Hebrew Home at Riverdale by RiverSpring Living 2021 Mandatory Educational Training Program Print Name: Giovanni _________________________________________________________ Carmelo Russo College of Mt St Agency Name: _______________________________________________________ Vincent I have read and completed all the required documentation required for the 2021 Mandatory Educational Training Program. The Program included the following topics: 1. 2. 3. 4. Compliance Program Fire/Safety Residents Rights/Needs of the Aged Abuse Prohibition/Complaint Procedure/Misappropriation Policy 5. Infection Control 6. Body Mechanics 7. Dementia Training: Re-directional Support For Wandering & Exit Seeking Residents 8. Missing Resident Procedure 9. HIPAA 10. Elder Justice Act 11. Workplace Violence Emergency Plan 12. Solicitation & Gratuities 13. Memory Care Dementia Training 14. I Answer Call Bells 15. Reporting & Preventing Damage to Art Work 16. IT Security 17. Weinberg Center for Elder Justice 18. Trauma Informed Care 19. Quality Assurance Performance Improvement Agency Personnel Signature: _________________________________________ Date: _____________________ 1 Hebrew Home at Riverdale by RiverSpring Living 2021 Mandatory Educational Training Quiz C NAME (Please Print): Giovanni _______________________ Russo Me Agency Name: _______________ CMSU SIGNATURE: ___________________________________ 10 28 DATE: _________________ 21 Please circle the correct answer for each of the following questions Residents’ Rights & Needs of the Aged 1) Every employee is responsible to make sure the Organization’s Mission is fulfilled True or False 2) When a resident comes into our facility, they lose the right to make choices regarding his/her healthcare, activities and food options. True or False 3) The Health Care Proxy which is kept in the medical chart allows the resident to: A. B. C. D. Have visitors at any time Indicate their choice of hospital Select someone to be responsible for their property Appoint a family member or friend to decide about their medical treatment if they are unable to decide for themselves 4) Staff are responsible to support the intimacy rights of all residents including those with Alzheimer’s. True or False 2 5) DNR means Do Not Run. True or O False 6) Which colored dot on a resident’s I.D. band notifies you that a resident has a swallowing problem/dysphagia? A. B. C. D. O Red Green Purple Blue 7) Awareness of a resident’s ethnic/religious background can help staff deal with certain situations. O True or False 8) It is important to remember that our body language, facial expressions, tone of voice and awareness of how our actions are perceived, contribute to the success in providing care to our residents. O True or False 9) What is one cognitive or social change that may occur as a person ages? A. B. C. D. O Increased socialization Depression/loneliness Increased ability to care for oneself Increased independence 10) Which of the following is not a natural physical change and/or decline experienced by the elderly? A. B. C. D. O Loss of Vision Loss of Hearing Dementia Slower Reflexes 3 Fire Safety, Hazardous Materials and Emergency Preparedness 11) When the fire bells ring, you should: A. Disregard them because it is only a drill. B. Count the sequence of the bells and check the closest fire alarm chart to determine the location. C. Run for the stairs. D. Continue with what you are doing. 12) The first thing you do upon discovery of a fire is: A. Confine the fire by closing the door. B. Extinguish the fire if possible. C. Rescue anyone in the room while calling out Doctor Red and the location. D. Activate the closet fire alarm pull station. 13) In a fire, what is the order in which rooms are evacuated? A. The room directly across from the fire followed by the rooms on either side. B. The fire room followed by the room directly above the fire. C. First, evacuate the fire room, and then evacuate the rooms on either side, followed by the room directly opposite the fire and then all remaining rooms in the compartment. D. First evacuate the rooms on either side then evacuate the room directly across. 14) After you close the door to the room of the fire you should: A. Post someone in front of the door until arrival of the fire department. B. Put a pillow in front of the door. C. Feel the door to see if it is hot before you open it. D. Not open the door because heat and flames are building up inside. E. Both A and D. 4 15) In addition to activating the closest fire alarm pull station, in a fire someone must: A. Call 911. B. Call the Switchboard using the EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NUMBER 1303 C. Call the Nursing Office to report the fire D. Beep the Nurse Manager. 