Orion® Insights Customer Environment Review Report Why Use Orion Insights? Orion® Insights was designed to perform a check on your current deployment environment. The report includes a high-level summary of issues iden fied during the diagnos cs analysis, allowing you to implement recommenda ons and ensure a successful upgrade. What Your Report Will Include Execu ve Summary – includes a list of the top Orion Pla orm issues needing to be addressed. Data Management – outlines op miza on ps for your SQL database. Op mize and Scale for Improvement – provides analysis of your pollers, AWS, and deployed modules. Understanding your report The Orion Insight Report defines three message warning levels: Cri cal: Provide informa on regarding your environment's current health, performance, and stability. These messages indicate that the environment is currently non-op mal, and ac on should be taken to remediate. Warning: Indicate that your environment may currently have an open exposure or issue that should be addressed to return your system to op mal. Warning messages should be inves gated further to understand their full poten al impact and remediated if required. Informa onal: Provide you with enhanced insight into your environment. Informa onal messages do not require any immediate ac on but provide you with addi onal context for more effec ve management of your system. What to do When You Receive Your Report? 1. Review your Execu ve Summary results and implement the key recommended ac ons. 2. Review the en re report to give you full visibility of your Orion & SQL environment. 3. If not on latest release, build your upgrade plan and leverage the Orion Installer to help deploy your upgrade. 4. If not on latest release, head to the new Upgrade Resource Center if you have ques ons or need addi onal upgrade help. 5. Once all recommenda ons have been implemented, enjoy the improved performance, security, enhanced scalability, and new features of your product(s). Benefits of being on the Latest Version: (Release Notes) Be er Performance: Improved Web Console login experience, with up to 96% faster* load mes to the login page. Greater Security & Stability: Our latest release addresses many vulnerabili es and documented bug fixes. New Features such as: New map dashboards,ORC lightweight polling engines, Azure monitoring, built-in MIB DB Mgmt via the Web Console, Time Travel with Orion Maps. Op mized for our Latest Technologies: The newer SolarWinds products are op mized for the latest version of the Orion Pla orm. Enhanced Cortex func onality and Log Analyzer performance are all op mized for our latest product releases. Upgrading to the latest release allows you to realize these gains through more efficient func onality, building on Microso ® SQL Server® enhancements. Improved Upgrade Experience: The new Staged Upgrades feature has resulted in some customers upgrading in as li le as 36 minutes (from 2019.4), down from 3.5 hours for their previous upgrade. SWDiagnos cs 20220114-090441 Main SOLARWINDS01.zip - 2022-01-14 09:04:41 - SOLARWINDS01 (MainPoller) - SW22514677 Legend CRITICAL Provide informa on regarding your environment's current health, performance, func onality, and stability. These messages indicate that the environment is currently non-op mal, and ac on should be taken