Uploaded by Rana Kemal

Climate Change Essay: Causes, Effects, Solutions

Climate change
Dawn was probably the first experience on the surface of Earth around 4.3 billion years ago.
After another billion years when humans were introduced to Earth, no one would ever consider
that the Sun would cause such a maul on their home planet Earth. Years passed and the causes of
climate change were visible causing the aborigines to run for their life. Currently, human and
climate change are lethal enemies.
Most people say that change is the only permanent thing in life, but I am not a believer of such
adages. As far as the topic is concerned, we might also need to consider the possible
consequences that might occur when we talk about climate change. The recent headlines I heard
was the temperature increase in Paris which caused immense death tolls. In developing countries
like Ethiopia, severe droughts are turning into famines through the recent years of the
millennium. One major example was the El-Nino that killed many which occurred from 2015-16.
The Amazon forest in Brazil has experienced wildfires, reported as the biggest compared to
previous experiences. These and many more tell us that our planet is becoming a host of climate
change. According to the aforementioned effects we can define climate change as the change in
the climate of an area due to natural variability or man-made activities. There could be factors
like variability of rainfall, deforestation, emission of greenhouse gases, factory emissions either
to water or air, increasing number of vehicles and so on. The glaciers that are melting around the
north and south poles, the loss of biodiversity because of desertification, the temperature increase
of most parts of the world (commonly known as global warming) are the effects that are making
climate change a burning issue. In this century, the leaders of various countries create discussion
panels on how to reduce the devastating effects of climate change on man.
In my opinion, little is done to save the upcoming generation especially in developing countries
like Ethiopia although we don’t take much of the share in climate change. One opportunity could
be to cooperate with developed countries especially those which are transforming themselves
into an eco-friendly state by providing suitable energy efficient renewable resources. As William
Shakespeare put it, “What is past is prologue”. We can correlate the past with the gist of the
future and form a clean environment from which everyone can benefit from. To use the problem
man faces by turning it into something positive and hone on taking action. The future we desire
to see is in our own hands. Let’s take action now!
Name: Rana