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In pursuit of higher profits, people became accustomed to double standards of
justice. For a row of business owners, justice occurs only when it does not
contradict their financial expectations. However, such a position is not only unjust
but it is also utterly unwise since there are many illustrations from human history
proving that games with justice do not lead to positive outcomes. The use of
fellow human beings in one’s own interests especially when it causes harm to the
victims is an extreme violation of justice.
The world we have produced is full of inequities, oppression, abuse,
misallocation of funds, and malversation. In this manifesto, I aim to focus the
attention of public on business owners’ overindulging in the area of
environmental security. The current tendency to relocate hazardous
manufactures to the areas, where the economically disadvantaged people live, is
extremely inappropriate. We must understand that security ignorance to the favor
of profit-making is a terrible mistake that may cost humanity the loss of its
Government and environmental agencies have to create new models of control
over the global corporations to oblige mandatory implementation of integral
security standards in the whole world. We seek justice to promote livable and
secure environments for all because the right for security is the basic human right
being the foundation of efficient self-governed society.
Being the state of nature governing the processes in the Universe, justice is
universal. Despite the vivid contradictions between the two prominent
philosophers’ positions, my vision of justice can be described as the synthesis of
Locke’s and Hobbes’ ideas. Both Locke and Hobbes presented certain
characteristics of justice that appear to be trustworthy to me. First, Locke has
stated that justice exists regardless of external and internal factors of human
society (Second Treatise, p. 24). According to Locke,
The state of nature has a law of nature to govern it, which obligates everyone;
and reason, which is that law, teaches all mankind, who will but consult it, that
being all equal and independent, no one ought to harm another in his life,
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health, liberty, or possessions…” (Second Treatise, p. 9).
I fully agree with this position based on my knowledge of history, sociology,
economics, and other sciences. When some influential individuals try to convince
society that justice changes over time to adapt to the conditions of the current
situation, and society sticks to such an idea, the consequences are always
negative. For instance, once American society used to believe there was nothing
wrong with African people’s enslavement; however, over time justice reminded
about itself by means of a hostile military conflict that originated because some
nobles wanted to benefit financially out of justice violation.
Likewise, I agree with Locke on the idea that all people are equal and they
deserve equal rights including the right to life and safety and security and no
person is allowed to use one’s fellowmen for one’s own desire (Second Treatise,
p. 11). Furthermore, I concur with Locke’s vision of a perfect political regime. I
consider respect for the rights and liberties of all being the foundation of the selfgoverned society to be the groundwork of the political system able to guarantee
compliance of standards of justice.
Next, my view of justice coincides with Hobbes’s philosophy in some respects.
Particularly, Hobbes claims that there exists a Sovereign who creates the
standards of justice. His idea is that Sovereign is a production of collective
thinking and is therefore devoid of personality characteristics (Leviathan, p. 13). I
agree with Hobbes on the fact that Sovereign who oversees justice does exist,
but I think that this is a supreme personality who constructed reality including the
Universe on the basis of standards of justice. Moreover, this person integrated
the norms of justice with other principal laws in the Universe including the
physical laws, ethics, and morality.
Justice is good for all – for those in power and the powerless. Although it may
seem that the empowered people may benefit from violating the rules of justice,
the events of the history of the human race including current developments in the
world prove the opposite. for example, the former President of Ukraine, Victor
Yanukovych, known for his corruption and criminal background, kept on
committing crimes against justice for a long time. However, eventually, he
suffered defeat because justice always demands the return of debts. This is not
the only example illustrating the fundamental principle of justice rematch, which
can be described by the following proverb, “what goes around, comes around”.
Justice is non-violent, but it does implement its power to those who oppose the
norms of justice.
Security is one of the basic human rights. Security means livable environments
for all people around the globe regardless of their economic, social, and political
background. Polluting businesses relocation into the territories inhabited by the
poor results in the development of serious environmental problems in those
areas. Environmental crisis causes increased levels of morbidity and mortality
among millions of children and adults from third world countries and the poor
communities in the economically-advantaged countries.
People suffer from such health complications as cancerous diseases, digestive
organs problems, cardiac insufficiency, asthma, angina, myocardial infarction,
heart attack, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, impaired lung function
growth, the induction of chromosomal abnormalities in newborns, hypertension,
cardiovascular dystonia, and hypercoagulability state among all. This
troublesome situation has a variety of ethical implications and is closely
connected with the concept of justice.
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Poor people despite their disadvantaged economical situation are also humans
who have all basic human rights including the right for live and safety and
security. It is highly unjust to bereave those individuals of a chance to dwell in the
equal conditions with other people. The poor deserve the implementation of the
uniform global pollution control standards. This concern is reasonable due to the
fact that many business owners make populist statements regarding security and
fail to perform their contamination elimination programs. Likewise, some
corporations begin to introduce preventive measures at some points but when
the public becomes abated, they stop their harm reduction activity.
Additionally, a number of companies advocate the position that it is more ethical
to relocate harmful businesses from their countries or neighborhoods into the
areas inhabited by the poor. This way of thinking is misleading since by replacing
hazardous manufactures, business owners trigger the mechanism of
environmental boomerang that will painfully injure their own communities.
Neglecting security obligations in any parts of the world, inevitably results into a
global environmental catastrophe.
In this vein, there is a close connection between criminal negligence of
environmental security standards and outburst of natural disasters in both rich
and poor countries of the world. In case business owners had an understanding
of the fact that a hurricane could happen in their state because of their negligent
safety policy in India, for instance, they would probably introduce changes in their
manufacturing process. Overall, the right to security is the fundamental right of all
people notwithstanding their financial and social background, which is based on
universal justice.
To fix the problem, business owners must acknowledge the basic human right for
security in the area of environmental protection. Global enterprises are
responsible for organizing their production process in accordance to high
standards established by the international environmental organizations and the
world’s trade unions. Their obligation is to present people in low-wage countries
with secure conditions of labor. It is not a secret that the huge profits of global
corporations are made due to the fact that the poor agree to work in the
conditions that are worse than permissible and for minuscule payments.
Therefore, it is just to institute mandatory standards for those companies and
force them spend their budget on improving security standards of their business.
Boasting about prominent achievements in providing people from their native
countries with comfortable working environment and competitive salaries, the
owners of global businesses should not forget about security problems in the
low-wage areas. Moreover, the harm caused to the planet in one area
automatically subjects other territories to a danger thus spreading security issues
over a much bigger terrain. Therefore, to promote justice in the world we have
made, it is time to oblige the implementation of strict security standards by
corporate businesses in every land.