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Grade 7 Embroidery Lesson Plan

A Detailed Lesson Plan in HANDICRAFT – GRADE 7
Learning Objectives
At the end of the period, the students should be able to:
a. identify the different kinds of embroidery stitches;
b. demonstrate skills in creating embroidery stitches; and
c. value the importance of possessing the skills in making embroidery stitches.
Subject Matter
Embroidery Stitches
Handicraft K to 12 Technology and Livelihood Education
Learning Module p. 16, 17
Powerpoint Presentation, puzzle, envelope, cartolina, Aida cloth, yarn,
embroidery needle, scissors
Creativity, Patience and Resourcefulness
Values Integration
Learning Activities
A. Daily Routine
1. Prayer
2. Greetings
- Good morning class!
3. Checking of Attendance
- Do we have absentees today?
Good morning ma’am!
No ma’am, we don’t have any absentees for
4. Checking of Assignment
- Yesterday, I assigned you to bring all
the necessary materials needed for our Yes, ma’am!
next lesson. Did you bring them?
What are the materials that I assigned
We have Aida cloth, yarn/thread,
you to bring?
embroidery needle and scissors.
B. Recall
- Before we move on to our next lesson,
let’s have first a simple recall.
Yesterday we tackled about the
different tools and materials in
embroidery. Who among you can cite
the tools and materials in embroidery?-
Tape measure
Embroidery hoop
Embroidery scissor
Needle threaded
How about the others?
Great! It seems that you understand the
lesson very well. For that, give
yourselves a round of applause.
Embroidery needle
Pin cushion
Tracing paper
Sewing box
Students will participate actively.
C. Motivation
Let’s first have a game. I will group
you into 3 groups. I have here an
envelope containing puzzle pieces that
you are going to solve.
The group to accomplish and post it on
the board will get the following points.
10 points
7 points
5 points
You will be given 60 seconds (1
minute) to solve the puzzle. Is that
D. Lesson Proper
Look at the pictures that you have
posted on the board. What do you think I think our lesson for today is embroidery
is our lesson?
Can you identify the type of stitches Ma’am we have cross stitch, running stitch,
based on the pictures?
satin, seed stitch.
Those stitches are some of the basic
embroidery stitches.
I have here two shirts, what have you The 1st shirt is in good condition while the
second one is damaged.
There are various embroidery stitches
which you can choose from when you
do embroidery work. For you to gain
more skills, I have here the illustrations
of embroidery stitches together with
the procedure which will help and
guide you, so you can enjoy working
this lovely craft.
Here it goes, first we have:
Running stitch
Considered being the easiest stitch for
a. Bring the needle out at one.
b. Insert needle down at two.
c. Continue steps A and B, working out to
the left to make several running stitches.
Satin stitch
A solid filling stitch that is used to cover a
design area to with long, straight stitches
worked very close together.
a. Bring the needle out through A and B,
b. Bring the needle back, a point very close
to A down to B.
c. Continue the procedures A and B.
Seed stitch
Also known as rice grain stitch. Stitch uses
simple straight stitches in a single direction
to fill in patterns. It has shorter stitches
above the fabric and longer stitches on the
reverse side. They remind of strawberry
seeds, probably, which inspired its name.
a. Make rows of short running stitch as
illustrated. You need not do row after row,
as long as the strawberry seed pattern is
more or less maintained.
b. Try not bend with the curves of the pattern.
The rows of running stitch should
essentially be done in straight lines.
- Look at your work, do you think you
- Yes, we can!
can make your own item using the
stitches I demonstrated?
- For those who have difficulties on how
to do it, just approach me and I will
teach you how.
E. Generalization
- From the discussion we had a while Possessing the skills in creating embroidery
ago, what do you think is/are the stitches will be helpful in our daily life, for
importance of possessing the skills in
you can now create your own design and to
embroidery stitches?
fix those damaged clothes in the comfort of
your home.
It can also be a source of income or
livelihood for ourselves.
Another one.
What did you realize while doing the
I realized while doing those stitches, we
must be patient, resourceful and creative.
F. Application
Create embroidery stitches on Aida
- The students will demonstrate/perform the
cloth based from what you can see on embroidery stitch based on the piece of
your surroundings. For example, a leaf. paper they pick in the box.
Using what you have learned, make a
stitch based from the leaf.
G. Evaluation
- Your output will be graded by the
following criteria.
Score Card
Properly place design
8 points
Color used
7 points
Used of appropriate tools
15 points
Stitched is applied following
15 points
the correct procedure.
No stain or dirt.
10 points
Starting and closing stitches
15 points
are not noticeable.
Good working habits
5 points
75 points
IV. Agreement
Bring a yard of Aida cloth, embroidery needle, yarn/thread, and scissors for your
output tomorrow.