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Environ Monit Assess (2018) 190:587
Towards zero waste production in the paint industry
wastewater using an agro-based material in the treatment
S. Vishali & S. K. Roshini & M. R. Samyuktha &
K. Ashish anand
Received: 6 December 2017 / Accepted: 7 August 2018
# Springer Nature Switzerland AG 2018
Abstract An attempt has been made to evaluate the use
of natural, agro-based material, Moringa oleifera as a
coagulant in the treatment of recreated water-based paint
effluent. The treatment train sequence comprising coagulation, flocculation, sedimentation, sand filtration, and
membrane filtration was used. The efficiency was evaluated in terms of color and turbidity. The influence of
experimental parameters such as eluent type, eluent concentration, coagulant dose, coagulant-eluate volume, initial
effluent pH, and initial effluent concentration was examined. The recommended conditions to yield maximum
removal efficiency are 80 mL of eluate prepared using
3 g of M. oleifera seed powder and 1 N NaCl, under actual
pH, to treat a liter of effluent. The treated supernatant from
coagulation unit was passed through a sand filtration setup
and a membrane filtration, with a maximum removal of
color above 95%. The results affirmed the positive coagulation properties of M. oleifera, which could serve as a
better alternative for chemical coagulant. The optimized
treatment conditions derived for the recreated paint effluent
were applied in the real paint effluent treatment. An opportunity was identified for re-using treated wastewater, as
a cooling fluid and a diluting agent for lower quality paints.
The results affirmed the positive coagulation properties of M. oleifera, which could serve as a better alternative for chemical coagulant.
S. Vishali (*) : S. K. Roshini : M. R. Samyuktha :
K. Ashish anand
Department of Chemical Engineering, SRM University,
Kattankulathur 603-203, India
e-mail: meet.vishali@gmail.com
Keywords Paint industry effluent . Moringa oleifera .
Coagulation . Sand filtration . Ultra filtration
Environmental pollution is synonymous with industrialization. Paints are basically chemicals that are a mixture of
pigment, binder, solvent, and additives. Paint can be conveniently classified based on the type of primary solvent
present in them. This also determines the procedure for
waste reprocessing and disposal. The major constituents of
the effluent generated by the paint industry are sourced
from the cleaning of associated equipment and various
other unit operations (Mohsen et al. 2010). In the generated
wastewater, 80% is from cleaning of mixers, reactors,
blenders, packing machines, and floors (Deya et al.
2004) and not from the manufacturing process itself. Effluents from the paint industry contain highly toxic and
organic bio-refractory compounds accounting for chemical
oxygen demand (COD), biological oxygen demand,
(BOD) and total organic carbon (TOC), which endanger
aquatic life and wildlife and contaminate the food chain.
Legal restrictions in organized industrial zones make it
mandatory for the effluent to be treated suitably before
being discharged into the environment, in this way promoting environmental conservation (Akyol 2012). The
treated wastewater can be effectively recycled and reused
within the plant as a coolant, diluant, or a component of
low-cost paint and for effective water management.
Researchers have reported the treatment of paint effluent by various methods such as physico–chemical
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treatment (Haung and Ghadirian 1974), bio-oxidation
(Brown and Weintraub 1982), biological treatment
(Arquiaga et al. 1995), active sludge treatment (Shanta
and Kaul 2000), microfiltration (Sengupta et al. 2004),
coagulation–flocculation processes (Aboulhassan et al.
2006), Fenton oxidation (Xiang and Hui 2009), adsorption
(Pamukoglu and Kargi 2006), electrochemical oxidation
(Korbahti and Tanyolac 2009), and electro-coagulation
(Akyol 2012). Of all the listed methods of wastewater
treatment, the process of coagulation–flocculation, dating
back in history, has attracted considerable attention for its
high removal efficiency (Chun 2010). Its application includes removal of dissolved chemical compounds and
turbidity from wastewater through the addition of conventional chemical coagulants. Many coagulants such as alum,
ferric chloride, polyaluminium chloride (PAC), and calcium carbonate have been used in removing pollutants from
wastewater. The suitable technology for the treatment of
paint industry effluent is coagulation (Mohsen et al. 2010).
