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Earthquake Drill Narrative Report

Narrative Report on First Quarter National Simultaneous Earthquake Drill
June 10, 2021
Earthquake is one of the famous disasters that caused people died or injured. It cannot be detected
when and where it would be happened to anyone. This is mostly happened in places where people
are hanging around working. Earthquake is understood by being a natural phenomenon caused by
the constant movements of the earth’s crustal plates and due to climate change too.
The National Disaster Risk Reduction and management Council through the office of Civil Defense
will hold various online activities for the First Quarter Nationwide Simultaneous Earthquake Drill
(NSED to continuously instill to the public earthquake preparedness amid pandemic.
In compliance with the National Disaster Risk Reduction And Management Council (NDRRMC)
Memorandum No 50, series 2021 tilted participation to the Second Quarter.
Nationwide Simultaneous Earthquake Drill due to the limitation of mass gathering and the adherence
of the COVID -19 health protocols. teachers and pupils conducted the said drill at home.
Attached herewith are photos as evidence.
MARCH 11, 2021
Narrative Report on First Quarter National Simultaneous Earthquake Drill
In compliance to the memorandum issued by the Department of Education. National Simultaneous
Earthquake Drill (NSED) teachers joined in the conduct of the First Quarter National Simultaneous
Earthquake Drill on March 11, 2021 at exact 2:00 pm.
Teachers conducted the said drill following the IATF protocols and it was successfully done.
Teachers participated the drill to enhance the skills and knowledge on how to be ready always in
case the phenomenon occur.