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Aquaculture Site Selection Guide

Site selection for Aquaculture Industry
1. Water supply
Most aquaculture operations need a constant supply of high-quality freshwater. Dams, rivers and
streams, run-off, irrigation canals, and underground bores are all potential sources.
Based on the species being farmed, the appropriate water temperature, oxygen needs, and
tolerances can be establish. For example,'soft' water with inadequate calcium levels might result
in underdeveloped, soft-shelled crayfish.
The type of water that should be avoided are household water as it may contain chlorine and
costly, water with a high concentration of organic materials and underground water with high
concentrations of total dissolved salts, carbon, minerals, nitrogen and gases.
2. Soil requirements
Soils must be impermeable (greater than 20% clay) to ensure that as little water as possible is
lost by seepage. Soils rich in clay or clay-loam are suitable. Avoid the following soil types:
containing layers of gravel or sand, or rock strata formations
that are acidic or have a high acidic potential
that are porous and may deteriorate because to heavy silt, sand, or organic stuff
3. Climate
These are the important climatological elements to gather from the closest meteorological
station to the site:
- monthly average temperature, precipitation, evaporation, humidity, sunlight, wind speed
and direction.
4. Topographical requirement
The layout and placement of ponds are influenced by the topography of the site. A slightly
sloping (1-3 percent) and well-drained site are ideal since it reduce the constructing expenses.
Sloping ponds provide full drainage and assure that discharge drains transport water to
settling ponds and holding dams where wastewater may be reused. Facilities should ideally
be located below the water source for the convenient distribution.
To prevent the chance of losing fish during floods or adding non-native species into the natural
river system, make sure that the location is above flood level.
5. Environmental requirements
Sites that are near to the sensitive areas, such as national parks, require specific permissions,
particularly to release drained pond water (containing algae and nutrient). The location of the
site should be large enough to include settling ponds and holding dams so that water may be
Check for buffer zone requirements from residences, rivers, or farms that decrease the
amount of land accessible for aquaculture.
(Kövári, n.d.)
Kövári, J. (n.d.). Chapter 1. Considerations in the Selection of Sites for Aquaculture. Retrieved from
(Government, 2016)
Government, Q. (2016, September 26). Environmental factors that influence site selection. Retrieved
from https://www.business.qld.gov.au/industries/farms-fishingforestry/fisheries/aquaculture/site-selection-production/selecting-sitefreshwater/environmental-factors
Kövári, J. (n.d.). Chapter 1. Considerations in the Selection of Sites for Aquaculture. Retrieved from