CHAPTER 3: METHODOLOGY 3.1 Introduction This chapter is devoted to the methodologies adopted to achieve the objectives of the thesis. It presents the research methods and techniques that have been applied in estimating the relationship between financial inclusion and rural development/wellbeing of rural communities in SSA countries. It describes the estimation techniques employed, the type and sources of the data, the time period covered, the sample methods and size, as well as the model specification and description of variables that was applied towards estimating the effect of financial inclusion on the development/wellbeing of rural communities in SSA. 3.2 Research Design This study employed a deductive quantitative research method to analyse the interlinkages between financial inclusion and rural development of rural communities in sub sahara africa. Deductive Quantitative Analysis of the research question will be performed for this study since this thesis entails analyzing financial inclusion numerical data and its contribution towards the rural development of SSA rural communities measured via relevant rural development indicators which is thus expected to produce quantitative output in form of changes in the wellbeing or socio-economic development of rural communities. As outlined by Sreejesh, Mohapatra, and Anusree (2014), the research approach for this thesis requires the collection, measurement and analysis of data to answer the research questions using selected statistical, computational or mathematical techniques. The research design which is the overall strategy used to effectively address the research questions. Based on this strategy, data collection method, and the data analysis technique are chosen. The type of research design is determined by the goal of the research study. (KirshenblattGimblett, 2006). As explained in the introduction, this research is conducted along the lines of two main objectives: 1) to gain greater insight into whether and how financial inclusion contributes to rural development communities in Sub Sahara Africa and 2) to examine to what extent increasing financial inclusion and its effects (in rural areas of SSA) contributes to sustainable development as described by the SDGs. 1 3.2.1 Sampling According to the World Bank, Sub Sahara Africa is made up of 46 of the 54 African countries located south of the Sahara Desert. The region accounts for 14% of the global population at approximately 1.14billion inhabitants out of which 667million live in rural communities. Table 3.1: List of Selected Sub Sahara Africa countries Central West East Angola Benin Djibouti Cameroon Burkina Faso Kenya Central African Rep. Cabo Verde Rwanda Chad Côte d'Ivoire South Sudan Congo Gambia Uganda Congo DR Ghana Equatorial Guinea Guinea Sao Tome and Principe Guinea-Bissau Mali Mauritania Niger Nigeria Senegal Togo South Botswana Comoros Eswatini Lesotho Madagascar Malawi Mauritius Mozambique Namibia Seychelles South Africa Zambia Zimbabwe Source: Result from research data This thesis obtained secondary data from 40 SSA countries with readily available data and information analysed as follows: Table 3.2: Geographical spread of selected countries REGION NUMBER OF COUNTRIES PERCENTAGE Southern Africa 13 33% East Africa 5 13% West Africa 14 35% Central Africa 8 20% Source: Result from research data As shown in table 3.1, SSA countries is well represented in the study inspite of the general lack of data availability from the regions. A comprehensive list of countries across the four regions was examined and multiple selection methods were used in creating the sample for this thesis. 2 As a starting point, the United Nation membership list for Sub Sahara Africa was used as a filtering mechanism together with online search engines for identifying the countries with reliable and available continuous data and information during the period covered by the study. The sampling method used to select the representative sample was the purposive sampling, in order to obtain a sample that was large enough and as representative as possible. According to Teddlie and Yu (2007) purposive sampling is advantageous where the goals of sampling are to achieve a sample that is as representative as possible of the population and to achieve comparability across a dimension of interest. Following the initial filtering, the specific data for the selected countries was sifted and downloaded from the World Development Indicator database of the World Bank, the Financial Access Survey database of the IMF and the UNDP human development database. Only SSA countries with sufficient data covered in the sample period were included. In summary, the sample selection process yielded a total of forty (40) airlines that cut across the four regions of the sub-continent with specific characteristics or proxy indicators that provide relevant information on the financial inclusion and rural development profile of each SSA country. The sample is representative of the population studied in order to address the research problem stated above. 3.2.2 Data Type, Sources and Period The data employed in this study is an unbalanced dynamic panel data of 400 observations for 40 Sub Saharan Africa economies between 2011 and 2020. The choice of period is informed by the availability of data on the Databases and countries with issues on data integrity were excluded. Table 3.1 provide a list of the countries and table 3.2 shows the spread across the sub-continent. These countries and the period are selected mainly due to data availability on all the variables evaluated in the study. The data considered in this study are human development index (a measure for welfare and wellbeing. Proxy for rural development), financial inclusion index, percentage of rural population with access to electricity (an indicator of the level of rural development in terms of infrastructure). The control variables are life expectancy, education, income, and gross national income per capita. The regression model is also adjusted for inequality and the following variables are used; inequality adjusted human development index, inequality adjusted life expectancy, inequality adjusted education index and inequality adjusted income index. Data on human development index (HDI and IHDI) and education index (EDU 3 and IEDU) are obtained from the United Nations Development Programme database, those on rural electricity penetration, life expectancy, income index and gross national income per capita are obtained from the World Banks’ World Development Indicators. The data used for the calculation of financial inclusion index such as number of depositors per 1000 adults, automated teller machines