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SPC Herald: Palaro 2019, College News & Student Life

SPC Palaro MMXIX: COC as
Mr. SPC, CED as Ms. SPC
Another year of fun and excitement as SPC celebrated its Palaro last September 25-26, 2019.
By: Therese Nova D. Villaester
There were various activities
such as the Hue Pride Run, Debate
Competition, Hit the Beat, Star
Search: Parent and Student Tandem,
and Hugot-Himig Laban which were
participated by the students from all
six colleges – College of Education,
College of Criminology, College of
Business Administration, College of
Computer Studies, College of Arts
and Sciences, and College of Engineering.
Different games were also part of the
activities wherein students’ camaraderie and sportsmanship were showcased, such as table tennis, basketball, volleyball, badminton, chess,
and sepak takraw. One of the highlights of the said event was the coronation of Mr. and Ms. SPC 2019on the
26th of September, showcasing the
candidates in their sportswear, school
uniform, and their formal attire and
long gown. Representative
from the College of Criminology,
Prince Christian Buntag was
crowned as Mr. SPC 2019, and
Jessabel Mira of the College of
Education was crowned as Ms.
SPC 2019.
By: Nameah M. Magomnang
The result for overall championship on the SPC Palaro 2019 was announced at the SPC covered court. It was witnessed by
the students, parents, visitors and especially the guests in the said event. Everybody was shocked as the EMCEE of the
night announced the overall champion. It was the College of Criminology who won the championship. As we all know in the
previous Palaro, the College of Engineer always wins as the overall champion, but in this year’s Palaro 2019 was their unlucky year for not winning the championship. In the result they only landed at 2 nd runner-up place. The CED is the 1st runner-up, CBA 3rd runner-up, CAS 4th runner-up and CCS is the 5th runner-up. This was the result of the overall ranking for
the said Palaro 2019.
By: Norjannah A. Masorot
St. Peter’s College- Iligan City Official Anonymous Confession was in hectic obstreperous due to irrelevant issues about
these organizations which are the ESO (Engineering Student Organization) and PMSA (Peterian Muslim Students Organization). After the spirit of enjoyments upon the celebration of PALARO MMXIX last September, are the subsequent issues
about these organizations.
The issues roaring around ESO and PMSA is all about those appointed officers who are not doing their roles as officers
and their inappropriate actions. Precisely, many students complained about their behavior, attitude, how they approach
the students, and etc. These two organizations were really bothered with the issues they’re facing; particularly the negative criticisms that are visible and trending in the SPC - Confession page. The issue put the credibility of these organizations
at stake, thus making students doubt their ability as a leader.
Luckily, there are some students who are more sensible who said “Instead of assassinating them online, why not help
them? Why not suggest something for improvements? If they commit mistakes, then tell them directly in order for them to
correct it”. Somehow these comments help loosen a bit of the problem regarding the two organizations.
As a response, the officers kept silent and remained calm and collected. This silence somehow extinguished the issue
over time.
Therese Nova D. Villaester
Jeanly C. Leyte
Miguel Viktor Uy
Norjanah A. Masorot
Marrianne Louise B. Eva
Justine Grace I. Quirante
Raihanah M. Asum
Jhustine Kate D. Navidad
Nhorhoney E. Macarambon
Rochel Mae Omambac
Raihana S. Domrang
Koko Dalaygon Pepito
Normilah L. Limpao
Nameah M. Magomnang
Maria Elaine A. Naldo
Mary Lory Elberthine Sobredo
Nesalane S. Abacon
Althea Marie B. Martinez
Roely G. Padayao
Norhanie S. Mocali
Jocelyn C. Amistad
Jessica Baculio
By: Maria Elaine A. Naldo
By: Jeanly C. Leyte and Theresa Nova D. Villaester
The four days college orientation of all the new and old students held at the covered court last June 25-28, 2019 was successful. Students were
excused from their respective classes during their time of their schedules. It deals with the awareness of the rules and regulations within the school
The event hosted by Ms. Diane Sheker Clemente, the Dean of Student’s Affairs, in participation with the different college officers was indeed a
successful one. The information had been presented clearly to the students. The freshmen were now aware with the implemented rules and regulations inside the campus. School uniform policy, the grading system, and academic interests were tackled on the said event. The different staffs and
faculty members were also being presented for them to know their respected Deans, advisers and instructors.
A PowerPoint presentation of the agenda was displayed on a big white screen in front of the students. Before going into the school policies, she
first showed the members of the Board of Trustees, the council of the Deans. Then it was followed by the Admission Policies and Academic Policies.
Aside from school policies, Ms. Clemente also talked about scholarship grants, student financial assistance and tuition fee discounts that students
may avail, code of discipline and its sanctions and interventions.
After the discussion of those policies, the most important part of the event was the presentation of the Grading System, which is the
“Cumulative.” That if they will not take the exam on the final term, the student will receive a grade of “5.0.” No more INC grade and it will not be
mark as “5”. Students will receive an FA (Failure of Absences) grade if he/she will be absent 3 times for once in a week class and 7 times for twice
a week class. It is for the students to know that they are the ones who are responsible upon making their grades, especially on the exam since its
percentage is 60 and has a big impact in making good grades.
Ms. Clemente highlighted the event about the tuition fee increase and the additional charges of the requested subjects. It ha d always been an
issue, to the students regarding on the tuition fee increase. It’s because of the adjustments of their payments being reflected on their assessment.
Before the orientation ended, an open forum took place. There were about four concerns raised during the open forum and all of it were addressed and answered accordingly. The questions are: 1.)”Is it still possible for a transferee to apply for Cum Laude?” 2.) “When will be the release
of the P.E uniforms?” 3.) “Why is the school’s wife connection not open for everyone?” 4.) “What comprises the 8% tuition fee increase?”