The drawbacks of using chemical coagulants are high
operational costs, ineffectiveness in low-temperature water and large sludge volume (which significantly affects
the pH of the treated water), and the risk of health disorders like Alzheimer’s disease (Flaten 2001). To overcome
these problems, the efficacy of alternatives such as natural, plant-based or animal-based coagulants is being studied by researchers. The advantages of natural coagulants
are as follows: the material is eco-rich, cost effective,
highly biodegradable and unlikely to alter the pH of
treated water, results in toxin-free treated water, and produces low sludge volume. In this age of climate change,
widespread environmental degradation, and depletion of
natural resources, the advent of plant-based or animalbased coagulants for water and wastewater treatment is a
welcome initiative in global sustenance (Chun 2010).
Tree huggers have distinguished a few plant sorts like
Moringa oleifera, Stryconus potatorum, Cactus species,
Phaseolus vulgaris, surjana seed, maize seed, tannin, gum
arabic, Prosopis juliflora, and Ipomoea dasysperma seed
gum, as coagulants (Verma et al. 2012). Researchers have
proved the treatability of the paint industry wastewater,
utilizing plant-based coagulants such as Strychnos
potatorum (Vishali and Karthikeyan 2014), Cactus opuntia (Vishali and Karthikeyan 2015), and animal-based like
Portunus sanguinolentus (crab) shells (Vishali et al. 2016).
An attempt has been made in the present study to
evaluate the performance of the Moringa oleifera, an
agro-based coagulant for the treatment of water-based
paint effluent. The treatment train sequenced by
coagulation-flocculation-sedimentation-sand filtrationmembrane filtration was performed to attain a zero
waste production of paint effluent.
Materials and methods
Paint industry effluent
Recreated paint industry effluent (RCPE)
All the chemicals used in the experiments were of analytical grade. Recreated paint industry effluent (RCPE) was
made by blending different proportions of white primer
and acrylic-based blue colorant (5% (v/v)) (Korbahti and
Tanyolac 2009). Five different samples were produced and
named as sample numbers 1–5 (Table 1).
Real paint effluent (RPE)
The real water-based paint industry effluent (RPE) was
collected from paint industry located in Chennai, South
India. The physical–chemical properties of RCPE and
RPE are listed in Table 2.
Moringa oleifera seeds were bought from a seed shop
located in Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India. They were
pulverized, powdered, and sieved through a 0.5 mm
sieve. To extricate the dynamic components from M.
oleifera, the known measure of this powder was
suspended in 100 mL of solvent named as eluent. The
suspension was stirred for 15 min to extricate the dynamic compounds, which are responsible for coagulation. The arrangement was then permitted to settle for
15 min. The supernatant fluid, known as eluate, was
utilized as a coagulant for further experiments.
Table 1 Concentration of RCPE (made up to 1000 mL)
Sample number
White primer
Blue colorant
COD (mg/L)
Environ Monit Assess (2018) 190:587
Table 2 Physico-chemical characteristics of the SPE and RPE
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RCPE (Sample number 5)
Concentration (except for pH, color, and turbidity)
pH at 25 °C
7.8 ± 0.2
Dark black
Total dissolved solids, mg/L
Total suspended solids, mg/L
Oil and grease, mg/L
Chloride as Cl, mg/L
Chemical oxygen demand (COD), mg/L
Sulfate as SO4, mg/L
Biochemical oxygen demand, mg/L
(3 days incubated at 27 °C)
Iron as Fe, mg/L
Turbidity, NTU
Experimental setup
The experimental setup was designed to treat the paint
effluent, in the treatment train sequence comprising of
the following units: coagulation, flocculation, sedimentation, sand filtration, and membrane filtration.
To execute the treatment process, known volume of M.
oleifera eluate was added in a liter of RCPE. The jar test
apparatus (Deep Vision, India) with six stirrer arrangement and base floc illuminator was used for the coagulation study and agitated at a rapid mixing of 200 rpm
for 2 min and slow mixing at 80 rpm for 2 min, followed
by 60 min of settling span. After this, 50 mL of treated
sample was collected to measure the color and turbidity.
The experimental procedure was repeated to study the
effect of operational variables namely, (deionized water,
NaCl, KCl), eluent concentration (1–5 N), coagulant
dose (1–6 g), coagulant-eluate volume (20–120 mL),
initial pH (6–10), and initial effluent concentration
(3100–7653 mg/L). All the experiments were repeated
at least thrice for consistency, and the results were
averaged. The plot was made for the averaged value
with the reproducibility greater than 98%.
