RAYALASEEMA UNIVERSITY (A State University established by Govt. of A. P.) KURNOOL – 518 007, ANDHRA PRADESH, INDIA. No.RU/T.Rectt-2017/08 Dated: 26.12.2017 RECRUITMENT NOTIFICATION Online Applications are invited for the posts of ASSISTANT PROFESSOR in the following departments. For the Registration, Submission of Online Application with eligibility criteria, Research, Experience, Registration fee and other details, please visit the website http://www.sche.ap.gov.in/ASSTPROF/Masters/Home.aspx, go through linked with University website www.ruk.ac.in. Filled in online application along with acknowledgement of Registration fee, should downloaded and submit the same to The Registrar, Rayalaseema University Kurnool–518007 on or before 19.01.2018 by 05:00 PM. S. No. 1 No. of Posts Name of the Department GROUP – I (Arts) Telugu 01 Roster Point Category 16 1-SC 25 1-ST GROUP – II (Sciences) 1 Physics 01 Abbreviations: SC-Scheduled Caste; ST-Scheduled Tribe Submission of Online Application commences from: 27.12.2017 Last date for Submission of Online Application: 17.01.2018 Last date for receiving the printed online application (in Two Copies of particulars) along with all the necessary documents is: 19.01.2018 Sd/Prof. B. AMARNATH REGISTRAR