Ms. Clemente answered all four questions. Here are her answers: 1.)“Yes, it is possible for a transferee to be Cum Laude given that the student
will meet the standard set by the school and that he/she must have at least a year of residency in SPC.” 2.) “I will clarify this issue regarding your
P.E uniforms; I will ask who is in charge so you can get your uniforms.” 3.) “Regarding the Wi-Fi connection issue, Ms. Clemente said that the
reason why the Wi-Fi connection of the lobby has a password is because the connection cannot accommodate all students.” 4.) About the 8% tuition
fee increase, she said that it comprises the salary increase of office personnel and staff, for meeting the standard compensation of the competent
instructors, and for school improvement.”
It is very important for the students to have concerns on what, where, why, when and how will they go through inside the campus for their own
knowledge and security. Be a SMART student, aiming high to aspire and achieve those goals in life.
The orientation ended at exactly 4:00 pm after all concerns and questions were answered.
By: Johannah A. Patani
St. Peter’s College, September 26, 2019- College of Criminology
replaced the College of Engineering’s throne by being awarded as
the new Palaro 2019 overall champion.
The College of Engineering, as the undefeated overall champion
was dismayed upon hearing the hosts declared the new overall
champion for the Palaro 2019.
Everyone was shocked upon hearing that the new champion of
the year are the College of Criminology, because they expected
that College of Engineering would bring home again the crown
after winning successive wins last few years.
The college of Criminology is very overwhelmed of the result for
it is their first time on winning the overall champion in Palaro.
“I couldn’t believe that we will be the overall champion this
year!” said Mark Stephen Genella, the president of the College of
Criminology organization said.
By: Marrianne Louise B. Eva
Ended up with a bang! As the first
semester of the school year has begun
students of SPC already have heard or
even read the memorandum about
having (again) the non-stop every semester tuition fee increase. What
shocked the students the most was
that they have implemented the increase on the final term of the semester.
It was so heartbreaking and overwhelming for the students of SPC who
can hardly pay their tuition fees, and
thus had increase abruptly to 8%. It
became the issue inside the campus all
throughout the week. Some of the students’ parents couldn’t believe their
son/daughter when they have told
them the unbearable news. There were
also parents who immediately came to
the school and asked about what had
happened with the short-noticed increase in tuition fees.
The question was “Why did they
implement it on the final and last term
of the semester?”, “Why didn’t they
implement the increase at the beginning of the term?” They have already
posted the memorandum that was
from CHED which validated the increase.
It was even all over the SPC anonymous confession. Instead of being excited about having the final and last
term, students were devastated. Most
of the students are torn between continuing with their studies or to take an
off for the second semester because of
the sudden 8% tuition fee increase.
The thing is that the students are
already aware that they are enrolled in
a private school, which means that it is
expected that tuition fees are higher
than public schools. But, they are not
aware of the unjust and very untimely
and sudden tuition fee increase.
By: Noralyn Barsarsa
By: Noralyn Barsarsa
“Sa Skwelahan”
By: Kikit Villamayor Castillo
Rain is pouring and here I am alone thinkYou were once a stranger to
ing and wondering, what did I do wrong?
bug-at sa krus akong gipas-an Para sa
you and I’ll be happy. You
kanunay ikaw mahatagan Dili sa imong
really are a stress reliever,
gusto, kung dili sa mas gikinahanglan.
Why'd you left me all alone? So many
thoughts are running, Please help me, I'm
drowning. Please save me, I'm drowning.
Sukad sa pagbiya sa imong Amahan Ka-
me, Never thought I’ll meet
You’ll always be my best jok-
Anak, hinaot imo akong pasayloon Tinga-
I've loved you the way you wanted me to
er. Sometimes I hate you for
li’g sa imo, lisod pa sabton Ikaw ang unod
do, but what did you do to me? You left
being so annoying, But honest-
sa akong sakripisyo karon Aron sa imong
me with nothing to say, Why did you do
ly speaking, I still miss
this to me? Please don't leave me hanging,
those times when you’re not
baby. Rain is pouring, here I am crying,
joking. But that sense of humor you have, Is the reason
Crying in the middle of the night Screaming your name, asking, "Am I not enough
to you?" This made me question my selfworth baby. "Am I not worth to fight?" So
pagskwela, ikaw magmalampuson. Kining
tanan usa lamang sa pagsulay Nga dapat
atubangon ug barogan sa kanunay Ug
isalig sa Diyos sa walay pagduhaay Aron
magmalungtaron sa kinabuhing tunhay.
why I fall in love. There’s no
Gibuhat ko ang tanan Para sa imo ma-
dull moments when we’re to-
katabang Imong mga sugo ako nang gitu-
gether, You’ll always make me
man Para sa imong pag uli, dili na
happy and burst out in laugh-
mayawyawan. Gipabati mo lamang nga
many thoughts are running, Please help
ter. That’s why you are the
wala akoy bili Akong mga buhat para sa
me, I'm drowning. Please save me, I'm
kind of person that needs to
imo, dili importante Pagkasakit sa akong
drowning. I'm praying that this pain
be treasured, Happiness I
gibati Kay ikaw, sa imong estudyante ra
would end, but how can I move on when
feel, it cannot be measured. I
the past is still haunting me in? Someone
wish you to keep always be
help me, I'm afraid, I'm scared. Please
motivated, To achieve your
desires and finish what you
save me, I'm drowning again and again.
have started. Remember that
Here I am again, Crying in the middle of
gadayeg permi. Sa matag estudyante nga
imong gitudloan Ako nangandoy nga
mahimong usa sa kadaghanan Ikaw
kanunay’ng gihandom, akong inahan Nga
sa taas nga higayon, ikaw makauban. Sa
kadugayan, karon ko lang nasabtan Dako
the rain. When will this pain end? A bro-
I’m always here for you, To
kong sayop nga ikaw , inahan, akong
support and love you, forever
ken heart that is hard to mend.