to remediate. WARNING Indicate that your environment may have issues to address to return your system to op mal. Warning messages should be inves gated further to understand the context and corresponding impact on your business. INFORMATIONAL Provide you with enhanced insight into your environment. Informa onal messages do not require any immediate ac on but provide you with addi onal context for more effec ve management of your system. Execu ve Summary Top Orion Issues icon Type Message Ac ons Ac onsURL INFORMATIONAL: There was no Execu ve Level items iden fied for this category. Ac on Item No Items Reported Op mize and Scale Orion Pla orm icon Type Message Ac ons Ac onsURL INFORMATIONAL: There was no Execu ve Level items iden fied for this category. Ac on Item No Items Reported Top Database Issues icon Ac ons Ac onsURL SQL: MSSQL Standard License, be aware of limita ons! (max 128GB RAM). Ac on Item Review Ar cle: "SQL Server Limita ons" Quick Checks Environment Quick Checks Database icon icon INSTALLATION: Core 2020.2.6 Ho ix3 is latest available version INSTALLATION: 1 Orion Hosts are installed on Windows Server 2016 or later MAINTENANCE: Table Index Defragmenta on Is Enabled MAINTENANCE: DB-Maintenance took less than 4 hours to complete (0:08:53) INSTALLATION: No Stacked Licenses Found SIZE: Total Database Size is Lower than 500GB (44.03 GB) LICENCING: WEB: License Satura on below 100 % for all modules 0 Addi onal Webservers for an environment with 1 Pollers SIZE: SIZE: LDF files are lower than 40GB (7.34 GB) MDF files are lower than 500GB (10.49 GB) WEB: No Account Have Session Timeout Disabled SQL: No SQL service found running on SOLARWINDS01 (MainPoller) WEB: All Orion Websites have SSL configured Quick Checks General Se ngs & features Quick Checks Polling icon POLLING: SAM Polling Rate is below 100% for all Polling Engines POLLING: NPM Polling Rate is bellow 90% on all Engines POLLING: No Global NPM Polling Frequencies lower than default POLLING: No Polling Engine have more than 8K SAM components POLLING: No Polling Engine have more than 10K Orion elements assigned POLLING: No Engines are receiving more than 50K flows per second POLLING: No SAM Components has Polling Frequencies lower than Default (300sec) POLLING: No Polling Engine has more than 800 Agents Assigned icon HEALTH: All Reten on Values Are Default HEALTH: No alerts configured with Frequency less than 60 Sec found Orion Summary Modules Installed Quick Stats Core Modules Module Count: 7 Orion Pla orm: Core 2020.2.6 HF3 Orion Modules: NPM, SAM, OLV, IPAM, NCM, PM HA Pools : 0 Syslog/Traps Received via : OLV Licenses Iden fied Total Elements: 9,889 DB/Nodes.csv file not found! Total Interfaces (Managed/UnManaged): 5,106 (4768/338) Total Volumes: 3,531 Quick Stats Features SAM50 SLX DL200 IP16000 SLX(NTA) Topology Nodes: No Topology Nodes found Total Agents: 0 UnDP Nodes/#Pollers/#Ac ve: 8/65/319 DB/NetFlowEnginesSta s cs.csv file not found! Total NCM Nodes: 64 NCM Jobs (Enabled/Disabled): 4/6 DB/UDT_Port.csv file not found! VIM/VMAN VM's Monitored: 851 Deployment Summary Main Polling Engines: 1 Addi onal Polling Engines: 0 Addi onal Web Servers: 0 HA Standby Servers: 0 Total Servers: 1 Syslogs/Traps Summary Website Summary Enabled/Disabled/Total Accounts: 74/1/75 Website Logons last 7 days (Total/Unique): 195/20 IIS RAM usage (SOLARWINDS01): 0.75 GB LA/OLV #EPS(Avg/day): 0 Rows in LA DB: 1,504,906 Total LA/OLV Nodes: 145 Orion Pla orm Summary Orion Pla orm: Core 2020.2.6 HF3 Orion Modules: NPM, SAM, OLV, IPAM, NCM, PM Orion Pla orm Core Versioning (SolarwindsInstalla on) Product Patch SolarWinds Orion Core Services 2020.2.6 (120.2.50103.65120) Update for SolarWinds Orion Core Services 2020.2.6 (Ho ix1) SolarWinds Orion Core Services 2020.2.6 (120.2.50103.65120) Update for SolarWinds Orion Core Services 2020.2.6 (Ho ix3) Core Version History (ConfigWizardLog) ModuleVersion MachineName DateTime 2020.2.65100.50389 solarwinds01 Jan 4 2022 9:49PM 2020.2.65100.50257 solarwinds01 Sep 2 2021 9:37PM 2020.2.5 RC2 solarwinds01 Mar 31 2021 10:44PM 2020.2.4 solarwinds01 Feb 10 2021 9:38PM 2020.2.1 solarwinds01 Dec 16 2020 6:31PM 2020.2 HF1 solarwinds01 Jul 9 2020 9:51AM 2019.4 HF5 solarwinds01 May 20 2020 4:13PM 2019.4 HF1 solarwinds01 Dec 11 2019 11:53AM 2019.2 solarwinds01 Oct 17 2019 11:44AM Alerts Summary Oldest Alert: 2021-07-23 14:21:05 Newest Alert: 2022-01-14 14:04:01 Alerts (Enabled/Disabled): 148/222 Triggered Alerts: 3,382 Ac ve Alerts: 59 SAM U liza on SAM Applica ons: 0 SAM Components (Last 30 Days): 768 AppInsights IIS: 1 AppInsights Exchange Mailboxes: 0 AppInsights SQL Instances: 3 AppInsights AD Sites: 2 Orion Server(s) Summary Polling Engines Table (U liza on) EngineID Name 1 ServerType Elements Nodes Interfaces Volumes CoreVers SOLARWINDS01 Primary 9889 1252 5106 3531 OS SolarWinds Orion Core 2020.2.6 Total Elements: 9,889 Total NTA FPS: 0 Polling Engines Table (Assignments) EngineID IP ServerType Elements Nodes Interfaces Volumes Comple on Agents SNMP WMI ICMP SAM Apps Name SAM Comp Total Agents: 0 SAM Applica ons: 0 Total SAM Components: 0 AppInsights Summary IIS Sites SQL Instances Exchange Mailboxes AD Sites 1 3 0 2 Extended Features U liza on Summary EngineID * Name ServerType IP's Ports Opera ons Phones LUNS Hyper-V VMware Total Hypervisors Total VM's Unknown 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Total IP's: 0 ( 0 Unknown) Total Port's: 0 Total Opera ons : 0 Total Phones : 0 Total LUNS : 0 Total VM's: 2 Environmental Overview EngineID HostName ServerType IpAddress OsVersion CPUInfo RAMInfo 0 0 % NPM FPS(24h) Stacked Windows Server 2016 69 2 0 1 License Satura on ElementType Element Summary (All Engines) DB/Nodes.csv file not found! ElementCount MaxCount AvailableCount Satura on Element Type Totals Nodes 1252 Unlimited Unlimited 0.00 Nodes 1252 12.66 Volumes 3531 Unlimited Unlimited 0.00 Volumes 3531 35.71 IP Addresses 6745 16384 41.17 Interfaces 5106 51.63 Interfaces 4236 Unlimited Unlimited 0.00 (Total Elements: 9889) SAM Components 0 50 50 0.00 Elements Per Feature SAM Nodes 50 4 92.00 46 9639 % Groups Limita ons NetPath Dependencies CP UNDP 58 7 6 183 29 8 Network Insights NPM_F5 NPM_Cisco_ NPM_Cisco_ NPM_Wirel NPM_Mera NPM_Palo_ ASA Nexus ess ki Alto 0 30 14 72 0 1 Hardware Health Insights (NPM Network HWH) SNMP.ASA SNMP.Cisco SNMP.Dell.PowerConnect SNMP.Generic SNMP.Juniper SNMP.HP SNMP.F5 SNMP.Dell.PowerEdge SNMP.Arista SNMP.Aruba 4 52 2 3 0 0 0 0 0 Hardware Health Insights (SAM Server HWH) VMWareAPI-vCenter VMWareCIM-ESXDirect WMI.Dell Unknown SNMP.Dell SNMP.HP SNMP.IBM WMI.HP WMI.IBM 35 2 29 