Sand filtration
The treated RCPE from the coagulation, flocculation,
and sedimentation process at the optimized conditions
was permitted to enter at the top of the sand filtration
setup at the flow rate of 10 mL/min. The sand filtration
setup was arranged gravel with the size of 60–100 mm
about the stature of 5 cm from the base, above which the
coarse material was packed (measure went between 10
and 20 mm) for the height of 10 cm, and the top layer
was loaded with fine sand (estimate extended between
0.15–0.35 mm) for the height of 15 cm. The diameter
across of the setup was 9 cm. The treated sample was
gathered from the base of the setup.
Membrane filtration
After the sand filtration studies, the RCPE was treated
by a dead-end UF process at constant pressure. The
dead-end filtration is the one where the flow of water
is perpendicular to the membrane surface. A filtration
cell with a UV membrane made from polysulfone material was used for the purpose of research, which was
originally developed by the Bhabha Atomic Research
Centre with the following characteristics: membrane
type, hollow fiber; size of pores, 0.01 μm; molecules
cut off, 50 KDa; type and direction of filtration, dead
end, Boutward and inside^; working temperature, 0–
40 °C; working range of pH 2–11.
A feed tank with a 5 L capacity and a membrane
module of 190 mm length and 50 mm outer diameter
was used. The module was on a level plane fitted, and
the wastewater was passed through the layer digressively by means of a peristaltic pump, and the saturate tests
were gathered from the outlet of the module. After each
experimental cycle, the membrane was washed with
distilled water for 15 min to remove the colored particles
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from the surface of the membrane. Further, it was
cleaned chemically by soaking it in 0.5% HNO3 (v/v)
for 2 h, and the system was recycled by deionized
water at higher flow rate for several times (Kannan
et al. 2016). The sequence of treatment train is given
in Fig. 1.
presence or absence of certain functional groups as
shown in Fig. 2. From Fig. 2, the presence of functional
groups is listed in Table 3.
Recreated paint effluent (RCPE)
Parameter evaluation
The coagulation ability of M. oleifera was assessed in
terms of residual color and turbidity. All the parameters
mentioned in Table 2 were measured using standard
methods (APHA 1995). Color was measured using SL
218 double UV-visible spectrophotometer (Elico, India)
at λmax 612 nm. Turbidity was measured using digital
nephelo-turbidity meter 132 (Elico, India), and it was
expressed in nephelometric turbidity units (NTU). pH
was adjusted using digital pH meter MK.V.I (Elico,
Results and discussion
Characterization of the M. oleifera
The FTIR spectra of M. oleifera were examined by
triggering the molecular vibrations through irradiation
with IR light which provided the information about the
Effect of eluent type and concentration One hundred
milliliters of eluate, extracted from each of the various
eluents, namely deionized water, 1 to 5 N of NaCl and
KCl, using 3 g of M. oleifera powder was applied in a liter
of RCPE. The outcomes were seen as 60% of color
removal and 45% of turbidity removal when deionized
water was used as an eluent. To confirm that the removal is
simply because of coagulants, the treatment was managed
without coagulant and using NaCl solution alone. No
removal was seen, in that run. Whenever NaCl and KCl
were utilized as an eluent, the removal was decreased with
the increase in the concentration of the eluent from 1 to
5 N. The optimum concentration of eluent used to treat a
liter of RCPE was achieved by using 1 N NaCl solution.
From Fig. 3 a, b, it was noticed that at 1 N NaCl, the color
and turbidity removal was 97% and 89%, respectively.
The maximum color removal was 95% and turbidity
removal was 83% in the case of 1 N KCl. The values were
in declined nature when the concentration swelled up.
The expected reason may be that the 1 N NaCl might
extract the maximum possible proteins from the known
amount of M. oleifera. Further increasing ionic strength
M. oleifera
Sand filtration
Membrane filtration
Fig. 1 Sequence of treatment train
Paint industry wastewater
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Fig. 2 FTIR images of Moringa oleifera
may denature the active compounds, which ended with
lower removal efficiency. Indistinguishable outcomes
were featured in the treatment of water-based paint
industry wastewater using S. potatorum as a coagulant
by varying the strength of the ionic solutions (Vishali
and Karthikeyan 2014).
due to the charge reversal, trend was reversed after 3 g.
Similar results were observed in the treatment of paint
industry wastewater using C. opuntia as a coagulant
(Vishali and Karthikeyan 2015).
Effect of coagulant dose
The 3 g of M. oleifera seed powder was dissolved in
100 mL of 1 N NaCl solution. Different volume of this
eluate (20–120 mL) was used to examine the pollutant
removal per liter of RCPE. The color and turbidity
removal was in ascending trend with the increase in
the volume of coagulant-eluate volume (Fig. 5) till
80 mL. The logic behind this is that the larger volume
of eluate contains more amounts of active components
which removed the pollutants from RCPE in a larger
quantity. Further increase in the eluate volume ended
with plateau behavior. The coincidence in the results
was identified in the removal of turbidity from tannery
industry effluent using M. oleifera seeds protein
(Magesh kumar and Karthikeyan 2016).
