Concept Map (TEMPLATE) Student Name: Instructor: DATE Care Provided and UNIT: History of Present Illness (HPI), Pathophysiology of Admitting Dx (Cite References) Medical, Surgical, Social History (1). WHAT BROUGHT THE PT TO THE HOSPITAL? WHAT EVENTS LEAD UP TO THIS? WHAT HAPPENED WHEN THEY GOT TO THE HOSPITAL- UNTIL NOW WHEN YOU ARE PROVIDING CARE? (USE SEPARATE ATTACHED WORD DOC WHEN NEEDED) Patient Information (1) Patient Initials: Age & Gender: Height/Weight: Medical History: (SEE RUBRIC REQUIREMENTS) PAST DIAGNOSED MEDICAL PROBLEMS Code Status: Living Will/ DPOA: Chief Complaint Surgical History: (SEE RUBRIC REQUIREMENTS) PAST DIAGNOSED SURGICAL PROBLEMS Admitting Diagnosis & Admission Date Social History: SMOKING/ CIGARETTE/ TOBACCO/ E-CIGARETTE /MARIJUANA USE ALCOHOL/ ELICIT DRUG USE Cultural considerations, ethnicity, occupation, religion, family support, insurance. (1) (14) Socioeconomic/Cultural/Spiritual Orientation & Psychosocial Considerations/Concerns: include the following Social Determinants of Health (SDOH) ❋Economic Stability ( MAY DELETE THESE ‘TIPS” TO USE SPACE) ❋ Education ❋Social and Community Context ❋ Health and Health Care ❋ Neighborhood and Built Environment (VM/GP/KL-V5) Erickson’s Developmental Stage Related to pt. & Cite References (1) *List and Discuss specific stage (based on objective assessment) Concept Map (TEMPLATE) Student Name: Instructor: DATE Care Provided and UNIT: Medical Management and Collaborative Plan (from MD, PT, OT notes….etc.) *Consider past 24 – 48 hours Key Diagnostic Tests/ Procedures and Lab Results with Dates and Normal Ranges (3) Lab Tests Normal Ranges Admission Lab Values Current Lab Values Explain Abnormal Labs R/T Your Pt Patient Education (In Pt.) for Transfer/ Discharge Planning ASSESS LEARNING STYLE: LEARNING PREFERENCE: WRITTEN, VIDEO, etc. LEARNING BARRIER(S): LANGUAGE, EDUCATION LEVEL ASSISTIVE DEVICES: GLASSES, HEARING AIDES, etc. ANTICIPATED TRANSFER/ DISCHARGE PLANNING: DISCUSS: PRIORITY GOALS TO BE ACHIEVED to TRANSFER or DISCHARGE EQUIPMENT INCLUDE: Appropriate Diagnostic Tests/ Procedures- DATEs and RESULTS (Can add See attached Word Doc) (VM/GP/KL-V5) ( MAY DELETE THESE ‘TIPS” TO USE SPACE) MEDS TREATMENT REFERRALS NEEDED Medications & Allergies (2) Medication Name (VM/GP/KL-V5) Dose Route Freq. Indications (PRN meds must include MD ordered Indication) Mechanism of Action Side Effects/ Adverse Reactions Nursing Considerations ASSESSMENT/ REVIEW OF SYTEMS Concept Map (TEMPLATE) Student Name: Instructor: DATE Care Provided and UNIT: Vital Signs (4) Neurological (5) Musculoskeletal (8) GI Hydration/Nutrition (9) Integumentary (12) Endocrine (13) (VM/GP/KL-V5) Cardiovascular (6) Respiratory (7) GU (10) Rest/ Exercise (11) Psychosocial (14) Misc. Concept Map (TEMPLATE) PLAN OF CARE Student Name: Instructor: DATE of Care Provided and UNIT: Priority Nursing Diagnosis #2 Priority Nursing Diagnosis #1 Outcome/Goal #1 Outcome/Goal #1 Interventions # 2 Intervention #1 Evaluation #1 Evaluation #2 At Risk Interventions At Risk Outcomes/ Goal At Risk Dx.- (VM/GP/KL-V5) At Risk Evaluation Plan