gimahayan Imong pag antos dili masukod
I’ll do.
ug mabayran Angay gayod nga ikaw
akong unongan Sa matag dapat sa tisa sa
Ako Ba’y Mahal Mo Pa? hal ba sa ki’y nawala? Ayaw
sa akin ang katotohanan.
pisara Sa akong panandoy ikaw nagagiya.
ko mang pag-isipan ka ng
Handa kong tanggapin kung
Sa matag lesson plan nga imong gigama
masama, Sana’y di totoo
ako’y iyong iiwan. Kung
Sa kaugmaon ko, ikaw nakaplano na. Sa
Napapansin ko lang sinta,
itong aking mga hinala. Ako
ikaw man sa’kin ay nag-
mga barikos nga naangkon mo Sa akong
Tila nawala na ang kislap
pa ba’y mahal mo pa? Kaba
sasawa na, At may mahal ka
mga sayop, imo akong gipaamgo. Sa
ng iba, ‘Wag mo lang akong
pagkapagaw sa imong tingog ug tinudlo
By: Noralyn Barsarsa
sa’yong mga mata, Sa t’wing
sa dibdib ay walang kataako’y iyong nakikita. Malap- pusan, Bakit parang kakaiba
it ka nga’y parang ang layo itong aking nararamdaman?
gawing tanga, Mahal, handa
akong palayain ka. Tanong
mo na, Ako pa ba’y mahal
Maraming mga
ko lang, ako pa ba’y mahal
mo pa? Bakit dahan-dahan
bumabagabag sa aking
mo pa?
kang kumawala? Pagmama-
isipan, Sana’y sabihin mo na
Huni sa imong gugma kanako, gipabati
mo. Karon, nabati ko na ang gugma mo
Inubanan sa imong kahago ug sakripisyo
Makapamatuod ko, SWERTE kayo ko Kay
ikaw ang inahan nga gigasa sa Ginoo.
Nakadumdum Pa Ba Ka?
By: Maria Elaine A. Naldo
St. Peter’s College held its annual event called Palaro. A lot of extra-curricular happened at the same time. The two-day event was full of blast of fun. The students have the
time to showcase their talents and skills on the events. They got the chance to show how
good and deserving they are in their chosen field of specialties. Some of the events were
volleyball, basketball, chess, cultural nights, debate and the most awaited event was the
Mr. and Miss Palaro 2019. A lot of students gathered at covered court to witness the event.
She never imagine herself as the new crown Miss Palaro 2019 from the college of Education a bona fide student who takes up BSED major in English is Jessabel Mira; It was
another honor to celebrate for last year Miss Palaro 2018, the College of Education holds
the Crown for that event. It was surreal for all the representatives from other colleges were
competitive and smart. They were all ready to get the crown from the College of Education, but CED representative still managed to get a hold of the crown for reining this year’s
Ms. Palaro 2019.
It is another celebration to show that the College of Education is not just focusing with
the academics but also participates in the extra-curricular and is always ready to conquer
anything- determined to be competitive and ready to venture at all times.
By: Norjannah A. Masorot
The TES is one of the core programs of RA 10931. it is a grants-in-aid program that gives additional financial assistance
to Filipino students from poorest of the poor households enrolled in public and private that are in the Register of Quality
assured programs and institutions.
St. Peter’s College- Iligan City held an orientation to those students who are TES Grantees SY: 2018-2019. The grantees
will be able to attend the said event; if they’re with their parents and 2 by 2 pictures. The said event is about a sharing
agreement that they can have sixty thousand pesos for their educational assistance and were asked about what will they
do with the money they will receive. As for parents, they signed an agreement while the students also signed.
It is an overwhelming solution for those students who are experiencing financial problem. With the help of this quite a
lot of money can make parents not worry about their child’s financial problem for tuition fees. This guarantee welfare for
student needs through educational purpose. It is a solution for any monetary dilemma.
culture, religion and behavior. Amidst the diversity, the students unite for
By: Normilah L. Limpao
While some kids and
parents believe that
students should be allowed to dress the way
they want as an expression of freedom of
speech, most schools
still have a say in how
students should dress.
Schools may have a
dress code that gives
guidelines for appropriate clothing or it may
require students to
wear uniforms. Schools
with a uniform policy
more often than not
have valid reasons for
implementing it and
some cite research to
support their guidelines.
It is believed that
school uniforms can
help make the school
environment more student-friendly. There are
several reasons why
students should be
wearing uniforms. One
reason is for the students’ safety. If all of the
students in a particular
school wear their uniforms, it would be easy
to spot an intruder inside the school premises. Also, whenever a
student is outside the
school campus, it would
be easy to identify the
school of that particular
Aside from the fact
that school uniforms are
cheaper than other
clothing, students save
time by not having to
decide what to wear on
school days. Also, wearing school uniforms can
boost students’ self confidence when they don’t
feel pressured thinking
what to wear.
St. Peter’s College is an
educational institution
that requires students
to wear uniforms. However, it can be observed
in SPC that the school
uniform policy is not
Both students and instructors do not wear
the proper school uniform. There are some
students who wear their
uniforms because of
By: Maria Elaine A. Naldo
some major subject
teachers that require
students to wear the
uniform and do not let
students to attend to
their classes if not in
School uniforms are
the most visible elements of any school,
both private and public.
Whenever students are
wearing their uniforms,
they are also representing their schools. School
uniform is a reflection of
the standard discipline
that is being practiced in
a particular school. SPC
should therefore, be
strict in implementing
its school uniform policy.
