Faculty: Faculty of Science Department: Physics Program: Bachelor's Program Semester: First semester Academic year: 2021/2022 Course Plan First: Course Information Course Title: Modern Physics (0302262) Credit Hours: 3 hours Prerequisite:03 Lecture Time:11:00-12:30 Class Number:1 02102 (Monday, Wednesday) Obligatory Faculty Requirement Elective University Requirement Type Of ObligatoryUniversity Requirement Faculty Requirement Course Course Elective Specialty Requirement obligatory Specialization Type Of Learning: Face-to-Face Learning Blended Learning(2 Face-to-Face + 1Asynchronous) Online Learning (2 Synchronous+1Asynchronous) Second: Instructor’s Information Name: Dr. Said M. Al Azar Academic Rank :Assistance professor Office Number: 227 B Phone Number: :+962-5-3821100 Office Hours: ext.: 1340 Email: salazar@zu.ed.jo 10:00-11:00 Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thurs. 1:00-2:00 Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed Third: Short Description of the Course Modern Physics is a one-semester course covering major concepts of twentieth-century physics; the modern concepts in physics and their applications: relativity, blackbody radiation, the Bohr atom, particles and waves, quantum mechanics, atoms, molecules, solids, statistical mechanics, radioactivity, nuclei, and elementary particles. While classical physics is generally concerned with matter and energy on the normal scale of observation, much of modern physics is concerned with the behavior of matter and energy under extreme conditions or on the very large (the universe) or very small (sub-atomic level) scale. Objectives The aim of this course is to enhance student learning and understanding of 20th century theories in physics - including special relativity, the old quantum mechanics theories and their impact on most areas of physics, De Broglie’s wave-particle dualism, Heisenberg’s ZU/QP10F004 issue:02 Issue Date:11/7/2021 uncertainty relation, Schrödinger’s wave mechanical approach to atomic energies. Applying Schrödinger equation for a particle in a box, finding the expectation values and probabilities. Applying Schrödinger equation for finding harmonic oscillator eigen energies and eigen functions. In addition to all of that, this course aims to introduce some important experiment to students, for example, Michelson-Morley ether wind experiment, Black body radiation experiments in both Planck and Einstein views, temperature dependent specific heats, the photoelectric effect, Rutherford scattering, Compton scattering, optical emission and absorption spectra of atoms, X-ray emission spectra, diffraction of electrons. Fourth: Learning Source Designated Book: Concepts of Modern Physics Sixth Edition Author: Arthur Beiser Print: The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. Year: 2003 Additional Sources: Website: Modern Physics, Kenneth S. Krane, 3rd Edition, 2012 Teaching Type: Classroom Laboratory Workshop MS Teams Moodle Fifth: Learning Outcomes Number Associated Program Outcome Code Course learning output Knowledge **K1 K2 K3 K4 ***S1 S2 S3 Basic knowledge :Theory of relativity, Lorentz transformation, wave behavior of particles and particle’s behavior of waves Basic Factual Knowledge: New space-time concept, Gravitational waves, quantum entanglements, Concepts and Theories: To understand the basic concepts, Postulations, fundamental principles, and the related theories of special relativity and quantum mechanics. Professional Responsibility: Students can earn criticalthinking skills Skills Problem solving skills: Students solve problems on the board. I give them group assignments and homework and encourage group projects, but I can say that technology has become an integral part of their lives, and use computer programs to draw and solve mathematical equations, derivation and integration and they feel confident in this area. Modeling and Design: Atomic models, Photo electric effect and Compton scattering Application of