Topic 4.2 - Energy Flow SUNLIGHT, ECOSYSTEMS AND ENERGY CONVERSION ● ● ● ● ● ● Sunlight = initial source of energy for most ecosystems Autotrophs/producers harvest light by photosynthesis Producers absorb sunlight using chlorophyll + accessory pigments, convert to chemical energy used to make carbs,lipids & other carbon compounds compounds used in cellular respiration release energy/used in cell activities In Cellular respiration heat is lost to surrounding Heterotroph indirectly dependent, use carbon compounds in food as source of energy ENERGY IN FOOD CHAINS ● ● ● ● Food chain starts with producer PRIMARY CONSUMERS feed on PRODUCERS SECONDARY CONSUMERS feed on PRIMARY CONSUMERS TERTIARY CONSUMERS FEED ON SECONDARY CONSUMERS I.e Grassland food chain grass ——- grasshopper —— toad ——— hog nose snake ——— hawk TROPHIC LEVELS T1 - PRODUCERS T2 - PRIMARY CONSUMERS T3 - SECONDARY CONSUMERS T4 - TERTIARY CONSUMERS T5 - QUATERNARY CONSUMERS RESPIRATION AND ENERGY RELEASE ● ● ● ● Energy released through cellular respiration used on living organisms/cell activities ATP from CR supplies energy needed for cellular activities ( i.e synthesizing large molecules like RNA, DNA & proteins, or active transport) Cellular respiration = chemical energy ———- glucose/carbon compounds ——— ATP Not all energy transferred, remainder converted to heat, heat also produced when ATP used in cell activities HEAT ENERGY IN ECOSYSTEMS ● ● Living organisms can only light energy to chemical energy or chemical energy into KE, electrical energy, or heat energy Cannot convert heat energy to other form of energy ∴ heat lost in ecosystems ENERGY LOSS ● ● ● BIOMASS = total mass of a group of organisms Energy loss between trophic levels restrict food chain length/biomass of higher lvls Small proportion of energy in biomass of organisms in 1 trophic level will transfer to biomass of organisms in next lvl ( approx. 10% - 20%) Reasons for energy loss: ● Some animals cannot fully digest food ( not all of organism swallowed as food source ) ● Not all of swallowed food can be absorbed/used in body ● Some organisms die before being eaten by next trophic lvl organism ● Considerable heat loss due to cellular respiration in all trophic lvls ● Moving up food chain = energy available becomes less & less, most food chain have 5 lvls ( no more energy left for other consumers) SKILL: PYRAMID OF ENERGY ● Illustrates energy loss/transfer between trophic levels *Remember to label trophic levels, know correct units (kJ m^-2 yr^1)start with producers as lowest bar, bar should be proportional to energy lost Starts at 10000 to approx 10 UNITS = energy per unit area per unit per time: kilojoules per square meter per year, kJ m^-2 yr^1 ENERGY AND NUTRIENT ● ● ● ● ENERGY ENTERS/LEAVES ECOSYSTEMS (NOT RECYCLABLE) BUT NUTRIENTS MUST BE RECYCLED Energy enters as light & exits as heat ( Sun rise brings light energy, organisms can use up/lose heat energy) Organisms must recycle nutrients (i.e carbon,nitrogen & other compounds necessary for life) Organisms absorb valuable organic molecules/organisms molecules, resource no longer available to others (only through eating or decomposition) DECOMPOSERS ● ● ● break down/recycle bodies of dead organisms ( frees up nutrient stored in cells of plants & animals) Digestive enzymes convert organic matter to more usable form for themselves/others Play vital role in formation of soil