To find out the optimum dose of M. oleifera to treat a
liter RCPE, different doses of coagulant (1–6 g) were
applied. The residual color and turbidity were in declined when the dose was increased from 1 to 3 g.
Beyond which the amount of residual color and turbidity swelled up. The optimal M. oleifera dose to treat a
liter of RCPE was marked as 3 g. From Fig. 4, it was
clearly viewed that the removal efficiency at this juncture was 96% for color and 88% for turbidity. The
reason behind this is that the increase in the coagulant
dose resulted in larger amount of active coagulant compounds which led to the higher treatment efficiency, and
Table 3 Wave length of the main
bands obtained for the M. oleifera
Effect of coagulant-eluate volume
Vibration modes
M. oleifera (cm−1)
N–H stretching in the bondage of amides
O–H stretching related to the presence of cationic and anionic amino acids
Asymmetric and symmetric stretching at C–H of CH2 groups
2926 and 2854
Combining features of amines and ketones
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Removal efficiency (%)
Colour removal efficiency (%)
Colour removal %
Turbidity removal %
Turbidity removal efficiency
Eluent concentration (N)
Fig. 5 Effect of coagulant-eluate volume on removal efficiency.
RCPE volume, 1 L; eluent, 3 N NaCl; coagulant dose, 3 g;
coagulant-eluate volume, 20–120 mL; initial pH, 8 ± 0.2; initial
effluent concentration, 3100 mg/L
Eluent concentration (N)
Fig. 3 a Effect of eluent type and concentration on color removal
efficiency. b Effect of eluent type and concentration on turbidity
removal efficiency. RCPE volume, 1 L; eluent, deionized water,
1–5 N NaCl, 1–5 N KCl; coagulant dose, 5 g; coagulant-eluate
volume, 100 mL; initial pH, 7.8 ± 0.2; initial effluent concentration, 3100 mg/L
Effect of effluent initial pH
The actual pH of the prepared RCPE was 8 ± 0.2. By
adding the acid HNO3/base NaOH, the pH was varied to
acidic and base region, respectively. The experiment
could not be carried out below pH 5 because of the
incidence of precipitation. Irrespective of the initial pH
of the RCPE, the treated effluent pH was in the range of
7 ± 0.4. The effect of initial pH (5–10) of the RCPE on
color and turbidity removal was studied (Fig. 6). The
removal was in the increasing trend till pH 8, beyond
that it declined. The maximum removal efficiencies
(98% for color and 97% for turbidity) were observed
at the optimum initial pH 8.
Adsorption and charge neutralization were the mechanisms responsible for this observation. The results
indicated that the treatment was preferred to conduct at
the actual pH of the effluent itself. The results were
supported by the work done on the binding of Cd to S.
potatorum seed proteins in aqueous solution (Mansour
et al. 2012). The pre-treatment of winery wastewater and
olive mill wastewater by coagulation, using a natural
organic coagulant chitosan, showed the best performances achieved at the actual pH of the wastewater
(Rizzo et al. 2008).
Removal efficiency (%)
Removal efficiency (%)
Coagulant -eluate volume (ml l-1)
Colour removal %
Turbidity removal %
Turbidity removal %
Colour removal %
Coagulant dose (g l-1)
Fig. 4 Effect of coagulant dose on removal efficiency. RCPE
volume, 1 L; eluent, 3 N NaCl; coagulant dose, 1–6 g;
coagulant-eluate volume, 100 mL; initial pH, 8 ± 0.2; initial
effluent concentration, 3100 mg/L
Effluent initial pH
Fig. 6 Effect of initial pH of the effluent on removal efficiency.
