May 7, 2015 INFO-NET ACADEMY] [ MICROSOFT EXCEL WORK SHEET BASICS CHANGING THE COLUMN WIDTH o o o o o o o Select the column Click Home In the cells group Click format Click column width Type the size Click ok INSERTING A COLUMN o Position your cell point to the right of the insertion point o Click Home o In the cells group o Click the arrow next to insert o Click Insert sheet columns INSERTING A ROW o Position your cell pointer below the insertion point o Click Home o In the cells group o Click the arrow next to insert o Click Insert sheet rows DELETING COLUMNS o Select the column that you want to delete o Click Home o In the cells group o Click the arrow next to delete o Click delete sheet columns DELETING A ROW o Select the row that you want to delete o Click Home o In the cells group o Click the arrow next to delete o Click delete sheet rows INSERTING A WORKSHEET o Select the worksheet at the end of the existing worksheets. o Click Home tab o In the cells group o Click insert o Click insert sheet ARRANGING WORKSHEETS o Click and drag the worksheets to the place where you want it to be. RENAMING WORKSHEET 1 INFO-NET SYSTEMS TRAINING CENTER NDOLA-BUTEKO AVENUE AT COLLET HOUSE 1ST FLOOR-SUITE 107- 111 PHONE: 02-12 620434 May 7, 2015 INFO-NET ACADEMY] [ o Select the worksheet you want to rename o Click Home tab o In the cells group o Click the arrow next to format o Click rename sheet WORKSHEET BASICS EXERCISE 1 1. Start Microsoft Excel 2. Change the size of the columns to the following sizes Column A=15, column B to E = 12 3. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Enter the following data in worksheet 1. A PRODUCT BUTTER COFFEE BREAD JUICE SHAMPOO LOTIONS COOKING OIL BISCUITS SUGAR BATHING SOAP TOOTH PASTE TEA LEAVES FLOUR B CODE C02 B14 C02 B14 C03 C02 C03 B14 C04 C02 B14 C03 B14 C SALES 4510 1250 900 6500 1800 7000 9500 3500 5123 5210 3222 1423 4560 D QUANTITY 100 250 90 412 85 15 250 150 250 150 85 13 230 4. Insert a column between B and C and give it a name “COST PRICE” 5. Enter the figures of your choice in the column you have just inserted in question 1 2 INFO-NET SYSTEMS TRAINING CENTER NDOLA-BUTEKO AVENUE AT COLLET HOUSE 1ST FLOOR-SUITE 107- 111 PHONE: 02-12 620434 May 7, 2015 INFO-NET ACADEMY] [ 6. Insert three more worksheets in your workbook. 7. Rename the worksheet where the data is to “GROCERIES”. 8. Re-arrange your worksheets in ascending sequence starting with the sheet you renamed Groceries? 9. Save your work with the following format xxxx excel answers,where xxxx stands for your first name in a folder called my documents. 3 INFO-NET SYSTEMS TRAINING CENTER NDOLA-BUTEKO AVENUE AT COLLET HOUSE 1ST FLOOR-SUITE 107- 111 PHONE: 02-12 620434 May 7, 2015 INFO-NET ACADEMY] [ MICROSOFT EXCEL FORMATTTING A WORKSHEET INSERTING THE CURRENCY Shade the cells Click Home tab In the number group Click the dialog box launcher next to Number Click numbers tab Click custom Select #,##0 type Type K in front of the first # Click Ok ARRANGING THE ALIGNMENT OF THE TEXT Shade the cells Click Home tab In the paragraph group Click the dialog box launcher next to paragraph Click alignment tab Select the degrees Click Ok CHANGING FONTS, SIZE AND COLOR Shade the cells Click Home In the font group Select the font, size and color ADDING BORDER LINES Shade the cells Click Home In the font group Click the arrow next border Click more borders Select the border line Click Ok