Uploaded by Hirtik Lodha

Thar Handicrafts Product Report: Marketing Analysis

January 7, 2022,
Raja Bhagat: 2011363
Hirtik Kumar: 2011343
Product Report
Product Report
Report Include
• Introduction
• Executive Summery
• Mission statement
• Positioning Statement
• Analysis
o Marketing Description
o Product Review
o Competitor Analysis
o Distribution Analysis
• SWOT analysis
• Marketing Objective
• Marketing Strategy
• Result
• Conclusion
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Product Report
We had launched Thari Shawl at SZABMART. Thari shawl are one of the products
for the winter from the civilization of 2 nd largest desert of the world Thar Desert.
Made of wool and fluffy stuff with colorful embroidery this shawl is warmer and
trendy both. Our product is unique and quality product that is not easily available in
We are gratefully presenting you our product report of marketing project. This report
is based on our product launch at SZABMART and how we used marketing technique
to success our product. We also have prepared a billboard and a video ad for our
product. We gained data about of customers by filling online form and by asking
Our purpose of report is to provide i dea about what marketing term we used to develop
and promote our product. We are thankful of SZABIST and Sir Ubedullah to provide
us this opportunity to present over selves there at SZABMART.
Our Brand was “Thar Handicrafts”. "Thar Handicrafts" is a brand where you will get
every type of Thari shawl and other accessories that are made in Tharparkar. We want
to launch our product at SZABMART. For this, we used many marketing technique
and product strategy to promote our product. We have put suitable price for our
shawls so that all people can easily buy our product. We had got some extra advantage
because were unique from other.
Our target market includes all male and female age (above15) which we have
segmented from the Demographical. Geographical. Psychographic Behavioral
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Product Report
Since this shawl is used in winter, once we promote our product successfully, we will
get good result that we got at the end.
“To connect the People with their tradition and give them classy and unique look.”
“Thar Shawl are for people who want to look classy and unique, and we offer a
different variety that is great for all. Thari Shawl stands out to be unique in itself.
(We used concept of uniqueness in our positioning statement)
Market Description
we had categorized generation in two types. One is (TYPE: X) and another are
Generation X: are those people who are more than (30 year)
Generation Y: are those people who are between (15 -30)
We had done that because we use analyzed the preference of teenager and they
preferred plane shawl over handmade colorful shawl so that helpe d us to understand
what the need of our customer is and after doing this we arranged planed shawl for
teenager and brought handmade colorfully shawl for people more that 30 because
they are the people who love the artwork and understand beauty of handmade
colorful shawl. By using that technique, we understand our market and the need of
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Product Report
Market Segmentation
Demographic Segmentation:
Age: 15–60-year-old.
Gender: Male and Female both
Income: 20000 above for employed
Unemployed: (student receiving handful amount of pocket money ).
Geographic Segmentation:
We had only launched our product in SZABIST so our location will be SZABIST
(SZABMART). We are thinking to launch our product across all the Pakistan
through online platform. By then our geographic segmentation will be (Pakistan)
our source of distribution will be delivery service and websites.
Psychographic Segmentation:
Social class: Middle and Upper middle class .
Because Thari Shawl are handmade and little bit expensive so all people cannot by
it, so we decided to launch our product for middle and upper middle class so people
having enough income will be able to buy our product.
Personality type: people who are interested in tradi tional things. People who are
willing to look unique by trying different product and this is also for those people
who do not want to wear a jacket or love to wear shawl.
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Product Report
Behavioral Segmentation:
Occasion: sessional product in winter people use to buy this more and as it is easy
to carry and looks classy and trendy it is a sessional product. Our product is mainly
used in winter and people use to buy it for giving gifts to other.
Benefits: Quality product, pure wool, warm , classy, unique.
Loyalty Status: loyal customer. (Once buy our product also buy from us next time
because of quality of our product)
Attitude toward product: we got positive reviews from all the customer to whom we
served our product.
Product Review
We divided our Shawls as their different type and quality wise. As leather shawl’s
price also varies from product type to product type in shawl wool is used there are
different type off wool and those are
used in shawl and the time spend on a
shawl also add additional value to
shawl. Shawl that are made with more
time are perfectly made and well
looking shawl. To make a best quality
wool shawl approx. 15 -20 days are
handmade premium quality shawl.