RCPE volume, 1 L; eluent, 3 N NaCl; coagulant dose, 3 g;
coagulant-eluate volume, 60 mL; initial pH, 5–10; initial effluent
concentration, 3100 mg/L
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Permeate flux (l m -2 h-1)
Removal efficiency (%)
Colour removal %
Turbidity removal %
Effluent initial concentration mg l-1)
Fig. 7 Effect of initial concentration of the effluent on removal
efficiency. RCPE volume, 1 L; eluent, 3 N NaCl; coagulant dose,
3 g; coagulant-eluate volume, 60 mL; initial pH, 8; initial effluent
concentration, 3100–7693 mg/L
Deionized water
Time (min)
Fig. 8 Permeate flux profile at constant TMP (1.5 bar) for deionized water and treated RCPE after membrane filtration
Sand filtration
Effect of effluent initial concentration
Recreated samples (RCPE) featuring five different initial concentration quantities of 3100, 4224, 5650, 6258,
and 7693 mg/L were prepared and labeled as sample
numbers 1 to 5, respectively. The observed removal
efficiency values showed marked improvement from
samples 5 to 1, demonstrating that pollutant removal
accelerated as the initial concentration of effluent reduced from 7693 to 3100 mg/L.
It was evident that a lower concentration of effluent,
as in sample no.1, was effective in promoting greater
removal of pollutants: 95% and 88% for color and
turbidity, respectively (Fig. 7). These results may be
justified by hypothesizing that a lower initial concentration led to lower level of toxins, which can efficiently
remove by the available coagulant. The optimization of
electrochemical treatment of simulated (Korbahti et al.
2007) and decolorization of the brilliant green using
cactus fruit peel (Kumar and Barakat 2013) also validated the above results. The comparison of the characteristics of treated RCPE using various plant-based coagulants and chemical coagulants with M. oleifera was
listed in Table 4.
A liter of RCPE treated in coagulation-flocculationsedimentation unit at optimized conditions such as using
80 mL of eluate prepared from 3 g of M. oleifera in 1 N
NaCl at actual pH of effluent whose initial concentration
is 3100 mg/L was passed into sand filtration setup. The
overall removal efficiency was 98% for color and 95%
for turbidity.
Membrane filtration
The last unit of the treatment train sequence is membrane filtration setup. In this experimental phase, the UF
received RCPE after the treatment from sand filtration
unit. The variation of permeate flux with time at a
constant transmembrane pressure of deionized water
and permeate effluent is shown in Fig. 8. The results
were confirmed by active decolorization and turbidity
removal of RCPE of the membrane being observed
visually clear. Also, the membrane unit was found to
be capable of several subsequent cycles without any
sharp decline in the degree of the permeate flux and
maintained the capacity of the effluent treatment standards effectively constant (Kannan et al. 2016).
Table 4 Comparison of the characteristics of treated RCPE s (after coagulation) under optimum conditions
S. potatorum
% removal
% removal
Vishali and Karthikeyan, 2014
C. opuntia
Ferric chloride
% removal
% removal
Vishali and Karthikeyan, 2015
M. oleifera
% removal
Present study
Environ Monit Assess (2018) 190:587
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Fig. 9 Performance chart of the
treatment train
Upto coagulation
Removal efficiency (%)
Upto sand filtration
Upto membrane filtration
Finally, the treatment train sequence consisting of
coagulation-flocculation-sedimentation-sand filtrationmembrane filtration gave promising results, such as
removal of color and turbidity towards the zero waste
(Fig. 9).
Application on real paint effluent (RPE)
The optimized conditions obtained from the RCPE
using M. olefeira as an agro-based coagulant were applied on the treatment of RPE. The removal efficiencies
were 90% for color and 85% for turbidity (Fig. 10).
From the results, it was confirmed that the M. olefeira
could be a better alternative for chemical coagulants in
the treatment of effluents.
The results of the treatment train proposed that the zero
waste production could be accomplished by utilizing
agro-based material M. oleifera as a coagulant followed
by sand filtration and membrane filtration setup. The
results suggested that to treat a liter of RCPE, 80 mL
M. oleifera-eluate was prepared using 3 g M. oleifera and
1 N NaCl at effluents real pH brought about most extreme removal efficiency. The coagulation unit, which
consisted of sand filtration and membrane filtration unit,
was used to achieve complete decolorization of effluent
and 99% removal of turbidity. M. oleifera could be
utilized as a better alternative to chemical coagulants.
Being agro-based in nature, the disposal of sludge could
not be an eco-debilitating process. An opportunity was
identified for re-utilizing treated wastewater, in place of
fresh feed water for lower quality paints. Likewise, treatment expenses of the wastewater are lower. This treated
wastewater speaks to roughly 65% of aggregate emanating from the plant. It can be utilized in a better manner as
cooling fluid, diluting agent for water-based paints. The
treatment efficiency of the real paint effluent (RPE) was
90% and 88% for color and turbidity removal,
Removal efficiency (%)
Fig 10 Performance chart for RPE
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