AGRICULTURE LEADERSHIP 2123 Essay 2. Leadership and Role Models in Agriculture Due February 16th, BEFORE CLASS (50 points) Your assignment is to identify and RESEARCH a leader that you consider a role model. Look for information that identifies his/her personal vision and leadership vision. Describe each of these visions in your paper. Also, compare the words that the leader uses with their actions. Critique the leader based on this comparison. Finally evaluate what you have learned based on this research and the reading in Chapter 3. You may also want to respond to the questions posed on page 61 in the “Incorporate Lessons from Role Models” section. Please be sure to cite sources used to prepare your essay. Note: For this assignment, you will be selecting a leader that you do not know personally. LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT ESSAY #2: 50 POINTS Assignment Requirements: The paper must be typewritten, double-spaced and use 12pt font. The second essay should be approximately 2 pages in length. Due dates are posted on the course syllabus. Papers should be submitted to the corresponding folder on Brightspace site before the start of class. Grading Criteria: ● Professionalism/Writing Effectiveness (10 points)-grammar, spelling, overall organization, writing clarity, etc. ● Application of Course Concepts (20 points)-use bold print for course concepts, keywords, and quotes from our text ● Depth of Thought (20 points)-title your closing paragraph “What I Learned” and answer this question