16) Who is responsible for shutting off oxygen in a fire on a nursing unit? A. B. C. D. O Security Maintenance Charge Nurse Fire Department 17) What should you do first if you are the discoverer of a fire in an occupied resident room? A. Pull the fire alarm and close the door to the fire. B. Grab a fire extinguisher and try to put out the fire. C. Rescue or remove anyone in the room while calling out “Doctor Red” and the location. D. Clear the corridors and close all doors. O 18) Fire alarm pull stations are generally located where: A. B. C. D. O About every 75 feet along the corridor. Near exits and stairwells. On the East and West sides of the building. In the Nursing station. 19) When the fire bells indicate activation of a smoke detector in your building, you must: A. If your unit has a fire alarm panel, check it to determine if the alarm is from your floor and if so inspect smoke detectors to see if light is flashing in order to determine the smoke source B. Call the switchboard. C. Call a Nurse Manager. D. Continue what you are doing. O 5 20) If a fire is in your building but not on your floor, you must: A. Continue with what you are doing. B. Move residents into rooms, clear corridors and close doors and windows. C. Wait for the announcement to tell you where the fire is located. D. Check with the Nurse to determine if you are needed. 21) The Safe Medical Devices Act requires that if a medical device may have caused or contributed to a death or serious injury the incident must be reported to your supervisor. True or False 22) Before you use or handle any chemical, you should check its label and SDS for information on hazards and protection. True or False 23) You can reduce the risk of harmful effects of chemicals by: A. B. C. D. Being familiar with the Safety Data Sheet (SDS) Knowing the nearest location of an “Eye Wash Station” Wearing appropriate protective equipment All of the above 24) All employees have the right to: A. Be informed about hazardous chemicals used in their work area B. Request written information about hazardous chemicals used in their work area C. Know where the Safety Data Sheets (SDS) are located for their department D. All of the above 6 25) When responding to a fire emergency, it is helpful to remember the acronym R.A.C.E. What do the letters R.A.C.E. represent? A. B. C. D. O Run, Avoid, Calm, Elevator Remain, Advise, Circle, Excitement Rescue, Alarm, Confine, Extinguish/Evacuate Retire, Attention, Clap, Environment 26) When you hear Code 99 announced, what does this signal tell you is happening? A. B. C. D. O A fire drill A visitor is entering the Home A resident is missing A medical emergency 27) If you discover a fire, call out “Dr. Blue” and the location of the fire. True or o False 28) When using a fire extinguisher, it is helpful to remember the acronym P.A.S.S. What do the letters P.A.S.S. represent? A. B. C. D. o Pay, Advise, Send, Scream Pull, Aim, Squeeze, Sweep Press, Alarm, Sit, Save Plan, Ask, Stand, Sit 7 Resident Abuse Prohibition/Complaint Procedure/Misappropriation 29) It is misappropriation when a staff member eats food that is provided for the residents/patients on a neighborhood. True or False O 30) It is only the Therapeutic Activities Department’s legal and ethical obligation to immediately notify a Supervisor of suspected abuse or neglect. True or 31) Which of these is a type of abuse? A. B. C. D. E. O O False Verbal Abuse Emotional Abuse Physical Abuse Sexual Abuse All of the above 32) Abuse is when the caregiver causes harm to a resident or patient. o True or False 33) If you were walking down the corridor and you observed a possible act of abuse, what should you do? A. Stop the staff member because the resident was in immediate harm B. Keep walking C. Remove the resident from the abusive environment because there was immediate harm D. Report the incident immediately to the supervisor E. Only A, C and D d 8 34) Residents with behavioral problems or Dementia are less likely to be victims of abuse. True O or False 35) A staff person uses a resident’s phone while eating their lunch and watching the resident’s television. Is this an example of misappropriation? O Yes or No 36) Any form of suspected abuse or mistreatment or neglect must be reported first to: A. B. C. D. O The Research Dept. A Supervisor The Food Service Dept. A Nurse 37) Residents and families have a right to complain without fear of reprisal, discrimination or discharge. True or False O 38) The Grievance Coordinator at HHAR is: A. Director of Food Services B. Director of Nursing C. Chief Operating Office D. Director of Rehabilitation Services O 39) The V.P. of Nursing is the Abuse Prohibition Coordinator. O True or False 9 Weinberg Center for Elder Justice 40. The Weinberg Center helps people who have problems with: A. B. C. D. O Medical Care Discharge Elder Abuse Insurance 41. The Weinberg Center shelter residents live in a separate part of the Hebrew Home from the other nursing home residents. o True or False 42. The Weinberg Center Risk and Prevention Screen helps us know who may have suffered elder abuse so we can help them. o True or False 