Uploaded by algarvebea


Entrails of a Virgin - Japan, '86
The House on the Edge of the Park - i think its a giallo, '80, from the dude that made Cannibal Holocaust
The Eight Immortals Restaurant: The Untold Story - Japan, '93
Let's Scare Jessica to Death - '71
Seeding of a Ghost - Japan, '83
Body Melt - 1993
Dolls - '87, from the Re-Animator and From Beyond dude, heard this is a giallo but the director is american so idk
Excision - 2012, downloaded because i think the gore is good
The Dentist - '96
Torso - '73, giallo
Slugs - '88
スウィートホーム Sûîto Homu (Sweet Home) - Japan, '89
The Mangler - '95
Tetsuo II: The Body Hammer - '92
Blood Shack - '71, the image definitely has seen better days and sound mixing is the most ass ive ever heard; 200% want to watch this
Dial: Help - '88, Cannibal Holocaust dude too
Burst City - '82, image quality isnt the best but its what i could find
Crazy Thunder Road - '80, same deal as Burst City
Rollerball - '72
Dagon - 2001, from the Re-Animator and From Beyond dude
Berserker - '87, one of the 3 movies from this director, only downloaded because it looked underground and i dont think id find it again, now i gotta watch
The Slumber Party Massacre - '82
Blood Orgy of the She-Devils - '72
Squirm - '76, the one we put high on our movie poster tier list
Cellar Dweller - '88
Headhunter - '88
Pigs aka Daddy's Deadly Darling - '72, also high on that list
Skinner - '93
Skullduggery - '70, saw it on a list of worst horror movies of all time, had to download as soon as i saw it
The Serpent and the Rainbow - '88, Wes Craven!!
The Town that Dreaded Sundown - '76
Aenigma - '87, Fulci!!
Alucarda - '78
Beyond the Darkness - '79, very gory giallo from what ive heard
Boar - 2017, downloaded cuz i read someones comment that practical fx were cool
The Howling - '81, dude from Gremlins
The Driller Killer - '79
Who Can Kill A Child - '76, once i saw this movie was one of the very very few that depicted very graphic deaths of children, so i had to download
Spasms - '83
Penda's Fen '74
Basket Case - '82
Bay of Blood - '71