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Orion Polling & Reten on Summary Polling Intervals Name Units CurrentValue DefaultValue Default Volume Stat Poll Interval m 15 15 Default Volume Poll Interval s 120 120 Default Node Topology Poll Interval m 120 120 Default Node Stat Poll Interval m 10 10 Default Node Poll Interval s 120 120 Default Interface Sta s cs Poll Interval m 9 9 Deafult Poll Interval for Interfaces s 120 120 Reten on Se ngs Name Units CurrentValue DefaultValue Name Units CurrentValue DefaultValue Orion Daily Sta s cs Reten on days 365 365 Ne low CBQoS Sta s cs Reten on days 30 30 Orion Detailed Sta s cs Reten on days 7 7 days 7 7 Orion Hourly Sta s cs Reten on days 30 30 SAM Ac veDirectoryBB_RetainDetailTablesDays Events Audi ng Trails Sta s cs Reten on days 365 365 SAM DataReten on days 90 90 Events Reten on days 30 30 SAM DataReten onEventLog days 7 7 HWH Daily Hardware Health Sta s cs Reten on days 365 365 SAM EXBB_RetainDeletedDBDays days 2 2 SAM EXBB_RetainDetailTablesDays days 5 5 HWH Detailed Hardware Health Sta s cs Reten on days 7 7 SAM EXBB_RetainMailboxHistoryDays days 90 90 SAM IISBB_RetainDetailTablesDays days 90 90 HWH Hourly Hardware Health Sta s cs Reten on days 30 30 SAM RetainDetail days 7 7 SAM RetainHourly days 30 30 SAM SQLBB_RetainDetachedDBDays days 2 2 SAM SQLBB_RetainDetailTablesDays days 5 5 SAM SQLBB_RetainHistoryDays days 14 14 Core VIM Daily Sta s cs Reten on days 365 365 Core VIM Detailed Sta s cs Reten on days 7 7 Core VIM Hourly Sta s cs Reten on days 30 30 NPM Daily Interface Availability Sta s cs Reten on days 365 365 NPM Detailed Interface Availability Sta s cs Reten on days 7 7 NPM Hourly Interface Availability Sta s cs Reten on days 30 30 NPM Daily UnDP Sta s cs Reten on days 180 180 NPM Detailed UnDP Sta s cs Reten on days 3 3 NPM Hourly UnDP Sta s cs Reten on days 14 14 NPM Daily Wireless Sta s cs Reten on days 180 180 NPM Detailed Wireless Sta s cs Reten on days 3 3 NPM Hourly Wireless Sta s cs Reten on days 14 14 NPM Wireless Disappeared AccessPoints Reten on days 7 7 NPM Wireless Session History Reten on days 90 90 Website Ac vity Summary Websites Table WebsiteID ServerName IPAddress 1 Port SSLEnabled Type SolarWinds01 (All Unassigned) 443 1 FQDN ExternalUrl primary Total Logins / Unique Logins Last 24h: 25/ 10 Last 7 Days: 195 / 20 Last 30 Days: Data Not Available Login Events Scope ( 20 days 20:18:51 ) Most Recent Login Event: 2022-01-14 13:37:40 Oldest Login Event: 2021-12-24 17:18:49 No Account Have Session Timeout Disabled Most Ac ve Logins AccountID # ofcwic\fdemuth 65 ofcwic\dtorres 39 ofcwic\dgaur 37 ofcwic\saggarwa 37 l ofcwic\a058991 34 ofcwic\056964 32 ofcwic\avl6307 24 _system 22 ofcwic\achauhan 16 ofcwic\mpathak 15 Last 10 Logins TimeLoggedUtc Most Audit Events AccountID 2022-01-14 12:32:42 ofcwic\achauhan 2022-01-14 11:18:10 ofcwic\dgaur 2022-01-14 09:31:17 ofcwic\dgaur 2022-01-14 08:11:52 ofcwic\mpathak 2022-01-14 07:15:16 _system 2022-01-14 07:13:54 ofcwic\mpathak 2022-01-14 05:39:03 ofcwic\mpathak 2022-01-14 04:17:56 ofcwic\mpathak 2022-01-14 03:03:26 ofcwic\mpathak 2022-01-14 01:27:32 ofcwic\mpathak AccountID Most Ac ve Audit Types # Ac onTypeDisplayName # ofcwic\dtorres 1049 Node edited 909 ofcwic\dgaur 195 User login 412 ofcwic\fdemuth 188 User account changed 389 system 150 User logout 201 Alert Note changed 172 Alert acknowledged 172 ofcwic\saggarwa 113 l ofcwic\a058991 95 75 Alert integra ons state changed. 