Methods and Tools: Applying mathematical ZU/QP10F004 issue:02 *PK1 PK2 PK3 PK4 PS1 PS2 PS3 Issue Date:11/7/2021 S4 S5 and computational technique to solve problems of special relativity, Rutherford-Bohr atomic model, Nuclear structure and radioactivity, and nuclear reaction Specific cognitions skill: a range of cognitive and practical skills required to generate solutions to specific problems in one of the physical fields. Comprehensive cognition skills: a comprehensive range of cognitive and practical skills required to develop creative solutions to abstract problems PS4 PS5 Competences ****C1 C2 C3 C4 Analytic skills: Relate the theoretical information to practical work to increase the understandings of the basic knowledge Strategic thinking: Demonstrate critical thinking/analytical reasoning ability by using the mathematical descriptions of physical systems and to calculate measurable quantities that provide an understanding of the physical environment in terms of the concepts listed in the course content. Creative thinking and innovation: -Thinking of more than one answer. - Respond the questions with many alternative questions - Generate ideas, answers, or varied questions - See a problem from different perspective. - Look for many different alternatives or directions. - Able to change the way of approach or thought. - Think of unusual ways to express their selves - Work and develop a product or idea - Add or detail of object, idea or situation so that it becomes more interesting Communication: -Apply different physical principles in different disciplines of science and medicine. - Enhance the observation of individual to the natural phenomena. - Assist the student to participate in life science studies -Collaboration (contribution to a positive social environment). PC1 PC2 PC3 PC4 Teamwork and Leadership: C5 -Increase the cooperative behavior between the different research groups of different applications. -To work in stressful environment and within constraints. - To communicate effectively. - a learner performs within the process of a particular learning or assessment activity, such as extracting relevant information from a complex situation, drawing vector or force diagrams, creating other illustrations, or making an inference based on a previously achieved result -Use the efficient IT capabilities. ZU/QP10F004 issue:02 PC5 Issue Date:11/7/2021 - Management the tasks efficiently. -To acquire entrepreneurial skills. - Refer to relevant literature effectively. - Searching for the information and going to self-learning a new topic Sixth: Course Structure Lecture Date Teaching Teaching Outcome Topics Direct teaching PK1,PK2,PS1, PS3,PC1 Review course and topics 18/10/2021 *Procedures 20/10/2021 PK1,PK2,PS1,PS3,PS4;PS5; Chapter 1: Relativity Direct teaching 25/10/2021 PKl,PK2,PSl,,PS2,PS3,PS4,PS5;PCl,PC2 Special relativity Direct teaching 27/10/2021 1/11/2021 3/11/2021 8/11/2021 17/11/2021 PS1,PS2,PSl,PS3,PS4;PS5;PCl,PC2 Electricity and magnetism Chapter 2:Particle properties of waves Blackbody radiation Photoelectric Effect PKl,PK2,PS1,PS2,PS3,PS4,PS5 PKl,PK2,PS1,PS2,PS3,PS4;PC5;PC1,PC2 PK,PK2,PS1,PS2,PS3,PS4,PS5, P C 1 , P C 2 PK,PK2,PS1,PS2,PS3,PS4,PS5, P C 1 , P C 2 What is light? Compton Effect ZU/QP10F004 ***TeachingMethods References*** Direct teaching Direct teaching Direct teaching Direct teaching Direct teaching issue:02 Lecturing Discussion Whiteboard Power point You tube videos Lecturing Discussion Whiteboard Power point You tube videos Lecturing Discussion Whiteboard Power point You tube videos Lecturing Discussion Whiteboard Power point You tube videos Lecturing Discussion Whiteboard Power point You tube videos Lecturing Discussion Whiteboard Power point You tube videos Lecturing Discussion Whiteboard Power point You tube videos Lecturing Discussion 1.1-1.5 1.6-1.10 2.1-2.2 2.3 2.4-2.6 2.7 Issue Date:11/7/2021 22/11/2021 24/11/2021 29/11/2021 1/12/2021 6/12/2021 8/12/2021 13/12/2021 15/12/2021 20/12/2021 