policy Course Change Policy This course helps the students establish fundamental knowledges in the area of power electronics. Depending on the student needs, the contents in the class could be changed during the term, and any changes will be communicated to students during class, email or LEARN website. Suggestions and Comments Any suggestion that improves the course is always welcome. 4 / 5 Syllabus for ECEP 352 Winter 2022 6. Course Schedule There is no class on Monday, January 17, 2021, due to the MLK holiday Textbook: Stephen J. Chapman, “Electric Machinery Fundamentals,” McGraw-Hill, Inc., New York, 4th Edition. (5th edition is also fine. But the section number here is based on the 4th edition) Week Date Lect. #1 1 2 Lect. #2 Lect. #3 Lect. #4 Lect. #5 3 Lect. #6 4 Lect. #7 Lect. #8 5 6 7 Lect.#9 Lect.#10 Lect.#11 Lect.#12 Lect.#13 8 9 10 11 Lect.#14 Lect.#15 Lect.#16 Lect.#17 Lect.#18 Topic Read Sections HW Appendix A Mon. Jan. 3 AC Circuit Basics Section 1.9 Introduction to Machinery Principles Section 1.1-1.3 Wed. Jan. 5 HW#1 Magnetic Field and Magnetic Circuit: Section 1.4 Fri. Jan. 7 #0 Laboratory Introduction & Safety Mon. Jan. 10 Faraday Law, etc. Section 1.5-1.8 Wed. Jan. 12 Transformers Section 2.1-2.10 HW#2 Fri. Jan. 14 #1 Introduction to Simulink AC Machine Fundamentals: Wed. Jan. 19 HW#3 Rotating magnetic field Section 4.1-4.2 #2 Transformer simulation using Fri. Jan. 21 Simulink Induction Motor: Mon. Jan. 24 Introduction to induction motor Section 7.1-7.2 Slip, equivalent circuit, power, torque Section 7.3-7.4 Induction Motor II: Wed. Jan. 26 HW#4 Torque-speed characteristics Section 7.5-7.6 #3 Transformer tests using hardware in Fri. Jan. 28 power lab and Bossone Motor starting control Section 7.8-7.9 Mon. Jan. 31 Motor modeling Section 7.11 DC Machinery Fundamentals Section 8.1 Wed. Feb. 2 DC Motors: HW#5 Equivalent circuit of dc motor Section 9.1-9.3 #4 Induction motor simulation using Fri. Feb. 4 Simulink Mon. Feb. 7 Midterm in-class exam Separately excited and shunt dc: Wed. Feb. 9 armature reaction, speed control Section 8.4, 9.4 #5 Induction motor tests using Fri. Feb. 11 hardware in power lab and Bossone Mon. Feb. 14 Permanent-magnet, series&compound Section 9.5-9.7 Wed. Feb. 16 DC motor starters Section 9.8 HW#6 #6 DC motor simulation studies using Fri. Feb. 18 Simulink Power electronics: Mon. Feb. 21 AC-DC rectifiers Section 3.1-3.3 Wed. Feb. 23 AC phase control Section 3.4 HW#7 #7 DC motor Testing using hardware Fri. Feb. 25 in power lab and Bossone Mon. Feb. 28 DC-DC power control Section 3.5 Wed. Mar. 2 DC-AC inverter Section 3.6 HW#8 #8 Power electronic drive simulation Fri. Mar. 4 using Simulink and PSpice (Demo) Mon, Mar. 7 Induction motor drivers Section 7.10 Wed, Mar. 9 Recitation and Review Fri. Mar. 11 Backup time for experiments TBD Final exam 5 / 5