ADDING A BACKGROUND COLOUR Shade the cells Click Home In the font group Click fill color Select the color of your choice COPYING DATA Highlight the data you want to copy Click Home In the clipboard group Click copy Select destination Click paste in the clipboard group CREATING A CHART Select the data you would like to go on the chart Click Insert tab In the Illustrations group Click chart Select the chart type/ sub chart type of your choice To move the chart into a different worksheet, Click Design Tab In the location group Click Move chart Select the chart location 4 INFO-NET SYSTEMS TRAINING CENTER NDOLA-BUTEKO AVENUE AT COLLET HOUSE 1ST FLOOR-SUITE 107- 111 PHONE: 02-12 620434 May 7, 2015 INFO-NET ACADEMY] [ Click Ok. To Insert chart title, Click Design In the chart layouts group Select layout 1 Type Chart Title. MICROSOFT EXCEL EXERCISE 2 1. Open a workbook and enter the following on sheet 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 A B SALES ON PRODUCT BUTTER COOKING OIL COBRA BATHING SOAP TOTAL SALES 25000 15000 10000 30000 C D 2. Enter JAN in B3; similarly enter FEB, MAR and APR into cells C3, D3 and E3. Assume that the sales for each product in FEB will have grown by 20% from its JAN sales. 3. Find the total sales for JAN using excel formulas. 4. In MAR the sales for each product will increase by10% 5. In APR the sale for each product will fall by 5% over sales in MAR. 6. Find Total sales for FEB, MAR and APR. 7. You are requested to put “TOTAL” in cell F3 and find the totals down the same column. 8. In cell A1 enter the heading “My Income Statement And Plan For The Future”. 5 INFO-NET SYSTEMS TRAINING CENTER NDOLA-BUTEKO AVENUE AT COLLET HOUSE 1ST FLOOR-SUITE 107- 111 PHONE: 02-12 620434 May 7, 2015 INFO-NET ACADEMY] [ 9. Rename sheet 1 to Income 10. Save your work with the following format XXX, where XXX stand for your names MICROSFT EXCEL EXERCISE 3A (20 MINUTES) 1. Create a new workbook and enter the following on work sheet1. Enter COPERBELT ELECTRICITY in A1, ZESCO BILLING SYSTEM in A5. 2. Enter MONTH in A7, MONTHLY CHARGES in B7, AMOUNT in C7 and BALANCE in D7. 3. Enter JAN in A8, FEB in A9, MAR in A10 and APR in A11. 4. Enter 102396.25 in B8, 60000 in B9, 58367.10 in B10, 100000 in B11 5. Enter 76987.05 in C8, 50000 in C9, 2000.5 in C10, 20000 in C11. 6. Change the size of COPERBELT ELECTRICITY to 18 and font colour to blue. 7. Shad COPERBELT ELECTRITY with light green as background color. 8. Change the size of ZESCO BILLING SYSTEM to 12 and font colour red and make it bold. 9. Underline the following, MONTH<MONTHLY CHARGES< AMOUNT PAID, BALANCE and make them bold. 10. Orient the following headings to 5 degrees, JAN, FEB, MAR and APR. 11. Find the balance for JAN, FEB, MAR and APR. 6 INFO-NET SYSTEMS TRAINING CENTER NDOLA-BUTEKO AVENUE AT COLLET HOUSE 1ST FLOOR-SUITE 107- 111 PHONE: 02-12 620434 May 7, 2015 INFO-NET ACADEMY] [ 12. Insert worksheet four. 13. Copy data on sheet 1 and paste on sheet 4. 14. Rename sheet 1 to BILLING and sheet 4 to CHARGES. 15. Save your work as XXXX where XXXX stands for your names. MICROSOFT EXCEL EXERCISE 3B-FORMATTING A WORKSHEET Open a new workbook and enter the following On sheet one. B LIMITED C 2 A INFOSYSTEMS PRODUCTION COSTS FOR THE YEAR 2008 3 4 5 6 7 8 PRODUCTS MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY SOAP 221 100 450 20 MILK 210 110 850 30 1 D E BREAD 90 40 900 26 TOTAL 2. Change the column width of A to E= 15 3. Display number numbers with the currency (K) symbol 7 INFO-NET SYSTEMS TRAINING CENTER NDOLA-BUTEKO AVENUE AT COLLET HOUSE 1ST FLOOR-SUITE 107- 111 PHONE: 02-12 620434 May 7, 2015 INFO-NET ACADEMY] [ 4. Insert a column between D and E and enter for products “TOYS” and enter figures of your choice. 