127 ofcwic\sreja ofcwic\mpathak 70 Interface added 14 ofcwic\achauhan 68 Node added 12 ofcwic\056964 Resource changed 10 66 Orion Engine Summary Engine Overview (MainPoller) Engine Details Hostname: SOLARWINDS01 OS Name: Windows Server 2016 Standard OS Version: 10.0.14393 N/A Build 14393 System Manufacturer: VMware, Inc. System type: x64-based PC CPU Cores (All Sockets): 18 CPU usage(when Diags where collected): 39.50 % Total RAM 32.767 GB/ Used 14.696 GB / Free 18.071 GB Total RAM Usage of Solarwinds Services: 12 GB Total RAM Usage Non-Solarwinds Services: 2.70 GB Free Disk Space on C: 40.38 GB Virtual Memory Max Size: 37,631 MB Virtual Memory Available: 20,620 MB Virtual Memory In Use: 17,011 MB Page File Loca on(s) C:\pagefile.sys Domain ofcwic.com System Locale en-us;English (United States) Input Locale en-us;English (United States) Time Zone (UTC-05:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada) Original Install Date: 11/20/2017, 10:41:38 PM Last System Boot Time: 12/1/2021, 9:00:20 PM Ho ix(s) 16 Ho ix(s) Installed. Logon Server \\TPDC01 Network Card(s) 1 NIC(s) Installed. Top 10 Processes by RAM usage Process Top 10 Processes by CPU Usage Value (MB) Process Value (% CPU me) SolarWinds.Collector.Service 1552.91 SWJobEngineWorker2x64#5 32.07 w3wp 750.28 SWJobEngineSvc2 27.63 SolarWinds.Informa onService.ServiceV3 590.87 SolarWinds.Collector.Service 16.25 SWJobEngineSvc2 364.85 SWJobEngineWorker2x64#6 15.93 Solarwinds.BusinessLayerHost#4 280.53 SWJobEngineWorker2#8 263.45 SolarWinds.Informa onService.ServiceV 15.87 3 SWJobEngineWorker2x64#3 261.13 SWJobEngineWorker2#6 252.22 Solarwinds.BusinessLayerHost#25 251.01 SWJobEngineWorker2x64#2 205.46 Total RAM Usage of Solarwinds Services: 12 GB Total RAM Usage Non-Solarwinds Services: 2.70 GB w3wp 6.09 SWJobEngineWorker2#2 2.67 SWJobEngineWorker2#8 2.66 SWJobEngineWorker2 2.27 Solarwinds.BusinessLayerHost#4 1.83 Orion Services Summary Quick Checks RabbitMQ/MSMQ/Events/Services Type Message Type Message RabbitMQ RabbitMQ logs are less than 200MB (0.017 GB) EVENTS 0 Solarwinds Event Log errors found RabbitMQ 0 Pending no fica ons Found EVENTS 0 Solarwinds Event Log warnings found RabbitMQ 0 Custom RabbitMQ se ngs found EVENTS 1941 Windows System Event Log errors found SQL Lite 'Bytes in Queue': 1.573 MB EVENTS 0 Windows System Event Log warnings found SQL Lite 'Messages in Queue': 0 EVENTS 404 Windows Applica on Event Log errors found EVENTS 0 Windows Applica on Event Log warnings found Type Message SERVICES Last BusinessLayerHostService Event: 12/1/2021 9:00:55 PM Service started successfully. SERVICES Last SWInforma onService3 Event : 12/1/2021 9:00:54 PM Service started successfully. RabbitMQ Summary Total Messages: 2 Total Memory usage: 10 (MB) Total Consumers: 329 RabbitMQ Log Summary file Size(MB) RabbitMQ/rabbit@SOLARWINDS01.log 16.55 RabbitMQ/ rabbit@SOLARWINDS01_upgrade.log 0.00 RabbitMQ/crash.log 0.00 RabbitMQ/crash.log.0 0.00 RabbitMQ/crash.log.1 0.00 Total Log Size: 16.56 (MB) Orion Database Summary Database Host Overview Database Host Details DB Host: NC01PSQL09 Microso SQL Server 2019 (RTM) 15.0.2000.5 (X64) Recovery=SIMPLE DBInfo/SQLServerInfo.csv file is empty or is corrupt Available