43. The Weinberg Center is; A. B. C. D. In the Hebrew Home A separate building in Riverdale Not able to help people who have medical needs A team that includes lawyers and social workers committed to partnership, education and outreach to keep older adults safe E. A and D o 10 Compliance Program 44) The Home has a Corporate Compliance Program to ensure that staff comply with the applicable laws and comply with the legal and ethical responsibilities that accompany their jobs. True or False G 45) How can an employee report an actual or suspected act of misconduct or unethical behavior? A. Leave an anonymous message on the Compliance Program “Help Line” B. Contact Ann Marie Levine, Compliance Officer & Privacy Officer C. Complete and mail a Compliance Report Form D. All of the above O 46) If you decide to go to an authority about an act of misconduct, you will not be able to do it anonymously; your identity must be known. True or O False 47) The federal False Claims Act imposes penalties and fines on individuals and entities that file false or fraudulent claims for payment from Medicare, Medicaid or other federal health programs. O True or False 48) All staff should raise any question they might have about potentially unethical or illegal conduct. O True or False 11 49) It is okay to take tips or gifts from residents/family members as long as you deserve it True or O False 50) Anyone making a report to the Compliance Officer on the hotline cannot be retaliated against by management O True or False HIPAA – Health Information Portability Accountability Act 51) What is PHI in terms of HIPAA standards? A. B. C. D. O Patient Hotline Information Professional Help Institution Patient Healthcare Index Protected Health Information 52) PHI (Protected Health Information) covers not just a resident’s healthrelated information, such as his or her diagnosis, but also other identifying information such as social security number and telephone numbers. True or False 53) Who is a Business Associate? O A. A vendor who creates, receives, maintains or transmits PHI B. A service provider who creates, receives, maintains or Transmits PHI C. A third Party that creates, receives, maintains or transmits PHI D. All of the above O 54) HHAR does not have a Privacy Officer? True or O False 12 55) Which of the following are some common features designed to protect the confidentiality of health information contained in resident medical records? A. Locks on medical records rooms. B. Passwords to access computerized records. C. Rules that prohibit employees from looking at records unless they have a need to know. D. All of the above. O 56) What kind of personally identifiable health information is protected under HIPAA’s privacy rule? A. B. C. D. O Paper Electronic Spoken Word All of the above 57) Residents have the right to: A. Access and inspect their health records. B. Get an accounting of what happened with their health record. C. Request an amendment of their health record. D. Request restrictions regarding communication of own health record. E. All of the above. O 58) When disclosing resident information to another provider for treatment should you limit the information that you provide? A. No, you should provide whatever information the other provider requests. B. Yes, you should provide only the minimum necessary information for treatment under HIPAA. However, good practice and most practices today still say consider what is being asked. O 13 69) Personal identifiable information can be: A. Name B. Address C. Social Security Number D. Medical record number E. Occupation F. Diagnosis G. Dietary Habits H. All of the Above O 60) Which one of the below choices best describes a “Violation” of HIPAA? A. Knowingly disclosing a resident’s PHI for advertisement purposes B. Looking up a residents’ PHI without a need-to-know C. Both A & B D. None of the above O 61) Whose responsibility is it to protect the residents’ Protected Health information at HHAR? A. Nursing personnel of HHAR B. Information Technology & Telecommunications Systems personnel of HHAR C. Only people who work with the residents directly at HHAR D. Everyone that works/volunteers at HHAR O Body Mechanics 62) Good posture helps provide your back with the support it needs. o True or False 63) When lifting a heavy object, you should keep your legs straight with a rounded back, so that your back is doing most of the work. True or o False 14 64) If an item is too heavy to move easily, you should: A. B. C. D. O Lift it anyway Seek assistance from a co-worker Request a mechanical aid/equipment which can assist you Both B and C 65) To keep your back in shape you should: A. B. C. D. E. O Increase your stress level and keep your weight low Reduce your stress level, exercise regularly Increase your weight Maintain a healthy weight Both B and D Infection Control 66) Which of the following is not a sign and symptom of infection? A. B. C. D. O Heat/Fever