Muslims and Christians
are gathered in a school
that is open to the diversity
of culture that enables us to
be one. “No hate, just acceptance”.
their aim to be productive
individuals and to have
quality education. Instructors of the SPC strive to
give fair treatment to all
students despite of the
St. Peter’s College is a differences.
school for everyone. The
With regards to the difmoment you enter the gate, ferences of the students’
you can already see how level of knowledge, the
diverse the people are in- instructors see to it that no
side the school in terms of student is left behind.
culture and religion. De- Thus, the instructors get to
spite the diversity, there is know the students’ backone common goal – quality ground and use techniques
and strategies to cater the
SPC is an institution that learning needs of each
student, both from the
aims to provide a quality
upper group and the lower
education for students’
career success. As written group.
in its mission and vision,
the institution caters all the
needs of the students from
school security to the facilities. Even though not all
of the rooms provide proper ventilation and lacks
some facilities, the school
is still in the process of
addressing the needs of its
As an institution of diverse cultures and religion,
SPC strives to provide not
just learning needs of students, but it also ensure
fair treatment to all of its
students from all walks of
In a classroom, an instructor has got to face
diverse students in terms of
By: Theresa Nova D. Villaester
It can be recalled that last school year, St.
Peter’s College had an increase in its tuition
fee. Yet, another increase of 8% was implemented for this academic year, 2019-2020.
Most of the students were shocked by the
sudden increase that was reflected in their
final term assessments. Although the agenda
for the increase of tuition fee was tackled
during the College General Assembly earlier
this school year, and was already approved by
the Commission on Higher Education or
CHED, there are still many students who are
not aware of the increase, thus, resulted to
murmurings and complaints.
Hence, college life is not just about going
to class every day, maintaining good grades,
and participating in extracurricular activities.
Students also have some other obligations,
and one of these is paying the tuition fees.
Although some students qualify for scholarship grants offered in schools, there are also
those students who do not qualify as scholars
and pay the regular tuition fee.
Tuition fee can be defined as the fees for
instruction, charged by educational institutions. The payments for tuition fee fund for
the school equipments and facilities to provide comfortable learning experience to the
Education is very important to the lives of students and salary of teachers, staffs and
many individuals. As the saying goes, “A man other school personnel.
without education is like a building without
foundation.” Throughout every student’s
An increase in tuition fee is a very sensitive
childhood and young adult life, they are issue for every student, especially to the parpreached about the importance of getting to ents and to the working students as well. Also,
college in order to get a good job and live a it may have an impact to the academic perforbetter life.
mance of students, specifically to the working
To the parents, tuition fee increase would
mean another adjustment in the family’s
budget. To the students, especially to those
who are from other places and are just living
in boarding houses, it could mean starving
themselves just to meet both ends of their
allowance. Students who have jobs may have
to work for longer hours just to cover their
expenses, thus affecting their performance in
With all the things mentioned above,
there must be consultations from all stakeholders made before implementing tuition fee
increase. A general meeting attended by all
the stakeholders of the school will do, and not
just a meeting of the school officers and student councils. It is important that the information on issues such as tuition fee increase
must be disseminated properly, letting all
stakeholders, especially the parents know
about it. Also, transparency of liquidation for
the purpose of the increase is also very important.
By: Rochel Mae Omambac
A dream doesn’t become reality without determination, sweat, and hard work.
Dominic Edzel knew this and never let his
doubts get in the way of his dreams.
“Hard work, perseverance and little
luck are all you need. Internship and as an
online teacher are lots of hard work. But,
someone will give you the chance if you
can prove you are more than ready,”
Madolin says when asked how he got to
this spot in his career.
Today, Madolin has reached the job of
his dream and preparing for taking LET.
But, he traveled a long, difficult journey to
get to where he is now. Imagine waking
up, working one job from 6am – 2pm, napping for two hours, waking another from
6pm – 2am, napping for another two
hours, then starting your day all over
This was Madolin’s life during the beginning of his career. He would go day to
day working as a student teacher in the
morning at St. Peter’s College and in the
evening as an online teacher for 51 talk.
With barely any sleep at all, Madolin
would always have to be ready to do anything at anytime. At random hours of the
day he would have to go on a date together with his girlfriend, go to church, work
extra hours, and do whatever he was told.
Mandolin would even stay late following
others around on their shift so he could
learn more in order to prepare his self for
future jobs.
After working for his hardest days and
nights for months, Madolin got to wait the
Licensure Examination for Teachers on
September so that he can get what he
wants and his passion to his career.
from page 13
Buntag joined the said pageant because he was chosen by the
Dean of the College of Criminology, his teachers and classmates. He
didn’t hesitate much when he was chosen because, Buntag joined a
pageant before when he was still in high school and with that experience, Buntag leads the way and is chosen to be the Mr. Palaro 2019 of
St. Peter’s College, Iligan. But, apart from joining pageants, Buntag
was also a cheerleader when he was in high school in his hometown
Kapatagan, Lanao Del Norte. They even competed to various competitions and won.
And the victor of Ms. Palaro came from my college department, which is the college of education. Her name is Jessabel Mira,
currently enrolled in St. Peter’s College taking up the course of Bachelor of Science in Secondary Education major in English, 3 rd year. Jessabel Mira is a perfect picture for a decent woman; she has poise and is
intelligent especially in the Academics. She is a simple woman, wearing simple outfits. She is beautiful inside and out, she is approachable
and knows how to deal with people formally. Jessabel Mira was nerv-
ous upon hearing the news that she will be representing for the College
of Education on the upcoming Mr. and Ms. Palaro of St. Peter’s College. It is her first time ever to join pageant. That is why she was a
little bit skeptical but, with the support of her two best friends, classmates and friends, Mira continue the journey in the pageant. She did
all her best to show pride for herself and for the College of Education,
that they’ve chosen the right representative.
