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History 1378 Participation Portfolio Template

History 1378 Participation Portfolio Template
Student Name:______________________
Group #:___________________________
TA name:__________________________
Period: ☐Weeks 1-4 ☐Weeks 5-9 ☐Weeks 10-13
Instructions: Submit your best posts from this period in each of the three categories below. No
more than two of these posts can be drawn from the same week. You may only include one post
under each category (so make sure it represents your best work), and you may not include the
same post under multiple categories. For scoring criteria see the Participation Portfolio Rubric
on page 8 of the course syllabus.
1. Best Sample of Your Analysis of a Podcast Question, drawn from Week: type in week
number here
Cut and paste your post here
Do not edit or change your original post in any way
Ensure you include the date/time stamp
2. Best Sample of Your Analysis of a Reading Question (note the expectation that these posts
include analysis of the primary sources that conclude each chapter of Contending Voices),
drawn from Week: type in week number here
Cut and paste your post here
Do not edit or change your original post in any way
Ensure you include the date/time stamp
3. Best Sample of Your Response to a Classmate’s Original Post (whether a podcast or reading
question), drawn from Week: type in week number here
Cut and paste your post here
Do not edit or change your original post in any way
Ensure you include the date/time stamp