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Black History Month Theatre Project Assignment

The Student will relate theatre to history, society, and culture. Students will portray
theatre as a reflection of life in particular times, places, and cultures. Also, relate historical and
cultural influences on theatre and identify the impact of live theatre, film, television, and
electronic media on contemporary society. This will give students an appreciation of the
cultural heritages of world drama and theatre and identify key figures, works, and trends in
dramatic literature.
Students will learn to appreciate the multicultural heritage of United States drama and
theatre and identify key figures, works, and trends in dramatic literature; and identify and
appreciate the innovations and contributions of the United States to the performing arts such
as theatre, melodrama, musical theatre, radio, film, television, technology, or electronic media.
In honor of Black History Month, students will be portraying a significant African-American
musician/singer/entertainer from past or present.
Students will present February 24th & 25th depending if they are A or B day
Students must turn in project folder February 21st
I will accept late projects, if you have an excused absence for your due date. Unexcused absence it is an
automatic 70 starting (this is not counting for points taken off for things that are missing) Any project
folders turned in after February 21st will result in points being deducted from overall grade.
Students will need to research and prepare a monologue of assigned historical figure. Please bring
research with you to school because you will have time to work on them during class. If you are without
research and/or material (i.e. Chromebook, outline of notes, paper, etc.) to work on, you will be
penalized by starting with 10 points off your daily participation grade. Students will also need to
prepare a tri-fold bulletin board, Poster Board, or Power Point to display as they present their
There are 3 main components of your project:
Overall Presentation
50% (portrays the character realistically/ monologue not fabricated)
Project Folder
25% (If a part of a group, must be turned in individually)
Tri-Fold Presentation
25% (May present one board as a group w/ contributions from each)
What does my project folder have to include?
1. Full Clean Script of Monologue: Full typed manuscript of characters’ lines.
2. A Full script w/blocking- Every movement should be documented on a separate copy of
script or scene.
3. Character Analysis- Fully typed or written outline of Character Analysis worksheet
4. Costume Plan- Neatly drawn out costume of what you as the actor will wear to portray
your character
5. Set List- Every specific furniture piece that will take place on stage
6. Prop List- Every specific item that is used as a prop within your particular scene
Your Tri-Fold Presentation Board should include:
Tri-fold display board, Poster board, Power point
Date of Birth/ Date of Death (if applicable)
Interesting Facts
Colorful and Entertaining pictures of the artists and family of artist
And any other interesting facts you would like us to know!
Please take pride in the making of these, considering they will be displayed outside the
Black History Showcase in February!! 
Each student will have to present to the class February 24th & 25th during their
class block. Your Project Folder and Tri-Fold bulletin board is due the day of
presentation as well.
How you decide to present is totally up to you. But it’s always a plus when you
think outside the box
Those who go above and beyond will have the chance to showcase later in
February in the Black History Month Program.