And upon the announcing of winners, Mira was beyond blessed
to know that she earned the title Ms. Palaro 2019 of St. Peter’s College, Iligan. She is very proud of herself that she managed to bring
home the crown, the same as to what happened last year with her best
friend, Danica Prepose, who also won the title.
Joining pageants is a great opportunity to some, and from the
article, it shows that one can earn the title, one can be a great role model and one can bring pride to herself and to the people around her when
you have the guts or the confidence to join and of course, the right
body figure as what most pageant requires.
By: Therese Nova D. Villaester
Last June 27, 2019, during the Students’ Orientation of SPC attended by
CED Students, one question raised on the
open forum portion was about the issue of
Wi-Fi connection in the school.
In this generation, the way that
students learn is different from the way
students used to learn years ago. Today’s
generation of students is considered as a
digital generation where young individuals work and develop their skills using
devices connected to the internet. Mostly
today, students read books and write
home works on their devices and there
are schools that provide computers, laptops or tablets to the students. But in line
with all of these, there are some advantages and disadvantages of having free
Wi-Fi in schools.
With the use of latest technologies,
teachers and learners have access to a
limitless supply of information. The need
to use Wi-Fi in schools has become an
important part of the modern teachinglearning setting. Having access to the
internet on tablets, mobile phones or laptops let learners use all of the gadgets
available to them via the internet.
The students can now research
school assignments, connect to their
classmates using group chats on Messenger for easy cooperation or collaboration
on group works or activities, and maximizing the use of the social media such as
Facebook and Instagram for information
on social issues, YouTube for tutorials and
other school-related campaigns and concerns.
On the other hand, full access to the
internet in school also provides learners
to be distracted, divide their attention,
lose their interest in the classroom discussion, and limit their interactions with
classmates and peers. Sometimes; this
easy access of information about any topic
may also lead the learners to materials
that are not appropriate with their age,
like exposure to fake news, pornography,
and numerous interactive online game
Now that almost all of the schools
are adapting to this modern trend in education, strict guidelines and rules should
be implemented. The learners’ should be
taught online safety and they must learn
how to use their judgment in getting good
quality information and they should refrain from using Wi-Fi in schools for their
personal use.
“SPC Tuition Fee Increase, a Burden?”
By: Jeanly C. Leyte
They say that money is not a hindrance of success. But it seems that this saying wasn’t applicable to everyone. Mostly,
student’s find it very struggling in terms of
money. Requirements here, payments there,
projects and even personal needs are very
common for a student. Especially when their
exams are fast approaching, some really just
burst into tears, thinking that they cannot
take the exam because they have no permit.
And the most important thing to have a permit is to pay first the tuition fee required in
every term. Some would just ask for help
from the faculty or their close friends. Although temporary permit is allowed, still they
are obliged to pay half of the required
had admired all the hard work and persever-
amount for that certain term.
ance of these working students.
Student’s questioned the sudden in-
We cannot change the fact that
crease of the tuition fee into 8%. They said
there’s nothing we can do regarding the tui-
that it’s really a burden, a big burden, be-
tion fee increase. It’s like you can take it, or
cause, it’s not easy to find money. That’s
leave it. Why not make a choice of your
why there are some students did a part time
own? And decide on what to do in order to
job while studying, which is not a very easy
solve such dilemma. Everyone is entitled to
task to take. It’s not easy to manage the time,
make a choice and to be respected. And as a
how much more for a working student? They
responsible person, each one of us should
have limited time and worst of this is that it
choose a wise decision that will lead to a
may cause conflict on their time for classes
productive life. No matter what the hardships
or for work. Making a choice is very difficult
we may face, still we can make it if we have
in this situation. Truly the lives of these
to fight.
working students are really amazing. Many
By. Theresa Nova D. Villaester
Winning is great – the players like it;
coaches like it; supporters and fans like
SPC had just celebrated its Palaro it. But it is not so great if it is earned by
last Sept. 25-26, wherein various activi- cheap shots, it is not great if any playties such as ball games were joined by ers are harassed on or off the court.
the students from all of its six colleges,
namely: College of Education, College
Sometimes, the problems arise in
of Engineering, College of Arts and the stands, and not on the courts. We
Sciences, College of Criminology, Col- all hear supporters who second-guess
lege of Business Administration, and coaching decisions, who rant on to
College of Computer Studies.
officials whenever a call does not go
their team’s way, and who bad-mouth
Weeks before the event, students the players from the opposing team.
had their daily practices as part of their
preparations. Everybody wanted to
What exactly is the essence of havwin, nobody wanted to lose, especially ing a school activity such as the Palathe overall defending champion – the ro? School activities such as Palaro
College of Engineering. For five con- serve as a venue for opportunities and
secutive years, the College of Engi- challenges. It aims to instill among stuneering has been the title holder of dents the values that are inherent in
being the Overall Champion for the sports – discipline, teamwork, excelSPC Palaro, but this year was different. lence, fair play, solidarity, and most
The College of Criminology was hailed especially sportsmanship.
the Overall Champion for this year’s
Palaro. Many Engineering students
Sportsmanship is the most important
were saddened and surprised by the aspect of the game. Sometimes,
result; they even resorted to posting games will get intense, heated and
hate messages blaming their officers personal; therefore, sportsmanship
as to the reason behind their defeat in must be learned in order to be practhe social media.
ticed in sticky situations. A good sports-
manship means having the same goal
of a clean, fun competition with the
outcome of creating champions who
excel both on and off the court.
“Respect the team that beats you
by one run, one point, or one field
goal. Life is too short to hate people.
Life is too good to dwell on a loss. You
will always get another chance to do
well in the sport or in other situations in
life. Take advantage of what you have
and always remember opponents are
not your enemies.” – Peyton Lacoste,
St. Paul’s.