RAM not available - ERROR:VIEW SERVER STATE permission was denied on object 'server', database 'master'. DB Name: SolarWindsOrion DB Owner: sa Server Schema: SQL_La n1_General_CP1_CI_AS DB Schema: SQL_La n1_General_CP1_CI_AS SQL license: Standard Edi on (64-bit) OS version: Windows Server 2019 Standard 10.0 (Build 17763: ) (Hypervisor) CPU Cores: 4 Total DB size On Disk: 44.03 GB DB Size Per Filegroup (GB) PRIMARY SQL Logs (LDF) TIMESERIES FG1 FG3 CORTEX_DOCUMENTS ENTITIES 10.49 7.34 10.49 2.10 2.10 8.39 4.19 DB Table Sizes (GB) Nodes Interfaces Volumes Wireless HWH UNDP Syslog/Traps 0.97 3.18 0.56 0.86 1.22 0.06 0.00 SAM NTA(Orion) NCM VIM UDT/NVQM/IPAM Rest of DB Tables 3.65 0.02 0.51 0.87 0.62 1.60 Orion Database Space Consump on (GB) (from TableRowCountsEx.csv) Total Reserved Total Unused Size Size of Indexes Size of Tables ColumnStore Tables In-Memory Tables Total Row Count 12.51 2.48 1.73 8.30 0 0 74839010 Top 10 Tables by Size (GB) table_name table_size_GB indexes_GB reserved_GB unused_GB par APM_WindowsEvent_Detail 1.65 0.06 1.84 0.13 1 on_count row_count is_memory_op mized 835071 False APM_HardwareItem_Detail 0.47 0.16 0.69 0.06 1 5485212 False InterfaceTraffic_CS_Hourly_hist 0.50 0.05 0.56 0.00 25 2449709 False Wireless_Interfaces_DETAIL 0.19 0.10 0.47 0.18 1 1021610 False InterfaceTraffic_CS_cur 0.25 0.04 0.45 0.16 1 1126153 False InterfaceTraffic_CS_Daily_hist 0.30 0.05 0.43 0.08 337 1467700 False InterfaceTraffic_CS_Detail_hist 0.41 0.00 0.41 0.00 8 4254278 False IPAM_Node 0.17 0.14 0.32 0.00 1 1230507 False InterfaceErrors_CS_cur 0.09 0.04 0.25 0.13 1 1125659 False APM_HardwareItem_Hourly 0.17 0.08 0.25 0.00 1 2796054 False SqlServerSe ngs.csv Results No Data Available : User must have VIEW SERVER STATE permission granted to run diagnos c mode. SQL Wait Stats DBInfo/WaitStat.csv Not available Database Maintenance Summary TimeStamp Message 2022-01-13 02:15:00.214 Database Maintenance Star ng. 2022-01-13 02:15:00.230 Database Maintenance running in automated mode. 2022-01-13 02:23:54.043 Ac on 'Index defragmenta on' finished. me elapsed: 86.008 sec. 2022-01-13 02:23:54.059 Database Maintenance Complete. me elapsed: 533.521 sec. 2022-01-14 02:15:00.238 Database Maintenance Star ng. 2022-01-14 02:15:00.254 Database Maintenance running in automated mode. 2022-01-14 02:22:26.012 Ac on 'Index defragmenta on' finished. me elapsed: 65.191 sec. 2022-01-14 02:22:26.028 Database Maintenance Complete. me elapsed: 445.211 sec. Last Database Maintenance Start Time: 2022-01-14 02:15:00 Last Database Maintenance End Time: 2022-01-14 02:22:26 Total Database Maintenance Data Summa on Run me: 0:07:27 Total Database Maintenance Index Defragmenta on Run me: 0:01:26 Total Database Maintenance Run me: 0:08:53 Orion Database FileInfo name filename filegroup size maxsize growth usage SolarWindsOrion M: PRIMARY \SQLSERVER\MSSQL15.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\DATA\SolarWindsOrion. mdf 10485760 20971520 KB 1048576 KB data only SolarWindsOrion_log L: NaN \SQLSERVER\MSSQL15.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\Data\SolarWindsOrion_ log.ldf 7340032 51380224 KB 1048576 KB log only solarwindsorion_ meseries1 M: TIMESERIES \SQLSERVER\MSSQL15.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\DATA\solarwindsorion_ meseries1.ndf 5242880 10485760 KB 1048576 KB data only solarwindsorion_ meseries2 M: TIMESERIES \SQLSERVER\MSSQL15.