5. Center the headings along row 4 and orientate them to 10 degree 6. Change the font of the days to Arial, size to 14 and colour to green. 7. Shade the kwacha values with yellow as background colour. 8. Insert three more worksheets. 9. Rename sheet one to your name 10. Save your worksheet as XXX Exe 3B were XXX stands for your names. MICROSOFT EXCEL FORMATTTING A WORKSHEET MICROSOFT EXCEL EXERCISE 4 1. Retrieve the previous workbook you saved as exercise 3B. 2. Copy data on sheet 1 to sheet 2 3. Enter the following on sheet 3. 8 INFO-NET SYSTEMS TRAINING CENTER NDOLA-BUTEKO AVENUE AT COLLET HOUSE 1ST FLOOR-SUITE 107- 111 PHONE: 02-12 620434 May 7, 2015 INFO-NET ACADEMY] [ A 1 B C D E JAN FEB MAR APR 2 APPLES 210 75 80 95 3 BANANAS 120 233 55 84 4 ORANGES 180 56 47 63 5 PEACHES 200 150 37 65 6 CARROTS 250 180 15 89 7 MANGOS 350 125 25 69 8 GUAVAS 120 300 15 55 4. Use the chart wizard to create a column graphical chart to represent the above information in question 3 and place the chart on a different worksheet. 5. Rearrange the sheets in sequence starting with the worksheets you renamed to your first name. 6. Copy the data on sheet 3 and paste it on sheet 5. Sort the data in ascending 7. Order using the column A. 8. Save your work in My documents folder as XXXX Exe 4 where XXXX stands for your names 9 INFO-NET SYSTEMS TRAINING CENTER NDOLA-BUTEKO AVENUE AT COLLET HOUSE 1ST FLOOR-SUITE 107- 111 PHONE: 02-12 620434 May 7, 2015 INFO-NET ACADEMY] [ MICROSOFT EXCEL Exercise 5- Data Manipulations 1. Start Ms excel 2. Change the size of the columns to the following sizes: Column A =18 Column B to E = 15 3. Enter the following data in worksheet 1. A EMPLOYMENT No 11 1 4 9 12 8 3 10 15 2 13 14 6 7 16 5 B FIRST NAME THANDIWE AUDREY GRACE BRIAN OBERT MAUREEN JACQUELINE DAVID PETER MARY JOSEPH SARA MONDE JAMES SYVESTER CHOMBA C LAST NAME PHIRI KUMWENDA MUTALE CHILESHE CHILENGA CHIYAZE MISENGO CHIPASHA MILELE BANDA MTONGA MULENGA ILITONGA CHINYIMBA CHILUBA MUMBA D SALARY 1,500,000 2,500,000 1,700,000 2,000,000 1,200,000 2,700,000 2,000,000 2,200,000 1,500,000 2,700,000 2.250,000 2,250,000 1,800,000 2,300,000 2,100,000 2,000,000 E DEPARTMENT MARKETING ACCOUNTS SALES COMPUTER OPERATIONS ACCOUNTS SALES COMPUTER MARKETING ACCOUNTS COMPUTE COMPUTER SALES MARKETING MARKETING ACCOUNTS 4. Sort the data in ascending order using employee No. 10 INFO-NET SYSTEMS TRAINING CENTER NDOLA-BUTEKO AVENUE AT COLLET HOUSE 1ST FLOOR-SUITE 107- 111 PHONE: 02-12 620434 May 7, 2015 INFO-NET ACADEMY] [ 5. Copy the data on sheet 1 and paste it on sheet 2. 6. Use the subtotals option to add figures by Department on sheet 2. Use Sum on Salary. 7. On sheet 2, insert a column between “Last Name” and “Salary” and call it “Date Born”. 8. Enter date of your choice in the inserted column. 9. Copy data on sheet 1 and paste it on sheet 3. 10. Use subtotal option to add figure by Department. Use Count on Department. 11. Save your work as XXX Excel Exe 5 were XXX stands for your names. THANK YOU 11 INFO-NET SYSTEMS TRAINING CENTER NDOLA-BUTEKO AVENUE AT COLLET HOUSE 1ST FLOOR-SUITE 107- 111 PHONE: 02-12 620434