By: Villaester, Theresa Nova D.
By: Johanna A. Patani
Anyone who was bullied as a
student- which includes most of us
remembers that the best defense
was always to avoid the bully, if
possible. If you took a different
way to class, skipped lunch you
might just survive another day
without an embarrassing confrontation. It used to be that bullies
were creatures of opportunity. If
they came across a potential victim, they would act, especially if
they had an seek out their victims.
That’s how students who went to
school before age of the internet
and social media dealt with bullies.
But things have changed and those
who dismiss the issue today, those
who say, “I was bullied in school
and I turned out okay,” don’t understand how the world has
changed for young people.
changed for young people. In the
age of 21st century, the bully can-
not be avoided. There is no place
to hide, no alternate routes to
take, no way to stay out of the
bully’s way. In short, there is no
relief. Social media has left bullying
victims with few ways to escape.
And perhaps, because of the nature of social media, the bullying
can be more extreme, leading
some students to commit suicide.
Gay and lesbian students are often
specifically targeted. It’s important
that students themselves are
getting involved to combat bullying. They may be the solution because while bullies may seem like
fearless rebels, most often they are
troubled and insecure and looking
for acceptance. The last thing they
probably want is to be on the outside.
By: Roely G. Padayao
Students of St. Peter’s College, Iligan are
clearly not following the implementation of
Dress Code Policy. The dress code policy is a
policy that was made by the administration of
St. Peter’s College for students to follow.
There are some of the following clothes that
shouldn’t be worn by student’ inside the campus: miniskirts, shorts, slippers, halter dress,
see through blouses, cross dress for gay students and even bright colored dyed hair. This
said policy must be followed by all of the students in St. Peter’s College, with no exceptions, even for teachers and faculty staffs.
Other students see the dress code policy as
something that shouldn’t be strictly followed.
One student said, “I am going to wear this
outfit, I don’t care about the dress code policy,
as long as I’m comfortable with my outfit”
other student even says that, “some students
were not angry because they can’t wear
something like this, they’re not sexy or they
just don’t have a smooth skin.”
Moreover, the number of students that
aren’t following the dress code policy is rapidly increasing, especially from the freshmen’s.
What those students say just won’t justify nor
is it a valid reason for them to wear clothes
that are prohibited in the dress code policy. It
is unfair to the students who are following the
policy. A student from education said that,
“The guard is so unfair, he scolded me while
wearing tattered/ripped jeans and yet he let
those other girls wearing miniskirts and short
dresses enter the school premises.” Another
student agreed with what the other said and
mentioned about her own experience as well
saying, “Yes that’s right, I was scolded before
for wearing a sleeveless shirt but I have my
cardigan with me, and when this one girl
went inside SPC wearing short dress, she was
not even reprimanded by the guard. It was so
unfair!” Perhaps they feel sexy and comfortable to what they wear, but still it shouldn’t be
tolerated since they are inside the school
campus and they are expected to obey and
follow the rules of the school.
Wearing miniskirts and short dresses is
not a big problem at all, especially if a person
is comfortable with those kinds of outfits. But
then again, students who are inside the school
campus are expected to wear something more
appropriate and not to wear clothes that are
revealing in such a way that sometimes it
results for them to be disrespected by their
schoolmates or other people. Respect begets
respect. If you want to be respected, you must
first respect yourself. And you can start with
wearing clothes appropriately.
Students should follow school policies,
such as the dress code policy. School administration must take a look at the implementation of this dress code policy and see to it that
the guards must be fair to all students and all
other individuals who enter the school premises. What is the use of having all of these
policies if it will not be strictly implemented,
observed and followed?
Another tuition fee increase was announced last July 10, 2019 during the
General Assembly for all College of Education students. It was stated that an 8 %
tuition fee increase will be added effectively by Midterms or Finals for the
School Year 2019-2020. Students have
not coped up yet with the last year’s tuition fee increase, and yet another increase is coming up.
The news saddened the students, it
broke the hearts of the parents, and it
greatly affected the working students the
most. To them, it is a burden added to
their lives.
It can be remembered that during the
last year’s tuition fee increase, the reason
of it was announced. It is said that it was
for the upgrading and improvement of
school facilities. The students agreed to
the last tuition fee increase for they were
eager to see and experience the improvements of the school facilities. However,
there was none, and yet another increase
was about to be added to their assessments.
Although, there were some improvements that can be seen such as the repainting of the old high school building,
the installation of new doors of the Engineering building, and the newly-built
covered court. But to the minds of the
many students of SPC, those were just for
the preparation of the school for the
PACUCOA accreditation.
The students wanted to experience
comfort inside the classrooms, easy access to the internet, high quality, updated
version of books and printed materials in
the library, high-end computers in the
computer and speech laboratory, equipment's and tools for science laboratories,
and many more that the students may
Such laboratory fees are already included in the assessment. But students
have not experienced using the laboratories. Even computers in the computer
laboratory are old models and not functioning; headphones and other components are dusty as if it were not used for
a long time.
This tuition fee increase issue would
never be an issue if the students and parents can see improvements of the school
facilities. All the students ever wanted is
to have classrooms conducive to learning, use every facility that they pay for,
and most important of all is to have a
quality education. The students want
transparency to where their money goes.
by: Marrianne Louise B. Eva
“Education is not a race, it is a lifetime
She is the eighth child (10 siblings) of
Mr. and Mrs. Semblante. Her parents won’t
allow her to go to school to get a degree
because, of poverty.
But, poverty didn’t stop her in pursuing
her dreams. She devised a plan, a very odd
plan. At a very young age, she got married
to the man she chose to spend her life with.
Her decision of getting married at a very
young age has caused her to face countless
challenges, thus molded her into a better
and successful woman.
