Required Practical 8: Waves Investigate the suitability of apparatus to measure the frequency, wavelength and speed of waves in a ripple tank and waves on a stretched string Part 1 Waves in a ripple tank Equipment Ripple tank and accessories Low voltage power supply Metre ruler Stop watch Method Set up the ripple tank as shown, with water of a depth of 5 mm and the wooden rod just touching the surface of the water. Switch on the overhead lamp and electric motor. Adjust the equipment to view clear, slow waves on the screen. Use the available equipment to measure the wavelength and period of the waves. Calculate the frequency and speed of the waves. Safety! Mop up spills immediately. AT 4 Screen Mirror Calculation of speed Wavelength measurement Frequency measurement Speed calculation Write –up: Write this up neatly in your book 1. How was the wavelength measured? What did you do to make this as accurate as possible? 2. How was the frequency measured? What did you do to make this as accurate as possible? 3. What errors do you think were encountered in this experiment? Part 2 Waves on a string Equipment Vibration generator Power supply with variable frequency (signal generator) String Set of 100g masses and hanger Wooden bridge Pulley on a clamp Metre rule Safety! The vibrating string may snap and damage eyes, so safety glasses must be worn. AT 4 Method Set up the apparatus as shown. Switch on the vibration generator so that the string vibrates. Adjust either the tension in the string (by changing the number of masses), the length of the string (by moving the wooden bridge), or the frequency on the signal generator. Use the available equipment to measure the wavelength of the waves and note down the frequency from the signal generator. Calculate the speed of the waves. Results and calculation of speed Wavelength (m) Frequency (Hz) Speed (m/s) Write –up: Write this up neatly in your book 1. How was the wavelength measured? What did you do to make this as accurate as possible? 2. What errors do you think were encountered in this experiment? Possible Extension What effect does the tension in the string have on the speed of the waves on the string?