Laughter Swelling and redness Pain 67) Always use a garbage can to dispose of all needles, syringes, razor blades, and broken glass. True or False 68) Standard Precautions/Universal Precautions means we: O A. Treat all blood and body fluid as infectious B. Wear protective equipment such as gloves, gowns, masks when you may come in contact with blood or other body fluids C. Cover broken skin areas D. Gloves must be changed and hands must be washed with each new task or new resident contact E. All of the above O 15 69) What is the single most important method to prevent the spread of infection? A. B. C. D. O Always wear gloves Hand washing Limit the amount of time you spend with a sick friend Wearing a mask 70) When providing care or entering the room of a resident who has tested positive for the COVID19 virus, only the Nursing staff are required to wear PPE. True or False O 71) When putting on your mask, clean your hands and put on your facemask so it fully covers your mouth and nose. True or False O 72) Things that increase your risk of getting Covid-19 A. Not wearing masks B. Crowded Places C. Indoor Spaces D. All of the Above O Dementia Training: Re-directional Support Procedures for Wandering and Exit Seeking Residents 73) Residents who require re-directional support and are on Memory Care Units are issued what color I.D. band? A. Blue B. Yellow C. Red D. Pink o 16 74) Residents who exhibit the following behaviors including verbalizing their intent to leave the neighborhood or the facility, want to go home, are unhappy with their placement or have memory problems are identified as exit seeking residents. O True or False 75) Photos of residents with any history of wandering and exit seeking behaviors are kept at the Main Gate and at the Nurse’s Station for ongoing monitoring and elopement prevention. O True or False 76) The Destination Log should only be utilized when a resident is taken to a clinic appointment. True or O False 77) Residents with dementia are allowed to come and go off their neighborhood alone and unsupervised. True or O False 78) Residents who are exit seeking also wear Roam Alert Bands that trigger an alarm at elevators and stairs preventing doors from opening and closing O True or False 79) The whereabouts of residents who exhibit persistent exit seeking behavior are monitored more frequently by the Nursing staff to ensure their safety and prevent elopement. O True or False 17 Missing Resident Procedure 80) Within the first 15 minutes upon discovery of a missing resident, the Charge Nurse calls the security gate with the following information: the resident’s name and neighborhood, a physical description including last known clothing and the time the resident was discovered missing from the neighborhood. True or O False 81) Upon notification of a missing resident, the Security Guard at the front gate should leave his/her post to begin searching for the resident. True or O False 82) Where is a message posted with the missing resident’s name, neighborhood and physical description including last known clothing? A. Bulletin Board O B. 42 Street nd C. Post Office D. The Missing Resident Hotline at Ext. 2600 83) What Code is announced by the switchboard operator over the public address system to inform the staff that there is a missing resident? A. B. C. D. O Code Blue Code 99 Code 100 Code 33 84) During a missing resident alert, the Charge Nurse assigns the nursing staff to conduct a room by room search of the floor, including public areas, bathrooms, closets, offices and stairwells, to account for all residents on their neighborhood. True O or False 18 85) Where is the Command Post set up during a missing resident alert? A. B. C. D. O The Cafeteria The Nursing Office The Great Lawn The Library Workplace Violence Emergency Plan 86) If a co-worker or visitor talks about bringing a weapon to the HHAR Campus you should: A. Ignore them because they are probably just having a bad day. B. Report the matter to your supervisor and the Security Department. C. Ask them if they are really serious before telling anyone about what you heard. D. Remember what happened and report it if it happens again. E. Mind your own business because you don’t want to get anyone in trouble. O 87) If you find yourself in a situation involving an Active Shooter on the HHAR Campus you should first: A. B. C. D. E. O Call 911 and Security (X-1303). Be prepared to describe what you know of the situation. Check your cell phone for messages Both A and B are correct. Call home so your family knows you are in trouble and will probably be late for dinner. 88) When Emergency Responders arrive at an Active Shooter situation their first course of action will be to: A. B. C. D. E. O Take care of the dead and injured. Conduct an inventory of all property to be sure nothing is missing. Administer First Aid and call an Ambulance. Neutralize the Shooter. Check with Human Resources to begin notifying next-of-kin. 19 89) As soon as you see the Emergency Responders you should: A. B. C. D. E. Run towards them and yell to get their attention. Remain motionless and follow their instructions exactly. Keep your hands visible at all times with fingers spread apart. Both B & C are correct. Let them know if you are injured. 