By: Theresa Nova D. Villaester
Mariane Faith I. Osabel is a 20-year
and Ms. SPC 2019, Mariane serenaded the
old student of MSU-IIT, who is currently a
candidates, showcasing her talent in sing-
member of the institute’s choral society –
ing. She performed two songs that wowed
the Octava, and also a member of the Ech-
the audience.
oes Band.
Everybody’s jaw dropped as she sang
The youngest among five siblings,
Mariane was greatly influenced by her
her fist song, “Narito Ako” especially when
she hit the high notes.
older brother in the field of singing. She
The crowd applauded her and asked
joined “Tawag ng Tanghalan sa Showtime”
for a second song. Mariane was kind
At the age of 32, she was already a
mother of two, when she decided to enroll
in Grade 9. While she was in school, she
also worked as a laundry woman, part time
dressmaker, and a full time mom and
recently last January of this year, and she
enough to grant the request of the crowd
lost. She rejoined July of this year until she
and performed another song entitled, “Try
reaches to Semifinals. Even though she
a Little Tenderness” which she sang dur-
did not win, in the hearts of her many
ing the fourth day of the Semifinals in the
supporters, she’s a champion.
Tawag ng Tanghalan sa Showtime.
She even enrolled in Alternative Learning System where she learned dressmaking,
baking, cooking, and tailoring. While she
was pursuing her dream to be a teacher, she
experienced a lot of rejections, but that did
not become a hindrance for her to earn a
degree in education.
During the coronation night of Mr.
With her husband supporting her all the
way and with the Lord Almighty’s help, she
is now Mrs. Concordia S. Talaid, a retired
principal, a doctor of Education and an Education instructor in St. Peter’s College. She
also has three children and those three became teachers up until now.
“Life behind SPC’s Reigning Mr. and Ms. Palaro 2019”
By: Justine Grace I. Quirante
Being crowned as the Mr. and Ms. Palaro of St.
Peter’s College was such an honor for the contestants. Imagine the pleasure they can get from their
supporters and the feeling of self- satisfaction for
bringing home the crown. The victory for Mr. Palaro came from the College of Criminology.
His name is Prince Christian Buntag, currently
enrolled in St. Peter’s College taking up the course
Bachelor of Science in Criminology, 2 nd year. Buntag is a perfect picture for men who join pageantry.
He is tall, has fair skin and is capable of answering
questions. He is also a well-built man and is active
to any physical activities held by their College Department.
Age is NOT a Hindrance to Education
By: Jhustine Kate Navidad
Many adult students fear of being too old to
experience. They are more focused in terms
go back to school. They fear of being em-
of getting out of the system, and to be able
barrassed when going back to school with
to graduate. Certainly, there is no reason to
the youngsters, they fear being too set on
feel embarrassed or ashamed at all, even if
their ways or they may have an inherent
you’re already in your forties or fifties and
mistrust of the school system. Older stu-
you feel like pursuing your dreams of get-
dents may feel as though their time has
ting a degree! Never be ashamed of doing
passed in some way or that they will have
anything that will better your life and that
to pay catch-up with younger minds. But,
includes being able to graduate in college.
there is no reason to be embarrassed in
Salute to all those adult students who did
pursuing education no matter what age you
not quit for their goals. Saint Peter’s College
are. Older students returning to school
is very proud of you!
have fewer distractions and have more life
Things to do as a Student
By: Althea Marie Martinez
By: Raihana Domrang
As a student of St. Peter’s College, there are many
Acceptance is when you accept defeat or victory in life but, in Saint Peter’s College
different things you can be involved in: on-campus activi-
the Department of Criminology conducted a traditional event to their freshman stu-
ties like sports or students run-groups, off-campus things
like shopping in downtown or dinner with your friends, as
well as many opportunities for jobs, internships or extra
work, both on and off campus.
It was my parents who brought me in St. Peter’s College
to pursue my dream but it’s my job that allows me to show
other incoming students the different things that this
school has to offer.
Being a student here is fun, because I just get to be real-
dents which is called “Acceptance” or “Reception Rites.” This event was mandated by
their college dean, and this reception rite was promulgating every year. Men and women are obliged to join the acceptance so that in the near future they will not be surprised in the training center.
All college schools in the Philippines are performing this kind of event and Saint
Peter’s College is one of those schools because, they have a criminology course. It
shows about how you will start to achieve your dreams not only in academics. It results
of now every individual examine and how performance reflected there selves. In the
future all of them become a trainee and is separated into different agencies of the Philippine Government.
ly honest with the students about whatever they want to
ask; there are many on-campus events to attend like the
“Palaro,” where all levels compete in each other, in each
course and to win the prizes. The school also do the “Mr.
and Ms. Palaro” every year and ask a question of every
This tradition also helps our society and our school the pride and perception of
other students. All 287 students of criminology freshmen performed the said activity
under the command of the criminology core officers and the criminology interns. This
rites applies the military dozens and PNP, and how the cadets attention without an
arms. This traditional rite is to gain their discipline and respect to one another.
By: Rochel Mae M. Omambac
Like all services, education must adjust to inflation.
ments at all? Compared to other private schools in the city,
Every year, operators of private learning institutions seek
SPC is still considered as a lousy school in terms of almost
an increase in tuition, citing higher prices of supplies and
everything. St. Michael’s College is a religious, private
equipment, renovation and maintenance services or ex-
school here in Iligan City, and has almost the same tuition
penses, and the need to increase the salary of teachers and
fee of St. Peter’s College. SMC have air-conditioned class-
other school personnel.
rooms, high-end technologies and they provide comfort to
all of their students, why can’t SPC do the same?