PK,PK2,PS1,PS2,PS3,PS4,PS5, P C 1 , P C 2 PK,PK2,PS1,PS2,PS3,PS4,PS5, P C 1 , P C 2 PKI,PK2,PS1,PS2,PS3,PS4,PS5 Pair Production Chapter 3: wave properties of particles De Broglie waves Waves of what PK1,PK2,PS1,PS2,PS3,PS4,PS5, P C 1 , P C 2 Particle diffraction PK1,PK2,PS1,PS2,PS3,PS4,PS5, P C 1 , P C 2 Uncertainty Principle PK1,PK2,PS1,PS3,PS5;PC1 Chapter 4: Atomic Structure The Nuclear Atom Bohr Atom PK1,PK2,PS1,PS2,PS3,PS4,PS5, P C 1 , P C 2 PKl,PK2,PSl,PS3,PS4,PS5 PK1,PK2,PS1,PS2,PS3,PS4,PS5, P C 1 , P C 2 Correspondence Principle Nuclear Motion ZU/QP10F004 Direct teaching Direct teaching Direct teaching Direct teaching Direct teaching Direct teaching Direct teaching Direct teaching Direct teaching issue:02 Whiteboard Power point You tube videos Lecturing Discussion Whiteboard Power point You tube videos Lecturing Discussion Whiteboard Power point You tube videos Lecturing Discussion Whiteboard Power point You tube videos Lecturing Discussion Whiteboard Power point You tube videos Lecturing Discussion Whiteboard Power point You tube videos Lecturing Discussion Whiteboard Power point You tube videos Lecturing Discussion Whiteboard Power point You tube videos Lecturing Discussion Whiteboard Mathematica simulation Power point You tube videos Lecturing Discussion Whiteboard Power point You tube videos 2.8-2.9 3.1 3.2-3.4 3.5-3.6 3.7-3.9 4.1-4.3 4.4-4.5 4.6 4.7 Issue Date:11/7/2021 22/12/2021 PKI,PK2,PSI,PS3,PS4,PS5; 27/12/2021 15/12/2021 29/12/2021 3/1/2022 PK1,PK2,PS1,PS2,PS3,PS4,PS5, P C 1 , P C 2 PK1,PK2,PS1,PS3,PS4; PKI,PK2,PS1,PS3,PS4;PS5;PC1 Atomic Excitation and Laser Direct teaching Chapter 5: Quantum Mechanics The wave equation Schrodinger’s Equation: Timedependent form Direct teaching Linearity and Superposition Direct teaching PK1,PK2,PS1,PS2,PS3,PS4,PS5, P C 1 , P C 2 Expectation Values 5/1/2022 Operators PK1,PK2,PS1,PS3,PS4,PS5,PC1 10/1/2022 12/1/2022 17/12/2021 19/1/2022 PK1,PK2,PS1,PS2,PS3,PS4,PS5, P C 1 , P C 2 Direct teaching Direct teaching Schrodinger’s Equation: Steady-State Form Direct teaching Particle in a Box Direct teaching PK1,PK2,PSl,PS3,PS4;PS5;PC1,PC2 PK1,PK2,PS1,PS2,PS3,PS4,PS5, P C 1 , P C 2 Direct teaching Finite Potential well PK1,PK2,PSl,PS3,PS4;PS5;PC1,PC2 Tunnel Effect Direct teaching Lecturing Discussion Whiteboard Power point You tube videos Lecturing Discussion Whiteboard Power point You tube videos Lecturing Discussion Whiteboard Power point You tube videos Lecturing Discussion Whiteboard Power point You tube videos Lecturing Discussion Whiteboard Power point You tube videos Lecturing Discussion Whiteboard 4.8-4.9 5.1-5.2 Power point You tube videos Lecturing Discussion Whiteboard Power point You tube videos Lecturing Discussion Whiteboard Power point You tube videos Lecturing Discussion Whiteboard Power point You tube videos Direct teaching 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 5.10 Education procedures: (Direct, synchronous, asynchronous). * * Teaching methods: Lecture, video…..). * * Reference: .)Pages of the book, recorded lecture, video….) ZU/QP10F004 issue:02 Issue Date:11/7/2021 Seventh: Assessment methods Fully Electronic Integrated First Exam 0 0 0 Second Exam 0 0 0 Mid-term Exam 0 0 35 Participation Asynchronous Meetings Final Exam 0 0 15 Methods Education Teaching 0 0 Direct Teaching Material Output to be measured 0 0 50 Eighth: Course Polices Meeting the deadline for the lecture. Commitment to interaction and participation. Interactive lectures will be given through a platform (MS Teams). Duties and tests will be given through a platform (Moodle). Commitment to the right appearance in front of the camera with the proper background. University regulations for attendance and absence from lectures and examinations are in force. Academic Integrity: Fraud or moral impersonation are unacceptable and are punishable according to university regulations and instructions. Approval Name Date Signature Head of Department Faculty Dean ZU/QP10F004 issue:02 Issue Date:11/7/2021