90) What will improve your chances of survival in an Active Shooter Situation: A. B. C. D. E. Increasing the distance between yourself and the shooter. Communicating your situation. Creating physical barriers between yourself and the shooter. Remaining calm. All of the above. Elder Justice Act 91) The Elder Justice Act, issued by The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), requires employees to report a reasonable suspicion of a crime committed against a resident in the Home. True or False 92) Reasonable suspicion of crimes such as serious bodily injury, neglect and abuse must be reported to Nursing Administration, who will in turn coordinate timely reporting to the NY State Dept. of Health and law enforcement. True or False 20 93) Each employee is not permitted to report a reasonable suspicion of a crime to the NY State Dept. of Health and law enforcement on their own. True or O False 94) The Home will not prohibit an employee from reporting a reasonable suspicion of a crime on their own. True or False O 95) There is no retaliation towards anyone making a report of a reasonable suspicion of a crime committed against a resident in the Home. O True or False 96) Both employees and the Home are subject to civil monetary penalties for failing to report a reasonable suspicion of a crime committed against a resident in the Home. True or O False 97) The Home is required to post a notice for all employees specifying their rights and obligations under the Elder Justice Act. True O or True or False 98) There is only one timeframe for reporting a reasonable suspicion of a crime against a resident whether the resident suffered serious bodily injury or the resident suffered no serious bodily injury. O False 99) Any employee who becomes aware of any new information related to an already reported reasonably suspected crime should not report it to Nursing Administration. True or O False 21 100) The Home can be excluded for 2 years from Medicare & Medicaid programs for any retaliation against an employee who makes a lawful report of a reasonable suspicion of a crime. O True or False Solicitation & Gratuities 101) It is ok to take tips or gifts from residents/family members as long as you deserve it. True or O False 102) Staff are not permitted to either sell merchandise to or solicit funds from staff, residents/patients, family members, providers or vendors unless Administration has given approval. O True or False 103) Staff are not permitted to solicit loans from co-workers. o True or False I Answer Call Bells 104) What do you do when you enter a resident’s room? A. B. C. D. o Tell the resident I will get someone to help you. Ask the resident what can I do for you? Turn off the call bell and ask the resident “How may I help you?” None of the above 22 105) What could it mean when a resident rings the call bell? A. B. C. D. O I am in pain I need to go the bathroom I need help setting up my tray All of the above 106) Answering the call bells is the responsibility of: A. B. C. D. O The Nursing Department Administration Housekeeping Everyone who works as Hebrew Home Reporting & Preventing Damage to Art Work 107) It’s everyone’s responsibility to see that art works are not damaged. O True or False 108) Any damage to a work of art discovered or caused by any action of any Contractor, employee, resident, visitor or any other person should be Reported immediately to his or her supervisor, security or curator. O True or False Memory Care Dementia Training 109) There are different types of dementia residents may have. O True or False 110) A resident wearing a “pink bracelet” means they live on a memory neighborhood. True or O False 23 111) Agitation can be a resident’s way of expressing fear and anxiety. O True or False 112) If a resident on a memory neighborhood wants to go on the elevator, I should allow them as part of their rights to do so. True or O False 113) Medications are the only way to reduce a resident’s agitation and exit Seeking behavior. True or O False 114) Residents with dementia may look like visitors, family members or Volunteers. O True or False 115) Residents with dementia may attempt to leave the facility in search of Home when upset or confused. O True or False 116) It is most important for all staff to protect and safe guard our residents with dementia. O True or False 24 IT Security 117) IT security is everyone’s responsibility. O True 118) or False Report any suspicious Email activity to your supervisor or IT Help Desk. True or False O 119) Always click on a link within an Email if you are unsure of the sender or purpose. True or O False 25