IAE-311 Mobile Computing Security 1. Trusted service managers are a type of role that takes place within the near field communications ecosystem. In this role the TSM acts as a type of neutral broker who is to set up agreements with mobile network operators. In example they would be making technical connections with phone manufacturers and service providers to control security elements such as near field communications. 2. Apple’s IOS operating system is an example of layered security architecture. The layers are simply divided into two separate categories being the software layer and hardware layer. The are multiple functions to the software layer, one being the application sandbox. This function is when an app itself is isolated from other applications to protect them from outside malicious factors. Another function in this layer is data partitions, which is data that is stored separately by user or OS. Then there is the file system, where data is stored necessary to the IOS devices functionality. For the hardware layer there another group of functions that setup this part of the architecture. One of those being the kernel, which is essentially the program that is the core component of the operating system itself. Another example would be the secure element, which is what makes sure that apps that handle mobile payments are kept secure. 3. X.509 is a standard that was developed by the International Telecommunication Union Telecommunication Standardization Sector for IP security protocol development. X.509 was used in developing LTE backhaul security standards. The main two reasons for using X.509 to develop these backhaul security standards is when a user accesses a web page it can verify security by reading the X.509 security certificate and its safety via TLS/SSL certificates. Another reason for using X.509 is that these certificates protect things like sensitive information used by customers such as credit card info by creating digital signatures to verify user identities. 4. Android KeyChain is a way for applications to request a user to install credentials through a form of system dialog that is prompted. Apps can then access stored credentials that were allowed by the user through the KeyStore. The KeyStore is the database that holds aliased keys and certificates approved by the user. They are stored within the filesystem and protected via password. These implementations improved the Android Security Architecture by creating a way for User Credentials to be saved securely through key generation and encrypted strings. 5. There are couple of key differences and similarities between the IOS and Android code signing security functions. Android code signing security functions are just a suggestion for developers where they do not actually have to sign an application before releasing it. On the other hand, all IOS applications must be signed for the device to allow the application. For a code to be signed on both devices, they must be verified by an application publisher 6. Sandboxing is when you have some form of isolate environment within a network to mimic an actual operating environment. For IOS, sandboxing requires its applications to go through a series of requirements for it to be allowed within the app store. The fact that IOS sandboxing is closed source in its nature, keeps users from downloading apps that would be malicious to their device. For Android, sandboxing is not as stringent as the IOS sandboxing as android allows users to download any application to their device without limitation. These applications can be downloaded from any website within browsers, which allows people to host applications with malware. Although, android has gotten better at stopping malicious apps from enter its store. 7. There are many ways for Health Care organizations to make sure that any sort of Patient data is securely transmitted or stored, whether it be through Apple or Android. For example, when storing patient data, the organization can make sure that it is encrypted so that if anyone were to access it then they would not be able to use that data. Apple and Android applications that deal with any type of health care data need to make sure that any data being transmitted is encrypted in some fashion. If patient data is lost via a health care organization and it was not encrypted than that is validated as a security breach by HIPAA. In order to keep these types of devices more secure, they can make sure that things like passcode protection is enabled, the devices are encrypted, use WPA2 WiFi, and all devices are registered within that organization. 8. For IOS devices they use a type of protection that is used within a class structure for their KeyChain data. There are a couple different KeyChain data protections, kSecAttrAccessibleWhenUnlocked, kSecAttrAccessibleAfterFirstUnlock, kSecAttrAccessibleAlways, and kSecAttrAccessibleWhenPasscodeSetThisDeviceOnly. For the kSecAttrAccessibleAfterFirstUnlock class, any application that uses some type of background refresh services use this class for KeyChain items access while updates are done in the background. The kSecAttrAccessibleWhenPasscodeSetThisDeviceOnly class is one that is only available while the IOS device itself has passcode security and does not sync with iCloud keychain. Class keys are discarded when passcodes are removed to ensure security which renders those items unusable. 9. Bluesnarfing is when someone can gain unauthorized access through Bluetooth on wireless devices and discover their information. Examples of data that they would be able to access is user information such as emails, text messages, calendars, contact information, and even private data like photos and videos. Bluejacking is another type of Bluetooth exploit only can transmit data to a target device, unlike Bluesnarfing stealing information from user devices. Blueborne is another type of bluetooth vulnerability that can affect pretty much any device with bluetooth capabilities. This attack is able to take control of devices whether or not pairing or discoverability mode are on. 10. There are 5 different types of 802.11 protocol being 802.11, 802.11a, 802.11b, 802.11b, 802.11g, and 802.11n. The 802.11 protocol uses a frequency of 2.4GHz RF with a speed of 1 to Mbps. The 802.11a protocol uses a frequency of 5 Ghz and has a speed of up to 54 Mbps. 802.11b uses a frequency up to 2.4GHz and speed up to 11 Mbps. 802.11g uses a frequency of 2.4GHz and has a speed up to 54 Mbps. 802.11n has a frequency of both 2.4GHz and 5GHz and has speeds up to 600Mbps. Features offered by the 802.11 standards are SSID which is controlled access to an access point, access control list which prevents unauthorized access, and wired equivalent privacy that provides data confidentiality comparable to traditional wired networks.