per 100,000 adults and outstanding loans from commercial banks as a percentage of gross domestic product as shown in table 3.3 below is obtained from the Financial Access Survey (FAS) of the International Monetary Fund database. Table 3.3: Summary of dimension parameters Dimension Significance Accessibility (Penetration) Number of bank accounts in the study area Availability Number of access points in the study area Usage Accounts hold by the respondents Parameters • Depositors per 1,000 adults • Branches of commercial banks per 1,000 km2 • Branches of commercial banks per 100,000 adults • ATMs per 1000 km2 • ATMs per 100,000 adults • Deposits with commercial banks (%GDP) • Domestic credit to private sector (% of GDP) Description Stepping stone for financial inclusion. Opening a bank account to operate financial transactions. Opening operative bank account. Supply side indicators. Information gathered from financial institutions in person or website, based on the availability. Demand side indicators. Information gathered from the respondents. Source: Result from research data The data required for the regression analysis was extracted from the World Development Indicator database of the World Bank, the Financial Access Survey of the IMF (2019) and the UNDP human development databases which provide data for 189 countries across the globe thus enabling better cross-country comparisons. The data/information obtained directly from the World bank, IMF and UNDP databases is expected to be reliable, valid and a sound common basis for comparing the effect of financial inclusion and the level of development in rural 4 communities despite the attendant differences in inequality, geography and demography. Furthermore, this study used secondary data since – by the time of writing – globally many countries face both an economic and health crisis as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Gathering primary data from sources in emerging and developing economies was expected to be very difficult due to this crisis. Using secondary data is time-efficient, although a disadvantage is that the researcher depends on the data availability and secondary data might not exactly match what is ideally required (Van der Kolk, 2013c). In practice, online accessible international databases turned out to be suitable sources on many indicators matching the identified variables. This data is available only in the form of quantitative data. A benefit of using the international databases is that data is available for roughly every country in the world per similar set of indicators. It thus allows analysis and comparison of all selected SSA countries. This dissertation selected a panel data structure as the preferred data model because according to Baltagi (1995), it discloses dynamics in cross sectional data and also resolves the problem of heterogeneity bias. Panel data recently became popular and widely acceptable amongst researchers because of its increased availability and greater capacity of statistical software for modelling complex research problems beyond a single cross-section or time-series (Hsiao, 2007, p. 2). The compelling case for panel data modelling according to Hsiao (2007) is premised on the fact that it presents adequate inference of model parameters due to higher degrees of freedom in the statistical models and also allows for improved capacity to accurately capture complex human behaviour in data format. and lastly, the panel data model allows for the control of omitted variables. It is often argued in the literature “that the real reason for the presence or lack of certain effects is due to ignoring the effects of certain variables which are correlated with the explanatory variables. Panel data contains information on both the inter-temporal dynamics and the individuality of the entities allowing one to control the effects of missing or unobserved variables” (Hsiao, 2007, p. 5). These advantages are particularly relevant to this study in view of the peculiar characteristics of the rural communities of each of the selected SSA country as well as the inconsistency in data availability. 3.2.3 The Empirical Model Specification The present study aims to estimate the effect of financial inclusion on rural development of rural communities in Sub Sahara Africa. The model specification for this thesis was derived from the 5 prior work of Amendola et al. (2016), Zhang (2017) and Ofori-Abebrese, Baidoo & Essiam (2020). This dissertation attempts to expand on their research findings by establishing similar interlinkages for Sub Saharan Africa rural communities and using the result to make a qualitative deduction on the attainment of sustainable development goals. generic panel data regression model for this dissertation is described as follows: RURALDEVELOPMENT i,t = α + β1 FINANCIALINCLUSION i,t +β2 ELECTRICITYACCESS i,t +∑βiControlVariablei,t + εi,t ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…… (1) Where, RURALDEVELOPMENTi,t t=time. is the dependent variable, the subscript i represents the ith country and FINANCIALINCLUSIONi,t and ELECTRICITYACCESSi,t are the independent variables. ∑ControlVariablei,t represent a set control variables εi,t represents time invariant fixed effects. The estimable form of Equation (1) is specified in two least square regression models as follows: HDIi,t = α0 + α1FIIi,t + α2ELECT_%_RURALi,t + α3LIFE_EXP_INDEXi,t + α4EDU_INDEXi,t + α5INCOME_INDEXi,t + α6LN_GNI_PCi,t + Ԑi,t ……………………………….…..… (2) INEQ_ADJT_HDIi,t = α0 α3INEQ_ADJT_LIFE_EXP_INDEXi,t α1FIIi,t + + α2ELECT_%_RURALi,t + α4INEQ_ADJT_EDU_INDEXi,t + + α5 INEQ_ADJT_INCOME_INDEXi,t + α6LN_GNI_PCi,t + Ԑi,t ……………….…..… (3) HDIi,t = α0 + α1FIIi,t + α2ELECT_%_RURALi,t + α3DUMMYi,t + α4LN_GNI_PCi,t + Ԑi,t …………………………………………………………..…………………………..… (4) The proxy measurements for the dependent and explanatory variables are analysed as follows: Table 3.4: Summary of regression variables VARIABLE PROXY MEASUREMENTS SYMBOL Rural Development Human Development Index HDI Inequality Adjusted Development Index Human INEQ_ADJT_HDI Financial Inclusion Financial Inclusion Index Electricity Access Access to electricity, rural (% of ELECT_%_RURAL rural population) Control Variables Life Expectancy Index 6 FII LIFE_EXP_INDEX VARIABLE PROXY MEASUREMENTS SYMBOL Inequality Adjusted Life Expectancy Index INEQ_ADJT_LIFE_EXP_INDEX Education Index EDU_INDEX Inequality Adjusted Education INEQ_ADJT_EDU_INDEX Index Income Index Inequality Index INCOME_INDEX Adjusted Gross National Capita Income INEQ_ADJT_INCOME_INDEX Income Dummy Variable Per LN_GNI_PC Alliance for Financial Inclusion DUMMY membership status Source: Researcher's own compilation from research 7