For parents of school-age youngsters, the month of
June is the cruelest. Education is a fundamental part of the
SPC have classrooms that could cater for the teaching-
Filipino dream, but the yearly rise in tuition and other
learning process, but are not comfortable enough because
school fees has transformed the dream into a seasonal
it lacks proper ventilation. The students cannot listen well
to the discussion because of the humid climate that could
be avoided if each room is well-ventilated, not to mention
St. Peter’s College implemented the 8% increase in the
tuition fee. Perhaps, the money of the people is for the
progress of the school. The 21
century schools should
the noisy surrounding caused by the ill-mannered students
outside each classroom. This could lead to the students’
poor academic performance.
develop the weaknesses of the school so it can provide
quality education.
Aside from the classrooms, SPC also lack computers
which are of great need of the students, laboratories, and
The renovation of the school, proper ventilation of the
classrooms, and improvement of other school facilities
would be highly appreciated by the parents and students,
but how can the students agree with the tuition fee increase if they don’t see and feel any of the said improve-
many other facilities an educational institution must have.
The lack of resources, lack of rooms, lack of ceiling fans,
are just some of the problems of SPC but the operators
only want money for their own benefit, thus, not giving
what’s best for the learners.
St. Peter’s College, Iligan City, on its
annual Palaro opens a lot of entries
to sports, and one of it was the Sepak
Takraw. It was once the country’s
national sports until it was eplaced by
“Arnis” in the year 2009. But despite
of being replaced, Filipinos never
stopped playing the game.
By: Jonel D. Pepito
St. Peter’s College, Iligan City, on its annual Palaro opens a lot of
The game required players to master a variety of performance
entries to sports, and one of it was the Sepak Takraw. It was once the
skills like jumping, blocking, diving, or spiking which required strength,
country’s national sports until it was replaced by “Arnis” in the year
power, agility, and speed throughout the duration of the game.
2009. But despite of being replaced, Filipinos never stopped playing
the game.
Since day one of the said event, the CED players really did everything they could. They have practiced the game days before the start
There are two categories in this game, the “regu” in which it is
of Palaro, but it was not good enough. Every game has its own timing
played by three players each team, and the “double regu”, in which
though, and CED players still needed to have more practice to master
there are only two players in each team. SPC Sepak Takraw used the
the sport.
“regu” wherein there were three players each team. Each team also
Although CED Phoenix warriors did not win in this particular sport,
has its two substitute players ready, in case they call for a substitute.
they still have so much time to practice for next year’s Palaro and use
It was held at the covered court where there was a court similar to a
all the things they have learned from losing this year.
double-sized badminton court and has a net made out of nylon.
By: Nhorhoney E. Macarambon
After the close fight between the COC and the CED women's
basketball tournament, both colleges showed their talents in the
court. But, COC defeated CED by the close score of 15-9.
"We did try our very best! Despite our busy schedule, we still did our
best. We feel pressured during the game"-Ruby, CED.
Despite emerging winless in the PALARO MMXIX against team
COC, Ruby sees it as a blessing in disguise as there's so much that the
team could improve on. "We just need to improve our techniques in
the game and we need more time to practice" she added.
After all the controversies during the said event, players of
the Palaro were still happy to have showcased their skills in sports
and also managed to bring entrainment to the students, teachers and
family who were there to witness the game.
By: Roely G. Padayao
The CED phoenix ended up as overall champion in
basketball men category against the College of Engineering, ahead of 8 points 77-69. This has made the CED
basketball team claimed the victory.
Dexson Avilla #18 a freshman of BSED was the
MVP. The game's first five was lead by Sacil, Seraspe,
Ramos, Avilla, and Gabuya. Teamwork and determination was the key to which lead the CED to become the
champion. All the hard works and efforts of the team
were all paid off.
By: Johanna A. Patani
The CED Phoenix women volleyball team
still felt thankful despite falling short against
the COE lions. Sports are all about passion. Its
thrill is the game won, or the last-minute loss.
While what we may see play out on the court,
for example, is the science, strategy and tactics
of volleyball as athletes executive the wellknown crafted game plans of the team cap-
By: Magomnang, Nameah M.
COE vs. CED. The fight between the two
departments was very hot. They were all
brave to raise their departments’ flags for the
championship. The players of the College of
Engineering were hard to defeat, but the College of Education players didn't lose hope.
Then, the championship for volleyball men
was won by the College of Engineering with a
score of 100 and the College of Education got
the second place with a score of 80. Both
colleges were happy and enjoyed the game.
tains. In the first game, the CED Phoenix plated against COE lions with the twice- to- beat
advantage, and this is confidence, composure,
companionship displayed in our characterdefining game. Steel of nerves and fierce Determination showed in the Dutch as our team
came back every time we seemed on the verge
of being counted out. COE lion is a formidable
side that compiled a 7-1 won-lost record
sweeping us twice in the regular rounds. But
now the playing field is even, and to finish the
job we need all the fortitude and determination
we can muster in the next do-or-die game.
By: Masorot, Norjannah Awar
The PALARO MMXIX overall championship is awarded to the College department with the
highest points total in the different PALARO events. Members of different colleges compete in
varieties of sports to be able to win the championship namely; badminton, basketball, volleyball, Chess, table tennis, hugot himig, debate, search for a star, and lastly the Mr. And Ms.
The College of Criminology holds the distinction of having the most number of overall
championship with the total score of 1,535 (total points overall). They’ve got it from winning
various categorized competition like Badminton (100), Chess Men (100), Chess women (60),
Volleyball men (60) Basketball women (100), We Care (300) and many more.
They fought and stood still until the end, and surprisingly they’ve got it. The college’s hard
work and dedication were paid off and they made their way to the top. All together they have
faced the challenges that made themselves pursuant to success and boosted their abilities to
show to everyone that they can. And yes, they all did their best to win.