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WFBL Competition Guide: Business for High School Students

World Future Business Leaders (WFBL) is an
important part of the WFBL, this year the
international educational initiative and platform
for high school students interested in business
teenagers from all over the world, focusing on
from all over the world. WFBL is a multi-national
training 16-to 18-year-olds in business thinking,
initiative designed to provide future business
leaders with the opportunity to learn, compete,
grow, and lead our future innovation and
economic development.
competition is to challenge, so it ’ s not easy.
The WFBL combines business expertise with
Students should see it as an opportunity to
practice to train business professionals in more
develop their thinking and problem-solving skills
than countries around the world. As the most
and examine their existing business knowledge.
attracted a large number of
WFBL is a great starting point for those who want to get into business.
A global competitive platform
Each contestant will go through the selection process, and the
effective. Due to the impact of
top achievers will have the opportunity to receive an invitation to
the COVID-19, WFBL will be
the WFBL-IBO and FBLA to compete against the best students
held online, the school only has
from all over the world.
to provide students with a venue
Building a learning framework for business
within a specified period. The
The WFBL competition course contains the current mainstream
WFBL also says any teacher can
direction of business. It helps students to integrate their
be a coach. At the end of the
knowledge into practice and to better understand the abstract
competition, the instructor will
concepts of various business subjects.
The opportunity to exchange with students from other
certificate and the School will
receive a WFBL certificate of
Young people from all over the world come together to create
ideas, design solutions, and solve the world's business problems.
Feel the business atmosphere ahead of time, accumulate academic experience, stimulate business
passion. Make choices ahead of time for future college courses.
Official certificate to give your college application an edge.
Leadership training, one of the indispensable professional qualities of the business elite.
The promotion of communication, cooperation, creativity, and critical thinking. It helps to train
students to be producers and creators of ideas and knowledge.
The WFBL will adopt a pyramidal screening system, and those with outstanding students can compete in
Students of an individual school can only participate in WFBL learning and competition activities after the
school agrees to carry out the WFBL program.
Students choose to participate in one project competition to test their business knowledge and skills.
International Business
Once a student has chosen the business subjects, no later changes are allowed.
After the school has successfully registered as the school chapter, the student can use the school account
password to log on to the WFBL Resource Center to download the relevant entries.
Participating WFBL is free.
WFBL business subjects: paper objective (60min,100 simple choice)
WFBL will provide schools with a time frame for the school to arrange the most appropriate date according
to the school calendar. The examination time for each school will be determined after communication with
the school.
The time range of the WFBL: February 20, to February 21,2021
WFBL will complete the marking process within ten working days upon the receipt of the answer sheets
and announced the examination results of each subject in the WFBL Resource Center. In the preliminary
competition, grades will be set according to the score range, and corresponding certificates will be issued.
A+:90 points or above
A:80-89 points
B+:70-79 points
B:65-69 points
B-:60-64 points
C:60 points under (certificates for WFBL business subject will be issued separately)
FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America) is one of the largest student career development organizations
and business literacy education organizations in the world. It is also the most influential business event in
American high schools.
Students who have performed well in WFBL competition at the school level will be eligible to form a school
team to take part in the FBLA competition. The promotion rules are as follows:
In each subject to be promoted in the finals will be allocated according to the national ranking of the top
four teams, that is, the top subject teams shall be promoted first, and the number of promotions shall not
exceed four.
If any students in the promotion list give up the qualification to participate in the FBLA finals, the students
who scored highest among the other students will be a successor of the qualification until the team
member is enough.
For details, please refer to FBLA for a detailed examination arrangement.
International Business Olympiad, (IBO) is dedicated to training a new generation of global business leade
rs through a full-scale Business knowledge competition.
In the IBO competition, representatives of students from different countries participate in four subjects,
focusing on various business cases, managing and making decisions based on their chosen project know
ledge. In open case analysis, students can flexibly apply all business knowledge as well as exercise their
presentation ability and improve their communication skills.Students can not only learn about the real wo
rld of business, different analytical skills but also lay the foundation for entering a university business col
Students who have performed well in WFBL competition at the school level will be eligible to form a school
team to take part in the IBO competition. The promotion rules are as follows:
In each subject to be promoted in the finals will be allocated according to the national ranking of the top
five students in each subject.
If any students in the promotion list give up the qualification to participate in the IBO, the students who
scored highest among the other students will be a successor of the qualification until the team member is
For details, please refer to IBO for a detailed examination arrangement.
School Chapter Registration time: From now to January 31, 2021
For the first time participating in the WFBL competition, the school instructor need to resist on the website
WFBL will reply to the email within two working days after receiving the information, including the WFBL
Resources Web site login information and the student registration form.
Please send the student registration form to WFBL official contact@worldfbl.org before February 5, 2021.
We will reply within two working days after receiving it.
January to February 2021
March 2021 | WFBL Results Announcement
Project Registration & Learning
The marking will be completed within ten days
WFBL communicate with schools on registration
after receiving the answer card from the school,
matters. After successful registration, students
and the results will be announced in the WFBL
can log in to view the information in the system.
resource center. Students will be informed by
Students or teachers can send questions directly
email to see their test certificates.
through the system or email, and the academic
group will reply in time.
The school team advanced to the FBLA. In the
February 2021 | WFBL competition
Early July 2021 | FBLA
FBLA, the students will be able to grow and
improve in intensive arrangements.
competition time according to the school
Early August 2021 | WFBL-IBO competition
calendar within the time range provided by
The students advanced to the WFBL-IBO. There
WFBL and carry out the examination of the
project in the school.
objective tests, case analysis.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us in the following ways.