Uploaded by pavelofficial


I noticed my bus from far away, approaching me at a snail's pace on the dusty and narrow two-lane street. I
couldn't miss it, its enormous shape and azure blue color always easily catch my eye, as well as the big, LED
sign that misses a few pixels: „121 – ÄŚrnomerec“. Outside was shivering cold, so I couldn't wait to get on the
somewhat warmer bus. Other people at the bus stop started thronging around and faithfully trying to predict
where would be the best place to stand when the door opens, so they can find the best seats.
The heavy door slowly opened(second from the end) and produced a harsh-sounding creak. I was the last one
to board the bus since I gave the advantage to the older people near me. As soon as I set my foot in, my senses
sharpened and I carefully inspected if there was an empty place to sit. I couldn't even move away from the door.
The big old bus was jam-packed. People crushing me from all sides made me unable to pull my phone out or
move anywhere, so I felt really uneasy.
But that wasn't even the biggest problem. In the bus, there was little to no air at all. Above my handle, there was
a little broken window that couldn't be opened, and I felt like the little red button that signalizes the driver to
stop and open the door, was screaming at me to press it, just so I can go outside and get some fresh air. I think
the heating wasn’t on, but I still warmed up pretty fast, probably because we were packed like sardines.
Everything looked grey and depressing, but the golden yellow bars that filled the interior kept glancing in my
eyes when I saw them between the thick winter jackets that everyone was wearing. People that were sitting
looked cozy and tired, like their worn-out seats were about to swallow them whole. One thing that really caught
my attention was the boy(probably around the same age as me, I can't really recall) who was showing his friend a
card magic trick. He was almost the only one on the bus who was wearing vibrant colors, and who looked
energetic and happy, unlike others, who looked like the dark winter in urban town ate up their will for living.
The whole time, I could hear the murmuring of the people talking, the sounds of the phone video games, and the
one baby who was periodically crying like someone took its batteries every couple of minutes. Each time the
crying stopped, it seemed like there were a few seconds of uncomfortable silence. The two older ladies standing
by me trembled every time the driver hit the brake because they were scared of falling, but this didn't stop them
to have the most detailed rant about younger generations I have ever heard.
When the bus arrived at my stop, I carefully exited because the whole floor was slippery from the raindrops on
everyone’s shoes. I instantly felt better. I could feel the cold and fresh air steadily come to every part of my
lungs. Good thing is that I am at school now, and I don’t have to board another bus. At least not today.