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\DATA\solarwindsorion_ meseries2.ndf 5242880 10485760 KB 1048576 KB data only SolarWindsOrion_FG1 M: FG1 \SQLSERVER\MSSQL15.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\DATA\SolarWindsOrion _FG1.ndf 2097152 10485760 KB 1048576 KB data only SolarWindsOrion_FG3 M: FG3 \SQLSERVER\MSSQL15.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\DATA\SolarWindsOrion _FG3.ndf 2097152 10485760 KB 1048576 KB data only Cortex_documents1 M: CORTEX_DOCUMENTS 2097152 \SQLSERVER\MSSQL15.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\DATA\SolarWindsOrion _Cortex_documents1.ndf 10485760 KB 1048576 KB data only Cortex_documents2 M: CORTEX_DOCUMENTS 2097152 \SQLSERVER\MSSQL15.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\DATA\SolarWindsOrion _Cortex_documents2.ndf 10485760 KB 1048576 KB data only Cortex_documents3 M: CORTEX_DOCUMENTS 2097152 \SQLSERVER\MSSQL15.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\DATA\SolarWindsOrion _Cortex_documents3.ndf 10485760 KB 1048576 KB data only Cortex_documents4 M: CORTEX_DOCUMENTS 2097152 \SQLSERVER\MSSQL15.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\DATA\SolarWindsOrion _Cortex_documents4.ndf 10485760 KB 1048576 KB data only solarwindsorion_en es1 M: ENTITIES \SQLSERVER\MSSQL15.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\DATA\solarwindsorion_ en es1.ndf 2097152 10485760 KB 1048576 KB data only solarwindsorion_en es2 M: ENTITIES \SQLSERVER\MSSQL15.MSSQLSERVER\MSSQL\DATA\solarwindsorion_ en es2.ndf 2097152 10485760 KB 1048576 KB data only NTA Database Overview FlowStorageDiags/ServerInfo.csv file not found! This could be due to NTA is not installed LA Database Overview LA DB details Total LA DB size: 4.29 GB Rows in LA DB: 1,504,906 DBInfo/OLM/ LA ServerInfo FileInfo.csv File empty Name or corrupt Database Version Value Edi on Microso SQL Server 2019 (RTM) - 15.0.2000.5 (X64) nan Database Name SolarWindsOrionLog nan Database Colla on SQL_La n1_General_CP1_CI_AS nan Server Colla on SQL_La n1_General_CP1_CI_AS nan Servername NC01PSQL09 nan CURRENT_TIMESTAMP 1/14/2022 9:05:24 AM EPS Summary TimeSpan EPS LA Reten on Summary Type Reten onPeriodInDays DetailPageEnabled minute 0 Syslog 7 False hour 0 Traps 7 False day 0 WindowsEvents 7 False VMwareEvents 7 True FlatFiles False 7 DBInfo/OLM/FileInfo.csv File empty or corrupt nan Alerts Summary Oldest Alert: 2021-07-23 14:21:05 Newest Alert: 2022-01-14 14:04:01 Alerts (Enabled/Disabled): 148/222 Triggered Alerts: 3,382 Ac ve Alerts: 59 HEALTH: No Alerts configured with frequency less than 60 Sec found Top 10 Busiest Alerts(Name/Events) Top 10 Responsible Nodes(Name/count) ~APC UPS Low Ba ery Alert (12 Min) 6580 Volume Status is Unknown - Server is in hung state 933 ~High Received Percent U liza on 666 IAT Node is down (Ipad & Zoom Room Server) 646 ~Server Memory U liza on - Warning 579 IAT Node is down 545 ~Server Memory U liza on - Cri cal 265 File Download Speed Monitor 230 ~Server CPU U liza on - Cri cal 119 ~Server CPU U liza on - Warning 87 NWK-UPS-06 6296 TGDB01 913 NC01DSQL06 612 VIDEOZRCONFEA 524 RNH-UPS-01 284 TP-FW-5545-001.Ofcwic.com 280 S-IAT-ACCESS-5 267 pbu-ups-02 146 HBUDC02-iDRAC 138 RBU-OpenDNS-CON 118