A UNIVERSITY School Of Engineering and Natural Sciences Department Of Basic Sciences CHEM123:General Chemistry Laboratory Experiment: No Student : : 01 Name : Experiment Report Name : Laboratory Safety ID : Report Date: Date : 15/10/2021 30/10/2021 100/100 Signature : INTRODUCTION This experiment purpose is to get familiarized with all the necessary laboratory regulations to be acknowledged and applied before entering the laboratory, while conducting experiments, and after finalizing experiments, understand the laboratory facilities learn chemical hazard classifications and their standard system identification, identify risk phrases, and know some general instruction to follow in case of fire, earthquakes, or receiving first aid. Laboratory safety are groups of classified acts and rules set to ensure the safety of all people or living things inside the laboratory and to ensure that the experiments are conducted in a safe environment. MATERIALS AND METHODS Essential laboratory rules that are mandatory: 1. Prior to authorized laboratory entry, hair must get tied up, make-up, accessories and flammable fabrics must be removed, and all Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) must be worn properly. 2. Food and drinks are not allowed in the laboratory, and personal belongings must be kept far away from the areas where the experiments will be conducted to ease movement and prevent unnecessary falls and accidents. 3. Using or touching chemicals and apparatus without instructors approval 4. is prohibited. 5. Laboratory chemicals can not be smelled directly and can never be tasted. 6. Unlabeled substances must be treated with high precaution as extremely hazardous chemicals. 1 RESULTS Mistakes committed by Mr. Bean: 1. Laboratory entry without legal permission. 2. Non of the obligatory Personal Protective Equipment PPE were worn. 3. Unlabeled chemical was poured without measurement on another flammable substance then poured in the beaker to enter a chemical reaction process in progress without any legal approval. 4. When the hazard occurred were a huge cloud suddenly appeared, Mr. Bean evacuated the lab alone leaving an unaware student of the situation inside the lab. 5. After the explosion, Mr. Bean ran off without reporting the risk although he knew a life was in danger. Mechanical engineering practices play important roles in various industry fields including manufacturing of refrigeration systems, which require special refrigerants as R-134a (Çengel & Boles, 2008). In addition, some compressed gases are used for welding, like Acetylene gas. Table 1: Chemicals GHS Symbols and R Codes: Chemicals R-134a Acetylene GHS Symbol R Code R5 Heating may cause an explosion R21 Harmful in contact with skin R5 Heating may cause an explosion R6 Explosive mixture with air R12 Extremely flammable R20 Harmful by inhalation References (SAFETY DATA SHEET Halocarbon 134a (1,1,1,2Tetrafluoroethane), 2021) (SAFETY DATA SHEET Acetylene, 2021) CONCLUSTION In conclusion, laboratory safety regulations are successfully understood and recognized while observing the represented experiment. Moreover, Risk and safety phrases as well as GHS symbols were studied and found for two future important hazardous chemicals. References Çengel, Y. A., & Boles, M. A. (2008). Thermodynamics: An engineering approach. Boston: McGrawHill. SAFETY DATA SHEET Acetylene. (2021, June 21). (Airgas) Retrieved from Airgas: https://www.airgas.com/msds/001001.pdf SAFETY DATA SHEET Halocarbon 134a (1,1,1,2-Tetrafluoroethane). (2021, Feburary 22). (Airgas) Retrieved from Airgas: https://www.airgas.com/msds/001001.pdf 2