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Product Report
Shawls for Men
1) Black Color Handmade shawl:
This shawl is the premium quality shawl we have. Its
price was 4000/ rupees. This Shawl is made of pure
quality wool and 15 days are required to successfully
make this shawl with hand this is very warm and look
amazing in color. This shawl is also exported outside
Pakistan (UAE, USA) where people from all -around
Pakistan buy this shawl from Tharparkar and export this
outside Pakistan. We had brought two pieces of this
shawl, and both were sold. That shows its quality.
2) Multi Color Shawl:
We brought this shawl for student because they want to
look classy and do not have much high budget to get those
first premium quality shawl, so we brought multi color
handmade shawl for men. So, people having budget
around 2000 can also experience the quality of a Thari
traditional Handmade shawl.
3) Plain Black Shawl:
This is a machine-made shawl we brought this for student who
want to jut enhance their look by pairing a plan shawl with
shalwar kameez and do not have budget to buy high quality
premium shawl. Many of young student who do not have
enough money to spend on clothing buy this type of shawl the
get a classy look without spending much money.
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Product Report
Shawls For women
1) Designed shawl:
These types of shawls are specially made for women. These
are handmade shawl for women these shawls are warm and
light weight as well. This product is rare in urban area. We
brought this product because women usually prefer a light
weight a warm shawl and this was best fit into that situation.
2) Machine made shawl:
These types of shawls were our last product that we launched
in SZABMART. These shawls are made with machine and are
not much warmer than handmade shawl we brought these
shawls for those women who want to look classy and want
design as well. Also, we tried something different by
combining both type of product machine made and handmade.
Competitor Analysis
Taking about SZABMART no one was our competitor there we came up with the
unique idea of Thari Shawls so in SZABMART we were one who took this type of
Distribution Analysis
We were distributor of our own product at SZABMART. We took our item from
supplier and displayed that product at our stall and distribute our product by
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Product Report
Our product image was our strength at SZABMART. Thari shawls have a
positive image in customer mind that was our strength.
Demand of our product as in winter people prefer shawls and chadar more.
Uniqueness: our product was unique that was our advantage.
Not having a proper experience was over weakness and it was just new to us
to interact with people and properly display our product.
Network: we did not have a proper network that help us.
lack of transport and time: we did not have time to get our best product. We
did not have enough facility of transport so we can easily arrange different
variety we have been working really hard to arrange those shawls we travelled
600 km approx. 6 hours by going to village and getting those shawls.
it is winter season, and our product is used for winter, and we had best
opportunity to capitalize demand of people by supplying thing that they needed
selling online: by selling our product through online platform and due to this
we can effectively continue our business in a right direction.
Capitalize resource SZABMART it was best opportunity to showcase and
experience about business to learn new t echnique of business and use that to
get more customer.
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Product Report
Understanding of traditional work: teenager usually do not understand about
the traditional things that are used and the quality o f that thing so that was a
New concept: it was a new idea. There was not any guarantee of its success.
“Achieve brand recognition”
Strategies that we used to achieve our goals.
Social Media Marketing:
We made our Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram page and promote our product there
and we made videos, posted stories, uploaded CatLog, and shared posted and tagged
people so they will know about our brand.
Direct Marketing:
we have interacted with people and told them about our project and brand through
this way we were successful to promote our brand directly and we interacted and
sold to same customer and that customer will tell another one due to this our brand
will be promoted.
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Product Report
Multi Color Shawl
Plain Black Shawl
Designed shawl
Black Color
Handmade shawl
We had sold many shawls and every variety we brought many of them were sold. We
experienced many things and learned how to deal it
was very tough to us to do that all because we were
two people and we had committed to do that project,
so we did that project al alone without taking any help
from anyone else and got pretty good response and
done an overall sale over 20k that was pretty good f or
us as we were new and did not knew about how to
deal with other. After getting all responses now we
are going to continue our service online through
social media and will make our e-commerce store from where people can buy their
favorite shawl and we had a great time learning and gaining experience at
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Product Report
We had discussed all the technique we had applied to launch our products. This
experience will help us to understand rules of market how it works. Every one wants
to look classy and unique now a day so we thought shawls will be the best product to
target these customers and also beneficial for us.
So we can now say that we had launched and promoted Thar Handicrafts
successfully and our selling is a proof of it
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